Infinite script kill

Chapter 654 Squad Assemble

Chapter 654 Squad Assemble


The piercing sound of metal impact resounded through the night sky.

Fu Hongjun became more and more strenuous as he fought more and more. He only felt that the Coiling Dragon Cudgel in Cao Huasheng's hand was getting heavier and heavier one after another.

Fortunately, there is Shi Jin on the side to help. Even if his strength is not good, he is a martial arts master. With the cooperation of the two, they can only barely stand in a stalemate.


Cao Huasheng's Coiling Dragon Stick collided with Fu Hongjun's jade fan, and the extremely oppressive air burst and flew around like an invisible air knife. Only the continuous roar could be heard, the broken rocks flew, and the ground under his feet exploded. Deep cracks, covered with dust.

The huge force made Fu Hongjun's face turn blue, and the vajra white jade fan in his hand burst open.

"The tiger roars and the dragon soars! Fight against the wilderness!"

At this time, the muscles in Shi Jin's arms were knotted, and his sleeves were stretched, revealing his powerful arms with a hint of dark red.

"call out!"

His figure was like lightning, and his fist waved like a scarlet dragon.

"So strong!"

Sensing the power of this punch, Cao Huasheng resolutely gave up attacking Fu Hongjun in front of him, and instead held the Panlong stick in his hands, twisting his hands back and forth, the stick made a "click", and it turned from a short stick to a long stick.

The body of the stick touched the blue bricks under his feet, and he jumped up in the air with his strength, avoiding Shi Jin's fist, then turned around in the air, swung the long stick in a circle in mid-air, and smashed it down head-on.

"Dragon Crash!"

Immediately, the sound of the dragon roared on the Coiling Dragon Stick, and a golden dragon appeared in midair. With a flick of its tail, it smashed down with the force of breaking heaven and earth.

Seeing that he couldn't dodge in time, Shi Jin gritted his teeth and chose to fight to the death. His right arm turned into a swimming dragon, and he barely resisted it with the tiger-shaped fist in Xingyiquan. The powerful right arm was like a slippery python in an instant. It collided violently with the dragon's tail.

With a muffled sound of "Peng!", Shi Jin's huge body was struck by lightning, and a huge force hit him like a tide, turning his whole body into a shell and flying away. With a loud noise, two houses behind him collapsed one slice.

However, Cao Huasheng was also hit in the chest, his face darkened, and a large wound appeared on his right arm, which was opened.However, with Cao Huasheng's ability to control qi and blood, not a single drop of blood flowed out, and the wound was completely sealed.

"This is so powerful!"

In the ruins, Shi Jin struggled to get up, coughed up blood, couldn't help muttering a curse, and was dragged out of the broken wood wall with one hand.


Fu Hongjun knew how powerful Cao Huasheng was, and seeing that he was injured, he didn't dare to pester him anymore. Besides, after so long a delay, most of his subordinates must have boarded the boat.

Therefore, with a flick of Fu Hongjun's finger, two Yin Jue thunders were thrown out from his hands, and landed on the ground, exploding and billowing Yin Sha.

Immediately pulled Shi Jin and ran for his life.

The two went straight to the Luo River according to the original planned route.

Far away on the river bank, I saw two swaying figures guarding the deck of a boat.

"Quick, let's sail!!"

Seeing this, Fu Hongjun used all his strength to carry Shi Jin, who weighed at least 200 kilograms, and jumped onto the boat: "Hurry up, let's go!!"

I saw two people at the bow and stern of the boat wearing coir raincoats and holding long poles in their hands, pushing hard under the water, and the boat quickly sailed into the rapids and headed east quickly.

Seeing the boat rushing into the water, Fu Hongjun's tense heartstrings were finally relieved.

"This Cao Huasheng is really powerful. It's a pity that he didn't become a Taoist, otherwise our fate would be here today."

When Fu Hongjun thought of the Coiling Dragon Stick in Cao Huasheng's hand, his heart skipped a beat.

This guy is too strong, and he is also in the realm of Taoism, so it is difficult for him to go ten rounds in the hands of this person.

If it wasn't for Shi Jin's help, I'm afraid I would die with the Panlong stick today.

Thinking of this, Fu Hongjun couldn't help casting grateful glances at Shi Jin, who was seriously injured, and took out a bottle of secret elixir from his arms and handed it to him: "My boy, I knew I read you right, didn't you always want to learn?" Master Hierarch’s Six Elements Disastrous Hand, I will report this matter to Hierarch when I go back, and let Hierarch accept you as a beginner disciple!”

When Shi Jin heard this, he immediately nodded with a simple and honest face, like a child who got candy, put the pill in his mouth and chewed for a while, and bitterness appeared on his simple and honest face for a moment: "Bitter!"

"Hahaha, you silly boy!"

Fu Hongjun was amused when he saw this, and thought to himself: "I really let the leader talk, this son is like a child, as long as he is good at training, he will be a great help to their Moduo sect in the future."

Just when Fu Hongjun was thinking about taking Shi Jin by his side after going back this time, and taming him well, suddenly on the surface of the water, only the waves were rolling, and a figure chased towards this side: "Interesting, if you two don't go away, don't you?" Are you bullying me that I am not good at water??"


Fu Hongjun was startled, and when he looked up, he saw Cao Huasheng galloping towards this side stepping on a dead log behind him. After a second look, he realized that the boat had been gliding in the water for so long, but it had always stopped in place. A cent moves forward by half a cent.


Seeing this, Fu Hongjun's expression changed dramatically, he stood up and grabbed the guy at the stern: "What are you doing!!"

However, when the other party turned around, Fu Hongjun was dumbfounded: "Yes... yes... it's you!!"

I saw a white face under the moonlight, looking at him with a half-smile at the corner of his mouth, it turned out to be the eldest son Li Zheng.

"Impossible, are already dead!!"

When the leader Lu Zhi killed Li Zheng, they all saw it clearly from a distance. Li Zheng was injured by the leader Shi Zhiyin, and his body was already rotten. Died in exasperation.

But now Xu Tong not only did not die, he even stood in front of him alive and well, which made Fu Hongjun feel unbelievable for a moment.

"I'm dead, that's why I came to you!!"

Xu Tong raised his head and looked down at Fu Hongjun: "Your Moduo sect has harmed me again and again, and today I will come to you to claim my life!"


Fu Hongjun was taken aback, and couldn't help taking a step back. As a result, he didn't put his foot firmly on, and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Shi Jin hugged him, and Fu Hongjun stood firm.

"You!! Why are you here, I, Moduo, teach other people??"

Fu Hongjun came back to his senses in a moment, quickly calmed himself down, and asked Xu Tong about the whereabouts of the others.

"You said those people..."

Xu Tong raised his head: "Look at the top!"

Hearing this, Fu Hongjun followed Xu Tong's gaze, and saw several small boats floating out from the reeds. Apart from the brothers who had escaped just now, there were also several other members of the Moduo sect, all of them fell on the boat. Looking at these corpses, without exception, there was a red spot on their foreheads, and they fell on the boat with a face full of horror.

Seeing the 28 stars of the Moduo Sect, at least half of them here, Fu Hongjun's eyes were instantly bloodshot.

He gritted his teeth and stared at Xu Tong: "You did it all!"

"No! I killed it!"

The fisherman who punted the boat at the bow tore off his coir raincoat to reveal his true face. It was Zhang Haisheng.

"Your sect master's dignified state of enlightenment almost killed me. I also really want to try how it feels to bully the small with the big. Don't say it, it's really good."

Seeing Zhang Haisheng, Fu Hongjun's face turned pale.

Facing Li Zheng and Cao Huasheng, he still had the idea of ​​giving it a go, but facing Zhang Haisheng, he completely lost the idea.

The realm of enlightenment is already like the leader of the sect, the world is unparalleled. Although I am in the realm of enlightenment, the difference between this step is like the difference between heaven and earth.

"Hahahaha, it turns out that the son is safe and sound, I am really happy to congratulate."

Cao Huasheng was standing on top of the dead wood, and he couldn't help being surprised when he saw such a dramatic scene.

He was also an eyewitness, seeing that Xu Tong was severely injured by Lu Zhi, his flesh and blood rotted, and his life was cut off.

Lu Zhi had no other choice. After all, he was one of the best in the world, and he was no match for him. If he couldn't catch the big fish, he could only catch the small ones.

Unexpectedly, the son was even more skilled, and brought all this brood of miscellaneous fish.

Naturally, he couldn't help laughing out loud at this moment.

Hearing this, Xu Tong just nodded lightly and said, "It's just good luck, not as lucky as this one."

As he spoke, he pointed to Zhang Haisheng.

When Cao Huasheng heard the words and looked intently, he couldn't help but feel envious for a while.

There are countless masters in the world, and there are many top masters who have established schools.

But since the Sui Dynasty, it has been rare to see people who enter the Tao before the age of 30 in the world. As for becoming a Taoist, it is even rarer to see in a hundred years.

And the young man in front of him, who has not yet reached his thirties, is aspiring to the top of the world, how can people not be envious.

Just as Cao Huasheng sighed in his heart.

Fu Hongjun's expression was cold: "Since it fell into your hands, I have nothing to say. I just want to kill or cut it up. Can you let my brother die? This person is just an idiot and doesn't understand. Human feelings are right and wrong, and I am not a member of the Moduo sect, so I ask the commander-in-chief and your son to let him go!"

As soon as Fu Hongjun said this, he didn't notice that Shi Jin's eyes flashed complicatedly behind him.

"A bandit for a day, a thief for the rest of your life, what's the difference, don't let any of you leave today! My son, leave these two to me!"

Cao Huasheng took out the Coiling Dragon Stick, neither Fu Hongjun nor the bald man can leave today.

After Cao Huasheng finished speaking, he suddenly felt something. He squinted and looked back, only to see a burst of bubbling under the surface of the water, and a black figure slowly emerged from the water, standing on the surface of the water, his eyes glowing red gaze at himself.


Cao Huasheng was surprised when he saw the zombie that surfaced out of nowhere, but he felt relieved immediately: "I said why I always feel weak today. It turns out that you have been following me. I have seen this recently. There are so many strange things, and any monsters and evil ways dare to come out to make trouble."

After Cao Huasheng finished speaking, he suddenly remembered something, the pupils in his eyes jumped suddenly, and his gaze suddenly turned back to look at Xu Tong.

"The son is you!"

He didn't think about it just now, but now he suddenly remembered that not long ago, the zombies killed people and fled into the ghost market, and were later taken away by the prince in the coffin. Thinking of this, Cao Huasheng suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Xu Tong put his hands behind his back and looked at Cao Huasheng with a calm expression: "Marshal, please enter the urn today, you are doomed!"

(End of this chapter)

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