Infinite script kill

Chapter 644 Song Xue Hijab When Enlightened

Chapter 644 Song Xue Hijab When Enlightened

"I originally wanted to come with the prince, but I didn't expect the prince to be one step ahead of me."

Here Ashina walked up to Xu Tong, arching his hands slightly: "Little Wang just found out yesterday that the son is actually the son of Prince Gong, His Majesty's grandson, I hope the son will not mind the impoliteness."

Ashina smiled, as if he had completely forgotten what happened yesterday.

Xu Tong could see clearly in his heart that Ashina didn't seem to know that he had noticed their identities, so he might as well follow their acting.

"Prince, you're being polite." Xu Tong looked upright, still with that upright expression, facing Ashina's compliments, showing a look of refusal.

"We worship the strong. They are born fighters. It is their honor to die in the hands of the strong. It is the highest funeral for them."

After Ashina finished speaking, the corners of her scarlet lips raised slightly, revealing her neat and clean white teeth, and she stared at Xu Tong with fiery eyes: "I also yearn for such an honor!"

As he spoke, he grabbed Xu Tong's shoulder with one hand.

Seeing this, Xu Tong didn't hide, but went up to meet him with one step, bumping his shoulder into the opponent's palm.


With a muffled sound, the bluestone under the two people's feet exploded like a spider web.

Ashina's hand was firmly on Xu Tong's shoulder, his face remained unchanged and he said: "Compared with Shizi's swordsmanship, Shizi's physique is still a bit weaker!"

"It is said that he is a little bit worse, but I don't think you are much better!"

Before Xu Tong could speak, he heard a sneer from the side.

Ashina glanced sideways, and saw a young man in white striding forward from the crowd. The young man was dressed in white and held a paper fan in his hand.

Along the way, I don't know how many girls' eyes I have attracted.

The person who came was none other than Zhang Haisheng, but today Zhang Haisheng swept away the embarrassment before, and was full of energy and grandeur.

The temperament of the whole person has changed greatly from before.

Seeing this, Xu Tong couldn't help muttering inwardly: "This guy has really made a breakthrough!"

The last time I saw Zhang Haisheng in Tanhualou, Zhang Haisheng's strength was suppressed and I couldn't see it for a while.

But looking at it again today, this guy's strength is obviously better than before.

It seems that although the method of Tufeiyuan is radical, it seems that the effect is quite good.

But it's not surprising if you think about it, after all, this guy has 800 years of luck in Mount Qingcheng, and it would be hell if he failed.

"Who are you!"

Seeing Zhang Haisheng approaching, Ashina lowered his palms from Xu Tong's shoulders and put his hands behind his back.

As Zhang Haisheng said, he seemed to have the upper hand in this grab, but in fact, his hand felt like hitting a stone, causing a piercing pain.

It's just that other people can't see through this kind of thing. How did you find it when you stood so far away? ?

What made Ashina even more frightened was that when this person approached him, his abdomen began to shake continuously, and the golden jade ball that was swallowed by him suddenly became agitated.

This kind of situation usually only occurs when the other party's luck is stronger than his own, but this is simply impossible.

With the blessing of the golden jade exquisite ball, his luck is comparable to the protagonist of destiny, enough to run amok and unstoppable.

How could anyone be stronger than his own luck? ?

It's a pity that Ashina doesn't have the eye of fate, and he can't see with his naked eyes when the luck above his head collides with the luck of Zhang Haisheng in front of him.

The golden lion was already being pushed back by the dense forest behind Zhang Haisheng.

It seems that in the mountain behind Zhang Haisheng, there is a peerless beast that cannot be born, which makes him, the king of beasts, terrified.

At the step of the great master, it is all about luck, and it is even more so whether it is entering the Tao or becoming the Tao.

Ashina's luck is already considered extremely strong luck, the golden lion and beast king is rampant in the world.

Xu Tong dared to say that even Lu Zhi's luck might not completely overwhelm him.

But when it comes to luck, few people can compare with Zhang Haisheng.

When the two met, Ashina's luck was naturally suppressed to death.

Facing Ashina's questioning, Zhang Haisheng didn't look at him directly, but just looked at Xu Tong: "Don't give me a chance, or I will kill you!"

After speaking, Zhang Haisheng stepped into the Six Arts Hall, completely ignoring Ashina from the beginning to the end.

It seems that in his eyes, Xu Tong is the only opponent, and the others are not qualified to make him face each other.

This scene undoubtedly made Ashina's face even more ugly, his eyes were fixed on Zhang Haisheng's back, and he was listed as a must-kill target in his heart.

Immediately, he didn't want to entangle with Xu Tong anymore, turned around and looked at his companion behind him: "Let's go!"

After all, he led people to chase into the Six Arts Hall.

Only after the two groups of people left, Yuan Shoushi, who was hiding behind Xu Tong, poked his head out: "Hmph, the barbarians from outside the territory dare to act fiercely here, and they deserve to be taught a lesson!"

"I'm afraid it's not peaceful tonight, are you sure you want to go in?"

Xu Tong turned to look at Yuan Shoushi and the two of them.

He had a strong premonition in his heart that the banquet tonight might not be so easy.

Before Yuan Shoushi could speak, Wan Rong beside him said, "What are you afraid of? The gathering of talents from all over the world is such a rare and magnificent scene. Ordinary people are afraid that they will never be able to see it in their lifetime. What have we to be afraid of!"

Sure enough, she is a woman who came out of the palace, her courage and insight are stronger than ordinary people, if she were San Niang, she might be dragging herself home at this moment.

"Just like that, how can a man be willing to be the queen, son, let's go in!"

Since the women are not afraid, Yuan Shoushi plucked up his courage and said that he also wanted to go in and have a look.

Seeing this, Xu Tong just smiled, and led the two of them into the Six Arts Hall.

As soon as you enter the gate, you can see a huge wooden statue carved in the front hall of the Six Arts Museum.

The statue is lifelike, holding a boxy Qianji lock in the left hand, an ink fountain in the right hand, and a small bamboo basket on the waist, which contains drills, drills, planes, shovels, and rulers.

"This is the patriarch of the world's craftsmen, Lu Ban!"

Yuan Shoushi was at the side and introduced them to the two.

Xu Tong stepped forward, moved his ears slightly, and heard something ringing inside the statue.

"Is there a mechanism here??"

"Yes! The prince is really amazing. I watched it for a long time before I realized that the prince can see the way at a glance."

Yuan Shoushi nodded repeatedly, and explained: "The statue of Lu Ban is just to deceive people. In fact, there is a huge water mill turntable inside. A bearing is connected to the turntable. The rotation of the bearing can mobilize the organs in the Six Arts Hall."

"Oh, isn't this the same as the ladder in heaven?"

Wanrong asked curiously.

Yuan Shoushi immediately nodded and said, "Yes, but the mechanisms in Heaven are more complicated, so...uh...Anyway, there are things in Heaven, and there are Six Arts Halls."

Yuan Shoushi was halfway through his words when he suddenly remembered that these were secrets in the palace and he shouldn't talk nonsense, so he didn't go any further.

The three of them walked inside, and there was a special person guarding the door to guide the three of them.

Through the front hall is the atrium of the Six Arts Museum.

It is completely different from the clear design of the heavenly floor. The atrium is surrounded by four sides, and there are only three floors in total. During the day, the sun shines through the crystal on the top of the building, directly illuminating the entire space in the building.

At night, you only need to light the bright lights on the roof, and the light will be repeatedly refracted by the surrounding mirrors.

Only a few lanterns are needed to embellish the auxiliary light, and the huge atrium is also brightly lit and radiant.

In this way, not only the circulation of ambient air can be ensured, but also the connection and space sharing of complex functions are greatly facilitated.

The ingenious design is a bit like a large shopping mall in reality.

No, it should be said that perhaps the atrium design should have been handed down by the Chinese.

On the side of the rockery, the attics on the first and second floors were already full of people.

As for the third floor...

Xu Tong raised his head and found that the third floor was a box-style compartment. Each compartment was very small and the windows were narrow. Even with his own eyesight, it was very difficult to see inside.

"My son can go to the main seat over there. As for the two guests, please move to the seats on the second floor."

The attendant led the three of them to the stairs and signaled to Xu Tong that they needed three of them.

Xu Tong looked at the seats in front and found that the seats were all concentrated in the center of the atrium.

It is more like a stage than a seat.

Xu Tong does not reject this feeling of being exposed to the spotlight, on the contrary, this is exactly what he hopes.

But since it is a stage, who is the audience? ?

It's not just those people on the second floor.

Xu Tong pointedly looked at the cubicles on the third floor on the top of the building: "Your master invited me here, is it possible that you want to leave me here and hide upstairs to rest?"

The attendant was startled when he heard the words, and immediately said: "Don't you know that the son is the host today?"


Xu Tong frowned, took out the invitation card in his hand, opened it and looked carefully, there was not a word written on it.

Seeing this, the attendant hurriedly explained: "Not everyone has invitations, but only those who have received invitations will be the protagonists of the Six Arts Pavilion tonight. Poetry, singing and dancing, craftsmanship, and Six Arts riding and archery are all ways to show off." , I invite all foreign envoys to a banquet tonight, you are today's host, these are the rules that have been around for a long time."

Only after the attendant had finished speaking did Xu Tong receive the long overdue task reminder.

Side Mission 4: Six Arts Hall
Task requirements: As the protagonist tonight, entertain foreign envoys and accept challenges from all envoys, and finally calculate rewards according to the degree of completion.

mission rewards:? ?

Task penalty: Randomly add a negative.

Good guy, Xu Tong rolled his eyes, this is to drive ducks to the shelves, so hard, he didn't even give himself some lube.

After thinking about it, this matter must have something to do with the people upstairs.

He didn't make things difficult for his attendants, and after separating from Yuan Shoushi and Wanrong, he strode to the middle.

Looking left and right, there are only six chairs in total, and Zhang Haisheng and Ashina have already sat down at this moment.

There were also two people sitting on the other two chairs, a fat man with a big belly, who could be seen from the Tubo Kingdom by the clothes on his body.

The other was an old monk from Tianzhu.

When the four saw Xu Tong approaching, they couldn't help but cast their gazes at him. Seeing this, Xu Tong was not polite, and sat directly on the top seat.

At this time, in the third-floor compartment, two pairs of eyes quietly looked down the window, fascinated.

"I remember I mentioned to you a few years ago that I lacked a predestined person in my destiny, so although the Dao Fruit is achieved, it is difficult to cut the Dao, and now I have found it!"

Gu Peiyuan watched for a while, then slowly looked away, walked to the table and explained to Mu Tiantong with a smile.

"It's him!!"

Hearing Gu Peiyuan's words, Mu Tiantong suddenly came to his senses, and sat on the chair for a while, before finally sorting out his thoughts:

"No wonder, no wonder you dare to give up your cultivation so easily, so it is like this!"

Mu Tiantong raised his head, and stared at Gu Peiyuan with the eyes covered by the black cloth: "Begonia's love is self-defeating, and Tianpeng's fame is a mistake. There is only one thing left. What kind of honesty did you say to him!"

Gu Peiyuan put the wine in his hand to his mouth and took a sip, his eyes were bright: "When Songxue hijab became enlightened..."

(End of this chapter)

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