Infinite script kill

Chapter 601 [Xuanyuan Naturalization Pill]

Chapter 601 [Xuanyuan Naturalization Pill]

I saw a pill lying quietly in the mouth of the warehouse, it could be as big as a longan, and it was crystal clear, as if it was made of gold.

If you look carefully, the pills are covered with emerald-like textures, which complement the golden pills, which look very dazzling and full of fragrance, which makes people intoxicated.

The strong fragrance of Dan penetrated into his soul, immediately made him feel refreshed, and his soul was lifted.

"Dan Sheng Dao Wen, this is the legendary top pill!!"

The big girl was so excited that her eyes were about to pop out. What kind of fox fairy charm, natural charm, all lost at this moment, she stared at the pill and salivated.

It is rumored that only when the elixir is of the highest quality, it will resonate with the heaven and the earth and give birth to a peculiar dao pattern. Once you eat it, you can feel a ray of charm between the heaven and the earth. It is extremely precious, a treasure that can be met but not sought after.

Da Ya only saw a part of the records in the cultivation method given to her by the ancestor of the Fox family.

I didn't expect that such a miraculous thing could be seen by myself.

"So precious!"

When Xu Tong heard what Da Ya said, he was also a little surprised and asked: "How does it compare with Biluodan?"

"It's not the same. The reason why the Biluo Pill is precious is because the material is only available in the Netherland. How can a mortal easily set foot on the Netherland? Even the gods in the sky can't just enter the Netherland if they want to.

As for the Dan Sheng Dao pattern, it is different. Not only does it require excellent materials for alchemy, but it also requires a unique technique to refine this elixir to the extreme with a very small probability, so as to resonate with the world, so the two are not comparable, because If Biluodan has the materials, there is a chance to refine the dao pattern. "

"I see."

After listening to Da Ya's explanation, Xu Tong understood.

After thinking about it, I don't have any miraculous alchemy techniques, and I don't even know anything about alchemy. The reason why I can concoct such a miraculous pill is that besides my fairy furnace, the more important thing is that I have just activated the [Qiong]. God's Bless]'s sake.

He remembered the red light flashing on his palm just now.

The hand of the sky can increase the success rate by 50.00% and the extraordinary performance by [-]% for anything, but there is only a [-]% probability of successfully activating the hand of the sky.

I should have failed to activate the hand of the sky just now, and the red light may have performed supernormally.

Seeing the key point, Xu Tong shouted in his heart that it was worth it. This ability is worthy of being a golden finger. It is like a heifer standing upside down and a bull 13 soaring to the sky. In comparison, although [Xuanhua Shenmu] is powerful, it is far inferior to [The Hand of the Sky] 】

Qiongtian... the meaning of the sky, this ability is so powerful, no wonder he dared to use the sky as his name.

But if it is more powerful than this ability, there is no doubt that it is the item card [source]

Whether it is the eye of fate or the hand of the sky.

Both of these abilities are perverted like hacking, but they all come from this item card.

No wonder Mr. Tai didn't hesitate to violate the rules, but also wanted to kill himself and take away this item card.

Xu Tong reached out and took out the pill, and threw it into the item book to have a look.

I saw that as soon as Dan Wan entered the item book, it immediately turned into an item card.

With the pale golden edging, you can see the waves rolling, and a grain of golden pill is suspended on the waves.

Dynamic background, you must know that only legendary item cards such as [Source] [Pure Yang Sword] have dynamic backgrounds in your hands. This elixir actually has a dynamic background, which made Xu Tong look forward to it even more for a while.

Look at the entry.

【Xuanyuan Guihua Pill】

Water benefits all things without fighting, and Xuan Yuan naturalizes all things.

Those who eat it will get a dao mark of water, double their skill, and have a 30% chance of comprehending "Xuanyuan Shield"

Heavenly treasures, only one time, multiple consumption is invalid.

(Note: If it is eaten, the probability of comprehending "Xuanyuan Shield" will increase to 60% in a place with abundant water elements)

The content of the entry is very concise.

But the more concise, the more intriguing the hidden content.

Xu Tong didn't know what the Dao mark of water was, but his skill was doubled, which meant that if he took this elixir, he would most likely step into the realm of Dao.

As for the Xuanyuan Shield, what is this ability? Judging from the name, it seems to be some kind of defensive skill.

Xu Tong then informed Da Ya and the others of the effect of the elixir.

Da Ya was quite excited at first, but when she heard that it was the Dao Mark of Water, she showed a dull expression.

"What Miss Ben hates most is water. What if my tail gets wet? I'm not interested."

As she said that, Da Ya lay down on her toffee chair lazily, and began to study the cultivation techniques given to her by the ancestor of the Fox family.

Jixiang smirked and shook his head aside.

To get rich is to roll on the ground, and it has already rolled far away.

Whether the fox is afraid of water or not, Xu Tong doesn't know.

But Ji Xiang and Fa Cai are absolutely not afraid, but the three of them decisively expressed that they have no interest in it, obviously wanting Xu Tong to eat this pill by himself.

After all, they are attached to Xu Tong's mouth.

Xu Tong is their teacher, and the stronger the teacher, the safer they will be.

Xu Tong knew what they meant, and couldn't help but feel a warm current in his heart.

After thinking about it, he reached out and took out three incense merits to share with the three little guys.

"I'll find a way to help you improve your strength when I have a chance next time."

"Hmph, I know how to draw pancakes, but it's fine if I have incense to eat." Da Ya waved the incense in her hand and stuck out her tongue at Xu Tong playfully and said.

Xu Tong squeezed his fingers, and pointed at the big girl with bright eyes: "Naughty!"

Da Ya was stunned for a moment, and then after regaining consciousness, Xu Tongren had already left the entrance. Recalling the charming eyes just now, and his fingers unconsciously imitating the gesture of twisting his fingers, he felt so clever for a moment. Feeling numb, he thought to himself: "Has the head teacher secretly learned my family's charm skills?"

After Yuanshen returned to his place, Xu Tong opened his eyelids, glanced at the [Xuanyuan Guihua Pill] in the item book, but ate it right away without rushing.

The commentary has specifically reminded that the probability of comprehending the Xuanyuan Shield will be higher if you eat it in a place with abundant water elements.

Anyway, Yuyang has plenty of river water, so when there is no one there tonight, find a clean river to dive in, and then try to eat it.


"Brother, are you sure that Master has arrived in Yuyang?"

Outside the city gate of Yuyang, the three of Zhao Peng sat in a tea shed by the side of the road, sipping a sip of tea while looking around.

Hearing Nie Haitang's question, Zhao Peng nodded with certainty: "That's right, the news of Master's departure from Shendu has already been spread, and it has been more than ten days since he left. With the strength of Master's feet, it is about time arrive."

"That's really great. With the old master in charge, we will be more confident in dealing with the Moduo sect."

When Master was mentioned, Nie Haitang was secretly delighted.

On the other hand, the third brother Li Xinliang said a little worriedly: "However, according to the clues we have found now, although the Moduo Sect is lurking in Yuyang, it has disappeared now. We have been searching for so long, but there is no news at all."


Mentioning this matter, Zhao Peng couldn't help letting out a cold snort from his nasal cavity, and his expression became displeased: "Isn't it all because of that brat!"

He didn't mention who this person was, but both Nie Haitang and Li Xinliang knew that the person that the senior brother was referring to was Li Zheng, the current river inspector who is currently flourishing in Yuyang.

The reason why Zhao Peng said this is not without reason.

They had already tracked down some clues in Yuyang.

But after Xu Tong set up the city god, punished the river demon, and brought down all the Song relatives and friends of the Huohuo villagers and the river god, all the credit was given to the city god.

Now the incense of the Town God's Temple is increasing day by day, virtually suppressing the luck of Yuyang City.

Those Moduo sect members who had already shown their signs disappeared without a trace overnight.

It's no wonder that Zhao Peng has such resentment towards Mr. Li.

"However, senior brother, I think this Li Zheng is quite interesting in his work.

The officialdom in Yuyang is complicated, and three river inspectors have died, but he doesn't move the people a bit, and he doesn't get entangled with those corrupt officials.

Instead, by setting up a stone tablet, they raised 10 taels of silver.

These days, I also deliberately read the account books they posted, and recorded all the expenses on it.

Although I hate him very much, I also think he is indeed a good official. "

In the past few days, Nie Haitang has also been silently observing Mr. Li Zheng. From the beginning, he was instinctively bored with him, but now he is a little admired.

With thunderous wrists and the ability to turn stones into gold, the most important thing is that the common people have really benefited, and he himself is still living in a dilapidated place like a post house, and the boredom towards him in his heart has gradually faded. I changed my mind a lot, and felt that maybe I misunderstood others.

"Junior Sister!"

Nie Haitang was thinking about it when he was suddenly interrupted by Zhao Peng's voice.

Looking up, my heart skipped a beat, I saw senior brother Zhao Peng's expression was gloomy, and his eyes became cold and stern: "Junior Sister, this is an exaggeration of punishing small evils, the implications of the Moduo Sect are serious, and it will even shake the foundation of the country. Compared with the threat to today's saints, what is the mere river monster?"


Nie Haitang didn't know how to answer for a while.

Seeing this, Zhao Peng knew that he had spoken seriously, and immediately slowed down his tone: "Oh, maybe I was too anxious. After all, the saint doesn't have much time for Master. Otherwise, Master hasn't left the customs for many years, so why would he leave God rashly?" All, it must be that Master is also worried."

Hearing this, Nie Haitang relaxed his nervous expression. Seeing that Zhao Peng was full of self-blame, he quickly comforted him: "Brother, don't blame yourself. A few days ago, Liu Cai and the others sent a message saying that in the prison, they found the Motuo sect. Where are the traces, those evil monsters must be hiding in the sky prison, and we will catch them all when the master comes."

"Well, I'm more relieved when I say that, I'm just worried that Master and the old man will be more anxious..."

Zhao Peng hasn't finished speaking yet.

A burst of hearty laughter was heard in the distance.

The sound was loud and loud, and everyone looked up, and saw a round old Taoist priest with bare feet, carrying a wine pot, and leading a skinny donkey on the road.


The three of Zhao Peng were refreshed and immediately went up to meet them.

"Meet Master!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The old Taoist's big round face, with white eyebrows hanging down, was full of red light. When he saw the three people, he waved his hand to signal them to get up.

The three of Zhao Peng looked at Master's red smile and looked at each other for a moment. Why is it different from what they thought? ?
"Master, you are so happy, could it be that there is news about the Moduo Sect!"

Nie Haitang stepped forward and took the old Taoist's arm and asked.

"Moduo religion??"

The old Taoist was startled, shaking his head like a rattle.

"Then why are you so happy?"

The three of Zhao Peng were even more confused.

The old man patted the donkey behind him, and the donkey turned around. At this time, Zhao Peng and the three of them saw that there was a young man on the donkey's back.

It's just that the young man was not only bruised and swollen, but also tied up and passed out on the back of the donkey.

"Master, this person is..."

The three of Zhao Peng were at a loss for a while.

On the contrary, the old Taoist was full of happiness: "I was already in meditation that day, and suddenly I had a sudden whim, and I calculated it with my fingers, hehe, God has given me a wonderful fate, this is the predestined person of the poor Taoist."

"Someone with predestined relationship?" Not only Zhao Peng was dumbfounded, but even Nie Haitang and Li Xinliang were dumbfounded.

Nie Haitang even covered her mouth, and said in surprise, "But he's a man?"

The old Taoist acted as if he hadn’t heard this, took a sip of the wine gourd, sprayed it on the young man’s face, reached out and patted the young man’s face: “Zhang Sheng, this is what I told you, my The three apprentices..."

(End of this chapter)

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