Infinite script kill

Chapter 649 I'm jealous of you for a lifetime

Chapter 649 I will be greedy for you forever
It wasn't just Zhang Haisheng who was injured.

Gu Xibai, who was watching the battle not far away, could not help but let out a muffled cold snort.

It's just that he has a strong physique, so it's not as obvious as Zhang Haisheng.

Xu Tong raised his head slowly, with a trace of cunning in his eyes, like a cunning fox showing its tail.

[Guardian] Skill: Righteousness
Consumes 30 script points. After activation, when there are more than 30 teammates within 2 meters around you, the damage you receive will be shared equally.

Now that Zhang Haisheng and Gu Xibai are taking two-thirds of the damage for him, Xu Tong suddenly feels the pressure is greatly relieved, and he looks up at Lu Zhi.

"Senior Lu, time is running out!!"

Lu Zhi looked back at the burning incense candle in Ashina's hand, and couldn't help being surprised.

When he just did it, this kid's luck should have been crushed by him, how could he still stand up, and even forcefully supported himself with a palm!
Not only Lu Zhi was surprised, but everyone couldn't believe it.


Through the black cloth on his eyes, Mu Tiantong in the cubicle on the third floor saw that the luck behind Xu Tong had been completely crushed by Lu Zhi's luck.

But the strange thing is, not only did this kid not die, even his own luck gradually began to show new signs, as if some invisible force was helping him.

"It's enough to kill you ten times!"

After Lu Zhi finished speaking, he no longer had any reservations.

He didn't believe it, how difficult it would be to kill a boy who had entered the Dao realm when he became a heavenly man!
Lu Zhi raised it with one hand, and the virtual and real in front of his eyes were intertwined. As time passed, the space in front of Xu Tong's eyes changed, and a huge mountain-like statue of Mo Tuo appeared in his sight.

Motuo's eight arms are open, the left hand is holding the sun, the right hand is holding the moon, and the hands are clasped together. The palms of the four arms each hold four magic tools, which symbolize diseases, natural disasters, man-made disasters, and wars.

Motuo pushed his palms away from his chest, and a black ripple visible to the naked eye surged like a tide.

The terrifying shock wave was like a world-ending storm.

Facing Lu Zhi's full attack, Xu Tong was still smiling and opened his arms.

The broken scales on his body recovered.

With both feet stepping heavily on the ground, a steady stream of vitality is pouring into Xu Tong's body along his legs.

"Vientiane Rejuvenation!!"

Ashina's pupils tightened suddenly, and he recognized at a glance that the ability Xu Tong was activating at the moment was the active skill in the top-grade item card [Vientiane Rejuvenation], the source of the earth, which was held by his subordinates.

Active Skill 1: Source of the Earth.

Consumes 200 script points, after activation, it can continuously absorb life force from the ground under its feet, increasing its own recovery effect by 200%
And enhance physical defense by 40%
Immune to dark control skills below level 6.

Duration: 3 hours
Cooldown: three days

Back then when the Shadow Group chased him down, he fell into the Immortal Worship Formation of the Five Immortals Hall, but the bearded man among them was very fierce, not only relying on his own strong physique, he forcibly penetrated the Immortal Worship Formation.

Even at the end of the battle, it still showed strong vitality, precisely because of the support of this superb item card.

Although Xu Tong doesn't have the matching item cards like the bearded man, he has a dark chilong body, and his physical body has long been different from ordinary people, and he has perfectly inherited the dark physique's restraint of dark power.

In addition, there is the blessing of the Vajra Seal.

And the passive of [Vientiane Rejuvenation]: Chaoyang, physical toughness increased by 20%, and physical defense increased by 40%.

Xu Tong doesn't believe that he can't hold it, don't forget that because he is not alone in bearing this injury.

"not good!!"

Zhang Haisheng sensed something was wrong, and his expression changed drastically. He saw his hands quickly forming seals, and silently recited the Dao Jue.

"Golden Mountain Curse"

Along with the Dao Jue chanting, Zhang Haisheng's body suddenly glowed with golden light, but the difference from the Buddhist Vajra supernatural power is that the golden light on Zhang Haisheng's body is more like a flowing liquid, which wraps Zhang Haisheng's body tightly and gradually melts. Make a golden mountain and cover him firmly.

Gu Xibai had a bitter face, cursing inwardly: I knew it would be no good if this guy framed him as a team.

But when the situation came to an end, he didn't dare to be careless. He activated the skill of the item card, which made the muscles of his whole body start to squirm, causing his body to suddenly shrink in a circle.


Under the impact of the black ripples, Xu Tong's body seemed to be hit by a large truck driving at high speed. The scales on his body aged and fell off quickly the moment they were stained with black ripples.

This is Lu Zhi's way. Chaos, war, disease, and man-made disasters are all the root causes of suffering that cannot be done.

Often, one's power will appear extremely pale and powerless in the face of these things, and even one's own luck will quickly wear away in it until death.

Not only is Lu Zhi's way so true, it also shows that this person has a madness in his bones that wants to bring chaos to the world.

What kind of princes and grandchildren, what kind of government of the Great Zhou Dynasty, even if a saint comes in person, how many people in the world can stop me from the person I Lu Zhi wants to kill!
However, the madness in Lu Zhi's eyes stopped abruptly when he saw Xu Tong standing in front of him, and he couldn't help showing a look of horror in his eyes: "This is impossible!!"

In the turbulent darkness, Xu Tong opened his hands, like a dragon trying to break free from the darkness, stepping forward with difficulty.

The dragon scales on his body shattered, but brand new dragon scales grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The strong and powerful heartbeat sounded like drumsticks. With each strong and powerful beat, a large amount of pure magic energy quickly repaired his body.

"It's impossible, I said it, when it comes to being beaten, I am number one in the world!!"

Xu Tong stared at Lu Zhi with fiery eyes.

He ignored the resentful eyes of Zhang Haisheng and Gu Xibai.

"You haven't enlightened yet, what big talk!!"

Lu Zhi was startled, he was confused by Xu Tong's crazy appearance, jumped up and rushed to Xu Tong, raised his hand and punched Xu Tong directly in the heart.

Lu Zhi could tell that this kid had a problem with his heart, as if there was a steady stream of power pouring out.

Obviously Lu Zhi blamed all the problems on Xu Tong's heart.

It's just that he overlooked another thing.

Just when Lu Zhi stretched out his hand to grab Xu Tong's heart, an unstoppable murderous aura stabbed out from Xu Tong's hand at the same time.

"Fire addiction!!"

The pure Yang sword came out, and the flames exploded on the blade. At the moment Xu Tong activated the demon king's arrival, several kinds of flames merged with each other to form a unique vermilion fire, which exploded facing Lu Zhi in front of him.


For a moment, the vermilion flames covered the entire Six Arts Hall with a layer of red frost. Rao Lu Zhi, an enlightened celestial being, was blown away by the huge flames unexpectedly.


The Motuo Sect 28 Constellation members who came with Lu Zhi couldn't help but change their faces when they saw this, and rushed forward to check.


It was just a gloomy roar that made them stop, and saw a black evil spirit gushing out from Lu Zhi, who was wrapped in flames, and when he stretched out his hand, he saw all the flames on his body gathered in his palm.

It condensed into a small fireball.

Lu Zhi looked at the vermilion fireball in his hand, and looked at Xu Tong. Instead, he calmed down and lifted the clothes on his chest.

Only then did everyone realize that Lu Zhi was injured, an incision was made from his chest to his lower abdomen.

Strangely, although the wound was clearly visible, not a single drop of blood leaked out.


Seeing this, Xu Tong curled his lips. Sure enough, the gap in strength is a gap after all. If he wants to kill Lu Zhi with his current strength, he is still far away.

Immediately, with the long sword behind his back, he pointed to the incense candle in Ashina's hand: "Sorry, Senior Lu, the time for a stick of incense has already arrived!"

Ashina woke up when he heard the words, and looked intently, and he didn't know when the incense candle in his hand had been extinguished, and his face flickered suddenly: "Okay, I admit, your ability to be beaten is the best in the world." Absolutely!"

Lu Zhi admitted that everyone present was not surprised.

What is the concept of enlightenment.

The realm of heaven and man is the best in the world.

Except for some special places in this world that he cannot break into, there is nothing that can stop him.

Being able to survive in the hands of an enlightened person, so what if it can't be regarded as the best in the world.

Lu Zhi squinted his eyes and looked at Zhang Haisheng.

"Whirring whirring……"

I saw that Zhang Haisheng finally dispelled the Golden Mountain Curse, and his face turned pale.

Seeing this, Lu Zhi probably understood what was going on in his heart. Although he didn't know the details, he did feel a wave of unfathomable luck just now, which severely damaged his luck.

Presumably, this person should have secretly helped Li Zheng.

However, at the moment Zhang Hai was living, he suddenly raised his head and glared at Xu Tong: "You bastard! You use me!"

Speaking of which, Zhang Haisheng wanted to take off the fortune-making avatar on his wrist, throw it to Xu Tong casually, and at the same time threw out a notice to apply for quitting the team.

Even one-third of the damage would be a huge pressure on Zhang Haisheng, after all, he is not good at physical strength.

Seeing the avatar being thrown, Fa Cai in the hall immediately stretched out his slender tail and rolled it in the air, then retracted the avatar into his body.

"Are you sure you want to quit!"

Xu Tong looked at Zhang Haisheng.

Zhang Haisheng remained silent, his eyes sharp.

Obviously, this is not a discussion with Xu Tong. If Xu Tong disagrees, he will forcefully withdraw directly, and he can still afford the compensation.

Xu Tong sighed, took out a pill from the item book with one hand and pinched it in the palm of his hand, and walked to Zhang Haisheng with a slightly apologetic face: "Anyway, thank you, without you, I might really Can't stand it!"

Seeing Xu Tong thanking him so sincerely suddenly, Zhang Haisheng's face softened a lot.

However, he had already made up his mind that he must draw a clear line with Xu Tong, and Gu Peiyuan also promised that he would be given a chance tonight to help him improve his cultivation.

He doesn't believe in Gu Peiyuan, but he also doesn't believe in Xu Tong.

Xu Tong picked up the wine glass and put it to his mouth: "Meeting is always fate, unfortunately, I didn't see the day when your road will finally come true. We will meet again in the next life and we will be friends!"

After finishing speaking, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and then decisively agreed to Zhang Haisheng's application for resignation from the team.

Seeing this, Zhang Haisheng was stunned, and felt a little soft-hearted inexplicably.

"I'm going to die, don't you give me a cup??"

Xu Tong looked at Zhang Haisheng sincerely, Zhang Haisheng finally sighed when he saw this, and reached out to pick up the wine glass: "Go!"

Talking is to drink it up.

But at the moment when he raised his glass and drank, Xu Tong suddenly bumped into Zhang Haisheng's arms, and suddenly the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "It's no wonder, with your body, I will be greedy for you forever."

Feeling alert, Zhang Haisheng raised his hand and punched Xu Tong, but the punch was in vain. Xu Tong's figure shrank to the size of a palm under the eyes of everyone, and he got into Zhang Haisheng's clothes. collar, like a huge mouse scurrying back and forth under Zhang Haisheng's clothes.

At the same time, Xu Tong yelled: "Don't stand still, run, this old thief Lu is a hacker!"

(End of this chapter)

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