Chapter 636
"You are a Gelao!"

Compared with the cruelty of those children, what really shocked Gao Zhuo was the Kunlun slave standing in front of him.

As early as when he was in the ghost market, Gao Zhuo had heard about this evil place.

After coming here, I was shocked by the filth here.

It is different from those ugly zombies, and it is also different from the ghost market where elves, ghosts, dragons and fish are mixed.

Here are living people, living human beings.

It's just that this place is like a sewer, gathering all the ugliness of this huge empire here like sewage, making every inch of land here give people a chilling malice.

In such a sinful place, the legendary Gelao, a big man with a hand and eye, turned out to be a Kunlun slave.

This is like the president of Chinatown, who turned out to be a black man, it is simply absurd and magical.

It even made Gao Zhuo have to suspect that this gelao was just a puppet set up by a certain big family.


The Gelao didn't answer, his eyes as big as brass bells sized Gao Zhuo up and down: "You're not here for business, what do you want!"

Gao Zhuo turned around and walked to the side of the slave owner, and stretched out his hand: "Bring it!"

The slave owner was startled, and immediately went to the Gelao, and took out the jade pendant that Gao Zhuo gave him just now from his bosom.

Seeing the jade pendant, the Gelao seemed to understand something and nodded, "The night before yesterday, there was a lot of commotion in the ghost market, so you are that zombie!"

Hearing this, Gao Zhuo raised his eyebrows.

What happened in the ghost market the day before yesterday, although many people saw it, but the other party guessed his identity immediately with just the jade pendant. It seems that the owner of this sinful place really has the ability to use his hands and eyes to reach the sky.

"In this case, you can do one thing for me. After the task is completed, I will give you another piece of jade pendant!"

"whats the matter!"

"It's very simple, kill a person!"


The Gelao stared at Gao Zhuo, as if he wanted to see through the person in front of him, and said a person's name without haste: "Cao Huasheng..."

"Your humble Cao Huasheng, pay homage to your son!"

In the small courtyard of Huangyi, Xu Tong looked up and down at this bad guy.

In his early thirties, he was wearing a snow-white gown with straight breasts, and a wide belt with a moon-white auspicious cloud pattern around his waist, and only a piece of excellent black jade was hung on it.

The hair seemed to be tied up casually with a silver string, and a few strands of hair were scattered on the forehead, giving him the appearance of a frivolous and frivolous young man.

No wonder Guo Yi felt that this person didn't look like a decent person.

But who would have thought that this person would be Cao Huasheng, the famous bad handsome Xinglin judge.

"You're too handsome, please sit down!"

Xu Tong said and motioned Sanniang to watch tea.

"Tonight's visit is really unexpected. It's just that there are some things that only the prince can answer for me, so I take the liberty of not disturbing me. I hope the prince will not be offended."

After Cao Huasheng sat down, he didn't go around in circles, and went straight to what he wanted.

"Oh, is there any news in the world that can be clear to bad guys?? Then I don't know even more."

Xu Tong jokingly said while holding the tea bowl.

However, his words were not meant to be polite. Although bad people have no rank, they are indeed under the control of the court. If you insist on making a comparison, it is like a low-level, multi-variety, four-mind. All circles of strangers obey one people command.

One can imagine how big this net is.

There are secret whistles of unscrupulous people in all walks of life, and Xu Tong can't think of anything that needs to be asked by bad guys to come to ask for advice in person.

"Shang Shu Zuo Cheng, Mr. Zhang, accidentally got a good coffin fifteen days ago, but the strange thing is that when he got the coffin, this Mr. Zhang's mother suddenly fell ill and died. What's even more strange is that this Do you think it's strange that Mr. Zhang still wants to visit Hualou during his mourning period?"

Xu Tong took two sips of the tea and felt that the tea was very fragrant, but he didn't taste any tea.

Cao Huasheng continued: "Just the night before yesterday, when Mr. Zhang was going to Tanhualou, a murder case suddenly happened at home. What's even more bizarre is that everyone in the Zhang family fell into a coma. When they woke up, they wondered what happened. I don't know anything about the matter, but the mistress of the Zhang family was stabbed to death by a maid."

Speaking of this, Cao Huasheng looked at Xu Tong: "The case is actually very simple in the final analysis. The maid also pleaded guilty, but... Mr. Zhang ignored one thing. His mother's coffin and body disappeared overnight. Fei, but Mr. Zhang didn't mention it, is it strange to you!"

Xu Tong put down the teacup in his hand, and looked at Cao Huasheng with a puzzled expression: "It's a bit strange, could it be that Master Zhang killed his mother on purpose?"

"It's possible, but as far as I know, Master Zhang is a well-known filial son, how could he be willing to kill his mother?? Besides, everyone was in a coma that night, but Master Zhang's mother and the coffin disappeared. Now, son, tell me, who would steal an old lady's body and coffin!"

When Cao Huasheng said this, his eyes were fixed on Xu Tong, as if he wanted to find any clues from the eldest son.

"Coincidentally, the ghost market was in chaos that day, and our people also saw Shizi sitting on a coffin with their own eyes. May I ask Shizi, where did the coffin you sat on come from?"


Seeing Cao Huasheng talking too much, Guo Yi finally got angry: "What is the status of my family's eldest son, let alone you are bad handsome, even an official of the Ministry of punishment, dare not talk to my family's eldest son like this!"

Facing Guo Yi's glaring gaze, Cao Huasheng ignored it, keeping his eyes on Xu Tong, refusing to let go of any details.

But to Cao Huasheng's disappointment, the person sitting in front of him was not Li Zheng's son-in-law, but Xu Tong, who grew up in a mental hospital. For this kind of trick, it was simply a child's play.

Cao Huasheng stared at it for a long time, but he didn't get any information. He saw Xu Tong put down the teacup in his hand, and said calmly:

"A coffin! I bought it in the ghost market, but when I came back, I thought it was not fun, so I chopped it up and burned it as firewood. The bad handsome came too late, otherwise, this coffin will be palmed by the bad handsome Well, if it's stolen goods, I can't bear the charge of throwing a corpse into a coffin."

Cao Huasheng looked at Xu Tong, and sighed secretly in his heart, the prince was indeed as alert and cunning as in the news, and he went straight in like this, but he had no evidence, and wanted to force the prince to show some flaws.

I don't want to think that people's answers are watertight, and it is obvious that I am bullying myself without evidence.

"If so, that would be a pity..."

Cao Huasheng sighed, stood up and cupped his hands towards Xu Tong: "I am sorry to disturb you, my son, please forgive me."

"You're so handsome and polite."

Xu Tong picked up the teacup and took a sip: "Guo Yi, see off the guests!"


Guo Yi glared, obviously extremely dissatisfied with this so-called bad guy.

Seeing this, Cao Huasheng sighed and bowed his hands to leave, but before he left, he murmured to himself: "The coffin will most likely be sent out of the city, I'm afraid it's someone from outside. If you can’t get it, maybe you will grab it!”

These words were obviously addressed to Xu Tong.

After finishing speaking, Cao Huasheng didn't forget to look back, but after seeing no trace of Xu Tong's face, he could only turn around with a little disappointment and leave.

"This coffin again..."

Xu Tong frowned only after Cao Huasheng left.

He took out the straw paper that Gao Zhuo gave him, on which was written the task information about the coffin. After Xu Tong glanced over it, he didn't find any problems.

Simply stand up and walk towards the ice cellar.

"Stay here!"

Xu Tong ordered Guo Yi to stand in front of the ice cellar door, and then walked down the ice cellar.

At this moment, the blood in the ice cellar has been cleaned up by Gao Zhuo, but the smell of blood still lingers in the air.

And that coffin was placed in the middle of the ice cellar.

Xu Tong went to the coffin and tried to put the coffin into the props book again.

"This item cannot be converted into an item card!"

The cold reminder sounded, which made Xu Tong feel even more puzzled. He stretched out his hand and pushed open the coffin lid. Seeing that there was nothing in the empty coffin, Xu Tong inevitably began to ponder.

Why do so many people want this coffin? ?

And what is the material of this coffin? Is it really a thousand-year-old gloomy wood? ?

Thinking of this, Xu Tong tried to take out the Chunyang sword, ready to chop off a corner of the coffin and put it in the item book for a try.

However, just as he was about to do it.

The prompt sound of the item book sounded very inappropriately.

"Submission 3: Strange Coffin and Suspicious Clouds

This is a unique coffin. Many people are asking about the whereabouts of this coffin, protecting the coffin, and finding information clues about the coffin.

Task requirements: Find clues about the coffin while protecting it from damage.

Task time: thirteen days
Task penalty: random"

Good guy, Xu Tong held up the big sword in the air, and when he heard the sudden prompt, he almost lost his waist.

This task will really pick a time.

Or maybe it was because he wanted to split the coffin that the mission was triggered, which is unknown.

Ordinarily, a side mission is nothing to him, but the punishment of this mission, the word random, made Xu Tong feel extremely annoyed.

It's like when you ask your girlfriend what gift do you want for her birthday, it's just as annoying if she casually says something.

Putting away the Chunyang Sword, Xu Tong put a paper figurine in the coffin, and then walked out of the ice cellar.


Seeing Xu Tong come out, Guo Yi immediately locked the ice cellar.

Seeing that Guo Yi had locked the ice cellar, Xu Tong thought for a moment and said, "Tomorrow, you go to the Ministry of Industry to find Yuan Shoushi, and invite him to come!"

(End of this chapter)

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