Chapter 655

The situation took a turn for the worse, and Fu Hongjun, who was sitting on the boat, was dumbfounded by the magnitude of the change.

When Cao Huasheng heard Xu Tong's confession, he also froze for a few seconds.

The water was cold and windy, and there was a dead silence.

"Hahahahaha... Cao Huasheng, Cao Huasheng, you are doomed today!"

Suddenly there was a burst of laughter, and Fu Hongjun raised his head and laughed, thinking that this was simply the funniest thing in the world.

"Hahahaha... Shi Jin, tell me, is he a fool? He must be a fool. Hahaha, he has been warned that he will die tonight, but he still doesn't believe it. Do you think he is..."

As Fu Hongjun said, he turned around and looked at Shi Jin behind him, but when he turned around, he couldn't smile anymore.

I saw Shi Jin who was sitting behind him, looking at him calmly, his clear eyes no longer had the silly look of the past.

"Helmsman, let's go."

Shi Jin!No, it should be Gu Xibai. His voice was very soft, but his strikes were extremely fast. Seeing the horror and relief flashing in Fu Hongjun's eyes, he suddenly struck out and punched Fu Hongjun hard in the heart.


The dull cracking sound made Fu Hongjun tremble, and immediately fell into Gu Xibai's arms.

Gu Xibai had no expression on his face, only his eyes were black and white, and he reached out to cover Fu Hongjun's eyes, then put his body on the boat, stood up and walked behind Xu Tong.

This scene also completely surprised Cao Huasheng.

Seeing Gu Xibai standing behind Xu Tong, who is a world-renowned bad guy, was extremely surprised in his heart.

Zhang Haisheng is a member of the Huntian Prison, and this bald man is a member of the Moduo Sect.

Add the zombies in the back, and the relationship between Shizi himself and Buddhism.

In front of Cao Huasheng, it seemed as if he had seen an invisible big net, which quietly infiltrated into the forces of all parties.

And the core of this big net is the eldest son Li Zheng who came to Luoyang only half a month ago.

"Are you really Prince Gong's son Li Zheng??"

Cao Huasheng stared straight at Xu Tong's face.

Please report that although Prince Gong's son Li Zheng is ignorant, he has wanted to be an official since he was a child, so although some of his actions in Yuyang City make people feel strange, Li Zheng's performance is impressive. Words and deeds can still be explained.

But right now, this son who has just come to Luoyang for only half a month, under the noses of countless people, has invisibly infiltrated his power into all parties.

As a bad guy, I didn't even get any news about him. This method, this scheming, makes people feel more and more frightened the more they think about it.

Now Cao Huasheng has to wonder if the person in front of him is really a child of Prince Gong's family.

"Marshal Cao, I have no choice but to forgive me for being rude!"

After Xu Tong finished speaking, he slowly raised his hands and bowed heavily to Cao Huasheng.

Seeing his hypocrisy, Cao Huasheng was about to open his mouth to ridicule, but he didn't know that this beckoning was not something everyone could bear, and he felt a bang in front of his eyes, as if something had hit his forehead, his head was buzzing, and he almost about to fall into the water.

At this moment, Gao Zhuo and Gu Xibai both shot.

After all, Cao Huasheng is a top player in the Jianghu.

Not feeling well.

There seemed to be snakes swimming inside the clothes, and the clothes were puffed up. Gu Xibai punched it, and felt that the underside of Cao Huasheng's clothes was like an inflated balloon, not only dispelling all the strength of his punch, but also At the same time, he used his strength to fight, turned around quickly, picked up the dragon stick in his hand, and hit Gao Zhuo's sharp claws.


This deafening knocking sound made Gao Zhuo's hands go numb, even with the body of a yaksha, he had no choice but to be shaken out.


After a successful blow, Cao Huasheng waved the Coiling Dragon Stick with both hands, and saw the Coiling Dragon whistling on the stick, making a deafening roaring sound.

Immediately, he hit the water in front of him with a stick: "Broken!!"

For a moment, the water under Cao Huasheng's feet exploded into waves ten meters high, covering the sky and covering the earth, and smashed in all directions.

But what Cao Huasheng didn't expect was that the towering water surface didn't turn into billowing waves and smashed to all sides to fight for his own chance of escape. Instead, it was fixed in mid-air.

"Marshal, since I want to do something, how can I give Marshal a chance!!"

Seeing the water waves churning, Xu Tong stood quietly on the boat, and a light blue Dao Fruit emerged behind him, which was the Dao Fruit of water.

He entered the Dao with water, so he naturally has the ability to control water.

That's why, this small boat will always stay still on the lake, waiting for Cao Huasheng to chase after it.

Hearing this, Cao Huasheng was startled and angry, but he didn't intend to be caught without a fight. He danced the coiled dragon stick in his hand, and the dragon's roar shook the sky for a moment, and golden thunder light wrapped around the long stick.


With one stroke of the stick in Cao Huasheng's hand, he flew into a golden dragon and hit Xu Tong directly. As the saying goes, if you capture the thief, you must first capture the king. As long as you capture this prince, you will have a chance to escape.

Facing the sweeping attack of the Qianjun Dragon Stick, a cyan light shield rose in front of Xu Tong.

The Xuanyuan shield was activated, and the surrounding water elements quickly boiled and converged on the light shield.

As the Panlong smashed it down, the Xuanyuan Shield was quickly dented.

But at the same time, countless icicles erupted from the shield, Cao Huasheng was a little caught off guard, he could only twist the Coiling Dragon Stick in his hand like a swimming dragon, and the long stick swept across, breaking all the icicles.

But this step is wrong, the next step is an abyss.

The moment these icicles were crushed dangerously and dangerously, the sound of a tiger roaring came from next to his ear, it was Gu Xibai.

The huge fist made it difficult for Cao Huasheng to dodge, so he could only raise the dragon stick in his hand and block it across his chest.


Suddenly, a huge force struck, and the tiger's mouth burst open. The huge force caused the Coiling Dragon Stick in Cao Huasheng's hand to fly horizontally, and his body even flew upside down and hit the bottom of the river bed.

"Evil God's curse! Earth beam!" Gao Zhuo pinched his fingers and stomped on the ground.

Before Cao Huasheng got up, more than a dozen pairs of pale and swollen hands suddenly protruded from under the river bed, firmly grasping Cao Huasheng's body, and quickly pulled him into the muddy mud.


At the critical moment, Cao Huasheng flew with all his strength, shattered the palms of his body, and jumped up from the mud, but at this time, two zombies jumped out of the mud and exploded in front of Cao Huasheng.


The broken blood and bones caused Cao Huasheng to suffer a heavy blow, he vomited a mouthful of blood, his eyes were still blackened, and before he could stand still, a huge shadow stood in front of him.

Twelve sets of Xingyiquan were infinitely varied in Gu Xibai's fists, grasping, grabbing, and punching to the flesh, until when Cao Huasheng was kicked flying, a sharp claw behind him was torn from Cao Huasheng's back.


Even though he was not handsome, Cao Huasheng couldn't help but let out a scream at this moment. The cold and biting corpse poison quickly spread all over his body, and his face also turned black and blue.

"Send the commander on his way!"

In the blurred vision, he saw the prince Li Zheng raised his hands slightly, bowing down to him again.

This time, Cao Huasheng only saw a blurry black shadow in his vision, and immediately lost consciousness completely, and only heard Xu Tong's voice next to his ear: "Give him up as soon as possible, someone will come soon..."

About a stick of incense time passed...

Two small boats came galloping on the water, carrying lanterns and moving quickly under the oars of a group of people.

"Great guy!!"

On the bow of the boat, a figure dressed as an old farmer quickly swept his eyes across the huge river, hoping to find the figure of the handsome man.

Just looking around, I saw that the water was full of corpses, which was shocking.

"These corpses are all members of the Moduo sect! The commander-in-chief is sure to be fine!"

Someone recognized the corpse as one of the 28 constellations of the Moduo religion, and comforted everyone on board.

"That's right, the commander-in-chief is incomparably brave, for sure..."

Before he finished speaking, the remaining words suddenly seemed to be stuck in his throat.

I saw a small boat floating slowly on the water, and a person stood alone on the boat, under the moonlight, revealing a bloody body and a token hanging around his waist.

That is the token of bad handsome, and only bad handsome can hold this order.

However, the moment everyone saw the token, they were filled with grief: "Master!!"

I saw the corpse fixed on the boat, standing upright, but the head above the throat meridian was still missing...

Seeing this scene, everyone hurried to rush up, but they didn't know that there was a sudden cold wind, and the corpse fell into the water with a plop. When everyone jumped into the river and rushed up, the corpse had disappeared without a trace disappeared.

"Are you sure it's okay??"

On the river bank, Xu Tong and Zhang Haisheng looked at the flickering lights on the water from a distance, and they could vaguely hear a burst of mournful crying, fearing that after today, it would definitely alarm the world.

Zhang Haisheng couldn't help looking at Xu Tong.

"What's the problem? Marshal Cao fought against the Moduo Sect, and finally died of exhaustion. Who can find any faults!"

Xu Tong pursed his lips and smiled, turned around and jumped on Big Fatty's body: "Let's go!"

"Where are you going??"

Zhang Haisheng raised his head and looked at the big fat paper figurine summoned by Xu Tong, and asked with a frown.

I saw Xu Tong raised his brows slightly, and there was a bit of anger in his eyes: "Of course I went to find Tu Feiyuan. I can't just let it go like this..."

(End of this chapter)

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