Infinite script kill

Chapter 635 The Land of Sin

Chapter 635 The Land of Sin
Jinxiufang, a rare and wonderful thing, is inclusive of all rivers and tides of all countries.

Where is this Jinxiufang? ?
Then let's just talk about Luoyang, which has been the capital of the Central Plains since the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Now that the Great Zhou Dynasty is in its prime, and all nations come to court, this Jinxiu Square is the place where countless merchants from the Western Regions gather in this city of Luoyang to do business.

These businessmen from the Western Regions are of all races, even black people are common, and they are collectively called Fanke.

Every day when the market opens, there is no deserted inside, and you can see all kinds of treasures when you walk inside.

There are all kinds of agate gems, spices, gold and silverware, musical instruments, and big swords from the Western Regions, as well as orchids, fangirls, Kunlun slaves, and countless male and female slaves from various countries.

Most of these slaves were prisoners of war captured by the Great Zhou after the defeat of the surrounding countries. Most of them came from Turks, and some were sold by border traffickers.

If it is said that the ghost market is a bottomless lake mixed with fish and dragons.

Then Jinxiufang is a big river, and you can find all kinds of turtles and kings from all over the world.

"Guest officer, what do you need? We have high-class Kunlun slaves here, all of whom are strong and obedient, and these female concubines, look at their looks, their breasts, their ass, if you don't like them, we have more The brand of Bijiafang, if you like that person, you can buy him directly with this brand."

In the slave field, the slave owner saw the guests, and immediately greeted them and warmly introduced them.

But the slaves in front of them didn't even bother to take a look at them. They just took out a jade pendant and handed it to the slave owner: "Take me to see the Gelao!"

When the slave owner saw the jade pendant, he took it over calmly, and said with a smile on his face: "The guest officer wants it, but our family doesn't have it. It's just that the guest officer wants to find it. You can go behind that door and ask." .”

The slave owner pointed to the inconspicuous little door behind him.


Gao Zhuo nodded, but one hand was grasping the slave owner's wrist like lightning: "I don't know the way, please help me lead the way!"


The slave owner's complexion changed slightly, and he wanted to break free but found that the other party's hands were not moving at all. Knowing that the person coming was not a good person, he whispered: "Okay, okay, I will take you in, but do you know what is behind that door?"

"Even if it's Asura Purgatory, I want to go in and see it!"

Gao Zhuo's eyes were cold, and he was not intimidated by the traffickers at all. He took the hand of the slave owner and walked towards the door.

Open the thick curtain on the door, step into it with one foot, and the noisy world outside seems to go away.

In the dark and damp corridor, with expressionless faces, it seems that they instinctively raised their heads to look around because of the arrival of strangers.

It's just that the eyes of these people are full of numbness. They have been tortured by reality repeatedly, and they all look like walking corpses, or leaning against the door, or simply sitting on the ground.

Everyone wears shackles full of stains around their ankles. These people are slaves who have been returned.

The owner of the goods bought slaves, and if they found that these slaves were disabled, sick, or disobedient within three days, they could return them.

This is not an unspoken rule of the slave market, but a formal regulation protected by law.

There are detailed notes in "Tang Law Shuyi":
If after the bond is issued, there is an old disease, and you don't listen to it, and you don't know it when you buy it. If you know it after the bond is issued, you will regret it within three days.There is no disease within three days, so those who deceive each other and want to repent will be punished according to the law, and those who violate it will be whipped forty.If there is a disease and bullying, and those who do not repent, they will also be whipped forty.

Slave trading was a legal transaction in Dazhou and was clearly protected by law.

From issuing a bond, that is, drafting a transaction contract, to paying the price, completing the transaction, and even "after-sales service" are all within the scope of legal protection.

The so-called buying slaves, horses, cattle, camels, mules and donkeys.

The returned slaves can only be thrown in this dark alley and sold at a very low price. If they cannot be sold, they will be thrown into the mine for mining.

If so, there is basically only a dead end.

But this is just the beginning. The slave owner continued to take Gao Zhuo inside. The wooden shacks were piled up in a criss-cross pattern. Although it was not a ghost market, it was a bit like a ghost market.

All kinds of sewage flowed out along the gutters along the roadside, emitting a pungent stench.

It is hard to imagine that this is the foot of the saint, the capital of the empire.

Under any brilliant curtain, there are dark corners where there is no sun, garbage is everywhere, and snakes, insects, rats and ants are rampant.

On the back of Luoyang, this shantytown that is only separated from the bustling streets of Jinxiu by a wall is the biggest dark corner of this "Wan Chao Lai Yi" world central city.

There are no elves and ghosts in the ghost city here, only dirty slaves and despicable prostitutes.

The laws of the empire cannot reach this place, which is full of blood and greed, despair and death, chaotic and brutal like the Shura Prison of the Buddhist School.

Even the government does not dare to go deep into this world easily.

"Cough cough cough..."

At this time, there was a violent coughing sound in the room next to it.

Gao Zhuo squinted and saw that the room had no windows or doors, and he could see the woman lying on the bed at a glance.

It's just that the woman's body exudes a stench, and her body is full of festering wounds.

Lying on the bed is already dying, and will die at any moment.

"Don't pity her, she was once the most popular person in Luoyang City when she was in glory!"

Sensing Gao Zhuo's gaze, the slave owner couldn't help but sarcastically said.

Yes, this woman used to be the oiran in Tanhualou, and she amazed everyone. I don't know how many rich people are willing to invest a lot of money in exchange for her.

But this silly woman fell in love with a poor scholar, and in order to help the poor scholar succeed, she even spent all her family's wealth to help him and support him.

In order for him to qualify for Enke, she went to drink and sleep with the big shots, and did all the dirty work.

The following story is very clichéd, the scholar was ranked second in high school and kicked her away with one kick.

The woman contracted the disease of willow again, and was sold here cheaply by Tanhualou.

The woman once fantasized that the Gelboys could help her avenge her, as long as she killed the wicked person, she could do whatever she wanted, but the Gelboys just left her here to die.

No one will sympathize with a worthless rotten puppet.

Gelao's sympathy will never be wasted on a piece of garbage.

The reason why the slave owner said this was to remind this guy that the Gelao is by no means the kind and big landlord that people say, but the master of this underground market, a demon who eats people without spitting out their bones.

Gao Zhuo just nodded expressionlessly when he heard this, and spit out two words impatiently: "Lead the way!"

The slave owner frowned and could only move on.

This dark shanty town is huge.

Disabled and deformed children are everywhere.

When these children looked at Gao Zhuo with empty eyes, there was both curiosity and fear in their black and white eyes.

The skinny old man was lying in the corner with his head raised expressionlessly. If Gao Zhuo hadn't been able to see the weak vitality in them, he might have thought that these people were all dead.

A few sturdy barbarians were chopping up this unknown piece of meat with an axe.

When he saw Gao Zhuo's figure, his eyes were all greedy like jackals.

"Uncle, are you here to choose slaves? You can look at me, I can do everything, light a fire, cook, and warm your bed. I am clean and I am not sick!"

When some able-bodied children saw Gao Zhuo, they immediately approached him.

Compared with those physically handicapped children, their immature faces have a maturity that does not match their age.

Perhaps, even being bought as a slave is a hundred times better than living in this purgatory on earth.

Gao Zhuo shook his head, even though he was hard-hearted, looking at these children, he was a little moved for a while, trying to make himself look kinder.

"Then are you here to find someone? Or to buy something, I know this place very well, tell me what you want, and I can show you the way."

A child who is obviously of Hu people's blood, still wants to show his value.

Seeing this, Gao Zhuo could only take out some food from the item book and give them to these children, so that they would leave him.

"Thank you, thank you uncle, you are really a good man, a good man!"

The boy took the cake, and immediately bowed to Gao Zhuo to thank him, and handed the cake to the thin girl beside him, holding the girl's hand and saying, "This is my sister! Sister, thank you uncle."

Although the girl was very thin, she looked very delicate between her brows.

After taking the pancakes, with a shy expression on his face, he walked forward cautiously with his head down, and whispered to Gao Zhuo, "Thank you uncle, uncle, can I give you a hug!"

Gao Zhuo instinctively wanted to refuse, but when he looked at the girl's hopeful eyes and was about to nod in agreement, he suddenly noticed the cold light flashing in the slave owner's eyes from the corner of his eye, and became alert.

puff! !

At this moment, the girl suddenly spat out a mouthful of black mist, covering Gao Zhuo's face.


As soon as the boy changed from being obedient just now, he let out a ferocious roar, and the other children around immediately drew out their hidden daggers and rushed over.

At the same time, the boy suddenly pulled out the dagger from his sleeve and stabbed it at Gao Zhuo.

This knife was quick and tricky, using his petite body, it stabbed directly at the vital point of Gao Zhuo's spleen.

However, when the knife stabbed, the blade felt like an extremely hard stone, and it couldn't penetrate at all.

Just when the boy was surprised, Gao Zhuo suddenly raised his hand and slapped the boy away, his stern face gradually became clear in the black mist, and he stared at the girl in front of him.

The girl was so frightened that she trembled all over, as if it was the end of the day.

Gao Zhuo stretched out his hand to pinch the girl's chin, and took out a small mechanism launcher from her mouth.

I was shocked and angry at the bottom of my heart.

The shocking thing is that these children are chained one after another, making it impossible to guard against. If they were ordinary people, they would die here in one fell swoop.

Fu Shi's own kindness would be trampled on by them like this.

Looking around, I saw that everyone around me seemed to be used to this.

Including the slave owner, who watched coldly with his hands in his arms.


Seeing this, the other children immediately dispersed and ran for their lives without looking back. Once these small figures got into the narrow dog hole trails, they immediately disappeared without a trace, and it was extremely difficult to catch them.

As for the boy who was knocked unconscious by Gao Zhuo's slap, no one cares about life and death.

"Fuck off!"

Seeing this, Gao Zhuo looked at the girl who was being carried by him, and threw it on the ground in annoyance.

The girl who survived by luck got up and turned around to run away regardless of the pain, but when she turned around, a knife had already slashed on the girl's body.


Blood splattered on the pitch-black soil, and a group of people came out in the darkness with swords in hand, and kicked the girl away: "Useless waste, not worth living."

Looking at the girl lying in a pool of blood, even a cold-blooded and ruthless person like Gao Zhuo couldn't help but cast a layer of gloom upon seeing this scene.

"This is a place of crime. The people here are only thieves, robbers, whores, and garbage. Kindness, that is not a luxury we should have!"

Everyone slowly moved out of the way.

A thin, dry old man wrapped in a scarlet fur fur came out slowly from behind the crowd. His skin was black as charcoal, his hair was curly, and his lips were flat and thick. He was not from China, but an old Kunlun slave!

This Kunlun slave's eyes were bright and fierce, his lips parted, showing his white teeth, like a row of human bones lying on the ground: "I heard that you are looking for me, welcome to my kingdom, this evil land!"

(End of this chapter)

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