Infinite script kill

Chapter 656 The Art of Huang Plague

Chapter 656 The Art of Huang Plague
"What?? Tu Feiyuan is dead!"

Xu Tong and Zhang Haisheng did not go back to the Liuyi Museum, but returned to Huangyi first.

After confirming that Guo Yi and the others in Huangyi were safe and sound, they ate breakfast and left for the Six Arts Hall at dawn.

As a result, it was not until the Six Arts Hall that they learned that Gu Peiyuan had died.

The superintendent of a generation, the supervisor of the Huntian Supervisor, after seeing Zhang Haisheng Dao last night, died with a smile on his face. According to the Six Arts Hall, Gu Peiyuan walked very peacefully, with a satisfied smile on his face.

Hearing the news, Xu Tong and Zhang Haisheng couldn't help but look at each other.

The former has a depressed face, while the latter has a complicated expression.

The moods of the two are decidedly different.

Such a familiar scene reminded Xu Tong of an old friend, and the fat and round face couldn't help popping up in his mind, with a sinister smile on his face, mocking himself:

(●''●) "I know you're not dead, you're not dead, it's okay if I die, and you still want to settle accounts with me?? Come and hit me, just a little bit..."

"Damn it, these easy-to-learn things are not fun."

Xu Tong was cursing.

Zhang Haisheng is in another mood.

For Gu Peiyuan, a pervert, he has hatred and respect. If he hadn't allowed himself to practice in the brothel and arranged for him to come to the Six Arts Hall, he would have a long time to go before becoming enlightened.

At this moment, as he said, I have stepped into the realm of enlightenment, and before I went to find this fat man to ask why he wanted to help me, I didn't expect that the other party had passed away.

This was really unexpected and caught the two of them off guard.

"My lord, this is the lottery you won last night, my lord!"

At this time, the steward of the Six Arts Hall brought something to Xu Tong. It was a square box. When the box was opened, it revealed a golden fruit.

This is the lucky head left by Princess Taiping, the golden fruit of Bodhi.

This is a rare treasure in the world. It is said that it was one of the seven fruits born by the Bodhi tree when Sakyamuni realized the Buddha's Dharma under the Bodhi tree. It is not known whether it is true or not.

But this thing is indeed a national treasure from Tianzhu.

Just because of the fat and round soil, Xu Tong couldn't feel any joy in his heart, so he took the things with a cold face.

Staring at the manager in front of him with a smirk: "This is the end?? You are not going to give me an explanation for what happened last night!"

Since Gu Peiyuan is dead, then this account must be settled with the Six Art Museum first.

"This..." The steward pretended to be confused and said, "Why did your son say that?"

"how you said that??"

Xu Tong narrowed his eyelids: "Your Liuyi Museum framed me into the game and almost killed me. At this time, you want to clean yourself up?? I didn't know until I arrived at the place. It turned out that I was the host last night. Why did Lu Zhi and the others know the news so quickly??"

"The Six Arts Museum has always been like this. Whoever accepts the invitation letter is the host. We thought the prince knew... that's why we didn't tell. As for how those thieves got the news, this matter is indeed related to the Six Arts Hall. After all, the prince's poems are amazing. The reason why the Six Arts Museum released the news earlier is also to let me, a talented scholar of the Great Zhou Dynasty, see the world-class talent of my son."

Obviously, the steward had already responded to Xu Tong's attack, and he responded fluently when facing Xu Tong's attack.

This kind of answer seems to have taken responsibility, but inside and out, it seems to be telling Xu Tong that what the Six Art Museum did was normal behavior, and there is no responsibility at all.

If it were someone else, he would grit his teeth and leave with his things.

It's just that the steward may not be clear, the person standing in front of him is not the royal family of the Li family who are obedient and dare not speak out, but a complete madman.

Faced with such a fool, Xu Tong glanced at Zhang Haisheng beside him.

Zhang Haisheng naturally understood what Xu Tong meant, and stepped back two steps wisely.

At this time, Xu Tong grinned grinningly: "Yes, yes, it's because I don't know the rules. I heard that as long as you get the approval of the Six Arts Museum, you can get a good job even if you go to the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry, right?"

The steward heard that he didn't know what Xu Tong was going to do, so he could only answer truthfully: "Yes, the Six Art Museum has the right to assess the craftsmen of the world, and this is the honor bestowed by the sage."

"Oh, that's right. In fact, I'm also a craftsman. Now that you've come here, you might as well assess me."

"Ah?? Prince, please don't joke..."

As soon as the steward finished speaking, Xu Tong's face suddenly turned cold: "Whoever is joking with you, I am a craftsman, a craftsman who burns fire!"

I saw Xu Tonghua's voice fell, and he stepped hard on the bluestone brick under his feet. In an instant, the power of magic was activated, and the fiery high temperature suddenly exploded with Xu Tong as the center...

"Hey! It's out of the water!!"

On the streets of Luoyang, people could not help but turn pale with fright when they saw the billowing black smoke suddenly rising.

After a while, Wuhou's shop was alarmed. The big shop and the small shop were pulling carts and water carts, carrying buckets and rushing towards the direction of the fire.

It was only when we came to the Six Arts Hall that we found black smoke billowing in the Six Arts Hall, but there was no open flame.

It's just that the black smoke billowed in, making the huge Liuyi hall full of smog.

Just when the shopkeepers were about to lead people in, they saw Xu Tong and Zhang Haisheng coming out from the gate of the Six Arts Hall.

"That's it?? Still assessing the world's craftsmen?? I can't understand even playing with fire, rubbish!"

After Xu Tong finished cursing, he looked back at Zhang Haisheng: "Follow me back to Huangyi?"

"No, Gu Peiyuan has a kindness with me, and one of my tasks is to join the Huntian Prison."

Zhang Haisheng planned to go back to the Huntian Prison, and he was also preparing to send Gu Peiyuan off.

Xu Tongben also planned to take a look.

But after thinking about it, forget it, I'm afraid that seeing Gu Peiyuan's body, I can't help but use the soul restraining technique on him.

This old fat man has put him in a lot of trouble, and letting him go like this is considered cheap for him.

After the two parted, Xu Tong walked back to Huangyi.

When he returned to Huangyi, as soon as he entered the gate of Huangyi, he saw a group of Ashina waiting for him at the door.

"The son is indeed a blessed person, and he can survive this."

Ashina held Xu Tong in front of him with his hands in his arms, staring at Xu Tong with a bad tone.

Apparently he was still brooding over the matter that Xu Tong dragged him into the water from the Six Arts Museum.

Xu Tong looked at Ashina, and glanced at this guy's luck. Zhang Haisheng and Lu Zhi were not there, and Ashina seemed to feel that he could do it again.

The golden lion shook its golden mane and began to show off its might.

Even his own luck was suppressed by Ashina's golden lion invisibly.

This is also impossible.

This guy's luck is indeed very strong, and only a special situation like Lu Zhi, and a pervert like Zhang Haisheng can stabilize his head.

Although I have survived the death calamity, my luck is much higher than before. A hanging coffin is above the blue clouds, and there is faint golden light on the coffin, which shows that I may have good luck during this period.

But generally speaking, there is no way to compare with Ashina's luck.

The corners of Xu Tong's eyebrows slightly raised, and just as he was about to speak, Dai Yude and Eunuch Dai hurried over: "If you have something to say, don't do anything!!"

Eunuch Dai hurriedly stopped in front of Xu Tong and Ashina: "This is an important place for the two of you, so please speak up if you have something to say, and don't do anything."

Ashina sneered and said: "Eunuch misunderstood, I just want to communicate with the prince, there is no exaggeration like doing it."

After finishing speaking, he glared at Xu Tong viciously: "Your Majesty, take care, let's talk next time!"

After finishing speaking, Ashina led the people towards the gate.

"Your Majesty, don't care about these bastard barbarians. These barbarians won't be arrogant for long. As long as the imperial court is free, my army of the celestial dynasty can wipe them out in an instant."

After Ashina and others left, Dai Yude was afraid that the prince would be angry, so he repeatedly opened his mouth to explain.

In fact, Xu Tong was really not angry at all. Hearing Dai Yude's words, he couldn't help but joked: "Since Eunuch Dai knows my supernatural power, why should he be afraid of these barbarians?"

"Hehe, although our family is an incomplete person, we are always looking for things in his place. If there is such a man in our family, he will definitely join the army in this life, holding a knife and wearing armor, and fighting with these barbarians. I don’t want to miss a walk in the world.”

Seeing the yearning look in Dai Yude's eyes, Xu Tong couldn't help but look at this father-in-law differently.

"Eunuch Dayi is much better than the two I knew before!"

Xu Tong sighed involuntarily.

They are also eunuchs, why is there such a big gap? ?

Dai Yude was puzzled: "Who is the prince?"

"It's okay, two old friends, don't mention it, oh, there is still one thing I haven't asked my father-in-law."

"Your Majesty is polite, but it's okay to ask."

"I don't know when these barbarians came back last night??"

Dai Yude thought about the time when he heard the words: "I came back early, probably when I was ugly, and I didn't come out again once I came back."

When Dai Yude talked about what happened last night, he remembered it clearly.

Counting the time, Xu Tong was afraid that Ashina would rush back after they escaped and lured Lu Zhi away.

Thinking about it, Ashina was also unlucky last night, thinking that he could run amok with his luck, but he didn't know that he met Zhang Haisheng and Lu Zhi, two perverts.

He was almost dragged into the water by Xu Tong, one can imagine the panic in his heart.

"What's the matter, son?"

Seeing Xu Tong's silence, Dai Yude thought there was something important, so he hurriedly asked.

"Oh, it's all right, thank you father-in-law for your guidance, there were a lot of things last night, so I'll go back and rest first."

"Your Majesty, feel free to call our family if necessary."

Dai Yude raised his hands slightly, turned around and led the people away.

Xu Tong waited for Dai Yude to leave, but he didn't go back. Instead, taking advantage of the fact that there was no one around, he quietly turned around and walked to the rear house of the Huangyi, the residence of Ashina and others.

Seeing the guards outside the door, Xu Tong jumped up, his figure was as light as a civet cat, and jumped over the wall of the other courtyard behind him, only to see that the courtyard behind had been abandoned for many years as Dai Yude said. Overgrown.


At this time, I saw a gray shadow poking out from the corner, it was the auspiciousness released by Xu Tong before, Jixiang jumped up on the ground, threw himself into Xu Tong's arms, and danced and danced to guide Xu Tong.

After going around for a while, he went straight to the depths of the alley along the path, and saw an inconspicuous corner of the courtyard wall, where auspiciously arranged an altar had already been arranged.

"Are you sure you nailed the nail to the head of his bed?"

Just in case, Xu Tong confirmed with Jixiang again.

Xu Tong didn't feel relieved until he saw Jixiang nodding. He took out the prepared lantern from the item book and hung it on the altar. Then he took out the three dog heads and placed them on the table.

"I'll see how long your good luck lasts!"

Xu Tong narrowed his eyes, made a formula with both hands, and began to recite the incantations that his master gave him.

(End of this chapter)

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