Chapter 648 Desperate Brothers (Add more!!)

Ashina was stunned for a few seconds: "I don't want it!!"

But Xu Tong ignored Ashina's resistance and looked at Lu Zhi: "The leader is here today, there is absolutely no reason for me to survive, and the younger generation is not picky, but I am afraid that I will be lonely on the road to Huangquan, so I always need someone to accompany me on the road. A little leader will not be stingy."

"No, no, no, you are going to die, don't drag me dammit!"

Ashina waved his hands again and again.

It's just that Lu Zhi is very generous, he just glanced at Ashina: "The prince of the barbarian outside the fan, is worthy of being buried with you!"

Ashina's face turned dark when he heard the words, and he wanted to refute, but seeing Lu Zhi's eyes, he shut up knowingly.

Players are not invincible, and the top-level combat power in the script world is simply not something they can resist.

So he could only look at Xu Tong with resentful little eyes.

I couldn't stop cursing myself in my heart. This time, I was really bad luck for eight lifetimes. I obviously had the luck of the golden jade exquisite ball, but I went to the script studio and was told that there was only one identity mask left.

I thought he was a big prince at any rate, but only to find out here that the big country of shit, the prince of shit, didn't take advantage of it, and was buried with him first.

If this matter is over, I must go to the script library and apply for arbitration again.

Xu Tong pinched the yellow incense lightly with his fingers, and saw the yellow incense burning, and patted Ashina on the shoulder: "Hold it firmly, the incense is broken, the leg is broken, hahahaha!"

"Why didn't you find him to be buried with you!!"

Ashina suppressed his anger, and turned his eyes to Zhang Haisheng, who was enjoying the wine calmly.

Xu Tong glanced at Zhang Haisheng who was on the side, and found that Zhang Haisheng was expressionless, as if he didn't care about Xu Tong's tricks at all.

Can't help shaking his shoulders helplessly, and said meaningfully: "We have a good relationship! After all, he is a good brother who is willing to sacrifice his life for me."

Dogs don't believe what they say, and Ashina doesn't even believe it.

It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, Ashina can only pray in his heart that Lu Zhi can teach this bastard a lesson.

Xu Tong lit the yellow incense and walked to his place: "I'm done!"


As soon as he spoke, Lu Zhi's figure instantly blurred, Xu Tong's pupils tightened, and only an afterimage could be seen in front of his eyes.

Immediately after the strong wind hit his face, he subconsciously raised his arms to block.

Raising his left arm, his arm was quickly covered with a layer of black and delicate scales, and between the lightning and flint, a shrill golden Buddha's light burst out.

Chilong scale armor and Vajra Seal were activated by him at the same time, but he still underestimated how terrifying Lu Zhi's palm was.


The explosive sound like thunder made Xu Tong's left cochlea buzz, and time seemed to slow down several times at this moment.

He could even clearly see the obvious dent on his arm, followed by overwhelming power rushing down this arm, even though Xu Tong desperately wanted to control this force, he found that this force was like The unbridled ferocious beast surged all over his body uncontrollably.

In an instant, Xu Tong was shot flying five or six meters away. His body was like a ball that had been thrown into the air. After falling heavily to the ground, he bounced up in mid-air.

But it didn't end there.

The next moment Lu Zhi's figure had come to him, with a look of joy on his indifferent face, he kicked Xu Tong's lower abdomen.


Everyone's heartstrings tightened, and the huge impact sound, as if it hit their hearts heavily, made everyone's heartstrings unavoidable.

"Da da……"

The broken bluestone bricks hit the ground like hail.

There was already a shallow pit with a diameter of half a meter in front of him. Xu Tong lay in it with a big character, his body was covered by blue scales, but his arms and the scales on his lower abdomen could be seen to have exploded.

Lu Zhi walked to the shallow pit, squatted down, looked up at the cubicle on the third floor: "Look, last time you helped them, they will kill you this time, you are in the wrong team!"

In the cubicle on the third floor, Gu Peiyuan kept silent, unhurriedly peeled off the peanuts with one hand, and took out one and put it in his mouth.

Faced with Lu Zhi's ridicule downstairs, he turned a deaf ear.

Xu Tong twisted his body in the shallow pit, rolled over and stood up again, half kneeling on the ground, with blood gurgling from the corner of his mouth.His face became a little distorted due to the pain, he took a deep breath, and then he tilted his head to look at Lu Zhi who was standing in front of him, grinning and bared his blood-stained teeth: "That's it!"


Lu Zhi's eyes were covered with a layer of frost, he raised his palm and slapped it down from the air.

There was no physical contact, but it was as if a heavy hammer hit his shoulder invisibly. Xu Tong's body swayed, and his knee smashed the bluestone on the floor hard.

"Good son, if you're good, don't learn. After learning the skills of Yuyang local ruffians, you really look a bit like that."

Said that Lu Zhi's fingers seemed to be flipping an abacus, and lightly slid across the green scales on Xu Tong's body, and the slender nails made a crisp sound of "Ding Ding! Ding!".

Suddenly Lu Zhi's fingers stopped, and with a flick of his fingertips, a scale was pulled off.


These scales and Xu Tong were connected by flesh and blood, and the pain of being torn off made his whole body tremble uncontrollably.

"Kill him, kill him!!"

Ashina on the side watched this scene, not to mention how happy he was, wishing to follow Zhang Haisheng's example, drinking and watching the theater.

But Naihe was holding the yellow incense stick in his hand, so he didn't dare to move it, for fear that if he accidentally broke the incense candle, he would be in trouble.

"These scales are so beautiful, just right, I still lack a mat, I wonder if you have enough scales!"

Lu Zhi picked up a scale and put it on his hand to observe carefully, then asked Xu Tong thoughtfully.

"If you had told me earlier, I would have gotten fatter, and I could have grown a few more scales for you!"

The muscles on Xu Tong's face were trembling, but his mouth was still grinning, with a casual look, which made Lu Zhi more and more annoyed.

Grab his hair and lift him up from the ground: "I don't believe how long you can last!"

As he said that, Lu Zhi's fist hit Xu Tong's lower abdomen one after another.

Every punch was extremely powerful, causing the black scales on his abdomen to burst.


Blood was mixed with minced meat, and they spat out together. I don't know if it was intentional, but it happened to be on Lu Zhi's fist. Seeing the hot blood, Lu Zhi couldn't help throwing Xu Tong to the ground with disgust on his face.

He picked up the wine on the table as water, rinsed it casually a few times, then pulled out an embroidered scarf from his sleeve, raised his head like Xu Tong just now, and looked at the cubicle on the third floor: "That's it??"

Gu Peiyuan and Mu Tiantong looked at each other, and Mu Tiantong suddenly stood up, but Gu Peiyuan grabbed his arm, shook his head, and signaled not to intervene.

The luck of Buddhism cannot grow any longer. Li Zheng has the great luck of Buddhism, not just as simple as his two poems. Although there is no evidence, Gu Peiyuan concluded that the treasure of the Buddhist world that was pulled out of the ghost city , must have fallen on this kid.

Otherwise, how can a kid who can't even memorize Buddhist scriptures cultivate the supernatural powers of Vajra? ?

Could it be that those monks in Buddhist temples who eat fast and recite scriptures for decades have practiced on dogs? ?

"You're really not afraid that Yuan Fang will fight you desperately!"

Mu Tiantong turned his head and asked what he was most worried about.

"He dare not!"

Gu Peiyuan stuffed a peanut into his mouth with a sneer on his face. If he died, he would have nothing to do with letting Yuan Fang smash his body into thousands of pieces and shatter his bones into ashes.

But he is still alive, even if he is about to die, as long as he is still breathing and can open his mouth to speak, Yuan Fang dare not do anything to him.

Even if it was a great guardian like Yuan Fang who made him anxious, and before he died, he risked his life and gave him a sincere word, which would still make Yuan Fang feel so regretful that his guts would turn green.

How terrible is the power of honesty? ?

It is said that when Sakyamuni became enlightened, the demon king Bo Xun once made a prophecy.

He said that although he could not do anything to the Buddha, his disciples and grandchildren would wear the robes of Buddhism in the future, learn the appearance of Buddha, distort his scriptures, tamper with the teachings he left behind, and pretend to be him, To confuse the world, and finally ruin it, stink it, until no one believes it anymore.

When Sakyamuni heard this, he could only cry silently.

It can be seen that sincerity is successful, even the Buddha cannot change it.

Although I don't have the ability of the demon king Bo Xun, but I can still do it if I put my life on the line and let Buddhism come to an end.


Mu Tiantong sighed. In the final analysis, they are old things, but plotting against a young doll. It is inevitable that there will be a lump in their hearts. Save the souls of the dead.

"Hey!! How did this kid get up again!!"

At this time, Mu Tiantong suddenly noticed something, turned around and went to the window to have a look, and sure enough, he saw Xu Tong's body dangling from the ground and slowly stood up straight.

"Still standing up!!"

Lu Zhi turned his head and looked Xu Tong up and down: "It's kind of like a Yuyang man!"

"Cough, cough, cough...the incense is not finished yet, you don't have much time, I want to cherish the time for you!!"

Xu Tong coughed the blood out of his mouth, straightened his waist, and there was a strong smell of blood all over his body.

And the luck above his head seemed to have decayed to the extreme.

But the moment his legs stood straight, his thin body was like a mountain covered by clouds, so that everyone who saw it could not know how high this mountain was and how deep the water was.

"This bastard, why is he still alive!!"

Ashina on the side looked at Xu Tong with hellish eyes, and then looked at the incense candle in his hand that had been burned to only one-third of it, and his face suddenly turned cold.

Time was running out, and he wanted to urge Lu Zhi to hurry up and kill this kid, but he swallowed the words honestly.

It seemed to be self-comforting and muttered in a low voice; "If you really want to kill him, I guess one second is enough!"

"not necessarily!"

However, Zhang Haisheng suddenly spoke at this moment, and saw Zhang Haisheng's solemn expression, looking at Xu Tong who stood up again in front of him: "Didn't you realize that this guy has never been able to use item cards!"

Hearing Ashina's head buzzing, it seemed that he was inspired by Zhang Haisheng's words. After recalling everything that happened just now with lightning speed in his mind, he realized that it was really as Zhang Haisheng said, that this kid was always the same from the beginning to the end. He didn't use any ability of the item card, and he was being beaten completely with his own flesh and blood.

Ashina's mood suddenly became complicated.

"You really are not afraid of death!!"

Lu Zhi's eyes were still sharp. Although there was still a third of the incense stick left, Lu Zhi was tired of seeing this kid covered in blood.

Any top player has his own pride.

What's more, for an enlightened celestial being like Lu Zhi, out of his heart's anger, he naturally doesn't want to continue to torture such a small character.

"Remember my face, in the next life, don't embarrass me again!"

After Lu Zhi's voice fell, he walked to Xu Tong's side in one step, raised his palm, and aimed at Xu Tong's Tianling cover to take a picture.

At this moment of lightning and flint.

A bright red cold light suddenly appeared in Xu Tong's empty eyes, and he raised his arms brazenly to block his head.

"Useless work!!"

The moment this thought flashed in Lu Zhi's mind, his palms had already landed on Xu Tong's arms.


A gust of manic wind swept between the two, everyone closed their eyes subconsciously, Yuan Shoushi hugged Wanrong tightly in his arms and turned his head sideways, unable to bear to watch any longer.

But when the strong wind swept over everyone's cheeks, they were surprised to find that Xu Tong was still alive, not only alive, but his arms were as stable as Mount Tai to block Lu Zhi's palm.

"how is this possible!!!"

Ashina stood up abruptly, staring at it with wide eyes, without noticing it. With a surprised expression on his face, Zhang Haisheng slowly stretched out his palm and wiped it under the bridge of his nose. The bright red blood was stained red. His hand, Xu Tong's meaningful smile when he lit incense for Ashina suddenly flashed in his mind: "He is a good brother who is willing to sacrifice his life for me..."

(End of this chapter)

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