Infinite script kill

Chapter 642 Enemy Encounter

Chapter 642 Enemy Encounter
Xu Tong's scolding sound carried a thunderous official authority.

Even if there is only the official authority of the fifth rank, the blessing of the official authority is even more terrifying under the feet of the saint. The coercion came, and the Turkic envoy almost couldn't hold the envoy flag in his hand.

Those Turkic warriors with weak willpower couldn't even hold the reins in their hands, and almost fell off their horses.

Even these battle-hardened horses neighed lowly under Xu Tong's official authority, and retreated involuntarily.

Fortunately, there was a faint gleam on the flag, which gradually offset Xu Tong's official authority under the gleam.

The envoy's flag represents the right of immunity. When the envoy travels close to the gate of the country, his own official will report on the horse, and the envoy can only enter the gate of the country after obtaining permission.

Since it was approved, the envoy's flag on the envoy's hand represented a part of immunity.

Naturally, it can offset a large part of Xu Tong's official authority.

Just when these Turkic envoys stood firm and were about to get angry, the carriage behind them slowly opened a corner.

"Get off your horse, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, and you uneducated stalkers will not be tolerated."

When a group of Turkic warriors heard the words, the anger on their faces immediately disappeared, and they jumped off their horses obediently.

At this time, a figure came out from the carriage, under the sunlight, revealing a delicate face.

Hooked nose, big eyes, and a delicate but individual beard, not only did not look sloppy, but brought out the whiteness of his complexion.

He was wearing a bright green brocade leather jacket, the color was very bright, but under his youthful and handsome appearance, even the brightest brocade had already paled in color.

"I'm sorry, I'm not strict with my subordinates. Ashina is here to apologize to the young master. I will be strict with them in the future, and I will never let them disturb the public again."

Although he is a Turkic person, Ashina's Mandarin Chinese is extremely standard. If his appearance is not very different from that of Han people, it would be difficult to tell his origin just by his voice.


The other party looked at Xu Tong, and Xu Tong was also looking at Ashina.

The eye of fate opened, and Ashina's head was full of nobility, with a golden lion coiled in it, holding a hydrangea ball to suppress Ashina's luck.

Such luck really surprised Xu Tong.

When one's luck is at its extreme, it is nothing but Sanyang Kaitai.

Unless fate is special, it is impossible for luck to exceed this limit.

For example, Lu Zhi's Qianlongchuyuan, Li Xi's official black tiger, are all because of their special fate, and they are all luck that require extremely special fate and methods to form in the end.

But the luck of this Ashina in front of him is very against the sky, he is so angry that he runs amok.

A golden lion sits in charge of fate and suppresses luck for him.

Although it is not as heaven-defying as Sanyang Kaitai, this is not the luck that normal people should have.

It's just that his own destiny eye can only see the opponent's luck, but he can't see the opponent's strength.

Since he didn't know the opponent's strength, Xu Tong just carried the Chunyang sword behind his back: "Since that's the case, it's best, as envoys, please don't forget that this is the land of the Great Zhou, under the feet of the saints!"

After all, he glanced at Dai Yude.

Dai Yude immediately understood, and immediately stepped forward: "All envoys, please!"

"Wait a minute, you haven't left your name yet!"

Seeing that Xu Tong turned around and was about to lead the people away, Ashina stepped on the shaft of the car, leaned up and shouted.

Xu Tong walked into the imperial post without looking back, and when he heard Ashina's question, he just uttered two words: "Li Zheng!"

"Li Zheng!!!"

When Ashina heard Xu Tong's name, his heart skipped a beat: "So it's you!"

"He is Li Zheng!"

Two more people came out of the carriage behind Ashina and stood behind Ashina.

One of them stared at Xu Tong's back, with a fierce hatred in his eyes, as if he had a grudge against Xu Tong.

"It's really easy to find nowhere to go. We just entered Luoyang City and found this kid. Captain, look..."

When they entered the script world, they used their privileges and knew that the role played by the player in the script world was none other than Li Zheng.

It's just that they were assigned to the Turkic camp.

This incident is actually quite strange. Even though they used their privileges and even used special props to bless them, they were assigned to the border outside the Great Wall and suffered from the northwest wind for a month.

Ashina also filed an appeal for this, but the appeal failed, and he was told that there was no place in the Central Plains, and they belonged to the world of airborne scripts, so they could only be arranged in the ghost place of Turkic.

Otherwise, with the ability of the shadow group and the blessing of the group leader's luck, at this moment, a large network has already been managed, so how can it be so hasty at this moment.

"Don't worry, the thing is on this kid. You might as well play with him first, and then settle accounts with him slowly after the Xuantan Ceremony starts. Our shadow group's things are not so easy to get."

"That's right, we have the blessing of the Jinyu Linglong Ball. If luck is a miracle, it's not worth messing up the rhythm for this kid." Another person said casually.

Luck blessing, although invisible, but the effect is extremely good, even if they are in Turkic, they can get great resource help, and even complete several side missions with great ease.

Just like at this moment, when they were thinking about how to find Li Zheng, Li Zheng came to the door by himself.

Hehe, this luck is really not ordinary.


When Xu Tong returned to the yard, Da Ya was already lying in front of the hall and said, "I am very familiar with the smell of one of them, like the person who hunted us down in the Northeast last time."

Da Ya is not very sure, but in fact, it is almost impossible to be wrong.

Although the appearance has changed, the smell of the soul has not changed. These people have this special breath, which is exactly the same as the person who hunted them down last time.

The life of the Turks these years has not been easy. Several battles with the Great Zhou have been defeated steadily. The opponent is just an envoy. No matter how noble his status is, it is impossible to be so good.

Although this statement is arbitrary, it is not without reason.

A person's luck is also closely related to the country and identity he lives in.

If you are dropped in Iraq, Afghanistan, or even Somalia, no matter how good your luck is, there is an upper limit.

Suffering to death can turn you into a warlord, a local king, but if you say that you are like Ashina, who is lucky and extravagant, it is neither reasonable nor unreasonable.

Adding Da Ya's words at this moment, Xu Tong was even more sure of the identity of this pedestrian.

"Shadow group!"

The last time Northeast chased and killed him, he ended up being defeated by him with the help of Wuxiantang.

Among them, the captain with a big beard was beheaded by himself with a sword, but because of the obstruction of the beard, he failed to kill the grass.

It seemed that the other party followed him into the script world.


After thinking for a while, Xu Tong suddenly stopped and looked back to see Dai Yude, who was instructing the eunuchs to carry things for the Turkic mission.

"Eunuch Dai!!"

Xu Tong beckoned to Dai Yude.

Seeing this, Dai Yude immediately ran over with his skirt up: "My lord, why haven't you entered the courtyard yet? These Turkic barbarians are the most annoying, but they are envoys after all, and killing envoys without authorization is a big deal. , don't be too impulsive."

In fact, most of the current imperial court's attitude towards the Turks is to adopt a soft policy, not to say that they are afraid, but that they don't want to fight easily.

In the final analysis, it is the reason for the instability of the government. If His Majesty was at his best in the early years, he would beat the Turks and cry for their father and mother.

It's just that in these years, His Majesty's physique has gradually deteriorated, and the government is also undercurrents.

The Wu family and those old officials were fighting openly and secretly, and it was impossible to say that one side would lose, and the whole game would lose. It is obviously not an appropriate time to use force against the Turks.

The Turks also saw this, and began to learn to restrain themselves over the years. It is said that the envoys came here this time to discuss matters of marriage.

"Eunuch Dai is nice to me. How can I make things difficult for you, Eunuch? It's just that I feel righteous indignation, and I left in a hurry just now. Could you ask Eunuch to pick up those dog heads and give them to me?"

Xu Tong warmly took Dai Yude's arm, and said to Dai Yude in a low voice without arousing the eunuch's eunuch smell.

In fact, he wanted to pick it up just now, but there were too many people at that time, and he was worried that his actions would arouse the vigilance of the other party, so he asked Dai Yude to help him pick up the dog's head at this time.

"What else will the son do??"

Dai Yude was not stupid either, knowing that Shizi was going to pick up the dog's head suddenly, he was afraid of what he was going to do, so he hurriedly asked.

"Don't worry, I'm just using it for fun, and I will never do anything to embarrass my father-in-law."

Xu Tong repeatedly assured that Dai Yude could only reluctantly agree, and was about to call someone, when Xu Tong pulled Dai Yu over again: "Eunuch Dai, this Turkic thief is dishonest, you have to make arrangements!"

"Don't worry, my son, I put these Turkic barbarians in the deserted courtyard at the back. It is the most secluded place, and they won't bother you."

Dai Yude pointed to the courtyard at the back, which was made up of several old courtyards.

Although big, it is very dilapidated.

There are several courtyards next to each other, all of which are dilapidated, and some of them are completely abandoned.

Xu Tong glanced at the direction, nodded with satisfaction, took out a wall nail from the props book and handed it to Jixiang, who quickly got into the bushes.

Seeing this, Xu Tong couldn't help feeling sorry for Lu Zhi: "It seems that this yellow plague technique is so powerful that Lu Zhi won't be able to use it..."

(End of this chapter)

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