Infinite script kill

Chapter 637 The source side monk can't afford to play

Chapter 637 The source side monk can't afford to play

"Pills are simple, and one is simple. There is no right way, so it is called Dan. The sky can be cleared by one, the earth can be calmed by one, the valley can be filled by one, and people can live long by one..."

In the courtyard, Xu Tong was sipping tea, and in the other hand was holding the Taishang Danjing given to him by the local fat circle.

Although this book can be used as a prop card to directly increase the probability of alchemy.

But from an ordinary player to the present, Xu Tong deeply felt that what belongs to him is the real powerful truth.

The item card is just an auxiliary means.

Even in the later stages, the auxiliary effect of item cards will become smaller and smaller.

As Master Song Lao said, in all walks of life, no matter what you do, even if you are an ordinary worker, when you achieve the ultimate, you strive for a connotation.

Besides, every time he reads this book, the corners of Xu Tong's mouth will always rise slightly. This is what his good brother sacrificed his life for, so I have to cherish it.

Xu Tong is studying, and Guo Yi in the yard is practicing boxing.

Guo Yi still practiced the same set of boxing techniques that practice Taibao horizontally, but after becoming a master, every movement, every punch and every palm has already affected the air around him. But the physical body is already comparable to King Kong.

I don't know if Brother Guo meets Gu Xibai, a martial idiot, and the two fight against each other, regardless of the bonus of item cards, Gu Xibai, a martial idiot, has a slight chance of winning.

"My lord, it's been a few days, why are those monks outside taking the trouble to come here!"

San Niang was carrying a food box and placed it on the small table next to Xu Tong. Hearing the sound of chanting outside, she couldn't help complaining.

Across the yard, the sound of chanting sutras made people disturbed. This is the hot and scorching summer time, and there is not even a moment of peace, which is very annoying.

It turned out that Xu Tong refused to go out or meet people these few days, so that there were often some monks blocking the door to chant sutras and Buddha.

I hope to feel my son with sincerity and invite him to come out to meet him.

It's just that this sincerity reached Sanniang's ears like an annoying fly, thinking: "What kind of person is my family's heir, who will pay attention to you stinky monks!"

As Sanniang said, she opened the food box in her hand, and the cold air inside formed ice mist in the hot air and overflowed.

I saw a beautiful copper plate inside the box, on which was snow-white soufflé.

crisp mountain.

Similar to real ice cream.

Not even in terms of taste.

The production method is also very simple. Heat the puff pastry until it is almost melted and very soft. Then, pour it on a plate or other utensils, and make a mountain shape while pouring it. Then, put it in the ice cellar and freeze it. with milk and ghee.

It seems to be a simple method, but it is not something ordinary people can eat. Huangyi has a cook who specializes in making crispy rice, so Xu Tong can feast on it.

Xu Tong put down the book and took a bite of the soufflé. It was cold and sweet, and it tasted so refreshing.

While eating, he asked, "Have you bought all the medicines I want?"

Sanniang thought for a while, then shook her head and said: "There are still some medicines, such as euphorbia and daphne, these medicines are not sold in pharmacies, but most of them are available."

After finishing speaking, Sanniang couldn't help asking: "My lord, what do you want these medicines for? If you feel uncomfortable, you can ask the doctor at Huangyi to have a look. Why bother to prepare it yourself."

"Idle is idle."

Xu Tong didn't answer Sanniang, but just answered casually, but it was not a lie.

After all, he is really free now.

Before, Guo Yi was asked to look for Yuan Shoushi, but Yuan Shoushi was rushing to repair the Ming Hall. It was said that His Majesty was about to hold a Buddhist Profound Altar Ceremony, and the restoration of the Buddha statues in the Ming Hall was urgent, so he was not allowed to leave easily.

Yuan Shoushi couldn't come, and it was inconvenient for him to go out.

Those bald donkeys outside stared at him every day, maybe the great Buddhist protector was waiting outside, if he really went out, there would be more troubles.

After all, being number three in the world is still very brave.

So since you are idle, you might as well collect some precious medicinal materials and try alchemy.

"Oh, by the way, I have already finished the lamp you asked me to make, my lord."

At this moment, Sanniang seemed to remember something, and immediately ran to the kitchen, and took out a newly made five-sided lamp from the back of the kitchen.

The lantern is not beautifully made, but it looks very strong.

After Xu Tong expressed his thanks, Sanniang went back to the kitchen to prepare dinner for Xu Tong.

Looking at the lantern, Xu Tong thought in his heart that the master passed on his own technique of yellow plague, and now it is too late.

Just as he was thinking about it, a follower walked up to Xu Tong: "My lord, someone is coming from the palace."


Xu Tong lifted his spirits and thought, "Finally here we are."

Just as he was about to get up and change his clothes, when he saw the attendant's expression was very strange, he couldn't help but sat down again: "Is there anything else?"

The entourage nodded: "Well, you... also brought a big monk with you!"

"Great monk??"

Hearing this, Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad premonition for an instant.

Sure enough, Xu Tong soon saw the eunuch from the palace, and... the great monk Yuanfang.

"Amitabha, the poor monk paid homage to the son, and he didn't see him for a few days. The son has become more diligent in Buddhism!"

I saw the great monk on the side of the source walking side by side with a father-in-law walking lightly and in small steps.

As soon as Yuan side entered the courtyard, the pupils of his eyes glistened with golden light, and after a glance, his face immediately showed joy.

Sure enough, the inborn Buddha body was gone, but to Yuan Fang's surprise, Xu Tong had a Buddha's light on his body, and there was even a golden seal of Buddhism on his forehead and between his brows.

Others can't see it, but the source side can see it clearly. The golden seal of Buddhism is a symbol of Buddhist supernatural powers. From the golden seal, it is the seal of their Buddhist Vajra.

It's only been a few days since I haven't seen him, and the golden seal of Buddhism has been completed, so it's no wonder Yuanside is so pleasantly surprised.

The eunuch on the side stepped forward with a smile, and before Xu Tong could speak, he lowered his voice and said, "Xuanshengyu, Prince Gong's son Li Zheng, is just, gentle and respectful, and good at Buddhism. I heard that the son has no good teacher. Order the Great Master of the Dharma Protector of the Daxiangguo Temple to pass on the teachings personally, and lead me to practice the Dharma when I wait for the Xuantan Grand Ceremony! This is it!!"

When Xu Tong heard the imperial decree, he couldn't help being dazed for a few seconds, and he didn't wake up until the prompt sound from the item book came.

"Main line task 1: Salute with the sky

The Xuantan Grand Ceremony will be held soon, and it will be a grand ceremony where all nations come to court. The empress needs someone to replace her to attend the Xuantan Grand Ceremony and lecture on Buddhism.

Task requirements: Follow the side of the source side archmage and get the approval of the source side archmage.

Task time: January

Mission penalty: If the main mission fails, the player will be forcibly kicked out of the script world. "

Hearing the prompt, Xu Tong's mouth twitched, and he squinted at the great monk Yuan, thinking: "Isn't this forcing a good man into prostitution! Baldy, can't you afford it!"

On the other hand, the great monk on the source side smiled, his face full of peach blossoms, no matter how you looked at it, he looked like the face of a big prostitute.

The old eunuch on the side is the old mother of the brothel, and she persuaded Xu Tong who was going to sea for the first time with earnest words:
"My son, this is a great blessing. Master Yuanside, but Xuanzang personally passed it on. I don't know how many people have broken their heads and want to worship under him, but they can't find the way. But my son can enjoy the blessing alone. Really What a blessing."

Watching the old eunuch give each mouthful a blessing, and each mouthful a blessing, Xu Tong silently raised his head, looked at the empty sky above his head, and let out a long sigh of resignation: "Then...thank you, Your Majesty!"

What else can I do.

If the old eunuch is the old mother in the brothel, then this empress is the world that makes people unable to struggle.

Since you can't struggle, then relax and enjoy it.

After seeing off the old eunuch, the atmosphere in the yard was weird for a while.

Sanniang, Guo Yi and the others all glared at Yuan.

And the great monk looked at Xu Tong with a smile on his side.

Those wretched eyes made Xu Tong's goosebumps stand up uncontrollably, thinking: "It really is karma, I should have thrown the corpse on the source side into the latrine if I knew it earlier!"

"Master, this move of yours is too nasty!!"

Xu Tong was silent for a moment and finally spoke.

Hearing the words on the source side, he was not annoyed at all, but his sharp-edged face was smiling brightly, like a prostitute entering a room, the more you called me, the more excited I became, and I almost shouted: "You can't break your throat if you call me!" Someone will come to save you!"

"Amitabha, my son will not see you behind closed doors, and the poor monk can only make such a bad plan. I don't know my son, but this poor monk has been preparing for this for many days, and I have offended many people!"

With a smile on his side, Yuan took out the [Da Mo Ke Sutra] from his sleeve, which was the one that was lost by Xu Tong in the ghost market before.

The source side did not lie, in order to facilitate this matter, the source side used almost all the connections.

So early in the morning in the court hall, some people persuaded the sage to choose someone else to perform on the grounds that the Grand Ceremony of the Xuantan was too complicated and laborious, and His Majesty presided over it in person, which would inevitably hurt the phoenix's body.

As soon as this remark came out, it was impossible to know how many people were offended.

The reason why the Empress held the Xuantan Grand Ceremony is precisely because Buddhism was supported by the Empress alone.

The prosperity of Buddhism is also implicated in the relationship of an unknown number of families.

If the empress cannot preside over it in person, the significance of the Xuantan Puja will be greatly reduced.

Wu Xiang even objected in court.

However, many civil servants and officials felt that this was an excellent opportunity, and they even asked to withdraw this Xuantan ceremony on the grounds of the saint's phoenix body.

The people on both sides quarreled violently, and the empress was so angry that she scolded all the officials.

Afterwards, Yuan met with him, and when he talked about Li Zheng, it was all about boasting. He also said that the son of the emperor recited the Dharma every day, and there were monks outside the gate of the imperial post to chant sutras for him every day.

It was this operation on the source side that made the empress move her mind and signaled that Li Zheng would replace him.

In this way, the Profound Altar Ceremony will be held normally.

Secondly, as a descendant of the Li family, Li Zheng was able to appease the old ministers and reduce their resistance to Buddhism.

And this is exactly what the source side really wants, otherwise why didn't the source side come to Xu Tong during this period of time, since you have closed the doors and windows tightly, then I can only be rogue and directly tear down your roof.

Seeing that the matter was a foregone conclusion, Xu Tong rolled his eyes, and instead of picking up the book handed by the monk at the source, he turned around and walked out the door.

"Where is the son going??"

Seeing this, the great monk on the source side hurried to follow.

Xu Tong paused, and suddenly remembered something, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he recited a poem: "Two beauties dancing, floating like clouds and immortals. You will never tire of joy, and come to spin at dawn." After reading the poem, he raised his head and practiced. With a serious Central Plains accent, he said two words: "Nvpiao, Nvchang..."

(End of this chapter)

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