Infinite script kill

Chapter 662 Love Monk

Chapter 662 Love Monk
"Brother Yuan, what are you doing again?"

"Oh, study a little stuff."

Yuan Shoushi looked back at Wanrong who came in carrying a bamboo basket, with a smile on his face.

"What is it?"

Wanrong put down the bamboo basket in her hand, and leaned over, a burst of girlish fragrance hit Yuan Shoushi for a while, and Yuan Shoushi was fascinated for a while, couldn't help taking a sip, and suddenly felt dizzy.

He almost sat down on the ground in a daze, fortunately he came to his senses quickly, otherwise he would be ashamed, Yuan Shoushi made up his mind, he didn't dare to look at Wanrong again, he quickly changed the subject and said: "This is called Qianmo, but it's not The mold used to cast money is the mold used by common people to paint yellow mounts."

"I thought it was something, isn't it just a wooden mold, why did you sit here with a sad face, and I haven't seen you looking for me these days."

Wan Rong covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

Yuan Shoushi couldn't help laughing wryly when he heard the words: "How can it be so simple, this thing has been destroyed, it is not difficult to repair it, but it is difficult to have no materials."

"Hmph, I don't believe there are any rare treasures in the world in Ziwei City. I can't even find a piece of repaired wood??"

Wanrong said unconvinced.

This is not an exaggeration, the sage lives, all nations come to court, every year countless rare and rare treasures are brought into the palace, if there is a stone in the world's wealth, I am afraid that this Ziwei Palace will monopolize it.

"It's not a precious thing, but it's a rare thing. What I want is a gloomy piece of locust tree."

"Pfft, I thought it was something. It's rare, but it's not considered a precious treasure. When I go back, I'll ask my sisters in the palace to ask. If there is one, I'll lend it to you."

Yuan Shoushi was refreshed when he heard the words, but his face changed drastically in a flash: "You must not steal the property from the palace. You will be exiled at least, and beheaded at worst! Just like you, please don't do such stupid things."

Seeing Yuan Shoushi's seriousness, Wanrong felt warm in her heart: "Don't worry, the palace has its own rules, but it's not that there are no room for flexibility. I have a sense of propriety."

After finishing speaking, before Yuan Shoushi could refuse, Wanrong took his hand and walked aside, took out the food in the basket and put it on the table: "Hurry up and eat, these are all the meals I made myself."


Yuan Shoushi looked at the food with a smile on his face. He picked up the bowl and chopsticks and put a piece of tofu in his mouth, eating with relish.

"It's delicious. If you leave the palace in the future, I will eat your food every day."

As if startled, the smile on his face gradually faded, he looked at the magpie on the tree outside the door, and looked at the sky outside with yearning: "Okay, if we wait until that day, let's find a place with beautiful mountains and rivers and buy two acres of land. Land, raise geese, grow vegetables, and cook for you every day."

Yuan Shoushi didn't find anything wrong, he just said: "That's really great."

"Oh yes! The prince has written a new poem, did you know that?"

Wan Ru didn't seem to want to talk more about this topic, so he immediately interrupted and mentioned Xu Tong's poems: "I want to lean on the green window to be with you, but I regret that I have gone wrong in this life. I want to go to the jungle with a bowl, but I feel sorry for the beauty."

Wanru's voice is like a cuckoo, leaning against the door frame, the sun shines on her black hair, and Yuan Shoushi doesn't know poetry, he is just a carpenter, but when he looks back at Wanru by the door, his eyes are suddenly blurred up.

I don't know how long it took before Wanru came back to her senses, seeing Yuan Shoushi staring at her dazedly, she couldn't help covering her mouth and smiling: "Idiot!"

After all, he went out and said, "I will come to find you again in a few days!"

Hearing Wanru's voice, Yuan Shoushi held the bowl and chopsticks by himself, and smiled silly for a moment: "Okay, I'll wait for you, I'll wait for you forever..."

"Master, what is the most beautiful love??"

"The one that makes you laugh when you think of it is the most beautiful."

"Master, you said that I am so beautiful, why do I always meet those flirtatious men?"

"When the flowers bloom, they attract butterflies and bees, but occasionally flies too."

In the Tanhua Building, Xu Tong has been here for almost three days, wearing a red cassock, with a nondescript appearance, but he has become the focus of the audience.

The girls scrambled forward, saying that they were asking for the scriptures, but Xu Tong didn't know if the scriptures they were talking about were the ones he thought.

Nowadays, everyone in the huge city of Luoyang knows that the eldest son Li Zheng has another name, the love monk.

Prince Gong's son, relatives of the emperor, contemporary poets, and the name of an infatuated monk, these titles are blessed on a person, just by hearing his name, one can feel the heavy story behind it.

And it just so happens that this is the thing that boys and girls love the most.

So much so that in the past three days, the price of Huaci outside Tanhualou has doubled several times, but it is still hard to find a word, and the threshold of Tanhualou is about to be crushed.

Some people even sneaked in disguised as men, just to get a glimpse of what this loving monk really looks like.

To say that the happiest ones are the boss of Tanhualou and the great monk Yuanside.

The former is because of the hand cramps caused by making money, while the latter is laughing from ear to ear seeing the great luck of Buddhism.

Taking advantage of the strength of the wine, Xu Tong waved his cassock and walked towards the door, shouting, "I would like to become a stone bridge!"

The high-pitched shouts made everyone in Tanhualou quiet down. They silently looked at the prince's slightly red eyes, with tears shining in his hazy eyes, and looked at the girl in front of him with an extremely gentle voice: "Shou 500 Years of wind and rain, I only hope that one day she can walk across the bridge."

A teardrop slipped from the corner of his eye.

In an instant, the mind of the girl in front of her went blank, and she almost passed out from happiness.

These touching words of love caused a burst of sadness in the hearts of those girls, as if they had seen the love between the prince and that girl.

But after saying this, Xu Tong was already lying on the ground, falling asleep.

If Guo Yi hadn't picked up Xu Tong quickly and ran away, the girls behind with green eyes would probably rush up and eat this topic alive.

Only when Guo Yi carried Xu Tong into the carriage, waved his whip, and drove away, did the girls who had chased him bid farewell in tears.

"Drive! Drive!!"

The carriage was galloping down the street, and after a while, Xu Tong's voice came from inside the carriage: "Slow down, slow down, I'm about to faint."

Hearing this, Guo Yi pulled the reins to slow down the carriage, opened the curtain with his fingers, and saw that Xu Tong had already taken off his cassock, his eyes were clear, and he didn't look as drunk and crazy as before.

Seeing this, Guo Yi was not surprised at all. After all, Shizi's strength was far superior to his own, so how could he be drunk with just a few jars of yellow rice wine.

"My son, the sage asked you to compose poems, and you can compose poems, so why bother yourself so much?"

Guo Yi expressed his doubts.

In front of a straight steel man like him, he obviously couldn't understand Xu Tong's actions.

"It's called whether the operator can understand it or not, just relying on copying... to write poems. Monk Yuanfang has it today and will ask for it tomorrow, but I have managed the human design. It is the spokesperson for walking. If you don't write poems, you can't lie down." can work.”

Xu Tong rolled his eyes at him, besides, he didn't find this job hard at all, and that's the fun of acting.

"Don't understand? I feel quite twisted."

Guo Yi followed Xu Tong all the way to Luoyang from Shu.

Naturally, I know in my heart that my son should not talk about love, because the prince is afraid that this unlucky son will do something cheating, and he has been strictly disciplined. Before Luoyang, he had never even entered a brothel, so where did the love come from? .

Seeing the confusion in Guo Yi's heart, Xu Tong shook his head and took out the hookah pipe from the item book, put it in his mouth and smoked it leisurely.

"When I was very young, I met a magician who liked to arrange all kinds of things, but many people believed him.

Later he told me that the biggest problem with people is that they like to indulge in their own emotions.

It doesn't matter what I say, and it doesn't matter whether I have a story or not. They have already thought up the story for me in their hearts, understand? "

Guo Yi still shook his head.

Seeing that he didn't understand, Xu Tong could only put it another way: "This world is actually very hard. Sometimes I know it's fake, but I'm willing to believe it. It's just a little bit of self-consolation."


As soon as Guo Yi heard this, he suddenly understood a little bit, turned around and muttered to himself; "Isn't this the same reason as I have sex dreams?"

 In this volume, only the Xuantan Ceremony is left, and the story of this section is about to end. I will ask for a day off tomorrow so that I can clear my mind.

(End of this chapter)

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