Infinite script kill

Chapter 602: There is no door to hell to break in

Chapter 602: There is no door to hell to break in

"Get off work!!"

On the river bank, an old man beat a gong and called to the villagers digging the river to pack up their tools and prepare to go to work for dinner.

People put down their hoes in an orderly manner and crawled out of the mud pit with smiles on their faces.

Even after a day of hard work, there are simple smiles on everyone's faces.

The progress of the project is very fast, and there is no so-called supervisor.

No one is going to be lazy.

Because everyone knows that this is the river channel built for Master Li, the master of Qingtian. Besides, the river channel is not built for nothing, and the wages are very high.

They also gave me three meals a day, all of which were dry.

Who doesn't want to work now?Someone has already calculated that the construction period is [-] days, [-] Wen per day, and there is no cost for three meals.

After finishing this trip, my wife will have everything.

The old river worker in charge also said that as long as the quality is guaranteed and the construction period is completed on time, he will give people an extra red envelope.

Now many people in Yuyang City can't wait to rush to do it.

When we walked to the dining hall, there were steamed pancakes, sorghum rice, fish and vegetables in the pot. Everyone lined up holding bowls and chopsticks. After finishing the meal, they sat aside and ate contentedly.

If it is not enough, you can continue to add.

"Well, it smells so good!"

On the haystack, a bald man was holding the bowl and chopsticks, and began to eat with a snort.

The man was huge, with his muscles exposed to the sun bulging high, compared to other people around him, he looked like a little giant.

Not only was the man tall and burly, but the bowl in his hand was two circles larger than ordinary people's bowls. It was like a soup bowl full of food.

Before the man finished eating, Lao Yang, the river worker, came over with a bucket in his hand: "Big man, is it enough? Let's order more food."

"Oh, well, well!"

Seeing this, the man hurriedly held up the bowl and sent it up. Looking at the food in the bowl, a simple smile appeared on his sharp-edged face.

"Eat enough. If it's not enough, there are freshly baked pancakes over there. Mr. Li never deducts our rations. The more you do, the more you eat!"

Faced with the man's astonishing appetite, Lao Yang, the river worker, didn't feel bad at all.

On the contrary, it is normal for a man to eat more than five people for a job done by one man.

"Okay! Master Li is so kind, unlike those unscrupulous entrepreneurs!"

The man nodded and said.

"What? Why Qiyejia?"

Lao Yang looked dazed, this kid is good at everything, except for one thing, some strange words always come out of his mouth, and he can't understand.

The man also seemed to realize that he had made a mistake, and waved his hand: "Hometown dialect, hometown dialect!"

Lao Yang shook his head with a smile, and continued to add food to others with the rice bucket in his hand.

When Lao Yang was far away, he saw a middle-aged man sitting carefully on the haystack with a rice bowl in his hand.

The middle-aged man looked around, and after confirming that no one was paying attention, he whispered: "Shi Jin! Don't be in such a hurry to work these days. What the rudder master means is, let us lurk, you are too conspicuous."

Shi Jin didn't speak, just buried himself in his meal.

Seeing this, Wang Sheng couldn't help showing a bit of displeasure in his eyes. No matter what he said, he was also one of the 28 constellations in the religion, Zhang Suxing, whose status was second only to the rudder master.

This new guy really didn't take him seriously.

But even though he was unhappy, Wang Sheng didn't dare to do anything to Shi Jin. Although this guy had just joined the religion, he was a rare martial arts master, and he followed the pure martial arts route.

And he's still a martial idiot, even the helmsman didn't take advantage of this kid, let alone himself as an opponent.

The leader of the rudder was very optimistic about him, and even promised to introduce the leader to him after he left the customs.

These words made Wang Sheng feel extremely jealous. He has been in the religion for four or five years, and he has never seen the leader of Mortuo, so why is a newcomer.

At this time, another black-faced man holding a bowl came over and squatted behind the two of them.

Wang Sheng knew this person, he was Jiang Feiyu, the Dou Su star.

"Don't gossiping here, the rudder master has sent news that there is a change in Yuyang City, telling us to withdraw from Yuyang one after another early in the morning."

"Withdraw from Yuyang?"

Wang Sheng was startled, and couldn't help turning his head away, but when he remembered, the rudder master told the brothers in the church not to gather together, and not to recognize each other casually when sitting together, so he quickly turned his head back, and lowered his voice: "How about we 28 Xingxiu?" It's easy to get together, how can we withdraw??"

"Yeah, I'm going to have enough to eat after the withdrawal! I haven't made enough money."

Shi Jin muttered while holding the bowl.

"We have to go, the rudder master said, Yuyang City God's climate has become, suppressing Yuyang's luck, it's too late for us to make things happen!"

Hearing what Jiang Feiyu said, Wang Sheng suddenly felt angry.

"It's all the fault of that kid named Li Zheng. It took him a few years to lay out the situation, and this kid messed it up!"

The more Wang Sheng thought about it, the angrier he became, he picked up the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, and ruthlessly took two mouthfuls of food in his mouth.

"Hey, the rudder master also said that this person has a long popularity, and his official fortune goes directly to Qingyun. He is not someone who is waiting for you. He told us not to make trouble, just leave quietly."

Jiang Feiyu noticed the murderous intent in Wang Sheng's words, and immediately persuaded him.

In fact, he didn't want to kill this kid to vent his anger.

For this day, the Mortuo Sect had already started planning, but seeing that the fruit was about to ripen, the peaches were picked by Li Zheng, the prince who came out of nowhere.

This is really beyond everyone's expectations.

At first they got a tip that the newly appointed River Inspector was Prince Gong's heir, but they didn't take it seriously.

Not to mention this prince, even his good-for-nothing father, a border prince, never paid much attention to him.

As a result, who would have thought that when the prince came, he would silently set up the city god before reporting to Jiang Zhen, and the next day, he would kill the river demon.

It caught everyone off guard.

Now that I think about it, it really makes me feel that people are not as good as God.

"Okay, let's work low-key these two days and earn some money!"

Jiang Feiyu said, picked up the bowl and left.

Wang Sheng glanced at his mouth, is he short of that little money?
"Shi Jin, there are a few big rocks in front of you, you will break them open later, and I will give you extra money tonight!"

At this time, old man Yang, the river worker, came over with a rice bucket and shouted at Shi Jin.

"Hey, old Yang, count me in, count me in!!"

When Wang Sheng heard the words, he quickly picked up his rice bowl and chased after him.

Not long after, there was already a burst of noisy and lively work on the river.

It was getting late, and the sound of the gong to call off work came from the river.

Everyone had dinner, settled their wages, and returned to Yuyang City with lanterns.

"I said to add money, and I will add thirty Wen, which is not enough for a meal of wine."

Wang Sheng weighed the copper coins in his hand, and couldn't help complaining.

Then from his arms, he took out a bulging money bag and put it in his hand. The money bag was very unique, made of pink woolen material, embroidered with two peony flowers.

He weighed it in his hand, only to hear a rustling sound in the purse.


Hearing the sound of money rubbing inside, Wang Sheng's bitter gourd face finally revealed a somewhat ecstatic smile.

"It's finally enough to worry about. Unfortunately, if there are a few more days, I can still earn another sum of money for drinking."

Thinking of leaving the day after tomorrow, Wang Sheng was really reluctant.


At this time, Wang Sheng's eyes suddenly swept away, and he saw a person walking towards the river from a distance.

The night was pitch black, and ordinary people would certainly not be able to see clearly, but Wang Sheng was able to rank 28 stars in the Moduo Sect, so his strength was naturally extraordinary.

Except for Jiaoxu, Kangsu, the pair of fat and thin Toutuo, the rudder master and the Douxing star Jiang Feiyu, oh, and Shi Jin who just arrived.

Wang Sheng boasted that in terms of strength, he had never convinced anyone.

The gleam in his eyes was shining from a distance, and he recognized from the night at a glance that the figure was none other than Li Zheng, the river inspector who ruined their good deed.

"Ha! There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you break in!"

Wang Sheng's eyes overflowed with murderous aura.

He hated this kid so much, if it wasn't for the helmsman's repeated confession that there are city gods in Yuyang City to suppress luck, and there are many masters hiding in the dark, Wang Sheng couldn't help but want to take this kid's life.

Unexpectedly, he was about to leave Yuyang City soon, and this kid ran to the edge of the river alone in the middle of the night without sleeping.

"Hey, without Lord Chenghuang now, let me see who can keep you!"

Thinking about this, Wang Sheng took a few steps back calmly, and jumped into the grass.


Shi Jin, who was walking in front, twitched his ears slightly, looked back, and found Wang Shengli's back, seeing this, Shi Jin frowned, hesitated for a moment, and followed him calmly.

The water is sparkling, and the cool breeze blows away the sweltering heat brought by the summer. It is impossible to help but take a deep breath, and the whole person is refreshed.

Xu Tong walked to the river step by step, stepped on the boat that had been prepared long ago, and rowed along the river to the middle of the river alone.

There is a small island not far in the middle of the river. When I went to kill Wang Bajing last time, I noticed that there are only two trees on a very small place.

The reason why I come here is not only because it is located in the center of the river, but also to avoid people's eyes and ears. There are many people in Yuyang City.

In case of any changes during the breakthrough, it will not be noticed by others.

After tying the boat to a rock, and taking off the clothes on his body, Xu Tong shook his body, only to see black scales growing under his skin.

With the body of a dragon, Xu Tong didn't worry about any accidents in the water, so he took the [Xuanyuan Guihua Pill] from the item book.

Take it out and put it in your hand.

When the golden core was dropped, the emerald-colored dao patterns on it were reflected on the water surface, causing strange ripples in the surrounding river water.

Xu Tong put the pill in his mouth, and then jumped into the water.


On the dark bottom, his figure was like a sharp sword piercing the bottom of the water. Just as he thought, in the state of a chilong body, not only did he have no effect in the water, but he felt like a fish in water.

Each scale on the body opens and closes slightly, forming a unique airflow, allowing the submerged underwater to move quickly, and even squeeze the air out of the water, forming a unique aura to ensure that one can breathe calmly.

He found a rock to lean against, and after Xu Tong swallowed the elixir in his mouth, wisps of emerald-colored divine light began to spread along the cracks in his scales. It even illuminated the whole river.

 Luoyang did nucleic acid for three consecutive days, got up early to line up, and was not energetic, so I won't add more today.

(End of this chapter)

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