Infinite script kill

Chapter 657 Trading

Chapter 657 Trading
"First invite Zhang Yuanbo, Spring Plague, second, Xia Plague Liu Yuanda, third, Autumn Plague Zhao Gongming, fourth, Winter Plague Zhong Rengui, and fifth, General Manager Zhong Plague History..."

Just listening to Xu Tong chanting the incantation, the lantern on the altar also slowly turned.

There are five sides on the lantern, and each side is written with cinnabar the name taboo and talisman corresponding to Lord Wen.

Every time the lantern was turned, the dog's head on the altar would make a low buzzing sound.

The eyeballs of the three dog heads were glistening with blood, and the blood was getting thicker and thicker, as if blood was overflowing from the eyes, with an indescribable evil aura.

After Xu Tong performed the operation, he took a look with his eye of fate, and saw that the three dog heads opened their mouths slightly, and spit out a viscous evil spirit, which floated towards the room behind the wall.

According to the master, as long as Ashina lay down on the bed nailed into the wall, the yellow plague would continue to haunt his luck.

It is invisible and invisible, and no one can notice it.

Just wait for the evil spirit of the dog's head to completely ignite the lantern, and then the yellow plague will break out, and the god Da Luo will not be able to save it.

After doing the spell well, Xu Tong made sure that there were no other problems, and then quietly jumped out of the courtyard wall and went to the other courtyard where he lived.

"Sanniang! I'm back and I'm going to order something to eat and drink. I'm starving to death."

Xu Tong walked in with big strides as he spoke.

"My lord, you are finally back!"

Before Sanniang could respond, she heard a familiar voice of concern. Xu Tong saw that it was Yuan Shoushi...



At the same time, Ashina, who was far away on the streets of Luoyang, suddenly sneezed uncontrollably.

This sneeze made Ashina's head heavy, and he raised his hand to pat his forehead, feeling a little uncomfortable all over his body.

"Leader, that kid didn't die last night, should we attack as soon as possible to avoid future troubles!"

The companion who followed Ashina asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry, that mission item is in his hands, and the Profound Altar Ceremony may be the opportunity to start the mission. Let's wait and see."

Ashina said, slowly raised his head, and looked at the signboard of Jinxiufang in front of him: "There is Jin Yu Linglong Ball, let's do the task first, and reach an agreement with the Gelao as soon as possible."

Hearing Ashina's words, the hanging hearts of the two companions also calmed down for a moment.

The development of the shadow group has always relied on the head of the group to make suggestions.

As far as they know, although this Gelao is a Kunlun slave, he is the master of the underground kingdom in Luoyang City.Mastered all the black transactions in Luoyang City, and knew all kinds of information like the palm of his hand.

Relying on the girls in their hands to control all the shady things in Luoyang City, there are even many officials' handles, which can be described as black and white, covering the sky with only one hand.

Due to their identities, they are destined not to be able to find those orthodox allies in Luoyang City.

For example, Chongxuanguan, Huntianjian, etc. are absolutely impossible to do business with Turkic people like them.

As for the Moduo Sect, after seeing Lu Zhi's methods, Ashina really wanted to join the Moduo Sect camp.

But Lu Zhi's contemptuous look at him last night made Ashina realize the inconvenience caused by his identity.

Thinking of this, Ashina couldn't help complaining again in his heart, why should he be given such a damn Turkic identity, if it wasn't for this terrible identity, relying on his own luck, he would have already gained a firm foothold in Luoyang City by this time.

After thinking about it, this gelao is the only one who is the most suitable one.

And he believed that the bargaining chip in his hand was enough to make this geldy unite with him with all his heart.

Ashina was still thinking about his own layout, how to make himself counterattack from the headwind, but he didn't notice that a faint yellow spot had appeared on his forehead.

Not to mention that from this moment on, the golden lion in his luck has started to sneeze uncontrollably...

It was also the first time for Ashina to come to Jinxiufang Street.

He heard that there was everything on this street, but when he actually walked in, he realized that it was even better than he had imagined.

Beautiful girls on the street, dressed in light tulle, dance gracefully under the gaze of everyone.

Unlike Tanhualou, girls here, as long as you are willing to pay, there are no messy rules, as long as you give enough money, you can find any kind of girl.

Ashina and his party walked in as Turkic people, and it was inevitable that they would attract the scrutiny of many people.

There are even rich men from the Han family shouting and cursing from afar: "Hey, Turkic thieves, what are you doing in my Central Plains? Are you here to see your mother-in-law?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was a lot of laughter in the surrounding streets.

These people looked confident and didn't care about the swords in the hands of Ashina and others.

"Damn it! I'm also a foreigner, why is there such a big gap between the reality and the script!"

Being pointed at their noses and scolded, the three of Ashina couldn't do anything at will, so they could only bite the bullet and walk inside.

If you want to blame, you can only blame their identities for being too sensitive.

After finally arriving at the slave market according to the mission clues, Ashina took out the token, but was told to let them wait here.

This made Ashina very depressed.

However, this is really not to make things difficult for them, but Ashina and the others really did not come at the right time.

At this moment, in the depths of the mob hut on the other side of the street.

A man wrapped in a scarlet fur was sitting cross-legged by the stove, holding a little yellow cat in his arms. When he saw the head on the table, a smile finally appeared on his thick lips.

"You killed the bad guy?"

"It was a fluke. At that time, Cao Huasheng and the people from the Moduo Sect were fighting to the death on the lake. Fu Hongjun, the leader of the Moduo Sect, hit him hard with a desperate blow, and then was severely injured by another person named Shi Jin. I sneaked into the water and took the opportunity to sneak attack. I killed Cao Huasheng, but I got the head, but the Coiling Dragon Stick was able to go in."

At the side, Gao Zhuo told the whole process of last night's battle verbatim.

Including Shi Jin's Xingyi boxing method, and how Fu Hongjun fought to the death.

Even though these people in the room were all desperadoes, they were terrified when they heard the whole process.

Sitting cross-legged by the stove, the gelao was expressionless, as if he was thinking about the flaws in Gao Zhuo's words.

At this time, someone came in and handed a note to the Gelman. After a quick glance at the note, the Gelman finally showed joy on his face.

I saw that the note not only reported the news of Cao Huasheng's death, but also recorded in detail the list of corpses salvaged from the water by the government.

There was indeed Fu Hongjun's body in it, and there was also the autopsy record made by Wu, which confirmed that Fu Hongjun died of a broken heart. This injury was exactly the same as what Gao Zhuo said.

It is enough to prove that there is no moisture in Gao Zhuo's words.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The Gelao finally laughed out loud. The bad guys have been attacking them for many years, especially the smuggling channels.

Now that Cao Hua is dead, it will be difficult for the bad guys to deal with them in a short time.

"your things!"

The Gelao took out the jade pendant from his bosom and handed it to Gao Zhuo: "From today onwards, you will stay by my side and help me with things. If you have mine, you will naturally have yours."

"Thank you Gel!"

When Gao Zhuo got the jade pendant, he was reminded that the task was completed, but this was not his final task, and the specifics had to be seen later, and he could live a more comfortable life if he simply stayed here.

"Gelao, a few Turkic people outside came to see you with tokens."

Seeing that the Gelao finally confirmed the news that Cao Huasheng was dead, the man outside the door dared to come in and report to the Gelao.


The corners of the Gelao's generous eyebrows raised, and they also disliked these Turkic people very much.

Most of the Kunlun slaves were also sold to the Central Plains by the Turks.

But seeing the tokens handed over by his subordinates, the Gelao still motioned for them to come in.

When Ashina and the others were brought into the room, they couldn't help but frowned after smelling the pungent smell in the room, and looked at the Gel in front of them.

"If you come to me with tokens, I won't refuse you, but if you don't give me a satisfactory explanation, I won't let you go out alive!"

The Gelao played with the cat in his arms with his fingers, and raised his eyelids. Those deep eyes were as hollow as if they could suck away people's souls.

Rao is a player like Ashina who kills people without blinking an eye, and his heart tightens when he is seen by these eyes. After calming down, he takes out an item from the item book and puts it on the table.

"It is rumored that three years ago, the great monk Zhengjue of Xingjiao Temple passed away and sat down, leaving behind three relics. If you can gather all three relics, you can turn into a Buddha and receive the blessing of Buddhism's supreme luck. This is one of them. .”

Ashina put the relic on the table, gently lifted the red cloth on it with his fingers, and suddenly the golden light shone on everyone's faces, and there seemed to be waves of Buddhist scriptures echoing in their ears.

Even these butchers who have become numb to life have long-lost smiles and relaxation on their faces.

It seems that hearing the chanting inside can completely relax them.

Just when everyone was fascinated, Ashina put away the relic; "This is mine!"


As soon as these words came out, the gangsters around pulled out their blades in unison. According to their dictionary, any treasure here has only one owner, and that is the Gelao.

But Ashina didn't pay attention to the blades on his neck, and bent down to stare at the wrinkled face of the Gelman in front of him: "I can give you the relic, but you have to help me."

"what would you like."

The corners of the thick lips of the Gelao were cracked, revealing the withered and yellow teeth, and the hollow eyes revealed a breathtaking spirit.


Ashina put the relic in Gelao's hands: "You get the relic, I get friends, and if necessary, it's enough to help me kill one person."


"Prince Gong's son, Li Zheng!"

Gao Zhuo in the corner at the side raised his head slowly upon hearing the words, squinted at Ashina, and said in his heart, "Heh, another fool?"

(End of this chapter)

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