Infinite script kill

Chapter 639 Buddhist Luck

Chapter 639 Buddhist Luck
If the previous poem may have a bit of Zen, but it may be too esoteric for people to ponder carefully, then this poem is simple and clear.

The simplest words, the most straightforward way, is to describe the identity of the monk, the love for the woman, and the entanglement between the spear and the shield so romantically.

All of a sudden, everyone on the street was stunned.

The women in the brothel recited this poem silently, and their hearts were almost drunk.

Since Chen Xuanzang returned from his journey to the west, Buddhism flourished. People's impression of Buddhism is that it is solemn and majestic, and it transcends sentient beings.

The monks are all strict and self-disciplined. The Qingdeng Ancient Buddha is already the first impression of the monks.

However, when the solemn Buddha and the romance of the world are combined, this strong sense of contrast brings not only a freshness, but also a cognition that breaks the rules.

"Amitabha, sin, sin!"

When Yuanside heard this poem, his face darkened in an instant.

This poem is clearly rebellious, how holy the Buddha is, how can this kind of worldly love be entangled with the Buddha.

This is clearly insulting Buddhism.

There was already a cold look on Yuanbian's face, and he thought: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to practice Buddhism, but you actually use poetry to defile the Buddhist school, do you really think it's my Buddha's ignorance king's anger!"

Thinking of this, Yuanfang snorted coldly, and was about to forcibly arrest this kid and bring him into Xiangshan Temple for severe punishment.

Suddenly he seemed to feel something, slowly raised his head, looked at the sky with a shocked expression, counted with his fingers, and looked at Xu Tong with an even weirder expression.

At the same time, outside the gate of the Ming Hall, the Grand Commander wearing a golden armor and holding a horizontal knife raised his head indifferently, looking at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, with a look of doubt on his brows.

"Come on!" The two Shenwu guards quickly stepped forward.

"Go and find out what those monks are doing recently!"


The two Shenwuwei quickly turned around to send an order. After a while, Shenwuwei, a huge state machine with a large system, began to search quickly, and information one after another began to gather towards Shenwuwei.

It wasn't just Shenwuwei who was alarmed. Outside Zhuangzi outside Luoyang City, a farmer wearing a straw hat and holding a hammer slowly took off the straw hat on his head.

If Xu Tong was here, he would definitely recognize it at a glance. Isn't this the leader of Motuo, Lu Zhi?


Seeing Lu Zhi suddenly looking at the sky without moving, the people on the side couldn't help leaning forward and asking in a low voice, "Master, what happened?"

Lu Zhi looked puzzled and said: "Let someone go and find out, what happened to the Buddhist sect in Luoyang City recently!"


Hun Tianjian.

Gu Peiyuan lay on his rocking chair, closed his eyes and meditated, the air was filled with a bitter herbal smell.

"Master, drink the medicine!"

Nie Haitang walked up to Gu Peiyuan with the medicinal soup, blew on the medicinal soup twice, and delivered the medicinal soup to Gu Peiyuan.

"Hey, this medicinal soup is bitter."

Gu Peiyuan looked at the medicine soup with a tragic expression, as if it was not a good medicine for curing diseases and saving lives, but more like a poison for killing him.

When he was about to open his mouth to drink, he glanced at the sky abruptly, and his pupils tightened suddenly.


The bowl in his hand slipped and fell heavily to the ground.


Seeing this, Nie Haitang turned pale with fright. Seeing Gu Peiyuan lying motionless on the chair and staring at the sky, his small face turned pale for a while, and he stretched out his fingers tremblingly.

"It's not dead!"

Gu Peiyuan suddenly spoke at this time, causing Nie Haitang to let out a long breath: "Master, you almost scared me to death."

Gu Peiyuan shook his head: "Strange, strange, so strange."

"Strange? Master, what's strange??"

Nie Haitang looked up at the sky, but couldn't see anything, so he could only ask Gu Peiyuan.

Gu Peiyuan didn't explain, just took out nine copper coins from his sleeve, threw them casually, and the copper coins rolled to the ground.

His eyes quickly swept across the piece of copper coins on the ground, and the expression on his face became more and more strange.

"It's strange, how come the bald guys in the Buddhist sect suddenly have such a big increase in luck??"

After that, he jumped up from the chair with a chubby body: "Go outside and inquire, but something happened, go!"

Nie Haitang didn't know why, but seeing that Master was so anxious, he didn't care about the medicinal soup, so he left in a hurry.

"Luck!! How did this happen?? Could it be because of his poems??"

At this moment, Yuan was still standing on the spot with the pestle, lost in thought. In a trance, his ears were already filled with the poems written by Li Zheng just now.

Looking back, I saw that everyone around me was chanting obsessively, once was not enough, twice, and twice was not enough three times.

Even those brothel women who are despised by Buddhism are also silently reciting this poem.

In Yuan's eyes, the Buddha seems to have entered people's hearts in another way.

"Quick, please come in, sir!"

The woman in front of the door was overwhelmed with shock, changed her coquettish demeanor just now, and dragged Xu Tong inside.

Before entering the door, the girls upstairs had rushed downstairs.

One bite at a time, they drilled into Xu Tong's arms.

What kind of girl's reserve, go to hell, being able to serve such a son, spreading the word will only make her worth double. If this son is willing to designate the ownership of this poem, it will be even more amazing. With this poem, they can Eat for a lifetime.

Facing the girls rushing forward, Xu Tong never refused, hugging left and right was very happy, and at the same time he did not forget to look back at the source: "Master, why should you be cautious, isn't it also a kind of practice, you and I They are all Buddhas who entered the world, so why worry about the rouge staining the cassocks!"

The corner of Yuan's mouth twitched, and finally he shook his head helplessly and said: "Your Majesty is free, the poor monk has other important matters, the poor monk will come to visit again tomorrow."

In the end, the source side still couldn't let himself enter the gate of the brothel, he just turned around and left in a hurry.


Seeing the source side leave, Xu Tong grinned and snickered: "The wine and meat have passed through the intestines, but the Buddha is kept in the heart, Master, please be careful!"

Yuan side turned around when he heard the words, looked at the prince who had submerged himself in the world of beauty with complicated eyes, clasped his hands together, and said in his heart: "There is no second Chen Xuanzang in the world."

Reciting Amitabha Buddha, he left in a hurry.

Yuan walked away, and Xu Tong felt more at ease. He stretched out his hand and waved to his mother Sang, but the old lady Xu was so excited that she raised her hands in front of her chest and walked over : "Young Master, what are your orders?"

Xu Tong pushed away the girls around him, and under the resentful eyes of all the girls, he stopped Mama Sang's waist: "I have a friend with you, and I happened to be here, take me to meet him."

"My friend, are you talking about that son??"

"The one sent by Hun Tianjian."

"Huntian Supervisor?"

Mom Sang couldn't help hesitating when she heard the words, but Xu Tong slapped Mom Sang on the buttocks: "Don't pretend to be mean, take me to see friends, I'll come again next time, or I won't come in the future."

"Don't don't~"

Mom Sang became anxious when she heard this, who is this?This is the God of Wealth.

There are more local tyrants who spend a lot of money. In the huge Luoyang City, if you throw a brick at random, they are either officials or rich and powerful.

There are eighteen brothels in Luoyang, and there are even more Sijiao workshops in Goulan.

Why do these people come to their house? It's because there are poets in their house who write poems. When they go out, they say that the poems of people who are famous in Luoyang City are made at the door of their house, and that is a golden signboard.

Just based on the two poems just written by this young master, the price of Huaci will be doubled starting tomorrow.

Don't be too expensive, it's limited.

Otherwise, you should go to another house to see if you can have such a strong character.

Mother Sang hurriedly pulled Xu Tong back, but she was still a little worried and wanted to confirm: "Young master is really a friend!"

Xu Tong took his mother Sang's fat and puffy hands, put her two hands on his chest, and looked into the eyes of this mother Sang affectionately.

Rao is mother Sang, a veteran in the love scene, she doesn't know what happened today, her face started to turn red.

"We are close friends, the kind of friends who sacrifice their lives for each other and go through fire and water!!"

When Mama Sang heard this, she thought of the young master, facing the unswerving appearance of the four big oirans, her heart suddenly became clear: "Could it be that you are..."

Xu Tong squeezed the flower with his hands, and pressed it on Mama Sang's vermilion lips: "You understand me!"

"Oh!!" Mama Sang's eyes widened, and the little flames of gossip in her heart jumped up.

The chick nodded frantically like eating rice: "I understand, I understand!!"

"Understood, don't lead the way yet!"

"This way please! It's in the back wing."

After Mama Sang finished speaking, she took Xu Tong straight to the backyard, ignoring the resentful eyes of the daughters behind her.

Passing through the backyard, before approaching, I heard bursts of music.

"Don't worry, the young man is very loyal to you. These days, my four daughters have tried their best, and the young man is still a true gentleman!"

Mother Sangsheng was afraid that Xu Tong would misunderstand, so she hurriedly explained.

Said and pushed open the door: "Girls, let's come out!"

When Mama Sangken let them go, the four girls in the room immediately breathed a sigh of relief and came out of the room one after another.

"You wait outside the door, no one is allowed to come in!"

Xu Tong pointed to the gate of the courtyard, signaling Guo Yi behind him to guard the gate.

Then he waved away Mama-san, tiptoed to the door, and said in a low voice, "Young Master, don't come here without any problems!" As he spoke, he pushed the door open with both hands, and walked in with small steps.

Zhang Haisheng was sitting cross-legged on the bed at the moment, with his hands flat on his chest and lower abdomen, and when he heard the voice, he said, "Please leave, Miss, poor... Huh!!" Xu Tong, who entered the door, couldn't help yelling: "Fuck you! You dare to come, grandson!"

"Amitabha, why should you be angry, the poor monk is here to bring you tea!"

Xu Tong closed the door with a smirk on his face.

Soon there was a crashing sound in the room.

Mama-sang, who was standing in front of the yard, heard the movement, covered her mouth and secretly smiled: "It's probably thunder and fire, it's already started." After saying that, she led the girls away quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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