Infinite script kill

Chapter 641 Turkic messenger

Chapter 641 Turkic messenger

"That's what I heard. At one time, the Buddha was in the Trayali Heaven, teaching the Dharma for his mother. Then, in the immeasurable worlds in the ten directions, all Buddhas can't be talked about..."

In Xiangshan Temple, under a locust tree, Xu Tong is slowly nibbling an apple.

He looked at Guo Yi who was standing under the sun practicing boxing.

Sitting cross-legged on one side, reciting the Sutra of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

Regardless of whether Xu Tong could listen to it or not, the source recited the scriptures meticulously, his voice resounding like a bell, and every word was mysterious and mysterious.

"In the three thousand great thousand worlds, all the vegetation, forests, rice, hemp, bamboo, reeds, mountains, rocks and dust, each thing counts as one Ganges River, one Ganges River sand, one sand and one realm; within one realm, one dust and one kalpa, one kalpa Within, the amount of dust accumulated will be filled to the brim..."

As a disciple of Xuanzang, whether he likes to admit it or not, the sound of chanting on the source side will give people a sense of ethereal tranquility.

Even the attendants who were sitting in the shade of the trees enjoying the shade were fascinated by it. Even if they couldn't understand it at all, they still felt that the words and sounds were infinitely mysterious.

Even the pilgrims passing by couldn't help but stop and listen to the monk Yuanside recite scriptures.

However, Xu Tong just gnawed on the apple and didn't listen to a word.

However, the auspiciousness in the hall was relished, and the two little paws clasped together, imitating Yuan Fang's appearance, and silently recited the scriptures.

There is already a faint Buddhist aura on his body.

After reading a scripture, Yuan saw that Xu Tong was about to fall asleep, so he couldn't help saying helplessly: "Let's stop here for today's lecture. If you have nothing else to do, you can do what you want."

"This is the end!"

As soon as Xu Tong heard that the chanting was over, he immediately sat up and shook his head: "Then I'm leaving."

"My son only needs to remember our agreement!"

This time there was no obstruction from the source side, just reminding Xu Tong of their agreement.

"Do not worry!"

Xu Tong patted his butt, stood up and walked outside the temple.

Guo Yi looked at the backs of Xu Tong and the others, and wanted to say something, but the monk on the source side had already come to him, and raised his hand to pat him on the shoulder. This light pat, seemingly random, almost made him Guo Yi lay on the ground.

"Practice boxing to concentrate!"

Hearing this, Guo Yi could only look away and concentrate on practicing boxing.

It turned out that since Xu Tong's poems became famous in Luoyang, instead of affecting Buddhism, but instead boosting the luck of Buddhism, Yuan Fang stopped forcing Xu Tong to stay by his side and recite Buddhism.

It's just that the two agreed to listen to the source and recite a Buddhist scripture every day, and asked Xu Tong to write two more poems for Buddhism.

In exchange, Yuan Fang began to personally teach Guo Yi Buddhist boxing.

Two hours a day is not a long time, but for a great master like Guo Yi, two hours a day is enough.

After leaving the Xiangshan Temple, the Longmen Grottoes are not far away.

It was originally a grotto that was built during the Northern Wei Dynasty. Now, in order to cater to today's saints, the Buddhist gate has started to repair again, and many craftsmen have been invited to complete the Lushena Buddha.

Now it is nearing the end.

It seems that it is going to be completed before the start of the Xuantan Ceremony.

Xu Tong had been to this place before in real life, so he wasn't very interested and was about to go back to Huangyi for a rest.

A person standing in front of him stopped Xu Tong: "My son, is it a habit to recite scriptures and Buddha?"

The person standing in front of Xu Tong was none other than Cao Huasheng, a bad guy whom he hadn't seen for a few days.

"It's okay, the bad handsome man has a lot of things to do every day, why is he interested in looking for me today, it can't be because he found the coffin and returned my innocence."

Xu Tong didn't like Cao Huasheng, but he couldn't say he hated him, so he narrowed his eyes and joked.

"Your Majesty is joking, I am here today to send invitations to your Majesty."

Cao Huasheng didn't mention the coffin, but took out an invitation from his bosom.

Xu Tong took it and took a look.

The invitation card is a big red paper stamp with a bronzing piping pattern, carrying a special fragrance.

When I opened it, I found that there were three-dimensional paper sculptures inside the invitation. As the invitation was opened, the paper sculpture slowly rose into an exquisite small building.

What is even more surprising is that although the small building is made of paper, the doors, windows, tables and chairs are all carved extremely delicately.

The handwriting on the door plaque is amazingly talented, and there is a small mechanism on the paper carving. When Xu Tong opened the invitation card, the door of the Six Arts Hall also opened.

Experts will know if there is one as soon as they make a move. When it comes to playing with paper, Xu Tong can be regarded as a master of the generation.

But this paper carving is so vivid that even modern handicrafts in reality are far less delicate than this.

I remember hearing Wu Fan say that the Six Arts Museum is a place where strange people from all over the world gather. In addition to calligraphy and writing, there are also leaders in various fields of scholars, agriculture, industry and commerce.

As long as you can get the approval of the Six Arts Museum, you can go directly to the Ministry of Households or the Ministry of Industry to seek an official position.

"Tomorrow, foreign envoys will enter Luoyang City and prepare to participate in the Xuantan Dharma Conference. Before that, the Six Arts Hall will also prepare a dinner. The two poems of the prince are famous in Luoyang City. Now the Six Arts Hall specially invites the prince. See the demeanor of the world."

"Six Arts Museum can send someone to come over for this kind of thing, why bother to send it over in person, it's too polite."

Xu Tong put away the invitation and asked casually, seemingly casually.

"Your Majesty doesn't know something. I am a teacher of the Six Art Museum. Granny Honghua is my master. It's fine if it's someone else. But my son is now famous in Luoyang City. Only when I personally deliver it to my door can I show my sincerity."

"Grandma Honghua, Mrs. Yu?"

"Of course, the prince knows??"

"I heard it from a kind person."

Xu Tong raised his brows slightly, remembering that when Lu Zhi scolded Tu Feiyuan for being shameless in Yuyang City, he once mentioned what it was that Tu Feiyuan failed in courtship, so he made a prophecy, leaving Old Madam Yu alone until now.

Unexpectedly, this Old Madam Yu is Cao Huasheng's master, the circle in Luoyang City is really small.

Xu Tong accepted the invitation, bid farewell to Cao Huasheng, and took the people back to Huangyi early.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw that the imperial post was busy, and the eunuchs began to tidy up the courtyard inside and out, and even the vanguard of some foreign envoys had already stepped in.


Dai Yude, the old eunuch of Huangyi, saw Xu Tong from a distance, and immediately walked over to meet Xu Tong: "Your Majesty, recently, there have been a lot of foreigners from abroad. It will not disturb the son."

Ever since the sage ordered Xu Tong to salute on behalf of heaven and participate in the Xuantan Grand Ceremony, the old eunuch suddenly became extremely enthusiastic towards Xu Tong.

This is not without reason.

As an eunuch, Dai Yude's sensitivity to politics is often beyond ordinary people.

Your Majesty can let the eldest son Li Zheng salute on behalf of the heavens. Although this is the secret operation of the monk on the active side, it is also a saint's attitude towards the Li family.

There is an inappropriate saying, the sage is old after all, and after a hundred years, no one dares to say easily whether he will return to the Li family or completely change the dynasty.

In case His Majesty has really moved his mind, and when the time comes to return the power to the Li family, it may not be that the son in front of him has no chance to win the world.

Even if it's not the prince, once the Li family regains control of the government, the status of the prince will skyrocket. That's why Dai Yude's attitude towards Xu Tong has changed so much.

Even the daily meals and fruits provided in Xutong's yard are more than one grade higher than before.

Hearing Dai Yude's words, Xu Tong cupped his hands and said, "That's really thanks to Eunuch Dai."

"Don't dare to dare, if the son has any errands, just tell our family to do it."

While the two were talking, they suddenly heard a dog barking from a distance.

Xu Tong turned his head and saw a group of people and horses coming up the street. Several vicious dogs in front of the vehicles bared their teeth and claws, scaring the people along the street to dodge.

"It's an envoy from the Turks!"

On the horse, wearing a leather armor robe, holding a scimitar, and braided hair makeup, it is undoubtedly Turkic at first glance.

After the people on the street recognized these Turkic people, they not only spat coldly one after another, but even did not forget to curse a miscellaneous sentence to show their respect.

These years Turks have been capricious and have made troubles on the border. Every time they were beaten and disarmed, they dared to send envoys to participate in the Xuantan Puja today. I am afraid that the ulterior motives are not interested in drinking, and they want to ask for peace.

Faced with the provocative eyes cast by the common people, the eyes of these Turkic warriors sitting on horses were even more murderous. They did not restrain the arrogant expression on their faces at all. Fluttering left and right, almost biting someone.

"Hmph, these Turkic barbarians really think this is their place."

Even Eunuch Dai, who had already castrated, became embarrassed when he saw these Turkic envoys.

In their eyes, these savages are the generals of the defeated army, and sooner or later they will have to be wiped out by the Great Tang Divine Army, the men should be killed, and all the women should be treated as slaves.

"My lord, you should go in first, other barbarians have bumped into you, my lord... my lord... oh my ancestor, come back soon, my lord!!"

Before Dai Yude could finish his sentence, Xu Tongren had already walked towards the Turkic team with great strides.

"Wang Wang Wang..."

The vicious dog under the horse smelled the smell of a stranger, and blood glistened from its red eyeballs.

"Black, yellow, and white are here!"

Xu Tong glanced at these vicious dogs, and thought: "If you are really sleepy, I will give you a pillow, just right, all three dogs are complete!"

Dogs who eat human flesh often have blood in their eyeballs.

The more you eat, the redder your eyes become.

This is why I went to the mass graves to look for wild dogs. Although these wild dogs were domesticated, they were often brought to the battlefield, and it was not uncommon for them to eat a few people on the battlefield because they were so hungry.

Even the Turkic people did not have enough food, and killing a few slaves to feed the dogs often happened. These dogs that ate fresh human flesh were much more ferocious than the wild dogs in the mass graves outside.

"Go away!!"

Seeing that someone dared to block the way, the soldier riding in front let go of the iron chain in his hand.

For a moment, these vicious dogs rushed towards Xu Tong like wild horses.

These vicious dogs have been hungry all the way, and finally saw a white and tender little boy, who opened his mouth and spit out sharp fangs.

When Xu Tong saw this, he just took a step back, and then swept his fingers across, a sword aura was born from his fingertips, and the sword aura pierced through the air, passing over the heads of these vicious dogs in an instant.


In an instant, blood was splashed on the street, several huge dog heads rolled to the ground, and the body was still lying on the ground, convulsing and writhing violently.

"it is good!!"

Seeing this, the surrounding people all clapped their hands and applauded.


The leading Turkic warriors watched their pet dog being killed, pulled out the scimitars around their waists, and charged towards Xu Tong on horseback.

These warriors were all elites who crawled out of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood. With their scimitars out of their sheaths, murderous aura surged from their bodies, and this murderous aura gathered into a terrifying storm.

Don't look at their low strength, but they are full of murderous aura, and the aura of several people is twisted together. The slightly low-level Taoism and spells will be washed away as long as they are charged with murderous aura.

It's not difficult to imagine that if the two armies are fighting, the murderous aura is soaring to the sky. I'm afraid it's a Taoist master with all-powerful means, so I dare not approach the battlefield rashly. Bleed out.

This is also the reason why the gold content of martial arts masters is always higher than that of other masters. Masters of different arts are basically weak chickens on the battlefield.

Only martial arts masters are more courageous as they kill.

Facing several cavalrymen galloping towards him, Xu Tong didn't have any intention of hiding it. As soon as he waved his hand, he heard a crisp sound of swords in the air.

The sound of the sword was like a bell, and the shadow of the sword was like a dragon. Without the blessing of any means or prop cards, Xu Tongren had already flew towards the horse in front of him. The sword edge swept across, and a cavalryman slashed down with the sword. As a result, the moment the swords collided.


The all-conquering Turkic scimitar was cut into two in an instant, and the blade pierced through the horse and cut through the chest of the cavalry with unabated power.

This time the blood was like spring water.

Some ordinary people saw such bloody scenes there, and their faces turned pale in an instant. What's more, they immediately opened their mouths and vomited.

However, there are many bloody men among them, clapping their hands and applauding.

Seeing that their companion was beheaded, the other cavalrymen not only did not retreat, but stared wide-eyed, wanting to take advantage of Xu Tong's use of the sword, and take the opportunity to chop off his head.

However, Xu Tong tipped his toes and embraced the moon in his arms in the Tai Chi swordsmanship. The long sword in his hand was like a wandering dragon, and his figure followed the edge of the sword in his hand, easily dodging the scimitar behind him.

Immediately after, the sword edge tapped lightly on the scimitar, and then pulled and shook it behind him.

In the eyes of everyone, it was obviously a slow movement, but it made the two Turkic warriors feel as if the knife in their hands had been hit by a heavy stone, and they fell off the horse along with the machete.


Seeing that Xu Tong was going to kill someone with a horizontal sword, one person in the convoy immediately raised the envoy flag in his hand: "Bold, we are envoys, who are you, dare to kill the envoys!!"

Facing the other party's shout, Xu Tong acted as if he didn't hear it. With a swipe of the sword, he slit the throats of the two cavalrymen.

"it is good!!"

Seeing the body lying in a pool of blood, the people on the side of the road all clapped and applauded.

Dai Yude immediately ran over, and when he saw this, he cried and said, "Your Majesty, you can't kill me, you are causing trouble."

Xu Tong glanced at Dai Yude coldly, the cold eyes made Dai Yude immediately retract his neck, and shut his mouth tactfully.

"The law of the Tang Dynasty states that those who let dogs injure people shall be punished as the crime of fighting and killing people. Although you are foreign envoys, you do not abide by the etiquette and laws. You deserve more crimes if you run dogs in the street. You dare to run horses in the street and use weapons. Those who kill without mercy!"

Xu Tong's gaze was like a torch, and he looked directly at the envoy holding the envoy's flag in front of him: "This is already within the scope of the imperial city, you are not allowed to ride a horse unless you are authorized, get down!"

 Sorry, Kawen wrote a little less today, and I will add more tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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