Infinite script kill

Chapter 653 Squad Assemble

Chapter 653 Squad Assemble

After killing the four Shenwu guards neatly, the three of them quickly retreated along the alley without stopping.

"Why don't you let me do it!!"

After the three left, Zhang Haisheng led Xu Tong out of the corner.

Since he is already in the realm of enlightenment at this moment, the three of them naturally have no way to find out that their every move is being watched.

"No hurry, follow up and have a look."

Xu Tong counted the time, and reluctantly jumped off Zhang Haisheng. When he fell on the ground, the effect of the body shrinking pill had reached a critical point. At that moment, Xu Tong recovered his original appearance, and took out a set of clothes from the item book. After putting the ground on his body, he led Zhang Haisheng to follow.

Although Zhang Haisheng was very strange, he didn't ask why.

The two followed behind without haste.

I saw the three Mo Tuojiao, walking south along the sign on the side of the path, and when they came to an intersection, the water worm poked its head out and imitated the voice of a sparrow and yelled twice in the alley.

"Come out!!"

Accompanied by two cries of sparrows, the originally quiet alley was filled with ripples like a curtain of water, and several figures came out out of thin air. The leader was the scholar who had walked into the Six Arts Hall with Lu Zhi before.

"Waterworm, you are injured!"

The scholar glanced up and down on the water worms and his wife, and said with concern.

"It's okay, we met four Shenwuwei, if it wasn't for brother Shi's help, we might not be able to come back."

Water Worm waved his hands, and cupped his hands to the bald man beside him, "Thank you Brother Shi, no wonder Brother Shi is valued by the leader, he really is a heroic boy, we admire him!"

"Hey hey hey! Good good good good."

Hearing the praise from the water worm, the bald man was a little embarrassed by the words of the water worm, and stretched out his hand to pat his naked head, his honest and honest expression was completely different from the indifference he had just shown when he killed Shenwuwei people.

It caused everyone to shake their heads secretly.

This man named Shi Jin is a martial idiot, a genius who practices martial arts, but other than that, he doesn't know anything about human relationships and worldly sophistication.

However, everyone has become accustomed to this, and even the leader said that only with such a pure heart can one be able to make such rapid progress in martial arts.

"The rudder master, the Shenwuwei are alarmed, the leader..."


The scholar raised his hand and interrupted the waterworm's inquiry; "It's okay, the leader's miraculous skills are unrivaled in the world, and with Mo Tuo's blessing, no one in this world can hurt the leader except that old celestial master at Longhushan!"

The scholar said immediately after finishing speaking: "It's not too late. After the leader waits for me, I will retreat from the waterway immediately!"


Everyone responded and wanted to leave.

It's just that a discordant voice came at this moment, interrupting everyone's way.

"Interesting, I wanted to catch tigers, but I didn't want to meet a group of mice here!"


This sudden sound startled Water Worm and the others. They looked around and found a person walking out of the shadows.

I saw the person who was dressed casually, with disheveled hair and a slovenly appearance, walking towards everyone with a smile on his face.

"Cao Huasheng!!"

The scholar's heart sank, and he secretly thought it was bad!

Immediately, a smile appeared on his face, and he cupped his hands and said, "It turns out that he is a bad commander. The commander-in-chief arrived, and I was waiting to meet him. It's just that I heard that the commander-in-chief ordered to commit greedy wolves tonight. That's right!"

"Oh, it's really a coincidence. If others enter the Tao, they must talk about luck and regard it as the standard. But I didn't believe in fate when I was a child. When I was six years old, an old fortune-teller said that I was destined to kill the stars. I can't live to be 12 years old, I raised my hand and gave the old man a slap, don't you think I'm living a good life now??"

Cao Huasheng opened his hands, and deliberately turned around in front of the scholar and the others.

Immediately he raised his eyebrows: "I didn't want to make things difficult for you, but you all know about this. It seems that someone really messed up tonight's game."

After finishing speaking, Cao Huasheng's eyes lighted like lightning, and his voice became serious: "Collude with a cult, hurt people's lives, murder the royal family, all serious crimes, I'm afraid none of you will leave today, let me take you back, ask me clear!"

"Hey, what kind of bullshit is not handsome, I really think of myself as someone. To put it bluntly, I'm not just an eagle dog of the court. I have no official position and no power. I don't know how much money I get every month. How can you be so self-sufficient because of your ability?" Willing to fall!"

One person yelled and cursed.

As soon as these words came out, Cao Huasheng came to this person in an instant, and when he raised his hand, a coiling dragon stick flew out from his sleeve, and hit the person on the forehead.

It is strange to say that the speed of this stick seems to be very slow, but when the opponent wants to parry, he realizes that his body is like rusted iron. All the movement, finally waited for his arm to be raised slightly.


Xu Tong, who was hiding in the distance, smashed a watermelon with a slap, splashing watermelon juice and pulp everywhere, picked up one piece and put it in his mouth, and handed the other piece to Zhang Haisheng who was beside him.

"Eat quickly, I've been tossing all night, I'm almost starving, let's get down to business when we're full."

As Xu Tong said, he stuffed the broken watermelon into his mouth while holding the broken watermelon. His eyes were watching the scene of the fight at the street in the distance, and he ate with relish.

The reason why they are so far away is precisely because Zhang Haisheng discovered the traces of this unscrupulous handsome man in advance. In order not to be discovered, he took Xu Tong to hide here from a distance.

Otherwise, if they get closer, the whereabouts of the two of them may not be able to hide.

Zhang Haisheng took the watermelon, looked at the irregular break in the watermelon with distaste, took out a silver spoon from the item book, sat aside and began to eat in small bites.

Not to mention watermelon is quite sweet.

"Let's just watch like this??"

Zhang Haisheng watched the fight in the distance while eating melons.

I saw the Coiling Dragon Stick in Cao Huasheng's hand, and each stick was a child. These elites of the Moduo Sect were not Cao Huasheng's all-in-one enemy at all.

In fact, it is not surprising that even though Cao Huasheng did not become Taoist, he is also the world's top master at the pinnacle of Taoism.

It's just one step away from the top.

Therefore, dealing with these great masters should be done one by one, without any suspense.

If you don't have this strength, how dare you appear among these people rashly.

Watching other people fight is always more enjoyable than fighting yourself.

It's just that it's fun, it's not interesting for them to just look at it like this.

"What I mean is, don't talk about it, are you going to fish in troubled waters and kill a few Moduo sect people? Let's continue to sit, and the fight will be over soon."

Xu Tong hugged the watermelon and gnawed it wildly.

After gnawing, it seemed that he was still a little hungry, so he took out a cake from the item book and put it in his mouth and started to eat it.

After the cake was finished, Xu Tong clapped his hands and wiped the clothes casually with his palms covered in butter, and then said to Zhang Haisheng: "Don't worry, how much are those little bastards' heads worth? Let Cao Huasheng clean it up for us!!"

"Run! I'm dead!"

Seeing his subordinates hitting Cao Huasheng with sticks one by one, the helmsman Fu Hongjun finally lost his composure, and yelled for everyone to run, while he himself rushed up to face Cao Huasheng.

Although Fu Hongjun was dressed as a scholar, he was able to secure his position as the helmsman in a place like the Moduo Sect, where the world's murderous grasshoppers gathered.

"Cao Huasheng, you are too deceitful! Tonight you will commit the crime of greedy wolf, and you will die suddenly. Don't make mistakes!"

I saw a white jade fan in Fu Hongjun's hand, the fan spread out, and as he waved, nine fire dragons gushed out from the fan, spraying out a large area of ​​flames.

Facing the fire dragon that Fu Hongjun attacked and killed, Cao Huasheng did not dodge or dodge. He let the fire dragon attack him. In an instant, the robe on his body was incinerated into ashes by the fire, revealing Cao Huasheng's vigorous figure.

Locks of black hair fluttered in the sea of ​​flames without wind, and his eyes were very sharp, like a sword out of its sheath, and the light it shot made people palpitate.

He danced the dragon stick in his hand, one end of the stick was a dragon head, and there was a small ball in the mouth of the dragon head, when it danced with Cao Huasheng, it actually made dragon cries.

"The sage gave me the Coiling Dragon Stick, and I will be the patron saint of Dazhou, and I shall sweep away all evil in the world for Dazhou!"


The jade fan and the long stick collided, and there was an ear-piercing roar, which shook the internal organs of the surrounding Moduo sects.

Knowing that he was powerless to intervene, he quickly rushed in the direction of the Luo River over there.

"Brother Shi Jin, let's go!"

At this time, someone saw that Shi Jin hadn't left, so he hurried forward to pull him, but Shi Jin was unmoved, he just stared at the battle with fiery eyes, and even clenched his fists tightly, not only did he have no intention of leaving , instead pushed away the dissuading person beside him, and shouted: "Count me in!"

Having said that, Shi Jin rushed forward to meet Cao Huasheng.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help being stunned.

The water worm who was still praising Shi Jin before stomped his feet angrily and cursed: Idiot.

Seeing this, the others stopped caring about him, turned around and ran away. Everyone knew that this was a stunned young man who couldn't listen to persuasion, so they might as well let him stay and be a helper.

Immediately, a group of people hurried towards Luohe.

At this moment, Xu Tong stood up: "Go quickly, the head is taken!"


Zhang Haisheng was startled, but he saw that Xu Tong was already stepping on the wall, chasing after the Moduo Sect members.

"This!! Doesn't it mean that these little bastards are worthless??"

Zhang Haisheng muttered, looked at the unfinished watermelon in his hand, hesitated, and threw the watermelon into the item book, after all, watermelon is still quite expensive at this time...

(End of this chapter)

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