Infinite script kill

Chapter 652 Squad Assemble

Chapter 652 Squad Assemble

"you are still alive!!"

This time it was Zhang Haisheng's turn to be dumbfounded. Xu Tong's life was cut off and his body was rotten. Even if the Da Luo Tianxian came, he couldn't save him.

But in the blink of an eye, Xu Tong not only came back to life, but what was even more strange was that even his decayed body was restored to its original state.

But soon Zhang Haisheng realized something: "You have time to tie an item card!!"

I was in a trance just now, but I was keenly aware that there seemed to be a time change in Xu Tong.

In addition, Xu Tong is now rejuvenated and his state has returned to its peak. To explain all these problems, there is only a time item card.

That is the rarest item card among many item cards.

"Hey! I can't tell you that unless you agree to join the team first."

Xu Tong jumped out of Zhang Haisheng's clothes, didn't tell Zhang Haisheng how he did it, but just threw out another invitation, inviting Zhang Haisheng to join the team.

Seeing this invitation, Zhang Haisheng hesitated for a moment.

"Hey, we just agreed. You said it yourself. You want to join my team. You won't regret it now. A cultivator can't just say something casually, and it's your first promise after becoming a Taoist. "

Seeing his hesitation, Xu Tong immediately quoted what Zhang Haisheng had just said.

"All right!"

Zhang Haisheng was very helpless, after all, he said what he said, and he really wanted to know how Xu Tong did it.

When Zhang Haisheng re-entered the team, Xu Tong was unambiguous, and directly called out the item book, and showed Zhang Haisheng his biggest trump card.

【Time Traveler】

This is the biggest gain in my gambling book.

It is also the trump card that he relies on to survive.

This item card has only one ability, the Traveler's Seal.

Active Skill 1: Seal of the Traveler

Consume 2000 script points to leave a mark where you walk. When you encounter danger, you can activate the mark and turn back the time to the moment you left the mark.

The mark interval time shall not exceed 1 minute.

And cannot affect other people and the environment.

Cooldown time: one week

When he saw the entry of this item card, all the doubts in Zhang Haisheng's heart were answered.

In fact, when Xu Tong saw that Zhang Haisheng couldn't hold on, he jumped out, but before he jumped out, he put his mark on Zhang Haisheng.

According to his original plan, at the moment when he was about to die, after making the appearance of feigning death, he would quickly activate the imprint and transfer it to Zhang Haisheng to hide again.

Unexpectedly, the plan was not as good as changing, Zhang Haisheng woke up, not only woke up, but also broke through the shackles and completed the threshold of enlightenment.

So much so that Lu Zhi took the initiative to stop, patted his butt and left.

It's a pity that I even prepared the expression and lines that I should show when I die, but it turned out to be useless and a waste of emotion...

Although the plan didn't go in the direction of the script he envisioned, but fortunately, overall it was smoother than he expected.

Zhang Haisheng is indeed a monster who bears the luck of Qingcheng for 800 years. Xu Tong is also envious for being able to break through this situation.

Both Zhang Haisheng and the eldest princess became enlightened in the face of danger.

But the difficulty of the two is completely different. The eldest princess has accumulated hundreds of years of hard work and gained enlightenment with the help of an opportunity.

Zhang Haisheng is forcibly relying on his own epiphany to become enlightened when his own luck has been exhausted.

The difficulty between the two is judged.

Of course, this also has a great relationship with Zhang Haisheng as an authentic Xuanmen heir.

"it is as expected!"

When Zhang Haisheng saw this item card, his eyes were complicated.

In terms of luck, none of the ten Xu Tongs is his opponent, but this guy's fortune is too strong.

The so-called good fortune is God's care for him in the dark, and it is not affected by luck.

How precious the time-based item card is is not mentioned.

In other words, the skill of this prop card in front of him is already quite against the sky.

Rewind the time within 1 minute, that is to say, no matter how badly Xu Tong was injured in this 1 minute, he will quickly return to his best state at this moment.

What's even more frightening is that all the skills and props he has used during this period will refresh their cooldowns, even the prop points consumed during this process are no exception.

This kind of ability, among all the item cards that Zhang Haisheng has seen, is definitely one of the most heaven-defying abilities.

If there is a real disadvantage, it is that as a time-based prop card, this prop card cannot reset its cooldown time.

Otherwise, this guy is really afraid that he will be invincible.

"Let's go, Lu Zhi has already left and escaped this catastrophe, I'm afraid Lu Zhi won't do anything to you again in a short time."

Zhang Haisheng sighed and prepared to go back to the Six Arts Hall.

At this moment, Xu Tong did not intend to go back: "The matter is not over yet, listen to the movement over there!"

Zhang Haisheng pricked up his ears, and sure enough, he heard the faint sound of fighting coming from a distance.

Lu Zhi was so crazy that he openly broke into the Liuyi Hall and killed people. The court must give an explanation to the public no matter what.

Even if Lu Zhi cannot be killed, at least half of the 28 constellations under the Motuo sect must be left behind.

Otherwise, after tonight, even if the sage understands what's going on in his heart, he will inevitably use a few people as scapegoats to question him.

"Are you going to..."

Zhang Haisheng noticed Xu Tong's thoughts, and thought for a moment: "Forget it, I just became enlightened, and I just need a few touchstones to verify the Taoism."

Where is the fruit of verification?I think you want to kill and set fire.

Xu Tong didn't even want to expose him. The Moduo Sect was a cult appointed by the imperial court. Killing evil masters could be exchanged for credit from the imperial court.

In the past, there was no chance to kill, but now all the forces have been alarmed. At this time, it is a fool not to fish in troubled waters and go back foolishly.

When Xu Tong and Zhang Haisheng rushed over looking for the sound of fighting, a group of people had already started fighting.

"It's Shenwuwei!!"

Xu Tong sat on Zhang Haisheng's shoulder, looked up, and saw four Shenwu guards chasing and besieging two Motuo sect masters.

These two masters of the Moduo sect, a man and a woman, the man is a water ape in the 28 constellations, and they use a big barrier knife.

The woman is a water worm with a long sword in her hand.

The two are a couple, and they are called "Clear Water Mandarin Ducks" in the Jianghu.

It is said that the two like to pretend to be husband and wife, and they especially like to choose places where mountain bandits haunt.

Once encountering robbers, water worms will lure them with their beauty, wait for the robbers to take the bait, and then start killing them, so as to exploit others.

Therefore, he can be regarded as a hero in the world.

Generally, even if the local government knew the whereabouts of the two, they would turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye, mainly because they couldn't beat them.

After all, great masters are not Chinese cabbage, and there are few master-level masters in the local area. Even if there are, one or two may not be the match of this couple.

It's just that this couple has encountered a tough bone today, and the strength of the four Shenwuwei is not weak to them.

The horizontal knife in his hand slashed and slashed, the knife energy was vertical and horizontal, extremely domineering.

This is Shenwuwei's unique knife technique, called the 36-style water-cutting knife.

It is rumored that it came from fighting in the army. Although the moves are simple, the lethality is astonishingly terrifying.

Cooperating with the horizontal knife in Shenwuwei's hand, the power is astonishingly strong.

Compared with the tacit understanding between the couple, the four Shenwuwei's every move is even more coordinated, just like a cold killing machine.

Under the siege of the four Shenwu guards, the two soon began to show signs of retreat.

"It seems that this trip can't catch up!"

Seeing this, Zhang Haisheng was about to leave. It was a certainty that the couple would be strangled, so there was no need for him to do so.

Fortunately, there seemed to be something wrong with Lu Zhi, so that the 28 constellations under his command fled in all directions. If we chase now, if we are lucky, we can still find a few good targets.


At this time, Xu Tong grabbed Zhang Haisheng's hair, stood up from his shoulders, and stared into the distance: "The fun has just begun."


Zhang Haisheng stopped when he heard this, and waited patiently.

I saw the couple fighting and retreating. After a while, their bodies were covered with wounds, but when they retreated into the alley.

A black shadow quietly jumped down from the roof of the building. The black shadow's movement was as fast as a falcon swooping down, and it went straight into Shenwuwei.


Noticing something was wrong, the two Shenwuwei swords staggered and slashed down horizontally. Suddenly, the light of the sword flashed, and the endless sword energy slashed out like a torrential rain.

In such a narrow alley, facing such a dense saber energy, even a grand master would have no way of avoiding it.

However, the speed of the person who came did not slow down. He slowly raised two pairs of huge fists. Facing the attacking saber energy, he suddenly shook his fists.

The wall and saber energy in the alley in front exploded, and a terrifying savage force spread to him, like a thousand waves of turmoil, tyrannical and unparalleled, directly knocking Shenwuwei into the air.

The two Shenwu guards retreated sharply for a moment, with a trace of blood spilling from the corners of their mouths, showing shock.

"Who is coming!!"

Seeing the powerful enemy's surprise attack, the four Shenwu guards quickly gathered their formation, their expressions were cold, and they asked in a low voice.

But the visitors did not explain, the bright forehead reflected the oily reflection in the moonlight, and the huge body was like a giant spirit descending into the world, which made them feel an unprecedented sense of oppression.


As soon as the bald man said that, he was like a fierce tiger coming out of the cage, killing the two Shenwu guards in front of him.

With the addition of the bald head, the battle situation changed instantly.

The other two Shenwu guards also lost their rhythm, and the Bishui Yuanyang and his wife seized the opportunity to divide and attack them.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

The swords and swords in the hands of the husband and wife staggered, cutting faster and faster, and the changes of figures and swords were unpredictable, and the two Shenwu guards were in a mess in an instant.


When the husband and wife suddenly changed their moves and the sword in their hands burst into a dazzling glare, the two Shenwu guards were caught off guard and cut under the sword.


The roar of a tiger behind him was deafening, and the bald man's fists were entangled with terrifying aura, and he punched Shenwuwei's chest hard in front of him.

Terrible force shattered his chest, and a blood mist burst from his back, but when he was about to die, the Shenwuwei suddenly stared angrily, and clasped his bald arm tightly with both hands.

"I fought with you!"

Seeing the tragic death of his companion, another Shenwuwei slashed with a horizontal knife in his hand, and with the will to die, he took the bald head in front of him.

The bald arm is restrained, and the right leg suddenly rises towards the sky. Using the left foot that was half a step ahead as the fulcrum, the right foot ascends to the sky like a raptor.

The protruding toe of the shoe kicked the Shenwuwei's jaw hard, and there was only a sound of bone shattering.

Shenwuwei's neck was thrown back, a mouthful of blood spewed out towards the sky, and he fell heavily on the ground, and the horizontal knife in his hand was also weakly released from his palm...

(End of this chapter)

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