Infinite script kill

Chapter 647 Burial With Me

Chapter 647 Burial With Me

The door of the Six Arts Hall was slowly opened.

A group of people rushed into the Six Arts Hall with strides, and some attendants tried to stop them, but they were slapped on the ground.

"Who dares to barge in like this!!"

Everyone on the second floor stood up and glared at the intruder.

I saw that there were not many people in this group, only five or six, but each of them was in the realm of a great master.

After the pedestrians rushed into the Six Arts Hall, they stopped and lined up on both sides, making way for them.

"Since it is the best in the world, why don't you close the door and brag about yourself, and let the people in the world see whether it is the best in the world!"

With loud laughter, the three walked into the Six Arts Hall calmly.

When Xu Tong heard the voice, his heart skipped a beat: "Why is he here!"

These three people may not be known to others, but there are actually two people among them that Xu Tong knows.

The person walking on the left is tall and strong like a bull, isn't he one of his new teammates, Gu Xibai?

The one standing next to him was a scholar. He looked fair and clean, but there was a sinister and cunning feeling between his brows, which made it hard for people to like him.

Xu Tong didn't recognize this person, but the one walking in the middle was an old acquaintance whom he met for the second time.

Qianlong came out of the abyss, the leader of Motuo, Lu Zhi.

Lu Zhi strode forward, with a domineering feeling like an innate sense of oppression, which made everyone tremble with luck, and their bodies, which were almost weak, were stiff all over, and their tongues were stunned and unable to speak.

"Who is he!!"

People who have never met Lu Zhi can't help but have this question in their hearts. For example, Ashina, facing Lu Zhi's pace, began to feel a very uncomfortable feeling in his heart. , beating more violently.

The golden lion above the head was completely suppressed and trembling this time, and kept making low-pitched roars.

Ashina's luck is enough to run across the world without hindrance.

But today, unfortunately, I met a Zhang Haisheng, and in a blink of an eye, I met Lu Zhi again.

The luck of two people is getting more perverted than the other.

Even if his luck was like this, let alone Xu Tong, when he looked up, the blue clouds cleared, the dark clouds covered the top, and there was a faint appearance of bleeding light on the top.

Good guy, I am going to be unlucky.

Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat, and he looked Lu Zhi up and down. He saw black clouds surging behind Lu Zhi, and a black dragon appeared from time to time, appearing and disappearing in the sea of ​​clouds.

Qianlong out of the abyss, must reach the pinnacle.

It's only been a while since Yuyang, and the aura on his body has changed drastically.

Sure enough, people with this kind of luck, unless they are beaten to death with a stick, will become more frustrated and courageous until they become unstoppable.

"Little brother, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are very lucky. You can even learn Buddhist supernatural powers. It's just that you say that your ability to be beaten is unrivaled in the world. I don't believe it! How about I come and try it."

Lu Zhi stared at Xu Tong with a cruel smile on his lips.

This little heir, Li Zheng, ruined his good deeds time and time again, even in Yuyang City, he even summoned the Yin God, lashed him with two sticks, and beat him to 20 years of life.

He didn't intend to deal with Li Zheng originally. After all, his purpose of dealing with the descendants of the royal family was not to oppose the court.

He just wanted to take away the luck of Buddhism and revitalize the teachings of Motuo, but now he has to kill this kid.

The reason is that he absolutely shouldn't, he entered Buddhism, and he shouldn't write poems for Buddhism, which greatly increased the luck of Buddhism.

The two poems are to increase the luck of Buddhism. If he is asked to write two more poems, then don't hold any Xuantan puja.

Therefore, when he heard that Xu Tong was coming to the Liuyi Museum today, and he was meeting the Fanbang envoy as the host, Lu Zhi knew that his opportunity had come, or he had to come.

I'm afraid that Xu Tong will be very popular here and write two more poems, but I didn't expect that this kid didn't write poems, but instead showed his ability to be beaten.

Presumably, it must be this kid who has cultivated Buddhist vajra supernatural powers and sincerely showed off. Since this is the case, I just pushed the boat along the way and sent this kid on the road.

Hearing Lu Zhi's words, before Xu Tong could speak, the old Indian monk who had just conceded defeat had already stood in front of Xu Tong.

"Amitabha! Your Excellency is a celestial being, but to attack a junior, it is a suspicion of bullying others."

"Am I bullying people?"

Lu Zhi stretched out his hand to scratch his hair, pointed at the head of the old Tianzhu monk in front of him, and was about to have a fight with him, what does it mean to bully others.

But after thinking about it, I didn't bother to talk nonsense with him anymore, I just said: "The old monk's words are wrong. Since it is the best in the world, why do I use my power to bully others?"

After Lu Zhi finished speaking, he strode forward, the black clouds surged behind him, the dragon roared four times, and the huge luck added to his body, matching his aura, made the old monk from Tianzhu turn blue and had to step back step by step.

But the old monk from Tianzhu thought of the son behind him, who had a great connection with Buddhism, so he had to bite the bullet and meet him.

"Amitabha, Your Excellency is too deceitful, and the poor monk can only use his arms as a cart!"

The old monk clasped his hands together and recited the Buddha's name. Behind him appeared the Dharma image of the Buddha, with a three-foot golden body, bathed in the Buddha's radiance. The image was solemn and stood motionless in front of Lu Zhi.

"Seek your own way!"

Lu Zhi's face turned cold, and he suddenly reached out to pat the old monk's head.


The old monk recited the Buddha's name, with a three-foot-long golden body behind him, waving his arms and blooming immeasurable Buddha's light. After 70 years of hard work on the golden body, he seemed like a real Buddha came into the world for a while.

However, Lu Zhi's face showed excitement when he saw this, and he saw a dragon's head transformed into his palm, and he opened his mouth and gnawed on the golden body.


The ear-piercing cracking sound made everyone wrinkle their foreheads, and the old monk's face gradually became ferocious.


Others couldn't see clearly, but Xu Tong saw the giant dragon coming out of the abyss behind Lu Zhi and coiling around the old monk's head with his amazing eyesight, swallowing his luck.

"Back when Chen Xuanzang returned from Tianzhu, he cultivated a six-zhang golden body and founded the Dharma Xiangzong. Why, you, an old monk from Tianzhu, is not half as good as Chen Xuanzang. Humph, there is no one in Buddhism!"

Lu Zhi stared at the old monk, suddenly a red light burst out from the palm of his hand, he turned his palm into a fist, and with one punch, the black dragon roared in front of him, shattering the golden body of Buddha Dharma, and hitting the old monk's chest directly.


All of a sudden, the old monk vomited blood, his body flew upside down, and he fell heavily on the ground. When everyone looked at him again, the old monk was no longer breathing.

"Bold, this is the Six Arts Hall, how dare you kill foreign envoys!"

Some officials stood up and scolded.

As a result, as soon as he said this, Lu Zhi raised his finger, and the next moment, a bloody hole the size of a thumb appeared in the official's throat.

Since enlightenment is a celestial being, how can a celestial being be restrained by the mortal world.

But in fact, heavenly beings are also human beings.

For example, Gu Peiyuan, Mu Tiantong, and even Longhushan No. [-] in the world, the court's laws can't restrain them, but they all have to rely on the current court to a greater or lesser extent.

But Lu Zhi was different. The Moduo Sect was wanted by the court, and he was also a wanted criminal by the court. Since he came this time, he didn't intend to abide by any laws.

Just like his luck, the hidden dragon emerges from the abyss, lawless, and nothing can restrain it.

All of a sudden everyone shut up, not daring to say another word, for fear of offending this heavenly being and causing a big case in the world.

Lu Zhi killed the Tianzhu monk and walked straight to Xu Tong.

"I'm not bullying you. If you can last a stick of incense, I'll consider you the best in the world."

Lu Zhi's expression turned pale. He was supposed to take advantage of the momentum in Yuyang City, but this little baby spoiled the big deal. He lost 20 years of his life for nothing. He didn't intend to kill Li Zheng so easily.

Just play, then play slowly.

Xu Tong didn't speak when he heard the words, but just looked at Zhang Haisheng.

Seeing Xu Tong looking at him, Zhang Haisheng had a smile on his face instead: "Don't look at me, you're bragging, you have to make it up yourself!"

Hearing Zhang Haisheng's statement, Lu Zhi raised his brows slightly. In fact, he noticed Zhang Haisheng as soon as he entered the door.

Although he has neither the eyes of life nor the clairvoyance of heaven, he can sense the unfathomable luck of this young man, and he seems to be able to restrain his own luck.

Fortunately, this person and Li Zheng didn't seem to deal with each other, and he didn't have to worry about the other party's meddling.

When Xu Tong heard Zhang Haisheng's words, he couldn't help but look bitter, and covered his heart with grief: "After that night, I thought you were mine, but I didn't expect that it would be a catastrophe and fly away separately."

Zhang Haisheng was taken aback. He didn't expect that Xu Tong would dare to talk poorly at this time, and couldn't help cursing: "Bah! Just say one more thing, and I'll kill you right now!"

The corners of Xu Tong's mouth twitched, he turned his head away, and muttered in a low voice: "You really don't recognize anyone when you put on your pants!"

After finishing speaking, regardless of Zhang Haisheng's murderous eyes, he stood up slowly, tidied his clothes, and walked towards Lu Zhi: "Farewell to Yuyang, I haven't seen the leader for a long time, and now the leader has achieved great feats. There is no reason to dodge, it's just... such a test is too boring, why don't we try another prize!"

"Hey, you want to raise!"

Lu Zhi looked Xu Tong up and down, wanting to see what chips he could come up with.

Xu Tong didn't talk nonsense, took out the incense box from his sleeve, took out a yellow incense stick from the box, and took a look, and when he saw Ashina, he walked up to Ashina with a smile: "Take !"

"I take??"

When Ashina saw this, he refused without even thinking about it, but before he could speak, Lu Zhi looked at him, which not only made Ashina's heart skip a beat, but the golden jade ball in his abdomen was about to jump out of his throat , so he could only put on a dark face, and hurriedly took Huang Xiang into his hand.

"The bet is also very simple. If I am lucky enough to survive the master's hand within a stick of incense time, please trouble the master and do me a favor."

"What busy!"

Lu Zhi looked at Xu Tong thoughtfully.

Seeing Xu Tong pointing at him, Ashina said with a dazed face, "Kill him and be buried with me."

Ashina:? ? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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