Infinite script kill

Chapter 640 All are good teammates

Chapter 640 All are good teammates

"Bang bang bang bang!!"

The two of them in the room were indeed fighting fiercely.

He only heard the sound of fists and feet colliding, and Guo Yi frowned outside the door. With his master level, he could tell that although the fists and feet did not kill, the sound of the collision was like thunder, which could break gold and crack stones.

Even a single punch from an ordinary person would be enough to shatter the viscera to pieces.

It must have been a while.

The sound of fists and feet colliding inside finally subsided.

Instead, there was a rough breathing sound.


Zhang Haisheng sat down on the ground, and saw that the room was already a mess, and the tables, chairs and benches had been smashed to pieces.

Zhang Haisheng's entire face was flushed, and beads of sweat dripped down the bridge of his straight nose: "Why are you so hard!"

"A real man should be like this!"

Xu Tong took off the dragon scales on his body, picked up a chair with missing legs and sat down with a smile on his face, made himself a cup of tea without haste, squinted his eyes and looked up and down Zhang Haisheng, only to see that Zhang Haisheng's fists were already torn. , blood dripped on the ground.

Although from the beginning to the end, he was only passively defending, even though Zhang Haisheng's fists rained down on him, but he didn't feel any pain at all.

With the blessing of the Dragon Scale and the Vajra Seal, Zhang Haisheng couldn't easily injure himself with just his own fists.

Zhang Haisheng didn't really want to kill Xu Tong, but just vented his suppressed anger through this punch.

Even though the skin and flesh on his fists were torn, after venting, he finally had a chance to breathe, at least he didn't have to suppress the hot medicine in his body anymore.

"Actually, you can go!"

Xu Tong stretched out his palm and pointed to the gold ring on Zhang Haisheng's wrist, which was Fa Cai's avatar.

As long as Zhang Haisheng is willing, he can use his fortune to destroy the shackles on his feet. With his means, escaping is not difficult at all.

"Why should I run away? This is also a trial for me. If you hadn't come and ruined my practice, I'm afraid my heart is already like glass, and my Dao heart will be improved to a higher level!"

Zhang Haisheng raised his head as if I don't need your concern.

"Then... I'll go!"

Xu Tong sneered.

"do not!!"

Zhang Haisheng quickly raised his head, and said grumblingly, "Stay with me a little longer, do you have any cigarettes?"

"You still smoke!"

As Xu Tong spoke, he rummaged through the item book for a while, took out the cigar box that he treasured before, opened the cigar box, and after Xu Tong's finger stroked the top layer of cigars, he silently took out a cigar from the bottom and handed it over.

"Smoking is not good, it hurts the lungs, smoke this, I don't smoke my cigars for ordinary people!"

Zhang Haisheng took the cigar and always felt that Xu Tong was taking advantage of him, but there was no proof.

But this cigar is a rare good thing. Zhang Haisheng lit the fire, and before he could smoke, the room was already filled with cigarettes.

Looking up, I saw Xu Tong was holding a hookah pipe and had already started to puff.

Zhang Haisheng was stunned, and then began to twitch cursing in his heart.

The two of them sat in the room and puffed out clouds of smoke, as if they were competing in secret to see who would spit out more second-hand smoke.

After a while, the room was already shrouded in thick smoke.

Those who didn't know probably thought that the two of them were going to commit suicide by burning charcoal in the room.

"I'm a little envious of you!"

Finally Zhang Haisheng spoke, but this sentence was somewhat beyond Xu Tong's expectation.

"Envy me?? Envy me being more handsome than you?"

Zhang Haisheng curled his lips when he heard the words: "You are a big-headed ghost, I am envious of your background."

"Hey, you might as well say that you envy me for being more handsome than you. Your background is much better than mine."

Xu Tong sneered, not believing Zhang Haisheng's words at all.

But Zhang Haisheng raised his head resignedly and looked up at the roof beam above his head: "As soon as I was born, an old Taoist priest came to my door and gave me a name, Zhang Haisheng. From then on, I have Qingcheng Mountain inexplicably." 800 years of luck."

Zhang Haisheng talked about his past.

Maybe he is the childhood of the full-level cub in people's mouth. He started to recognize characters at the age of three, and he has the ability of photographic memory at the age of four.

He completed elementary school, junior high school, and high school like a triple jump. His luck is simply not so good.

Whether it is academically or in life, everything goes smoothly. The teachers I met, the classmates I met, the uncles and aunts I met, and even their business seemed to be blessed by God.

Until he thought that he was about to break the record for the youngest age in college with his excellent grades.

He was sent to Qingcheng Mountain, and has since become a Taoist boy in Qingcheng Mountain.

Only learned from his master that he has the luck of 800 years in Mount Qingcheng.

This is the treatment of the protagonist in the novel.

But Zhang Haisheng was not happy at all, because behind this treatment, he was destined to bear the expectations of many Taoist priests in Qingcheng Mountain and achieve a positive result.

"It's not that I'm moaning for nothing. At least before I met you, I was actually quite satisfied. After all, I've got too much, but until I met you."

Zhang Haisheng looked at Xu Tong through the smoke and clouds: "You don't have my luck, but you have good fortune, which should have been shared by the whole world, but in the end it was all swallowed up by you!"

Fortune versus luck, it's hard to say who is higher and who is lower.

Just as Taoist Dongxuan, Taoist master of Mount Qingcheng said, this guy is his nemesis.

When everything goes wrong with him, this guy is like his own nemesis.

"What's even more annoying is that you don't need to bear any responsibilities. You are the only one in your school. You can do whatever you want, but I can't, so I envy you very much."

As Zhang Haisheng said, he took a deep breath of the cigar in his hand, his eyes glowed coldly, like a wolf ready to attack: "Don't give me a chance, I will kill you!"

Hearing this, Xu Tong raised his brows slightly, his face emerged from the thick cloud of smoke, and he spit out a thick cloud of smoke from his mouth on Zhang Haisheng's face: "You are serious!"

Xu Tong pointed to Zhang Haisheng's handcuffs. Most of his strength is suppressed now. If he wanted to kill him, it would be easy.

Zhang Haisheng raised his head and rested his head on the bed behind him, letting his slender neck stand up: "Just this one chance, don't let it become a regret."

Seeing Zhang Haisheng's appearance, Xu Tong grinned.

"Hey hey hey..."

The sound of laughing at the beginning can be controlled, but with a smile, the laughter becomes crazy.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Outside the courtyard gate, Guo Yi looked back at the courtyard gate suspiciously, wondering why his eldest son was smiling so happily.

"why are you laughing!"

Seeing Xu Tong laughing and getting happier, Zhang Haisheng was a little annoyed.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words fell, Xu Tong stepped forward and kissed Zhang Haisheng hard on the forehead: "I knew it, you must be my good teammate!"


Zhang Haisheng was taken aback.

"Yes, don't you want to kill me? Join the team. There is more than one person in the team who wants to kill me. When I get the team together, you all go together!"

"Kill you, I don't need help!"

"Then you have to join the team even more. After all, if you don't join the team, what if someone else kills me? After all, it's easier to stab me in the back than in the front."

Xu Tong continued to induce.

Zhang Haisheng stared at Xu Tong with a cold face and remained silent.

After Xu Tong finished speaking, he glanced at the cigar that was already burned to the end in Zhang Haisheng's hand, stood up and walked out: "Hey, you can take your time to think about it, but the space is limited, first come, first served!"

"Hmph! It's a beautiful idea."

Zhang Haisheng snorted coldly, regretting secretly, this guy was not fooled, if he really did something, the matter would be easier.


After saying it was a pity, Zhang Haisheng picked up the cigar in his hand and put it near his mouth to take a puff, but after taking this puff, he saw a burst of flames suddenly flashing from the carbonized tobacco of the cigar.

Immediately following the explosion of "Bang!", the sky was full of smoke, half of Zhang Hai's face was blown black by the firecrackers, and he stared blankly at the cigar that exploded like a chrysanthemum between his fingers: "This bastard..."

Hun Tianjian.

"There is peace in the world, and you can live up to the Tathagata and live up to you..."

Holding the poem in his hand, Nie Haitang couldn't help but think of what the prince did in Yuyang City: "I didn't expect that he could write such a poem. I underestimated him."

"Hmph, this bald donkey on the source side, this time he really picked up a treasure."

Do Feiyuan sat aside and said angrily.

Now the entire city of Luoyang is spreading the praises of Li Zheng's two poems. The former is a great enlightenment, and the latter is a Buddha who entered the world. This has invisibly brought much luck to Buddhism.

No matter how much His Majesty the Lord of Ten Thousand Vehicles supports Buddhism, Taoism is still the state religion.

Today is also a prosperous age, and the means of spreading Buddhism are extremely scarce, that is, in Luoyang, Chang'an, Buddhism is prosperous, but in other places, who is full enough to support Buddha.

Is it not enough to enjoy the wealth and splendor in reality, and only go to eat fast and chant Buddha when you are full.

But now Li Zheng's poem can be regarded as a stepping stone to open up people's psychological resistance to Buddhism.

After this poem was eulogized yesterday, there was an endless stream of pilgrims from Xiangshan Temple, including family members of famous nobles. It should be the scene of this poem.

This has also led to the fact that in several temples around Luoyang, well-dressed boys and girls are often seen standing in front of the temple gate, reciting this poem as if something is going on.

You imagine that picture.

The golden boy and the jade girl recited poems affectionately in front of the Buddha statue, and the monks who chanted beside them felt much more uncomfortable.

I couldn't find a wife, and I became a monk, but you came to the temple and forced me to eat dog food, and it was so disgusting.

In the past, no matter whose family you are, the rich and powerful son will be kicked out for you.

But now it is not possible. The Yuanside monk left in a hurry, not because he was really frightened by the brothel, but because he realized the benefits that this poem would bring to Buddhism, he quickly ran to the temple and warned the monks in the temple.

This poem must not be slandered, not only cannot be slandered, but also praised.

Even in some chicken thief temples, monks will wait for these nobles to recite poems, and they will specially tap the copper foil to create an atmosphere for them.

So much so that on this day, there is an endless stream of pilgrims going to the temple.

You know, this is something that I never dared to think about before.

The reason why the Buddhist sect was eager to hold the Xuantan Dharma Assembly was precisely because they realized that the luck of their Buddhist sect was only a temporary gain, and that luck was declining with the life of the empress every day.

Some people even speculated that once the empress falls, Buddhism will inevitably pay a heavy price for its power during this period.

Now that luck has suddenly increased, this is something that no one has thought of.

It's no wonder that he was so plump and round that he slapped the table with anger.

If he had known that this prince, Li Zheng, would still have such an amazing talent, he would tell His Majesty as soon as he said anything, drive this prince out of Luoyang as soon as possible, give him any official position, and send him back to the land of Bashu to wait. go.

But after Doi Maru finished speaking, he suddenly laughed again.

Nie Haitang and Zhao Peng didn't know why, Nie Haitang asked, "Master, what are you laughing at?"

Do Feiyuan patted his belly: "Hey, why are we in a hurry, the luck of Buddhism has suddenly improved, I'm afraid the old Taoist priests in Chongxuan Hall are in a hurry."

As he spoke, he motioned to Zhao Peng: "Go, take my name card and go to the Chongxuan Hall, just say that I invite that miscellaneous old man to come to the Six Arts Hall to have a good chat..."

When it came to the Liuyi Pavilion, for some reason, the chubby and chubby face showed a bit of melancholy, and he said to himself: "I don't know if that old woman is willing to see me, but I don't have much time. people..."

(End of this chapter)

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