Infinite script kill

Chapter 596 Chapter Family

Chapter 596 Going Home (Second Change)

Everyone watched the dots of fluorescent light fly into Yuyang City, and when they learned that after death, they would turn into fireflies, they were so excited that they burst into tears.

"Wang'er, Wang'er, come back, come back!!" Lao Huang knelt on the ground, calling his son's baby name.

For a while, there were constant cries on the river bank. Hearing the calls of these fathers and mothers, wives and children, everyone was crying with tears in their eyes.

In the distance, Nie Haitang, Zhao Peng, and Li Xinliang watched from a distance. After all, Xu Tong made such a big noise, if they didn't notice it, they would be really blind.

"I didn't expect him to be an official!" Nie Haitang's eyes were slightly red, and he was also touched when he heard the voices of people on the river bank calling for relatives and friends.

"He is a good official! He is also a rare master!"

Zhao Peng stared straight at Xu Tong expressionlessly: "It seems that he was also responsible for calling the City God."

"It's him?"

When Nie Haitang thought about it, he couldn't help being startled: "Could it be that fat and thin Toutuo also killed him?"

"It's possible! To be able to kill the River Demon, the strength must be higher than that of Fat Shou Tutuo."

Zhao Peng took a deep breath, looked at this face that was younger than himself, and couldn't help but ponder in his heart: "What is the origin of this person, how can he have such strength at such a young age, could it be that he is a disciple of a certain senior in the Three Sects?" ?”

"Brother, look, these ghosts have all flown to the Temple of the City God, and they will be escorted by the City God, so they will be able to enter the underworld soon."

Li Xinliang looked at the fireflies flying over his head and said with a sigh.

"Let's go, the river demon has nothing to do with us, the important thing is the Moduo religion."

After Zhao Peng finished speaking, he turned around and left. Nie Haitang and Zhao Xinliang couldn't help but look at each other. For some reason, they felt that today's big brother seemed a little impatient.

At this moment, shouting and crying continued.

Xu Tong waited patiently for a while, and only when everyone's emotions had recovered almost, did he open his mouth to shout.

"Fellow folks, the dead will be rewarded, and the vengeance will be avenged, but the relatives and friends of Song, the magistrate of Yuyang, have harmed the fish and meat people in the village, colluded with the river monster, and the heavens will not tolerate it. Everyone follow me to seek justice!!"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of everyone on the river bank turned red. The river monster is hateful, but Song relatives and friends are even more hateful.

As an official of Yuyang, he even colluded with the river demon and blatantly set up the river god department to plunder the people's money.

Even being able to do such things as feeding the river god is really hateful.

"Ask for justice!!"

Everyone shouted, someone rushed down the river bank and carried out the tortoise's body in the river.

The corpse, which was like a hill, was carried on the shoulders by dozens of men with hemp ropes and wooden sticks, and walked towards Yuyang City.

As for those members of the Heshen Division who were not picked by Xu Tong to be fed to bastards, they were even carried around with sticks by the crowd, and stones and rotten leaves were thrown on the faces of these people for free along the way.

"Not bad!"

Looking at the team carrying the river god's body away, the three came out of the woods.

"My lord, this boy is not bad!"

"Oh, how good is it?"

"Don't be greedy!"

"Hey, it's not bad. It's obviously a meritorious deed, but it's worth giving up. Prince Gong has a good son, remember!"

After saying this, the two immediately took out their notebooks and charcoal pencils.

"At the time of the third watch, Li Zheng, the son of Prince Gong, borrowed the power of the City God to draw fire from the sky and kill the river monsters. The City God of Yuyang brought the souls of the dead back to nature, and his merits were immeasurable."


After the two finished writing, they couldn't help raising their heads in doubt, and looked at the leader in front of them.

Anyone can see that it is true that the City God receives and lures the souls of the dead, but using the power of the City God to kill the river demon is too much of a fake. If the City God really has this ability, why is the Yuyang City God always absent?

Seemingly aware of the doubts of the two, the leader said with a slight smile: "Your Majesty, I will explain myself. Since they are not willing to take the credit, why should we be villains and just follow the flow."

When the two of them heard the words, they immediately understood that the adults were protecting Li Zheng. Although this was a credit, as officials, if they blocked this supernatural power on themselves, it would arouse the resentment of the adults in the court. At that time, it will affect his official career.

After the two of them stamped each other, they put away the booklet. The dragon pigeons they were carrying had already been released, so they had to wait until they returned to Yuyang City to meet up with the other Shenwuwei.

It was only the third watch at the moment, and according to the rules, there was a curfew.

But today was an exception. The streets were brightly lit, and people from every household came out holding lanterns to light up a path.

The huge corpse of the river demon was moved into the city by people. When people looked at the corpse like a hill, they all cheered like a wave after they were terrified.

Hearing that this bastard was going to be cut up to share the meat with the common people, all the butchers in the city rushed over with butcher knives.

"The river demon is dead!!"

"The river demon is dead!!"

The children in the street did not sleep anymore, shouting the news that the river demon was dead, and shouted along the street.

In the back house of the Yuyang Yamen, one could hear the constant shouts coming from outside.

Sitting on the chair, relative Song was so pale that no trace of blood could be seen, and held up the wine glass with trembling fingers. This was his favorite sake.

This sake is not the kind of Japanese devils.

Instead, it is pressed from the wine jar with a special wine filter tool, and filtered again with a kudzu towel. This kind of wine is called "sake"

Relatives and friends of Song tasted the sake in their hands, staring blankly at the three-foot white silk hanging on the beam.

"My lord, let's go!"

Outside the door, four guards with knives urged.

The commotion outside was getting louder and louder, the outside of the yamen was completely surrounded, and even the officials of the yamen had run away without a trace.

This incident has reached such a level that it is not an exaggeration for Song's relatives and friends to be cramped by these people.

The relatives and friends of Song drank the wine glass in their hands, and said with a smirk: "Go back and tell your lord that the Wu family can protect him for a while, but not forever. I, Song, will wait for him on Huangquan Road."

As Song's relatives and friends stepped on the stool, they raised their hands and slowly wrapped the white silk around their necks, looking up at the roof: "Ten years of cold windows, 30 years of spring and autumn are like illusions, ah!!"


Glancing at his toes, the bench under his feet fell to the ground.

The four guards stood outside the door, watching calmly, until seeing Song's struggling legs stopped moving completely, then got up and left quickly.

"Song dog thief get out!!"

Outside the yamen, there was already a crowd of people standing there, everyone shouting to kill Song's relatives and friends.

When Guo Yi and others came over the Heshensi's people, there were countless curses, which made these bullies who were once majestic and majestic frightened.

Thousands of accusations ended without cause, this kind of pressure is not something they can bear.

When Xu Tong brought this group of people to the gate of the yamen, before he could speak, he heard a shout from a distance.

"Master Inspector is here!!"

A large number of officers and soldiers came out neatly from one side. When everyone looked at it, they saw the governor Jiang Zhen walking quickly under the protection of the officers and soldiers.

Xu Tong looked sideways, looked at his immediate boss, and couldn't help curling his lips: "It's really time to come!"

To be honest, although Heshen Sizhong firmly insisted that the prefect Song's relatives and friends asked them to do this, but if he didn't know anything about such a big thing as the governor of Yizhou, that would be called hell.

However, the matter of investigating the case is not under his control, nor is it his main task.

Since the clues were on Song Qinpeng's body, Song Qinpeng deserved to be unlucky.

As for whether relatives and friends of Song would bite this lord out, that's another matter.

No matter what, at the moment, for this immediate boss, he still needs to obediently greet him.

After all, my identity task is to build river channels, strictly speaking, the matter of the river god and the river demon has nothing to do with my identity task.

It's just that if I don't kill this group of players first, I don't know how much trouble I will add if I want to complete the identity task.

Don't forget how the three previous river inspectors died.

"Inspector of the river, Li Zheng, met the governor!"

Xu Tong arched his hands slightly, but his body stood up straight.

"You don't need to be polite. Although you and I are different, there is no difference in terms of authority. Besides, since Mr. Li is the inspector of the river channel handpicked by the sage, in the future, I will fully cooperate with the officer in matters related to the river channel!"

Jiang Zhen spoke very sincerely.

It’s just this sentence, translated to mean, don’t forget that I’m still your immediate boss, but you are hand-picked by a sage, and my relationship with the Wu family is extraordinary, so we are grasshoppers on the same rope.

In the future, you will be the master of the affairs on your river course, but it is not your business, so you can take care of it.

Of course Xu Tong could understand the meaning behind the words, but he pretended not to understand, and instead put on a serious expression when he heard the words: "In this case, Mr. Lao will be troubled."

Jiang Zhen was taken aback, his face remained calm, but he couldn't help muttering in his heart: "Did you understand it?"

However, it is not easy for Jiang Zhen to be serious with Xu Tong at this time. Now that the public is full of grievances, he has to come forward to quell the public grievances as soon as possible, otherwise the matter will be heard by the heavens, and he will be implicated.

Immediately Jiang Zhen came out, took out the document he had prepared earlier, and read to everyone: "The relatives and friends of Song Dynasty, the magistrate of Yuyang, are corrupt and pervert the law. beheaded!"

I don't know if Jiang Zhen did it on purpose or unintentionally, but he actually read the River God Si as the River God Gang.

Although there is a difference of one word, the meanings are different. The former is an official and the latter is a thief.

This is to make it clear that we must try our best to separate the relationship, so as not to leave any future troubles.

"Cut him, cut him!!"

The crowd erupted for a while, seeing the officers and soldiers smashing open the gate of the yamen, they all jumped with joy.

However, when people smashed the gate of the yamen and rushed into the yamen to arrest Song's relatives and friends, they were stunned as soon as they entered the arched door of the back house.

I saw seven corpses lying neatly on the ground.

Inside were the old mothers, wives, children, and concubines of relatives and friends of Song. Everyone was lying neatly, holding a lantern to illuminate them. Under the light, everyone's face was covered with black and blue blood.

Obviously poisoned.

Waiting for people to rush into the inner hall and see that Song Qinpeng himself has hanged himself, and there is a confession letter that has just been written on the table.

It clearly states the crimes he has committed over the years and the bribes he has collected.

When the officials carried the body out, everyone saw that Song's relatives and friends had committed suicide, and they were so angry that they wished to dismember his body and throw it into the river to feed the fish.

"The chief culprit, Song's relatives and friends, committed suicide in fear of crime. Someone came here to escort everyone from the River God Gang to the execution ground, and they will be executed!"

At that moment, everyone in Heshensi was paralyzed like mud, and was escorted to the execution ground amidst everyone's shouting and scolding.

Many ordinary people went with them, and seeing the heads of these bastards fall to the ground can be regarded as relief.

Lao Huang also followed in the crowd, but when he reached the intersection, he suddenly heard a familiar shout.


The familiar voice made Lao Huang stop, turned his head slowly, and saw his son standing at the street corner waving to him in a daze.


Lao Huang's eyes widened, fearing that he might have misread, he walked up to him step by step, caressing his son's cold cheek with trembling palms.

"Wang'er, you're back!"

Lao Huang's eyes were moist, he couldn't believe that he could see his son standing in front of him again.

"Father! I'm hungry, let's go home."

"Hey, come home, son, let's go home!"

Someone turned around and saw Lao Huang walking back alone, and couldn't help shouting: "Old Huang, where are you going?? Are you not going to the execution ground?"

"No, go home and cook."

On the small road under the night sky, Lao Huang staggered forward, as if there was a shadow supporting Lao Huang's arm in a trance, walking home step by step...

 The next update will start coding after dinner, and there will be another update tonight

(End of this chapter)

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