Infinite script kill

Chapter 646 The Lord Is Here

Chapter 646 The Lord Is Here
Xu Tong clapped his hands on the table and looked around.

Extremely arrogant.

There was a burst of boos from the crowd.


The corner of Zhang Haisheng's mouth twitched, he knew that Xu Tong was shameless, but he didn't expect this guy to be so shameless.

I haven't had time to quit this guy's team. If it's just to vent my anger like Tanhualou, it's okay, but if I really want to kill and attack maliciously, I will be judged by the space to attack teammates maliciously and be punished by the space.

What's more, when I was in Tanhualou last time, I had already personally experienced how tough Xu Tong's body is.

If you don't use the ability of the item card, it's just a dream to injure him.

And in the situation where his realm is firmly suppressing this guy, he is not completely sure if he wants to kill him.

This guy shamelessly proposed such a condition. Now that he applied to quit the team, he didn't know it would be too late.

After thinking about it again and again, Zhang Haisheng could only choose to remain silent with a dark face. He didn't think it was a good time to quit Xu Tong's team at this time.

Besides, even if it is admitted that he was beaten, so what? Could it be that being beaten is the best in the world?

"At what point, being beaten can become the best in the world. Do you think this is the streets of Yuyang, and you can't learn the methods of those ruffians!"

Some people even stood up on the seats on the second floor, accusing the eldest son Li Zheng of being a rascal. With his status, who would dare to do anything to him?

That's right, no matter how much the Li family's status is not as good as before, they are also the royal family. Who would dare to fight against the royal family, or even meet with swords.

This is not a proper play of rogue, so what is it.

In fact, after learning that Li Zheng is the host, many people are very much looking forward to Li Zheng being able to write another poem.

If there are ancient quatrains, it will be unique in the world.

I never thought that Xu Tong was clearly playing a scoundrel.

In fact, Xu Tong can't be blamed for being a rascal, it's a last resort.

poetry? ?
The pen and ink in my stomach is probably the same as that of Zhang Zongchang.

The previous two songs were all watched on TV.

Otherwise, why did I only recite the last four sentences for that song, which is worthy of Tathagata and worthy of Qing?

You must know that the full text has nearly [-] words.

If this were to be put into reality, writers of novels would not copy like this, after all, they would be suspected of making up the number of words.

If I recited it in one breath, it would have become a quatrain for thousands of years.

But Xu Tong didn't dare to play this trick.

Xu Tong didn't know about Ashina's educational level, but he knew very well who Zhang Haisheng was beside him. He was a direct disciple of the head teacher of Mount Qingcheng and the vice president of the local Daoist Association.

Do you think being a Taoist priest means eating fast and reciting scriptures? ?
Not to mention being full of economics, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, at least he has read more books than himself.

When he recited a poem in front of him, Zhang Haisheng might just casually add a seven-character quatrain.

Even if you don't do it well, it will damage your accumulated luck.

Even if you are a fool, you shouldn't use your own shortcomings to attack the other's strengths.

So, after thinking about it, Xu Tong remembered that when Guo Yi forced him to question those ruffians in Heshensi, the land once said that the ruffians in Yuyang had hob meat rules.

Just learn the tricks of those ruffians in Yuyang, such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, if I don't compare, I will be beaten. If you can do it, you can do it, if you can't, don't BB.

Sure enough, Xu Tong was full of ridicule.

Baratu, a fat man in Tubo, immediately refused to accept it, and kicked the table in front of him away: "I'm afraid you are courting death. If I refuse, do you dare to come forward and let me beat you!"

In order to show his own strength, Baratu said, stepping heavily on the big bluestone under his feet.


A loud noise shook the wine glasses on the tables of all the people present. When they looked again, everyone's expressions changed, and they saw that the green bricks under Baratu's feet had already been turned into ashes.

"Amitabha, the poor monk wants to try it too!"

The old monk from Tianzhu casually picked up a melon seed on the table, pinched the flower in his hand, and flicked it with his fingers. Everyone heard a rush of breaking wind, and saw a thumb-sized explosion on the far wall. hole.

What shocked everyone even more was that the popped melon seed was embedded in the hole and was taken out intact.

This strength can't help but make many people present look pale.

It is not difficult to just use melon seeds to penetrate the wall, but the gap between the two is huge if the fragile melon seeds are not damaged at the same time.

The two men showed their tricks, obviously warning Xu Tong that if they were really asked to make a move, even if they were wearing golden silk armor, they would definitely not be able to stop their tricks.

For a while, only Ashina and Zhang Haisheng were silent.

Needless to say Zhang Haisheng, the reason why Xu Tong made such a rogue request was because he knew that he hadn't quit the temporary team yet.

And when Ashina was just at the door, he wanted to mark Xu Tong's majesty, but his palm fell on Xu Tong's shoulder, which seemed to be condescending and sure of winning, but in fact his wrist was almost dislocated at that blow.

It is conceivable that this kid must be a melee player who specializes in defense.

To make such a rogue request at this time must have something to rely on, so naturally he would not act hastily.

"Since I dare to say it, I naturally dare to act and act. I will sit here, even if I hide for a while, I will lose!"

"So brave!!"

Baratu's eyes were wide-eyed, and his body like a mountain of meat was like a huge rolling stone, rushing towards Xu Tong.

Falling down step by step, it only makes people feel that the ground is shaking, as if the whole Six Arts Hall is shaking, and it will collapse at any moment.

As an envoy, Baratu is also a top-notch expert in Tubo. Although he has never attained Taoism, he has attained enlightenment.

Two black Dao fruits emerged behind him, and before him was still the scene of landslides, ground cracks, and rivers collapsing.

Between the virtual and the real, everything is annihilated.

This is exactly the way of extinction of Baratu's penance.

Seeing the figure falling down like Mount Tai, Xu Tong's face remained unchanged, his hands crossed in front of his chest, instead of retreating, he moved forward brazenly.


All of a sudden, the surrounding tables and chairs shattered, and large pieces of bluestone exploded into pieces like bullets hitting the surroundings.

Fortunately, everyone was hiding on the second floor. Except for a few unlucky people who were hit on the head and killed on the spot, most people were not affected.

Everyone took a closer look, and found that Xu Tong was standing there defiantly, surrounded by the scene of annihilation, and a layer of golden light appeared on his body.

Even if the collapsing world in front of you falls down, it will be majestic and majestic, and the King Kong will never die.

"Buddhist Vajra Seal!"

In the cubicle on the third floor, Mu Tiantong was a little surprised, and looked back at Gu Peiyuan: "This kid does have great luck in Buddhism, you shouldn't let him enter Buddhism!"

Gu Peiyuan's face was bitter when he heard the words: "I can't imagine this, after all, I'm just an old man who is dying."

Gu Peiyuan can be regarded as a master in Yi Xue, but some things are really different from his calculations.

It's not that his calculations are inaccurate, but that there are always variables in the middle.

Just like this Li Zheng, it was a variable that he did not expect.

After all, this kid's identity is there, and he has no intention of learning Buddhism, so how could he enter Buddhism.

Who would have thought that through some operations, the great monk Yuanfang would force Li Zheng to lead the sky to salute and participate in the Xuantan Dharma Conference.

It can be said that half a foot stepped directly into the Buddhist gate, and because of his two poems, the luck of the Buddhist gate increased greatly.

These are all things that Gu Pei Yuan never imagined.

It's only been a while, and this kid has actually cultivated the Buddhist supernatural power of the Vajra Seal. Thinking about Gu Peiyuan, he felt like he was lifting a stone and hitting his foot.

"The vajra body protects the body, and all dharmas are inviolable. Unless he is in the realm of enlightenment, few people can really touch him. Didn't you say, old man, that this kid will die tonight? Let me see how your words will be fulfilled." !"

Mu Tiantong looked at Gu Peiyuan with a sneer.

"Don't worry, the enemy of Buddhism has never been you and me..."

Gu Peiyuan looked at the moon outside the window, and saw that the full moon gradually disappeared into the thick clouds, as if a big dragon was walking towards this side in the darkness.


Seeing that he was unable to shake Xu Tong between the real and the false, Baratu couldn't help being startled and angry. He screamed and raised his fists to hit Xu Tong heavily. He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity today. Verify the extent of the limit of your own physical body.

"Bang Bang!!"

Balatu's fists are like heavy hammers, once they hit the ground, the ground will shake.

At this time, Xu Tong noticed that every time Balatu made a move, the big pocket of luck above his head was going to devour his own luck.

Even if it is only a little bit undetectable every time, it is indeed devouring one's luck.

Seeing this, Xu Tong frowned, his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

A large part of how long a person can live has a lot to do with his luck.

Throw out the dead.

People who are about to run out of luck will show death on their faces.

Even if there is a means to reach the sky, it will always be a catastrophe of body death and dao disappearance.

Xu Tong couldn't bear the fact that the other party was devouring his luck.

However, just when Xu Tong was about to call out the Chunyang Sword, the old Indian monk suddenly appeared beside Baratu: "Let the poor monk come!"

As he spoke, the old Indian monk slowly stretched out a finger, and the moment the fingertip was stretched out, a dazzling golden light appeared on the fingertip, and it poked towards Batu's rib in front of him.

"Pfft!" There was a sound like a car tire being punctured, and a big hole was poked out of Baratu's lucky cloth bag.

The old monk from Tianzhu shot very quickly, and when Baratu came back to his senses, his face was already twisted in pain, and the reality and reality disappeared in a moment, and his huge body began to retreat and fell heavily on the ground.

This scene seemed to catch everyone by surprise, but Xu Tong didn't seem to be surprised by it at all. He looked sideways at the props book, and saw a note in the props book, which was just Princess Taiping stuffing it into his hand calmly. note inside.

It is written very clearly: "Buddhism in the world is one family!"

"Amitabha, the poor monk admits defeat, and hopes that the son will remember the covenant with Buddhism!"

The old monk from Tianzhu transmitted the sound into the secret, so outsiders couldn't hear it, and then the old monk turned around and faced the crowd: "The indestructible body of the vajra is one of the seven great supernatural powers of Buddhism. The son of the world can prove the vajra, and the poor monk admits defeat." !"

Others can't see it, so Ashina and Zhang Haisheng can't see it.

Can the people on the third floor not see it? ?
Good guy, the old Tianzhu monk who was still full of disobedience and clamor just now is with Xu Tong?The co-author is here to sing oboe to people.

"Hehehe, the bald guys in the Buddhist sect are really thieves!"

Mu Tiantong couldn't help laughing angrily.

On the contrary, Gu Peiyuan was not surprised by this. He was able to arrange for people to trap Li Zhengruweng. I am afraid that the great monk on the source side would have noticed it a long time ago.

But as he said, the enemies of Buddhism are not them.

Sure enough, as soon as the old monk from Tianzhu finished speaking, there was a sneer from outside the gate of the Six Art Museum: "King Kong is not bad! I think it's just like that."

The voice sounded like thunder.

Gu Peiyuan's eyes lit up, and he took out a bag of peanuts from his sleeve and put it on the table: "Look, the Lord is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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