Chapter 643
In Dazhou, there will be a curfew every night, and the time is not fixed.

The "Palace Guard Order" stipulates that every night when the omissions of the yamen are over, the closed-door drum will be played [-] times, and every morning after [-] o'clock in the morning, the door-opened drum will be played [-] times.Anyone who walks on the streets of the city without reason after the door is closed and before the door is opened will commit the crime of "committing the night" and will be beaten twenty times.

The curfew system also greatly reduces the probability of crime.

But not all year round.

For example, tonight, envoys from various countries gathered in Luoyang City.

The sage made a special decree to temporarily cancel the curfew system from today until the end of the Xuantan Ceremony.

And ordered the Six Arts Hall to entertain envoys from various countries.

Xu Tong came here today because he also wanted to see what the Six Arts Museum looked like, but he was a little surprised when he walked to the place to have a look.

Six Arts Museum, the name sounds very literary, but it is the most prosperous place in Luoyang City.

This place is also the pinnacle crystallization of all the craftsmanship of the entire empire of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Not only the skilled craftsmen of Dazhou, but even many craftsmen from other countries will gather here to dedicate their most satisfactory works.

Once the work can be recognized by the Six Arts Museum, even just a recommendation letter is needed, which can make the craftsman directly take an important position in the Ministry of Industry.

The starting point is directly from the sixth rank, only two levels lower than Xu Tong, the river patrol envoy, and this starting point is already extremely high.

If the craftsmanship is outstanding and can be appreciated by the saints, it will be even more remarkable.

Of course, it is not so easy to be a craftsman recognized by the Six Arts Hall, it must be the craftsmanship of a master.

In addition to craftsmen, the six arts of a gentleman are also included. One of the rituals, music, archery, imperialism, calligraphy, and counting can reach the realm of a master, and it can also leave a name here.

Even if they were born in a brothel, it is no exception.

It's a pity that I am in the Great Zhou Dynasty now, if I was in Kaiyuan, I could meet Aunt Gongsun here.

The item card [Sword Tool] in my hand was created by this legendary woman.

But these are not the reasons why Xu Tong was surprised. What surprised him was the location of the Six Arts Museum.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or another reason, when Xu Tong came to the Liuyi Museum as agreed, he took a look at the place, hey, good guy, this street is really very familiar.

Although the appearance here is completely different from the reality, the location is surprisingly consistent with Fenglailou

Is this place still some kind of geomantic treasure? ?

Standing in front of the door, Xu Tong looked at the huge Liuyi Pavilion in front of him, a six-story pagoda-like building, not as tall as heaven, but it still feels like it stands out from the crowd here.

It is said that it is not impossible to build taller and bigger ones, it is just that they are afraid of breaking the rules, so they are built so small.

Otherwise, relying on those master-level craftsmen, it will be no problem to build you two more ten-story buildings with wood.

Walking to the door, two boys blocked the way, but after seeing the invitation card Xu Tong took out, they immediately gave way to the door.


Xu Tong was about to go in.

He heard someone calling him from a distance.

Looking back, Xu Tong was pleasantly surprised to find that it was Yuan Shoushi.

"Oh, Brother Shoushi, I met you today."

Seeing Yuan Shoushi, Xu Tong enthusiastically stepped forward and patted Yuan Shoushi on the shoulder.

Yuan Shoushi still had some embarrassment on his face.

"I'm sorry, I was supposed to go to the Huangyi Station to meet the crown prince today, but there was an important incident on the way. I heard that the crown prince has received an invitation from the Six Art Museum, so I came here to wait for the crown prince."

Speaking of which, the last time Xu Tong sent Guo Yi to find Yuan Shoushi, Yuan Shoushi was really busy at that time.

Things have dragged on until today, and I feel ashamed when I think about it.

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay, you are on official business, how can I blame you, let's go in together!"

As Xu Tong said, he wanted to drag Yuan Shoushi in together.

In the end, Yuan Shoushi suddenly blushed, pulled Xu Tong down in embarrassment, and pointed behind him.

Xu Tong looked back and saw a woman standing in the direction Yuan Shoushi pointed.

The woman stood in the crowd. Although her appearance was ordinary, her brows were full of heroism, and her piercing eyes looked around curiously.

"This is!!"

Xu Tong's heart moved, and he thought to himself: "Well, is it because of her that Yuan Shoushi is the woman who has been guarding the gate of the city for thousands of years?"

Thinking of the flickering light in Xu Tong's eyes, he activated his eyes and looked at Qimen.

In an instant, white smoke was seen behind the woman, and there seemed to be a road in the sea, but there was no end.

Seeing this, Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat, this is bad luck.

There is a road without a head, which means that this is a dead end road, and the front is either dark and bright, or the beauty is unlucky.

Yuan Shoushi blushed: "This is Wanrong. I'm in the palace. Thanks to her care, the sage canceled the curfew today and ordered the Six Arts Hall to hold a banquet for the envoys from various countries. Wanrong said that she hadn't been in the Six Arts Hall yet, so she wanted to go in and have a look." Look."

Hearing the name, Xu Tong frowned slightly, looked up and down on the woman, and couldn't help but sigh for Yuan Shoushi's future tragedy.

A lonely wild ghost, stuck in front of the Drum Tower, waiting for a thousand years, even forgetting his own name, only remembering her name, just for this, Yuan Shoushi's injustice... Xu Tong has to admire.

Seeing that Xu Tong didn't speak, Yuan Shoushi was a little embarrassed for a while: "If the son is in trouble..."

"What's the matter, I was just distracted just now, you will go in with me later, but haven't you yourself been recognized by the Six Arts Hall, why didn't you bring her in?"

"This... If there is no invitation card for the Six Arts Hall, you can't bring people in and out." Yuan Shoushi explained.

After finishing speaking, he turned around and ran to the side of the woman. He didn't know what he said, but the woman covered her mouth and chuckled for a moment, and then came along with Yuan Shoushi.

"Little girl Wanrong, pay homage to the crown prince."

As the saying goes, a person lives up to his name, and when a woman speaks, her voice is indeed just like her name, euphemistic and moving.

It's no wonder that Yuan Shoushi was fascinated by the woman, but it's a pity for this poor couple.

Xu Tong said with a smile: "You're welcome, let's go in together."

He said he was going to go inside.

As a result, before he could step out, another person shouting was heard behind him.

"My son, stay here!"

Looking back, he found that it was Ashina and the two team members beside him, walking from a distance, wearing a gorgeous purple robe inlaid with various agate gems.

Ashina's appearance undoubtedly attracted the attention of many people.

Not just because he is Turkic.

More importantly, the luck above Ashina's head was too strong, like a brilliant fire in the dark night.

Before the people arrived, many people looked sideways at the attic of the Six Arts Hall, all of them with surprised expressions in their eyes.


In the cubicle on the attic, a chubby head poked its head out, and made a voice of surprise: "Who is this person, his luck is so amazing!!"

The speaker was none other than Gu Peiyuan who had not much time left.

"It's the Turkic prince, Ashina."

There was another person sitting in the room. He was crowned with a turtle's back, with phoenix eyes and sparse eyebrows, a ruddy complexion, a white robe, and a whisk in his hand.

The only strange thing is that this person's eyes were covered with a black cloth, and it seemed that his eyes were injured, but drinking tea and water did not affect him at all.

This person is the old owner of Chongxuan Pavilion, Mu Tiantong.

"Son of Jieli!"

Gu Peiyuan was taken aback, and hurriedly confirmed.

"It's his No.14 son."

Hearing Mu Tiantong's words, Gu Peiyuan suddenly couldn't sit still: "No, we calculated for a long time back then that the Turkic national fortune is not long, why did such a monster suddenly pop up? If he goes back to sit in Turkic , I'm afraid it won't be long before it will become a serious problem for my confidant!"

When he said this, Gu Peiyuan's face was cloudy and uncertain, and a killing intent was already born in his heart.

"Your heart is messed up!"

Mu Tiantong picked up the teacup, compared with Gu Pei Yuan's horrified mood, Mu Tiantong looked extraordinarily calm: "What does Turkic death or immortality have to do with you? How long can you live!"

"Go, go! I still need you to show me? Anyway, it's only two months. If you have any good wine, bring it to me as soon as possible, before I lie in the coffin , You came here with wine, what a pity to spill it on the ground."

Mu Tiantong was silent for a moment after hearing the words: "Forget it, I wanted to give it to you later."

As he spoke, he took out a wine bottle from his sleeve and put it on the table.

Seeing the wine, Gu Peiyuan didn't care about the following things. He took the wine bottle in his hand, opened the stopper, put it under his nose and took a sip: "Hiss~~ This is 60-year-old wine, it's really fragrant!"

Gu Peiyuan couldn't help but take a sip as he spoke.

Mu Tiantong tilted his head and looked at Gu Peiyuan: "Aren't you afraid that I will poison you?"

"No need, I can live up to two months, if you hate me, here is a knife, you can stab me a few times."

Gu Peiyuan just poured the wine into his mouth.

He didn't care at all whether Mu Tiantong would let out a bad breath before he was about to die.

It's just that the more he said that, the less Mu Tiantong could think of revenge.

"Then I'll come to you again in two months. If you don't die then, I'll send you into the coffin myself!"

After saying that, Mu Tiantong got up to leave.

But Gu Peiyuan grabbed him: "Don't rush to leave, if you leave, Yu Niang won't come out to see me later."

Mu Tiantong couldn't help sneering when he heard the words: "What does she have to do with me if she doesn't see you, old man, you're going to die soon, or else, based on the prophecy you made back then, without Yu Niang's help, I will be able to kill you." Chop you into pieces."

"Yes, yes, yes, you are amazing, you are amazing, I am a despicable person, come and sit down first, I am not just here to see Yu Niang, there is a good show to watch tonight."

Gu Peiyuan hurriedly pulled Mu Tiantong to sit down. Just as he sat down, Gu Peiyuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he went to the window to have a look: "Hey, look, here you come! Turkic prince? Let me show you what luck is!"

As Gu Peiyuan said, he pulled up Mu Tiantong and pointed at the crowd below, Mu Tiantong wrapped his eyes in black cloth and looked at Gu Peiyuan's fingers, he couldn't help being surprised: "There are people in the world who have such luck! "

(End of this chapter)

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