Chapter 600 Sky Alchemy (Third Change)

"Welcome to the Headmaster!"

Xu Tong Yuanshen entered the entrance of the main hall. Compared with before, he is no longer a simple mass of consciousness, but a Yuanshen.

This seems to be due to the rapid improvement of his own strength and the appearance of a dark dragon body.

Compared with before, the biggest difference is that even if he is in front of the hall, his strength is not compromised at all.

You can even actively summon the item book.

The only inconvenience is that after losing [Xuanhua Shenmu], I no longer have the ability to actively release the primordial spirit.

If you want to release the primordial spirit, you have to use the stupid method of Huang Xiang to lure the dream.

At this moment, the three of them were already standing neatly in two rows at the entrance of the hall, waiting.

During this period of time, these three guys really enjoyed their food, and they were full of energy.

There are tens of thousands of incense merits and virtues received by Chenghuang Temple every day, and unlike the incense of Fu Xian with many distracting thoughts, every strand of incense merits received by Master is extremely pure.

In terms of quality alone, it is far away from the merits gained by Fuxian's formation by several times.

In fact, this is also a matter of course.

In the final analysis, Fuxian just came into being. Most of them are ordinary people in slums. They offer incense to Fuxian just to ask for a meal. There are many unrealistic thoughts mixed in the incense, such as protecting The desire to make a fortune by oneself, marry a wife, have money to smoke drugs and so on.

But for the people of Yuyang, there are not so many messy things.

Yuyang faces the sea and has river courses, so there is no shortage of food and drink.

The common people can still live on, and the national power of the Great Zhou Dynasty is prosperous, and now it has reached an unprecedented peak under the leadership of today's saints.

Safeguard the peace of the river.

Therefore, the people worshiping the city god is entirely out of the most sincere gratitude in their hearts. They also pray for the city god to keep Yuyang peaceful and the weather will be good. The wish is not only simple, but also in line with the authority and responsibility of the city god.

As long as this Yuyang is guarded well, these desires mixed in the incense merit will not only not affect the practice, but will greatly increase the quality of the incense merit.

It was precisely because of this that Xu Tong was looking at the City God's Temple from a distance, and saw the luck on the Temple of the City God soaring into the sky, subtly suppressing the luck of the entire Yuyang City.

Of course, this is because, the master divides the account between three and seven, and Xu Tong monopolizes [-]% of the luck, otherwise the luck in the Chenghuang Temple will be stronger at this time.

Da Ya and the three of them finally tasted the high-quality incense as they wished, and each of them began to have new changes.

In just a few days, Da Ya's fifth tail has already formed.

Give her a period of time, and her strength will stabilize, and it will not be a problem to single out the grand master.

Getting rich is a bit miserable. Last time I lost half of my avatar, and my level dropped. Now that I eat incense, I can improve my quality, but I can't improve my level. Xu Tong is thinking about finding an opportunity to make up for getting rich.

As for Ji Xiang, the mouse spirit, no matter how he looked at it, Xu Tong felt that this guy was becoming more and more like Erha.

One piece of black and one piece of white.

But if you look closely, the evil spirit on this guy's body is getting smaller and smaller, and instead there is a faint Buddha spirit.

It turned out that Jixiang was arranged by someone to gnaw on the body of the unnamed monk and eat up all the viscera in the monk's stomach, and he had already gained a bit of Buddha's energy in his body.

It's just that he is a monster after all, and it is destined to be extremely difficult to practice Buddhism. Fortunately, Xu Tong gave him a lot of incense merits.

Now this guy has receded all his evil spirits and started to practice Buddhism. As for how far he will be able to practice in the future, it is unknown.

In the past few days, I was burdened with a lot of things, and now I am free. Today, I will see what treasures can be produced by the souls of the two great masters.

Under Xu Tong's gesture, Da Ya threw the souls of Fat and Thin Toutuo into the fairy furnace.

Immediately, bursts of blue smoke rose from the fairy furnace, and the smoke lingered, engulfing the souls of the two people, and they were sucked into it in an instant.

Not long after, two sounds of "Ding Ding!" were heard in the entrance of the fairy furnace, and Jixiang immediately ran over, opened the fairy furnace, and reached out to find two freshly baked pills from inside. .

Xu Tong took it over and had a look.

These two pills are quite interesting, one is red and the other is yellow. After a few sniffs, the smell is very strange, I can't tell what it is.

Xu Tong threw it into the item book and took a look, hey, these two things are really interesting.

【Shrink Dan】

After eating, without affecting one's own physique, one's body size will be reduced by ten times, but one's own strength will be reduced by ten times, but the movement speed and dodging ability will be increased by ten times.

Duration: 30 minutes
(Note: Sister-in-law opens her mouth!!)
【Puffed Dan】

After eating, without affecting one's own physique, one's body will expand ten times, one's own strength will increase ten times, but the movement speed and dodging ability will decrease ten times.

Duration: 30 minutes
(Note: It’s not just the Ruyi Golden Cudgel that can grow bigger!)
Xu Tong looked at these two elixirs and was amused for a moment. As expected of a fat and thin Toutuo, he has such a personality after refining the elixir.

Although these two elixirs are not serious elixirs at first glance, their effects are indeed very powerful.

Regardless of the expanding pill, the shrinking pill alone has many uses.

At the critical moment, the size is reduced by ten times. Although the strength is reduced together, the ability to move and dodge is definitely the trump card to save life at the critical moment.

The remark that sister-in-law opened her mouth was a joke, but it was also a reminder.

Don't forget how Wang Bajing died, if it wasn't for the fact that Fa Cai sent half of his avatar into Wang Bajing's stomach and stuck Wang Bajing's head at a critical moment, it would not be easy for him to kill him.

Therefore, if this thing is used properly, it is also infinitely wonderful.

When Xu Tong told Da Ya and the others about the effect of this thing, the three little guys were immediately disappointed, thinking it was a tonic that could enhance their cultivation.

This fairy furnace is also strange, and the pills it refines are all kinds of strange things, but few of them are serious.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong suddenly had an idea.

That being the case, why not try your new ability [Hand of the Sky]?

Thinking of this, although Xu Tong felt a little distressed about the script score, after all, the consumption of this ability is all random, and if he directly resets it, he doesn't have to cry if he wants to.

But my own recent luck is pretty good, so I shouldn't be so back.

Xu Tong has always done what he thinks, it's not his style to grind and chirp.

"Take out the bastard essence, and I'll give you a big one!"

Hearing this, the three big girls immediately became energetic. That's right, compared with the Yuanshen who has practiced for more than 300 years, the fat and thin Toutuo can only be regarded as an appetizer.

"Teacher, how about... take out that inner alchemy and practice together." At this time, Da Ya suggested.

"That inner alchemy~"

Xu Tong couldn't help thinking that the inner alchemy was a rare item. Looking at the entries given in the item book, it seemed that after refining the elixir, there was a chance of obtaining some of Wang Bajing's abilities.

But it’s a pity to practice like this, isn’t it?After all, I don't have any other auxiliary medicine in hand, so I don't know what it will be refined in the end.

Afraid that Xu Tong would not agree, the big girl rushed forward and took Xu Tong's arm, and began to act coquettishly: "I heard that the inner alchemy and the primordial spirit are more suitable for practicing together!"

"Come on, it's time for you to take a bath, you're so annoying, your nose is always choking!"

Xu Tong raised his hand to press Da Ya's handsome melon-seeded face, and pushed Da Ya away.

Then he fumbled in the item book and took out the inner alchemy.

Anyway, if this thing is really entrusted to him to refine, he will not know how to make alchemy.

It's better to throw it into the fairy furnace and refine it with the primordial spirit, so as to save yourself the consumption of [Film Hand].

After making up his mind, Xu Tong tried to twist the alchemy cover of the fairy furnace, and tried to put the inner alchemy on the stove.

In fact, I was still worried, not knowing whether the fairy furnace would eat it or not.

I saw a puff of green smoke rising from the fairy furnace, and tentatively rolled it on the demon pill. Suddenly, the demon pill in Xu Tong's hand began to turn into powder, and was sucked into the pill furnace by the green smoke.

"There is a show!! Throw the soul into it together!"

Xu Tong's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly called the big girl to throw Wang Bajing's primordial spirit into the alchemy furnace.

"no, do not want!!!"

As expected of a monster who has practiced for a hundred years, Yuanshen sensed the danger and immediately began to struggle, but in front of the fairy furnace, all struggles were futile.

I saw the green smoke surging, like a wave, slamming on Wang Bajing's soul, and instantly engulfed it.

After being swallowed into the fairy furnace, I saw clouds and smoke surging inside. The fairy furnace was not shaking, but I heard bursts of curses coming from inside.

"I was raised by nature, and I have been cultivating hard for more than 300 years. I only ate a few people. What is it? Why do you want to kill me? Are you only allowed to eat me, and I can't eat people? What is the reason for this!!"

Xu Tong couldn't help sneering when he heard Wang Bajing's words.

In terms of reasoning, Xu Tong has a lot of reasoning. Just because this guy detains living souls and disturbs the yin and yang, as the speaker of Qimen, he must be killed.

What's more, this bastard eats the incense of the people, and continues to collude with those officials to oppress the people in different ways. This is no longer a beast. The question of whether you eat people or not is a kind of evil in itself!

It's just that he was too lazy to explain these principles to this bastard, but said coldly: "Winners and losers, natural selection, I can only say that you deserve to fall into my hands!"

Hearing Xu Tong's words, Wang Bajing was so angry that he wanted to smash open the stove and fight Xu Tong desperately, but it's a pity that he didn't even want to smash open the fairy stove, let alone desperately.

However, it seems that it is still a bit difficult to refine it.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong tried to put his hand on the fairy stove, and then activated the [Blessing of the Sky]

【Blessing of Heaven】

Consumes script points randomly. After activation, you will get the special state of Heaven's Blessing. In the state of Sky's Blessing, no matter what you do, you will get 300% success probability, 200% super level performance, and 50% Sky's Hand !

At the moment of activation, the two thousand, 670 and three-point script points in the item book evaporated in an instant. , he can afford it.

At the same time, Xu Tong's palm began to emit strange light, blue, red, and gold three kinds of strange light were constantly alternating, and finally a strange red light burst out from the palm, covering the fairy furnace.

As soon as the red light shines, the fairy furnace hums, and other textures flicker on and off on the furnace surface, interweaving fantastic textures. A strand of seven-color fairy fire flickered in it, and it was completely refined in an instant.


There was a light collision sound at the mouth of the stove where the pills came out, and Xu Tong hurriedly opened the mouth, and a unique fragrance of pills immediately diffused from it...

(End of this chapter)

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