Chapter 638
Hearing the word prostitution, the great monk on the source side was also stunned, opened his mouth, and was almost bitten by his tongue.

When he regained his senses, Xu Tong had already gone out.

"Amitabha, sin, sin!"

Yuan clasped his palms together, and if there was divine help under his feet, he followed Xu Tong closely in a moment.

"Brother Guo, hurry up and chase after me, you can't let the son learn badly!"

Seeing that Guo Yi hadn't recovered yet, Sanniang stretched out her hand to pinch Guo Yi.

In Sanniang's eyes, the son doesn't need to learn any Buddhist teachings at all, he is a god who saves the suffering, if it makes those brothel maids dirty, it will be a great sin.

Immediately, he pinched and twisted Guo Yi's waist fiercely. Even if Guo Yi's master-level Henglian Taibao grinned his teeth in pain, he woke up suddenly, clutched his big waist, roared, and hurriedly chased after him. Go up: "My lord, no!!"

The streets of Luoyang are paved with blue stones, and there are many shops on both sides of the street, restaurants and restaurants. From time to time, you can see Hu merchants leading camels, bringing full gold and silver goods into the city.

Speaking of which, I have been in Luoyang City for a while.

This place where you gave birth and raised yourself is now at the peak of its most prosperous era.

Whether it is the Song, Yuan, Ming, or Qing Dynasties, Luoyang has no glory to speak of, let alone surpassing this era.

So since I can't change the fact that Yuan Fang is by my side and wants to learn Buddhism by myself, I might as well step out and take a good look at Luoyang City in this peak era.

"My lord, you don't really want to go to Tanhualou, that's not a place we can go."

Guo Yi leaned forward ignorantly, pulled Xu Tong's arm, and advised him earnestly: "If the prince knows that you have gone to that kind of place..."

"My father can be so happy, do you believe it!"

Xu Tong rolled his eyes and finished the rest of the sentence for him.

"My son!!"

Seeing that he couldn't persuade him, Guo Yi turned his eyes, looked to the side, and said coldly: "Monk, don't you want to teach the Buddha Dharma, how can you see the son go to such a place!"

I have to say that Guo Yiren looks big and thick, but his brain is still extremely flexible. Seeing that he couldn't persuade him, he even thought of pulling the monk Yuan to persuade him.

"My son was born with a Buddha body, pure and flawless, so how could he easily ruin his practice!"

Yuan said with a smile on his side: "If the son is romantic, I'm afraid this Yuanyang body will be gone long ago, why wait until now!"

"Hey! Don't get me wrong, it was my father who took care of me. Now that my father is in Sichuan, he can't take care of me."

Xu Tong pursed his lips, and immediately vetoed the source's statement: "You are going to take me into Buddhism to become a monk, so why don't I go and have a good time and experience what it means to be romantic and happy, I am not at a loss!"

The source side frowned, and when he heard this, he really couldn't make up his mind to pay attention. He knew that these words were just angry words, but what if...

"Don't talk nonsense, sir, you need to know the pink skull, the so-called sexual desires of men and women are just a bunch of stinky skins after all, I hope you don't ruin your practice just to get angry with the poor monk!"

"You also said that it is practice, and since it is practice, how can it be considered practice if you don't experience it yourself."

Xu Tong slowed down his pace as he spoke, and looked at the pedestrians around him: "This world is full of material desires, but in the future, in the era where money is paramount, these are nothing, and there are more exciting things, blindly dodging and escaping. , and finally become a Buddha, in my opinion, it is no different from the clay sculptures in temples."

The source side fell silent for a moment.

What Xu Tong said, my senior brother also said it, and even my master once said similar words, otherwise, how could he go west to learn scriptures.

Even senior brother Jianzhen decided to go east to the Wa Kingdom, because he wanted to imitate his master, experience all kinds of hardships in the world, and verify his own Dharma.

"The son really has the root of wisdom, so the poor monk might as well follow the benefactor to take a look around in this rolling world of mortals."

Yuan put his hands together, facing Xu Tong's intentional temper, instead of being angry, he strengthened his mind, and must follow Xu Tong's side, use Buddhist teachings to influence him, enroll him in Buddhism, and prolong his luck for his Buddhism.

"Hmph, you monk, you are full of Dharma, I don't think you are much better!"

Guo Yi saw that the monk not only failed to persuade the son, but wanted to go to the brothel with the son, his head suddenly felt dizzy, and he stepped forward to grab Xu Tong's arm: "My son, we can't go to that place!"

As Guo Yi said, he patted his pocket and hinted to Xu Tong that they had no money.

The money in Guo Yi's pocket is only a dozen taels of silver.

The money was all given to Guo Yi by Xu Tong from the silver taels sent by Jiang Zhen, the prefect of Yuyang.

A dozen taels is considered a windfall in this era.

At least enough for an ordinary family of four, at least two years.

But if you want to go to the burnt gold cave in Tanhualou, if you take out this little money, you may be beaten by others.

I'm afraid it's not even enough money to buy Huaci.

On the way to Luoyang before, Wu Fan often mentioned Tanhualou, a place where there are so many high-rollers who have invested a lot of money that ordinary people can't afford to go.

Although Xu Tong is not an ordinary person, he is indeed very poor now, because there is no wealth in his luck, even though he has the means to make money, even turning stone into gold.

But if the money can't be spent as soon as possible, it will affect your luck instead.

Guo Yi just took a fancy to this son's lack of money, and planned to use such a realistic method to dispel the idea of ​​his son.

As a result, when Xu Tong heard this, he looked at Guo Yi's wallet with disdain on his face: "Any fun linked to money is low-level, and the essence of truly high-level fun is only two words."

"Two words??"

Guo Yi looked at Xu Tong blankly.

Just listen to Xu Tong pouted: "Whore for nothing!"

While the three were talking, they had already walked to the front of the Tanhua Tower.

Pedestrians passing by saw that Xu Tong and Guo Yi were fine, but when they saw the great monk Yuan side who was following Xu Tong, they couldn't help casting strange glances.

The source was very calm about this, and walked forward without changing his expression.

After all, Buddhism has reached his level, and he no longer cares about the worldly people's eyes.

"My lord, do you want to buy Hua Ci? It's 50 taels cheaper. I guarantee you can get in!"

Before reaching the front of the building, some people gathered around and began to sell their flowery words.

Xu Tong glanced at it, good guy, the so-called flowery words are all pornographic and vulgar.

Just like Zhao Zilong's battle with Li Kui, the kind that was not allowed to write at the beginning, no wonder it is called Huaci, it is indeed quite flowery.

But this thing, 50 taels? ?

Xu Tong suddenly felt that the little ink in his stomach seemed to be really not difficult.

Of course, these so-called flowery words are actually just a cover, the purpose is to give those local tyrants who have no ink in their stomachs an excuse to enter the brothel.

After all, being talented doesn't mean being rich. If it's true that all of them will go whoring for nothing, the girls in the brothel will starve to death long ago.

Moreover, such flowery words and sounds are not something that can be done casually.

A copy of Huaci is 50 taels, of which 30 taels belong to the brothel, ten taels are for those gangsters, and the last ten taels are for yourself.

Even so, there are still many people who have broken their heads to do this business.

Seeing more and more people crowding around to sell Huaci, Guo Yi was so annoyed that he couldn't help but snort coldly.

I saw Guo Yi's face turned cold, exuding a murderous aura like an iron hell king, and finally scared away these people who came to promote Huaci.

The three of them came to the downstairs of Tanhua with strides. When they looked up, the three-story gate of the building was exquisitely carved, and even the signboard on it was made of iron pens and silver hooks. There was a talent in calligraphy.

The three words "Tanhualou" alone are probably worth thousands of gold.

But compared to the door of this building, the girls upstairs lying in front of the attic window are even more eye-catching.

Although Da Zhou regards being fat as beautiful, there are rules and regulations for being fat. In today's words, a bulge and a warped back are slightly fat, and a big belly is pure fat.

The women who can stand in front of the window are all fat and thin, beautiful and moving.

Although it is not an oiran, it is also the signboard of Tanhualou.

Passers-by all raised their heads, looked at their faces and secretly swallowed and spit.

Even if you can't get in, it's good just to have a look.

In front of the brothel gate, there is a woman guarding it exclusively. If she wants to go in, if she doesn't have a poem in her hand, she will make a poem here in public.

You can only enter with the woman's approval.

But don't think that people are easy to fool. In fact, except after the Qing Dynasty, women in brothels can be regarded as the trend of the times.

He is full of ink, but he is not much worse than those scholars.

Even the poems of some talented women have been recited by others.

If you want to fool people, it is tantamount to a large-scale social death scene.

Once the reputation is spread, it will be difficult to mix in the circle in the future.

So in front of the brothel, many scholars are standing downstairs waiting, what are you waiting for? ?

"Hey, there are monks!!"

At this time, Xu Tong and the three came over, and some people saw the monks at Yuan's side dressed up, and they couldn't help looking sideways.

Both surprised and amused in his eyes.

Don't monks always say that they are not close to women, so why did a monk come to the brothel today?

The source side ignored the strange eyes from around, and followed Xu Tong to the woman guarding the gate.

"Wait, the three... are you going to enter the door??"

The woman guarding the door looked at Xu Tong and the other three with strange expressions, or at Yuan Fang.

"Of course!"

Xu Tong nodded: "We are here to practice!"

As he spoke, he still did not forget to wink at Monk Yuanside, which made Monk Yuanside's heart feel a little queasy.

" there any fancy words?"

The woman holds out her hand.

Instead, Xu Tong's eyes widened: "What, you want me to spend money before you even enter the door?"

Hearing this, everyone rolled their eyes, only to hear someone in the crowd sneer and say: "Hehe, what a joke, what are you doing here if you don't have money? Get the hell out of here! It's also a fairy tale to get alms in a brothel!"

"Didn't you can get in by writing poems??"

Xu Tong ignored everyone's cynicism and seriously asked the woman in front of him.

Seeing Xu Tong's serious appearance, the woman couldn't help but sneered: "There is such a rule, you can also compose poetry?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone laughed.

Anyone who can enter the brothel with poetry is recognized by everyone, and they are all masters in the literary world. Few people recognize the three in front of them, so what kind of poems can they come up with as a stepping stone.

But it's not like there are two fools who use other people's poems to make up their numbers.

It's a pity that the ink in people's stomachs is not blown out. The poems that can successfully enter the brothel with poems are probably known to the world. Whoever dares to impersonate is not a joke.

If it is light, it will be beaten, and if it is serious, it will be sent to the government.

Xu Tong turned to look at the source side: "Monk, aren't you very puzzled about how I practiced Buddhism!"

Yuan raised his head, only to hear Xu Tong recite a poem with a smile:
"I don't practice good deeds in my life, I only love to kill and set fire. Suddenly, I opened the golden rope. I tore the jade lock here. A letter came from the tide on the Qiantang River. Today I know that I am me!"

When Xu Tong recited this poem, everyone around was stunned, and everyone stood there speechless.

The people who come to the brothel for entertainment are either talented people from the south of the Yangtze River or celebrities in the literary world. Among them are some regular customers who spend money to buy fancy poems.

But to be able to make love here, if there is no ink in the stomach, how can it be done.

Therefore, when I heard that this young man really spoke well, I was shocked at first, and then I was shocked by this poem.

"What a strange poem? Never heard of it??"

When everyone heard this poem, they looked at each other for a while, and there were many talented people present, who frowned after hearing this poem.

It's not that the poem is bad.

But this poem is a little esoteric and needs to be savored carefully.

The poems were murderous at first, but later on, there was a feeling of enlightenment.

The golden rope and jade lock are just the utilitarianism in the world. Only when you break the golden rope and jade lock, you will be enlightened and you will know your true self.

The great monk on the source side stood behind Xu Tong, and when he heard this poem, his body shook immediately, and he looked at the prince with horror on his face. There is actually some truth of Buddhism hidden in this poem. Could it be that this kid is really Once enlightened, will you be born with a Buddha body? ?

The Dharma is boundless and profound.

However, very few talented people are willing to compose poems with the theme of Buddha. Xu Tong sang this poem casually, which seems murderous, but it has great wisdom.

Sure enough, there is a predestined relationship with my Buddha. This poem is enough to be passed down to future generations!


Quack air, a bit heavier.

But it's normal to think about it, after all, the son is young and energetic, and at the age of full blood, it is natural for him to dream of fighting the sword and traveling the world.

In fact, the monk on the source side was thinking too much. The reason why Xu Tong was able to recite this poem was purely because he followed the TV series "Water Margin" played in the hospital.

As for Tang Poetry and Song Ci, hehe, go to hell, he really can't recite a single sentence.

It is difficult to be a copywriter.

However, although Xu Tong does not know Tang Poetry and Song Ci, in reality, not only Tang Poetry and Song Ci, but also many popular masterpieces, Xu Tong has heard of them all.

"Why, I won't talk now, it's still too profound, you can't understand??"

Xu Tong looked at the woman in front of her who was too surprised to speak, then turned to look at Yuan who was already shocked behind her.

"Master, take this poem as a flowery poem for you."

Just listen to what Xu Tong said, and then recite another poem to the girls on the door and window of the building.

"I once thought that being too sentimental would damage the holy life, and I was afraid that I would not fall into the city when I entered the mountain.

The world is safe and secure, and it is worthy of Tathagata and worthy of Qing. "

As soon as this poem came out, there was a resounding sound, and in an instant, the girls in the brothel were so moved that their eyes turned red, and they stared straight at the young man, their eyes were full of intoxicated passion.

There are so many love poems in the world, but there is no one that can compare with that sentence, the world is safe and secure, and you will not fail the Tathagata and not fail the Qing.

It's like showing the romance in a woman's heart to the fullest. For a moment, the whole brothel, no!The people on the whole street are boiling...

(End of this chapter)

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