Chapter 661
"Is it marriage?"

Xu Tong stared at the old Taoist, opened the door of fate, and looked up and down the old Taoist body, but saw that the old Taoist was ordinary, not only had no cultivation, but also his own luck was ridiculously bad.

In his opinion, it is a miracle that the old Taoist is still alive and kicking.

Such unlucky people actually tell other people's fortunes.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong grinned: "Okay, then listen to the old god's advice."

When the old Taoist saw the business coming, he held up Guo Yi's palm and looked at it carefully for a while, then his face was troubled: "Wait a minute!"

As he spoke, he took out an old book with yellowed skin from the satchel at his waist, and carefully flipped through it.

Guo Yi is not happy now, okay, you are a fortune-teller with flip books, isn't your business too unprofessional?Can't help snorting coldly: "It's too late to hold Buddha's feet temporarily."

"Hahaha, Pindao is a disciple of Longhu Mountain, how can he deceive you."

The old Taoist also didn't take Guo Yi's ridicule seriously. After flipping through a few pages, he nodded: "Yes, how difficult is it for this strong man to be a young man, and his wife and concubine were transferred in the middle age. But the rest of my life is not worrying about food and clothing, as for this marriage, haha, it’s a match made in heaven.”

"Nonsense, old man, believe it or not, I'll break your leg!"

Guo Yi immediately became angry when he heard it. He is a bachelor now, and Sanniang still has nothing to say about it. How did this old man say that he became a wife and concubine, and there is one more? ?
Even though he was only a grandmaster, he practiced the Taibao Henglian, and with the Damofu Fist taught to him by the source, even if he was a master of the Dao realm, it would not be easy for him to kill him.

In addition, experienced fortune-telling requires flipping through books. This kind of amateur operation is no matter how you look at it, it is a charlatan.

He reached out and grabbed the old man's shoulder, wanting to give him a hard time, otherwise he would be beaten to death sooner or later with this level of business.

"Hey, hey, the strong man has something to say, but the poor man is weak and can't stand the slap of the strong man!!"

The old man saw that Guo Yi's big hand like a bear's paw grabbed it, his face turned pale immediately, and he trembled with fright.

"Wait a minute, since that's the case, the old god might as well do the math for me."

Xu Tong stopped the angry Guo Yi, thinking that this old man was interesting, since he was idle anyway, he might as well play around, do some calculations, and see how he was doing.

"My lord, this is a charlatan..."

Guo Yi was afraid that Xu Tong would be deceived, so he hurriedly wanted to dissuade him.

But when the old Taoist saw Xu Tong's very interested appearance, he straightened up again, and hurriedly explained:
"It's still my little brother who knows the goods. It's not that I'm not good at business. It's that my fortune-telling technique was created by the celestial master of Longhu Mountain. It has the power to penetrate the heavens and the earth. Wan...uh, anyway, it is broad and profound, and you need to read it frequently to ensure its fulfillment."

"Yes, yes, the Taoist priest is right."

Xu Tong took out a piece of broken silver and handed it to the old man, and opened his palm to signal for the old man to show it to him.

The old man took a look at Xu Tong's palmistry, and after flipping through the books, he seemed to have found the corresponding place, and immediately leaned towards Xu Tong.

"Little brother, I can tell from your face that you are a man of great wealth and honor. Although you will not be able to become a general, you will have no worries about food and clothing in this life, and you will be the son of a dragon and phoenix in your first year. It's just that your luck seems to be a little bit bad recently. ..."

When it came to the end, the old man showed embarrassment.

"Well, my luck has not been very good recently, can the Taoist priest have a way to resolve it?"

Xu Tong cooperated with the old man's expression very much, and casually took out another ingot of silver and put it into the old man's hand.

The old Taoist held the silver, his tongue was almost unsteady, and he nodded immediately: "Yes, yes, yes."

As he spoke, he took out a yellow talisman from his pocket and slapped Xu Tong's palm.

"This is the talisman of Tianbao. It is Zhang Tianshi of Longhu Mountain. After seven, seven and 49 days, he used ninety-nine and eighty-one sky thunders as his pen, borrowed the power of the gods and spirits of the heavens as his ink, and enshrined it in the name of the Supreme Three Purities." The talisman that has been incensed for ten years in front of the Sanqing Statue on Longhu Mountain will definitely guarantee the safety of the young master, good luck and good fortune, and turn bad luck into good luck."

Everyone on the side rolled their eyes.

I have seen bragging, but I have never seen such a bragging.

If it weren't for the yellow talisman in Xu Tong's hand, which was dirty, old and full of stains, everyone would almost believe it.

Xu Tong was so happy that he threw it into the props book casually, and even the entries given in the props book were so perfunctory.

[a piece of torn paper]


The old man took the money and ran away. Guo Yi looked back at Xu Tong: "My lord, you know this is a liar."

"I know, it's okay to be free, isn't it good to listen to others' bragging?"

Xu Tong, a charlatan, has seen a lot, but this is the first time he has encountered such an unreliable liar. It is rare that he can boast so much, so dare to brag, and he does not encourage him. How can he become bigger and stronger.

After this little episode, Xu Tong's complaints, which were full of complaints, were mostly healed.

It's not that Zhang Haisheng is the only one who is a top student. As the saying goes, having an old man in a family is like having a treasure. Don't you have three old guys in your family?

Three cobblers can be as good as Zhuge Liang. I don't believe that these three old guys can't even copy a poem.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong instantly felt in a good mood, and the pressure disappeared without a trace.

Sit in the carriage: "Go home!"

When the carriage arrived at Huangyi, before Xu Tong could get off the carriage, Eunuch Dai of Huangyi hurried to the carriage.

"Hey, my little ancestor, you are back."

Xu Tong opened the car window and saw Dai Yude's sweating profusely. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the gate of Huangyi. When he saw Shenwuwei standing outside the gate, he probably understood in his heart.

"An order from the palace?"

"Yeah, I've been here a long time ago, so I'm just waiting for you to come back."

As Dai Yude said, he hurriedly supported Xu Tong to jump out of the carriage, and hurried to the gate of the Imperial Post, only to see that Dai Yude slowed down, turned around to tidy up the corners of Xu Tong's clothes, and then walked slowly with him Enter the imperial post.

"Under the sect, the foundation of the world is to think about the people, and the way of the road is also the way. The world is the public respect for the prince's son Li Zheng, who must do everything personally, has both virtues and deeds, and is filial. He is an example for the kings and grandchildren of the world. Temple, Taichang Shaoqing, give another three hundred gold, three thousand silver, three boxes of pearls and jade..."

The sound of reading aloud was heard clearly by everyone in the huge palace.

Xu Tong hurriedly bowed to receive the order.

After thinking about it for a while, I learned from Li Zheng's memory that the position of Taichang Shaoqing was an official of the fourth rank.

In charge of ritual, music and sacrificial power.

This official position is neither big nor small, and even in theory, he already has the qualifications to enter and leave the court to discuss politics.

This is finally a promotion and a fortune.

However, the eunuch who was reciting the imperial decree glanced at Xu Tong: "The sage told me that the Xuantan Grand Ceremony will be held soon, and my son does not need to be distracted. I don't need my son to participate in the affairs of the court for the time being. Just concentrate on doing the errands well."

Xu Tong understood what it meant when he heard it.

But it was only natural to think about it, the promotion was because he was about to act on behalf of the heavens and participate in the Xuantan Dharma Conference.

No matter how you look at it, a small official of the river inspection envoy is outrageous.

But he can't allow himself to participate in the government. After all, the identity of the Li family, going to the court to discuss government affairs, will invisibly send a message to the court. This is a situation that today's saints never want to see.

Xu Tong was not interested in the Li Wu dispute, let alone getting involved in it. Such a decision was actually in line with his own wishes, so he immediately agreed happily.

Just about to stand up straight, the eunuch continued: "My lord, the sage also said it."

Xu Tong was startled, and hurriedly bent down.

The eunuch continued: "The sage said, I haven't seen you composing poems for a long time, and I don't know that you have recently, but there is a new one."

Xu Tong started to scold her when he heard the words, thinking with his toes, he knew that it must be that the bald donkey on the side of the source was putting on shoes for himself on the saint's side again.

I could only reply: "Please also report to the saint, my father-in-law. I have made preparations, but I have not polished it a little. Allow me to have a new work in a few days."


The old eunuch was very satisfied when he heard the words, and talked nonsense with Xu Tong before leading them away.

After the old eunuch left, Dai Yude hurried forward and cupped his hands and said, "Congratulations, son, congratulations, son, the son can be valued by the saints, and the future is limitless."

Dai Yude went up to ask for a celebration, and Xu Tong asked Guo Yi to take out some red envelopes to share with Dai Yude and others as usual.

This made Guo Yi's heart ache, even if the money was not much, there were still more than a dozen taels of silver.

After sending Dai Yude away, Xu Tong could only turn around and walk into the room, close the door, and start the so-called behind-the-scenes poetry writing...

In a few days...

In a Zhuangzi outside Luoyang City, only a deep and long sigh was heard.

"Are you sure he's not dead??"

"Yes, it's absolutely true, this kid is still alive, and in front of Tanhualou, wearing cassock, half layman, half monk, he wrote a love poem with two oirans on his arms."

"I want to lean on the green window to be with Qingqing, but I regret that I have gone wrong in this life. I want to go to the jungle with my bowl, but I feel sorry for the beauty."

Looking at the poems handed over by his subordinates, Lu Zhi couldn't help laughing for a while: "He's really a vagabond."

Last time in the Six Arts Hall, he failed to kill this kid, instead he lost many generals, even his right-hand man, Fu Hongjun, was killed.

Although he successfully broke through, he also suffered a lot of injuries.

It would be difficult to kill this kid now.

"Master, do you want to..."

Someone came forward to put forward their own ideas. Since they can't do it clearly, they should attack secretly. The sect master's technique of hating victory can be regarded as very few people can match it today. You might as well use this method to ruin the kid's luck first.

It's just that this idea was directly rejected by Lu Zhi.

"Although I know how to hate winning, it's not a way of hating winning after all. The technique of hating winning is too weird and domineering, and a little careless will turn back against its master."

"But Master, this kid wrote this poem yesterday, and now he has been dubbed the title of a lover monk. He has already gained a great reputation. Let him continue to toss, the luck of Buddhism..."

That's not the case in Lu Zhi's mind, but if he wants to make another move now, he might not have the right opportunity.

Just as Lu Zhi was struggling in his heart, a person walked in from outside the door.

It was none other than Shi Jin.

When everyone saw Shi Jin, they bowed their hands and called him the hall master. Now Shi Jin is already Lu Zhi's closed disciple, and the coiling dragon stick in his hand is the capital he is most proud of. Bad Shuai Cao Huasheng, this record is enough to make everyone shut up.

"Master, there is already news about the coffin from the Gelao."

I saw that Shi Jin stepped forward and handed a special mechanism box to Lu Zhi. Seeing this, Lu Zhi immediately took over the mechanism box. After twisting his fingers a few times, it popped out from inside with a "click". a note.

Lu Zhi picked up the note, unfolded it for a closer look, and his face flickered.

Seeing this, everyone didn't know what happened for a while, but seeing Lu Zhi's expression was wrong, someone asked, "Master, what's wrong?"

Lu Zhi didn't explain, but just passed the note in his hand to the crowd, who took it with both hands, looked at it in the sunlight outside, and couldn't help but change their faces: "Why is this kid again??"

(End of this chapter)

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