Chapter 645

After Xu Tong was seated, someone handed a sign to Xu Tong.

Different words were used on the sign, which stated the rules of being the host tonight.

After Xu Tong glanced over, he couldn't help frowning.

It turned out that this banquet was also called a fighting banquet. The Six Arts Hall set up questions, and they were responsible for answering the questions. As the host, I not only had to answer the questions, but also had to break the rules of the questions.

Seeing the rules, the five people present looked at each other, and their eyes were already full of coldness.

Especially Ashina, who sat opposite Zhang Haisheng, poured wine into his mouth one gulp at a time, with small resentful eyes, as if he wanted to tear it into pieces.

Xu Tong was quite calm, but sitting in the main seat, it was inevitable that people would stare at him, especially the fat man from Tubo, with small sesame and mung bean eyes, staring at Xu Tong from side to side.

It made Xu Tong very upset.

There was also the monk from Tianzhu, who glanced at him from time to time, and Xu Tong once wondered if this guy might be some voyeur.

Use the eye of fate to take a look, good guy, the luck of these two people is not bad.

The luck of the old Indian monk has a water tank with seven-color spring water flowing in it, and a golden lotus flower standing in it.

The big fat man in Tubo has a pocket in his back, which is inlaid with many precious stones. The mouth of the bag is slightly opened, and there is a faint golden light shining.

Seeing this, Xu Tong probably understood in his heart that everyone who co-authored dared to come was prepared.

Xu Tong glanced at his official fortune, and couldn't help muttering in his heart that he was cheated in all likelihood this time.

My luck is obviously not as good as the four people in front of me. Let me sit on the main seat, isn't it obvious that I am a stepping stone for them.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong squinted at the cubicles on the third floor above his head, thinking in his heart, if he can't give himself a satisfactory explanation after this incident, he will burn down your Six Arts Hall.

At this time, the surroundings suddenly became quiet, and Xu Tong took a closer look.

I saw a young girl wearing a long red dress, walking slowly with the support of several maids.

At this time, all the people on the seats on the second floor around had stood up one after another and bowed their hands in salute.

Xu Tong didn't know who this woman was, but he recognized it at a glance. The jade pendants and decorations on the woman's body were for the royal family. After a little thought in his heart, he immediately realized the identity of this woman.

Immediately, he stood up like a model and bowed to the woman in front of him.

Seeing this, the woman strode up to Xu Tong, looked Xu Tong up and down, and nodded with satisfaction, "Your father sent a letter saying that you have arrived in Luoyang and asked me to take good care of you, but unexpectedly you are already Famous Luoyang City."

Seeing this, Xu Tong was even more sure that the information in Li Zheng's memory was correct, and said obediently: "The emperor's aunt has passed the edict!"

If Li Zheng's memory is correct, this woman is His Majesty's own daughter and his own aunt, Princess Taiping.

For Li Zheng's memory, his father, Prince Gong, had often been playmates with this princess when he was young, and his relationship was quite good.

Prince Gong was sent to the land of Bashu when he was young, and this eldest aunt appeared in Luoyang City, so there was probably no one else to rely on.

"Well, when this matter is over, you can come to my mansion as a guest when you are free, and our aunt and nephew will also catch up on the old days!"

Princess Taiping put her hand on Xu Tong's and patted his hand calmly.

Xu Tong frowned slightly, and hurriedly cupped his hands in thanks: "Thank you, Aunt Huang, for your concern!"

As he spoke, he opened his palm slightly, and saw a red kit in his palm.

Xu Tong didn't know what this thing was, but since it could be sent by Princess Taiping, there must be something special inside.

At this time, Princess Taiping turned around and said, "Today's banquet, everyone had a great time, click until the end, don't hurt your peace, winning or losing the battle is just a moment of luck, and I'm here today to add a lot of luck to everyone."

Speaking of the eight shirtless strong men behind, like eight big sedan chairs, they walked in carrying something.

The thing was covered with red silk and satin, making it impossible to see what it was. Everyone immediately became interested and stood up to watch.

The bright red hijab was lifted up violently by eight strong men, gradually revealing the fetish under the hijab.

"Hiss!! This is!!"

Looking at the things under the hijab, everyone's eyes widened.

I saw the tortoise standing on all fours with its head held high, and a shrine on its back. Inside the shrine, there were nine golden dragons coiled around a golden gemstone.

Seeing this gemstone, the old Indian monk couldn't help calling out its name: "Bodhi Golden Fruit!"

"Hiss! It's actually this thing!"

On the partition on the third floor, the ancient Pei Yuan was shocked. When His Majesty ascended the throne, Tianzhu sent a rare treasure, which attracted monks to worship. It is this thing. It is said that Sakyamuni enlightened under the bodhi tree The tree bears seven golden fruits.

This thing is one of them.

Unexpectedly, Princess Taiping would take this thing out as a prize.

It is rumored that this thing has great merits, and it can change the day to change luck. It is extremely miraculous.

This clearly meant for Li Zheng and the four of them to fight to the death.

"Hey, this girl, since His Majesty killed the son-in-law, her temperament has become more and more eccentric and unpredictable. This thing was bestowed on her by His Majesty, and she actually used it as a prize, really..."

Mu Tiantong said while shaking his head regretfully.

"Hmph, she is only afraid that the world will not be chaotic! It's just that this thing is a lottery, I'm afraid there will be a good show later!"

Gu Peiyuan smashed his mouth, and wanted to take another sip of the wine in his hand, but he had already drunk the wine in his hand before he knew it.

Princess Taiping left a lot of money, and then got up and left with people.

He didn't care how many people would be red-eyed by his actions.

After Princess Taiping left, the two servants of the Six Arts Hall quickly stepped forward holding a sign, and saw four characters written on the sign, "One of the Best in the World" This is the theme of today's banquet.

"This time the topic is interesting!"

When everyone saw the question, they couldn't help discussing it.

One of the best in the world, this one is naturally the first, and it means unique. This is obviously to test their own unique knowledge.

But the difficulty of this question is also quite a bit, the world is unique, how domineering, if the things in hand are ordinary, it will only make a joke.

Besides, there is no first in literature, and no second in martial arts.

If you want everyone to admit that the world is unique, you must first let others admit that you can't do it yourself.

But under the watchful eyes of everyone, not everything can make others speechless and admit that they can't do it.

"Amitabha, the poor monk is from Tianzhu, and he dare not claim to be the best in the world. Why don't you ask the host to come up with a question first, and set an example for us!"

Seeing the topic, the old monk from Tianzhu couldn't wait to attack Xu Tong first.

Xu Tong frowned. As the host, he really couldn't refuse, but since he came, he had never had a history of stage fright. Hearing this, he tilted his head and squinted at the old monk from Tianzhu, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "What's so difficult about this?" , old monk, let me ask you, can you resist the beating?"


Everyone was startled, and couldn't help but look at each other.

The old monk from Tianzhu's face sank, he stood up and looked at Xu Tong with a strange sneer and said, "Could it be that your Excellency wants to say that you are also good at resisting beatings?"

Not to mention the old monk from Tianzhu, even Zhang Haisheng and the other three couldn't help but look sideways at Xu Tong, wondering why this guy was so mad that he would say such words.

The people present are all masters of masters. If they really do it, who can withstand other people's tricks.

Only Zhang Haisheng had a bitter face for a moment, remembering that his fists were swollen and he couldn't hurt Xu Tong that day, his brows were furrowed together for a while, and he already understood in his heart what Xu Tong was going to do.

"Master, don't be angry, please sit down quickly, please sit down quickly."

Xu Tong put on a smiling face and signaled the old monk from Tianzhu not to be angry. He waved his hand to reassure the old monk to sit down again, and unhurriedly picked up the teacup in his hand and put it to his mouth to take a sip.

Then he said slowly: "I don't know absolutely, but what I want to say is that in terms of the ability to resist beating, everyone here... is rubbish!"

(End of this chapter)

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