Infinite script kill

Chapter 651 I have my own way to support the sky

Chapter 651


Under the night sky, two dark shadows stepped on the beams and galloped in the huge city of Luoyang.

The two are in front of each other, and the speed is astonishingly fast.

"You can run faster, old thief Lu is going to catch up!!"

"Get out of here as soon as possible, I'm not done with you!!"

Zhang Haisheng's face was dark, and Qingyun steps under his feet in mid-air as if he was walking on the ground. Considering his cultivation base in the Taoist realm, it is extremely rare to be able to barely equalize with Lu Zhi behind him.

This is also thanks to his good lightness skills, plus the blessing of prop cards, otherwise, it would be a foolish dream to escape from under the nose of an enlightened person.

Glancing at Lu Zhi who was following behind him, even though he ran desperately, the distance between the two could only be maintained at [-] steps. Seeing this, Zhang Haisheng was secretly distressed, if he could increase the distance by [-] steps , I was sure to disappear from Lu Zhi's sight quickly, but the distance of [-] steps was like a death line, which made him dare not relax at all times.

Once the distance between the two was brought within two hundred steps, there was no need for him to run.

"Run to the Luo River!"

Xu Tong said at this time: "As long as you run to the Luo River, I can help you."

"You think I'll trust you?"

Zhang Haisheng glanced at the direction of Luohe, but he didn't believe Xu Tong's words in his heart.

If this guy stabs me at a critical moment, I can't stand it.

After all, if it were me, if I could get rid of a destined nemesis at this time, it might not be a bad thing.

"If you don't believe you will be knocked down, but if you continue to run, there is only one dead end. If Lu Zhi wanted to catch up with you, he would have caught up with you a long time ago. Now he is not in a hurry to hang you, just to force you to run out of the city! But once you get out If you leave the city, even the Great Luo Immortal will not be able to save you."

Xu Tong is now lying in Zhang Haisheng's arms, and he can see clearly from the other side. The sound of drums in the distance obviously means that Lu Zhi has already alarmed the Shenwu Guards in Luoyang City.

As long as Zhang Haisheng can hold out until Shenwuwei rushes over, Lu Zhi will leave.

After listening to Xu Tong's analysis, Zhang Haisheng didn't know what Lu Zhi was planning, but hearing Xu Tong's teasing voice, Zhang Haisheng felt an unprecedented sense of boredom in his heart.

"If you want to go to Luohe, you should go by yourself, I won't be fooled by you again."

As he said that, Zhang Haisheng seemed to have made up his mind. Suddenly, his figure stepped lightly on the mud tiles, and his figure stopped abruptly. He turned around and looked at Lu Zhi who was chasing up behind him, and his eyes gradually became firmer.

"What you can do, I can do too. Since you don't want to leave, let's give it a try and see if I can hold on. Big deal, let's go to hell together!!"

Zhang Haisheng's eloquent words stunned Xu Tong who was hiding in his arms.


Seeing that Zhang Haisheng stopped running away, Lu Zhi was quite surprised. He slowed down his pace and stared at Zhang Haishen: "It's a pity, I'll give you another three to five years, and there is no one else in the world."

Lu Zhi could tell that the young man in front of him was a person with great luck, and he might have the opportunity to enter Taoism within three to five years.

"Old thief Lu, stop talking nonsense, fight if you want, I'm not afraid of you!" The person who spoke was not Zhang Haisheng, but Xu Tong who was hiding on Zhang Haisheng.

As soon as these words came out, Lu Zhi was overjoyed: "Hmph, why do you need to hide on others and use your tongue? If the two of you work together, maybe there is still a way to survive."

"Hey, even if you talk about breaking the sky, don't try to trick me out. Hurry up and stop talking here like a bitch."

Well, Lu Zhi was really angry and funny when he heard the words. He had seen shameless people before, but he had never seen such shameless people: "I think your shamelessness is the best in the world!"

After speaking, he straightened his eyes, and looked directly at Zhang Haisheng in front of him with sharp eyes like electricity.

Facing the serious eyes of an enlightened man, Zhang Haisheng was surprisingly calm, as if Xu Tong's provocation was his own intention.

Quiet, indifferent, with no surprise at all, since you have made up your mind, you will not be shaken by other foreign objects.

This undoubtedly convinced Lu Zhi that the young man in front of him had great potential in the future.

"Just right, I also want to see whether it's your luck or my luck!"

Lu Zhi finally moved to kill.

The image of Motuo appeared behind Lu Zhi, with eight arms moving slowly, and countless black smoke spit out from Motuo's mouth, covering the sky and covering the earth, sealing off the sky, and finally evolved into a huge black millstone that crushed Zhang Haisheng. shrouded in it.

"not good!!"

In the distance, Gu Pei Yuan was chasing this way with Mu Tiantong and others, but before they got close, Mu Tiantong's eyes were like lightning, seeing the difference between heaven and earth, he immediately held Gu Pei Yuan to stop him from going any further.

"It's trickery, don't go!!"

Mu Tiantong's expression was serious, the teachings of the Moduo sect were completely opposite to Buddhism, and this trick of misfortune was even more weird and domineering.

As the name suggests, chaos, war, disease, and man-made disasters are the four major disasters in the world. The four disasters turn into a millstone, trapping people in it. luck.

Rao is a god who enters the mill, if it doesn't matter for a while, it will turn into blood.

Even Mu Tiantong didn't dare to go in rashly.

He even didn't dare to let Gu Peiyuan follow him into danger, otherwise, if he was a little careless, his friend might want to meet Hades on the spot.

Mu Tiantong was surprised that when Gu Peiyuan saw the black mist in the distance, the impatient look on his face became calm instead, and he took out a handful of copper coins from his sleeve and sprinkled them on the ground.

Mu Tiantong took a look, and it turned out to be Jie Gua and Shuize Festival.

"Boom rumble..."

In the eyes of outsiders, it was just a phenomenon shrouded in dark clouds, but at this moment in front of Zhang Haisheng, it was no less terrifying than the sky falling apart.

The aura of disaster was like a huge millstone going up and down, sandwiching him in the middle.

Every time the millstone turned, there was a scream of howling ghosts and gods, and floating corpses appeared in front of my eyes, and the blood river battlefield was desolate and full of disasters.

As if he was in a troubled world full of disasters, his luck was also quickly worn down by these four major disasters. In the blink of an eye, the green hills above his head turned out to be a large forest withered.

"Good fortune through the mystery, the blue dragon and white tiger team battle is different, the body of the Zhuque Xuanwu bodyguard..."

Seeing this, Zhang Haisheng didn't dare to be careless, took out a coin in his hand, and at the same time chanted a mantra, stepped on the sky, and threw his fingers: "Get up!"

The spent money flew into the air with a whoosh and hung above the head, shining brightly.

At Zhang Haisheng's feet, there was even a bit of spiritual light, and a four-element altar rose from the ground. At the four corners of the altar stood the four-element mythical beasts of green dragon, white tiger, red bird, and basalt, and two yellow scarf warriors stood on both sides.


The two wrestlers roared, their feet firmly on the altar, their arms stretched out, their bodies like pillars of the sky, as if they wanted to push away the haze.

Zhang Haisheng's eyes were like lightning, and an ancient pine appeared behind him. The ancient pine and Zhang Haisheng's luck matched each other, standing on the top of the green hill, resembling a horned dragon coiled up, stretching into the air.

There are three crystal clear pine cones on the tree, which are shining brightly at this moment.

"It's so strong!"

Seeing this, Xu Tong couldn't help but secretly stunned, Zhang Haisheng deserved to enjoy Qingcheng's 800 years of luck alone, his strength was ridiculously strong, and he already had three Dao fruits.

It's just one step away from joining the Tao.

This speed, this age, in any era, is enough to be called a genius.

"Senior Lu, this junior is not talented, but he also has the heart to spread his wings to the nine heavens. Today, this junior will give up his life to accompany the gentleman!! Let's see if it is Senior Lu who has great magical skills, or I am a small Taoist!"

Zhang Haihai gritted his teeth secretly: "What Xu Tong can do, I can do too, I shouldn't be inferior to him!!"

Zhang Haisheng's fingers moved like lightning, quickly drew a talisman, picked up the willow stick on the table, and lightly swipe on the talisman.


There was a hollow cracking sound, and the golden light burst out, forming a terrifying golden light that shot straight into the sky.

As if condensed with the heaven and the earth, every time you hit it, the void trembles, as if you want to forcibly break out of a way out of this millstone.

The fierce collision between the two is like an ancient god descending into the world, suppressing the sky, or like the underworld pouring down, covering the vast land.

"You are better than that brat!!"

Lu Zhi nodded, acknowledging Zhang Haisheng's strength.

For the younger generation of today, there is absolutely no one who can compare with them. Three years... no, maybe one year is enough. This young man is probably the first one who can achieve enlightenment before the age of 30.

"It's a pity..." Lu Zhi's eyes were cold and busy: "You don't have that chance!!"

Behind Lu Zhi, Motuo Faxiang, with his arms outstretched, can only see these two arms, with his left hand holding the sun and his right hand holding the moon.

The two merged together to form a solar eclipse sign, which shone with terrifying white light and palpitated fluctuations, all of which were the size of a small mountain. When the headlight was shone, all life was wiped out.

The two yellow turban warriors were illuminated by the white light, and their huge bodies turned into stone statues in an instant. Immediately there was a rumbling sound, and countless cracks opened on their bodies like spider webs.

There is still a respite from the disaster, but when people survive the disaster, they will realize that time flies like a white horse passing by, and in the blink of an eye, in the past few years of disasters, they have changed from a high-spirited young man to a An old man who survived by luck.

And this is the horror of time.


Accompanied by a huge bang, the two yellow scarf warriors turned into countless rubble and collapsed.

What was even more frightening was that the white light penetrated Zhang Haisheng's golden light and directly shone on the altar.

Under the illumination of the white light, the originally exquisite and solemn altar began to break apart, like a ruin smashed by people in the chaos, and collapsed.


The people who had rushed over were all terrified when they saw such a scene.

Lu Zhi's strength was so terrifying, even though the imperial court had thousands of troops, Lu Zhi was able to pass through it unimpeded. Although Luoyang City was guarded by Shenwu Guards, if he wanted to kill him, it might not be easy.

"Could it be possible, do you really want to invite the old heavenly master down the mountain?"

The figure of Cao Huasheng came to the side of the road, looking at the terrifying scene in front of him, he was secretly speechless.

On the other side, Mu Tiantong and Gu Peiyuan were so nervous that cold sweat broke out on their foreheads, and it was at this moment whether they could hold on.

Under the white light, everything is depressed.

Zhang Haisheng made seals with his hands, and he called out a magic mirror in front of him, but under the light, the magic mirror also began to rot and shatter.

For a moment, white light shone on Zhang Haisheng's body through the shattered gap of the magic mirror, which made his skin age quickly.

"Come on, if you can't hold on, just talk, I'll help you!!"

Xu Tong hid behind Zhang Haisheng, secretly sweating for Zhang Haisheng.

The eye of fate opened the strange door, and looking with both eyes, I saw the green hill above Zhang Haisheng's head quickly turning into a gray forest under the white light.

The green trees on the mountain were completely withered, and the rivers and streams were all dried up. It was clearly a treasure mountain, but it turned into a barren mountain.

"Don't talk sarcastic!!"

Zhang Haisheng's face was livid, and he gritted his teeth tightly: "I am by no means worse than you!!"

While speaking, the broken hair on Zhang Haisheng's forehead had already started to turn blue-gray.

Yellow spots gradually appeared on the skin on the face, and the whole figure suddenly turned into an old man on the verge of decay, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

"Hai Sheng!! Hai Sheng!!"

In a daze, Zhang Haisheng heard someone calling him behind him, and the familiar voice made him turn his head unconsciously.


The hazy figure couldn't see the face clearly, it was a Taoist standing on the top of the mountain.

"Haisheng, Master named you Zhang Haisheng, do you know why?"

The Taoist stretched out his palm, only to see white snow began to fall from the sky.

"There is a bright moon on the sea, and the sky is at this moment. Master, you are asking me to find a good wife in the future!"

A child with a lollipop in his hand came over and muttered.

The Taoist put his hand on the child's head: "Zhang Sheng boiled the sea and changed his life against the sky, all owed to me by Mount Qingcheng. You just need to remember one sentence, all things are impermanent, and it is the law of birth and death. Desire to die! Remember, this is what your previous life left you!"

"All things are impermanent, it is the law of birth and death. Birth and death are already gone, and peace and death are joy..."

Zhang Haisheng muttered to himself.

At this time, I only heard the master say: "It's snowing, let's go down the mountain, after the heavy snow, it will be a beautiful scenery again."

Hearing these words, Zhang Haisheng seemed to be struck by lightning. When he came back to his senses, he saw that the Taoist and the naughty boy had disappeared, and his vision blurred for a while. When he opened his eyes to see clearly, he realized that he had already Passed out on the ground.

And the person in front of him was standing in front of him, it was Xu Tong who was originally hiding on top of him.

It turned out that Xu Tong saw that the situation was not good and had to jump out of Zhang Haisheng's body. When it was a critical moment, Xu Tong did not dare to hold back any more.

Holding the sword of pure yang in his hand, the body actually produced pure yang fire.

A lotus paper lantern is suspended above Xu Tong's head.

The hanging lamp illuminated the road, shining brightly, unexpectedly blocking the white light from Motuo for a moment.

This hanging lamp illuminates the road, which is the technique of the seven sects. It uses one's own energy and spirit as a guide, and ignites the fire of life, which can illuminate the dark road and dispel evil.

But at this moment, Xu Tong was at his wit's end, so he used the power of no phase to transform into a body of pure yang, and used this method to ignite the life fire of Yuanshen to stop Lu Zhi.

It's just that it's obviously just struggling, and there is still white light shining on Xu Tong's body, causing his body to age and decay rapidly.

"You are crazy!!"

Seeing Xu Tong standing in front of him, Zhang Haisheng's eyes widened. This guy is really crazy, he dared to try such a method.

"you go!!"

Realizing that Zhang Haisheng woke up, Xu Tong didn't turn his head, but used all his strength to tell Zhang Haisheng to leave quickly.

"This time, I may really not be able to hold on anymore, let's have another drink when we meet next time!!"

The moment he said this, Xu Tongren was almost exhausted.

The originally strong body was already skinny, and the outline of Li Zheng could still be seen vaguely on his face, but even if Prince Gong came in person, he definitely couldn't help but come, who was this old man who looked like he was dying.

On the occasion of life and death.

Zhang Haisheng's mind once again flashed the words that he remembered just now: "All things are impermanent, and they are the law of birth and death. Birth and death are already gone, and extinction is joy..."

Looking at his hands, Fuzhi read the next sentence from his mouth like a soul.

"One thought generates thousands of dharmas, I have the way to support the blue sky!!"

As the saying goes, the law follows, Zhang Haisheng understood his own cause and effect in an instant, and understood the past.

At the same time, Zhang Haisheng also began to have a strange Taoist rhyme.

Daoyun divine light diffused from Zhang Haisheng's body, forming a peculiar rainbow light, and where the rainbow light swept, it actually dissipated the white light that Motuofa followed.


When Lu Zhi saw this, his face turned pale with shock. Seeing the rainbow glowing on Zhang Haisheng's body, his jaw almost dropped in shock: "Enlightened!! How is this possible??"

In the world, where is there such a thing against the sky, at the moment of death, when one's luck is exhausted, it is unprecedented to use this to achieve enlightenment! !
"A round of dry and prosperous years and frost, the spring sun and the breeze moisten the mountains and rivers, or the dead trees will be reduced to mud, and the mountains will be full of spring in a blink of an eye. Senior Lu, everything is dry and prosperous, and Taoism follows nature. Thank you for your success!"

Zhang Haisheng raised his head, the old skin on his face faded, and his black hair regenerated in a blink of an eye. What was even more shocking was his luck. Evergreen.

Luck is even stronger than before.


Now Lu Zhi was speechless for a while, but he had nothing to regret. Li Zheng had lost all energy, even if the Immortal Da Luo came, he would not be able to save him.

Now that my goal has been achieved, there is no need to worry about the young man in front of me. I just hope that I will not meet him again in the future: "Congratulations, I will definitely ask Lu for advice in the future!"

As soon as Lu Zhi's words fell, he restrained the Mo Tuo figure behind him, and quickly left the scene.

"It's done! It's really done!!"

Gu Peiyuan looked at the green light of the blue clouds soaring into the sky, and his whole body relaxed. The three sincere words were one of them, and it was the most difficult one. In the dark, he already felt that he already had The hope of cutting the road is gone.

Immediately, the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "So, don't worry!"

After saying don't worry, Gu Peiyuan's eyes drooped slightly, and he fell straight down. Thanks to Mu Tiantong's quick eyesight, he grabbed Gu Peiyuan's arm.

"Old stuff!! Old stuff!!"

Mu Tiantong's complexion changed drastically, his finger tapped Gu Pei Yuan's pulse, his expression darkened in an instant, and he slowly put Gu Pei Yuan on the ground: "You old thief, you walked simply, hey~~"

A life and death parting, but this is not the only one.

Zhang Haisheng walked up to Xu Tong, and saw Xu Tong sitting on the ground. His old body had no strength to move a single finger. If it wasn't for the slight drooping of his eyelids, he might have thought that Xu Tong had passed away. .

However, the current situation is not much better.

Even with panacea, there is no way to change the fact that Xu Tong's body has completely decayed and his life is about to end.

Unless this guy can be like him, enlightened in one thought, enlightened to life and death.

But obviously, he doesn't have such strength.

"Thank you, I owe you a favor for being like this in this life. If there is an afterlife, we will be teammates!"

Zhang Haisheng squatted down and saw Xu Tong's slightly moving lips seemed to be trying to shout something, thinking that Xu Tong had some unfulfilled wish, so he leaned forward and listened carefully.

Faintly, I heard Xu Tong's trembling lips spit out two words: "Silly...X..."

Before Zhang Haisheng recovered from the words, Xu Tong's body suddenly erupted with a strange strong light,

"This is!!"

Sensing the powerful breath of time in this strong light, Zhang Haisheng's eyes widened immediately, watching Xu Tong's body quickly disappear under the strong light.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sudden sinking on the back, and Xu Tong's mocking voice was heard: "I have already said, with your body, I will cling to you for the rest of your life!"

(End of this chapter)

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