Chapter 663
The carriage drove slowly along the streets of Luoyang City. It was already getting late, but the streets were still very lively.

Along the street, you can see that every family has hung brightly colored lanterns in front of their doors.

Tomorrow night is the Xuantan Dharma Conference. Not only envoys from various countries, but also many masters from temples in other countries rushed over one after another.

In the past two days, Luoyang canceled the curfew again, and the saint pardoned the world and pardoned taxes in most places.

As soon as the Dharma Assembly opens, the whole country will celebrate together, and the scene of the prosperous age is enough to be recorded in the annals of history.

For such a grand event, Xu Tong smelled something bad.

Lifting the window of the car with a finger, there are many pedestrians on the street, but looking away, there are many people with special skills around.

For example, the old man who sells noodles in front of him has high forehead and temples. Although he is not a master, he is also a master of martial arts, at least he is also a first-class master in Jianghu.

There is also a middle-aged man selling candied haws, holding a stick in his hand, which looks no different from an ordinary bamboo stick, but Xu Tong can tell at a glance that the stick weighs at least tens of catties, and it is easily held by the other party. It can be imagined that its strength is by no means taken lightly.

"It seems that the bad guys are really angry this time."

Xu Tong murmured, the death of the bad handsome Cao Huasheng greatly stimulated the bad people in Luoyang city.

The Xuantan Ceremony was getting closer, but Lu Zhi seemed to have disappeared halfway. No matter how hard he searched, no one could find the whereabouts of Lu Zhi and the others.

Not only that, the city of Luoyang has been terribly safe these past few days, and even the street thieves and hooligans have disappeared.

This inevitably made Xu Tong feel a sense of oppression in the future of the storm.

It's a pity that he hasn't officially completed the task of authenticating the team, otherwise he can use the team channel to contact Gao Zhuo and Gu Xibai.

At this juncture, Zhang Haisheng was dragged away by the people of Longhushan, and lost this good teammate who sacrificed his life, Xu Tong had to make plans early.

Xu Tong thought about the variables that he might have to deal with in the future.

His brows couldn't help but start to knit into a ball.

"Dong dong dong..."

Suddenly, bursts of drums hit, interrupting Xu Tong's thoughts. Looking up, his eyes were shining with golden light, and he could see the ever-changing semaphore on the watchtower a hundred meters away from the carriage.

"It's Lu Zhi!!"

Seeing the changing semaphore, Xu Tong's heart tightened. Someone found the traces of Lu Zhi and other members of the Moduo Sect. Could it be that Lu Zhi was discovered? ?
At this time, there was a sudden commotion on the street. The masters that Xu Tong had observed just now dropped their livelihoods, drew their swords and rushed towards the direction of the sound.

"My son!!"

Although Guo Yi didn't know what happened, but seeing this situation, he also knew that there seemed to be something serious, so he immediately opened the curtain to look at Xu Tong.

"Go and see!"

"it is good!"

Just when Guo Yi was about to turn the car around, Xu Tong's heart tightened suddenly, a bad feeling swept over his body, and he immediately shouted: "Wait!!"

Guo Yi didn't know why, so he could only stop and look at the prince in the car suspiciously.

I saw Xu Tong sitting in the car with an uncertain expression, took out three copper coins from his arms and threw them down casually, looked at the hexagrams, and after throwing them three times in a row, Xu Tong's face gradually became ugly.

Go up and down, escape from the Tianshan Mountains, it's fierce!
Seeing the hexagram, Xu Tong immediately said to Guo Yi: "Go home!!"

"it is good!!"

Guo Yi didn't know Yi Shu either, but he could see that the son had a dignified expression, and he was urging the horses to go straight to the imperial post.

"Dong dong dong..."

The sound of drums on the watchtower on the road continued.

Xu Tong has been paying attention to the changes of the semaphore above, and seeing the continuous signals in the semaphore, signaling for support, Xu Tong does not know why it is getting more and more uncomfortable, and he always feels that there seems to be a sense of oppression in the dark.

"Boom rumble..."

Looking up at the sky, a thick haze enveloped the city of Luoyang, and bursts of thunder could be heard from time to time.

At this moment, Hun Tianjian, everyone walked to the observatory, looking at the haze in the sky, their faces changed drastically.

"Brother, the sky is not right!"

Nie Haitang looked at the haze of the night sky, and his almond eyes showed seriousness.

Looking at the sky, Zhao Peng couldn't help but have a hard look on his face.

The Heaven Supervisor is in charge of the world and the calendar.

The time for the Xuantan Dharma Assembly was set by his master, Gu Pei Yuan, for the saint early in the morning, and he once said that the weather would be smooth and favorable.

But the sky in front of me seems to be raining, which is not a good sign.

Once the Profound Altar Ceremony was delayed, the sage blamed him, but regardless of whether his master Gu Peiyuan had already been buried in the ground, the whole Heavenly Supervisor would suffer.

And as the supervisor of Huntian, he is the first to bear the brunt.

"Master has never made any mistakes in observing the sky for decades. There must be someone messing up the sky and making trouble!"

Zhao Peng is very clear about master Gu Peiyuan's methods.

The world is the best, Master Yi Xue, it is impossible to miscalculate such an important day, and after counting with his fingers, he sensed that the celestial phenomenon is not right.

"Surveillance, supervision!!"

At this time, someone hurried over: "Jianzheng, something happened, it's Lu Zhi. Lu Zhi set up a dharma altar in the western suburbs outside the city, and wants to fight with the people of the world!"

"What? Is Lu Zhi crazy??"

Zhao Peng was greatly shocked when he heard this.

"This Lu Zhi must have lost his mind and went crazy, did he really think that the imperial army...

The army..."

When Zhao Peng thought of this, it was like a lion had his backbone taken away, and he couldn't speak anymore.

Enlightenment is both heaven and man.

He remembered that his master had said that all the best in the world are bound by the imperial court, but the restraint itself does not lie in the imperial court's deterrent to these supreme masters, but their own interests involved.

Just like the old celestial master in Longhu Mountain, my master said that no one knows what the strength of this old celestial master is.

If you really make a move, I am afraid that the best of the world may not be an opponent together.

But fortunately, the old master is not an individual, he is the head teacher of Longhushan, and his words and deeds are related to the luck of Longhushan for thousands of years in the future.

The same is true of Taoist Tiantong in the Chongxuan Hall, the great monk Yuanside, including the master, and the commander of Shenwuwei who sits next to the saint.

Only Lu Zhi, except for a few places in the world he can't go to, there is no place in the world where he can be trapped.

Thousands of troops from the imperial court came to encircle and suppress them, but the opponent couldn't beat them, and fled away, who could stop them, it couldn't be that thousands of troops ran back and forth behind one person's buttocks.

It won't be long before the court can't stand it.

It's like an anti-aircraft gun hitting mosquitoes. If the mosquitoes are not killed, your own home will be blown up first.

After calming down, Zhao Peng began to think about what he should do next.

Strictly speaking, this matter has nothing to do with me, it is Lu Zhi who is competing for luck with Buddhism.

And as the supervisor of the heavens, it is best to stay out of the matter and watch the battle between Buddhism and Buddhism, but is this really the case? ?

Do not!If the Buddhist contest is defeated, the Profound Altar Dharma Assembly will be postponed, and the face of the saint and the court will be slapped.

It is absolutely impossible for the saint to admit that this incident was due to Lu Zhi's actions, and he must catch a scapegoat.

Zhao Peng's heart trembled at the thought of this. There is no doubt that the Hun Tian Jian is a ready-made scapegoat, and he does not have the means of his master to make the saint jealous.

"Quick, rush over there immediately, stop Lu Zhi no matter what!"

As soon as Zhao Peng gritted his teeth, he made up his mind that even if he called the disciples of the Shanghuntian Prison to take out the magic weapons, he would rush there no matter what.

"Brother, I'll go with you!"

Nie Haitang took out the sword from the room, and chased Zhao Peng and others to the western suburbs.

"Boom rumble..."

The sky is getting darker and thicker.

It's like a stone is pressing on people's hearts, and the stuffy air makes people feel that breathing becomes dull.

"go home quickly!"

Before the carriage came to a complete stop, Xu Tong jumped off the carriage, jumped to the ground, and went straight to his own courtyard.

However, as soon as they entered the gate of Huangyi, Xu Tong and Guo Yi could smell the faint smell of blood in the air.

"Three Niangs!!"

Guo Yi was startled, and immediately rushed to the other courtyard.

Before he took two steps, he saw bright red blood stains on the ground.

Seeing this, Guo Yi's face became even more ugly, and he rushed into the other courtyard where Xu Tong lived.

Pushing open the door, I saw two corpses lying on the ground, they were the servants of the family.

Guo Yi touched the dead body with his fingers, and the dead body was still warm, obviously not long after the accident happened.

"Who is it? How dare you commit murder in the Imperial Post Palace!!"

Guo Yi raised his sonar, and the sound pierced the sky, causing dust to fall from the corner of the wall. On the one hand, this was to deter the murderer, and on the other hand, he was also reporting to others.

It's just that the sound fell, but the surroundings were empty, and no one responded.

Seeing this, Guo Yi hurried towards the kitchen.

But as soon as one foot stepped into the courtyard gate, the sight in front of him suddenly dimmed, and all the light in his eyes instantly lost, and he couldn't see anything in the pitch black.

"Winning Technique!!"

After all, Guo Yi is an old Jianghu. He realized that he was blind, but he didn't panic.

He had heard of such a sorcery in the rivers and lakes, which hangs blind monsters on the beams of the door. Once a person enters the door, it is as if his eyes have been plucked out, and he cannot see anything.

This technique is called ghost borrowing eyes in the world.

Therefore, when people from Jianghu enter the door, they often enter the door sideways, with one foot coming in and half of the body following, looking up and down, looking up and down, and then entering.

If something happens, when you see something hanging on the door, you will often retreat or be careful.

Today, Guo Yi is concerned about chaos, and accidentally fell into trouble.

But after so many years in the rivers and lakes, Guo Yi was able to live to this day not only because of his body, but also because of his extraordinary courage. All of a sudden, he jumped up in the air, his legs were like flying bridges, and he kicked the door beam with an upside-down golden hook.


There was a cracking sound of bricks, tiles and rubble, and large pieces of wood splashed all around. Before Guo Yi landed, his vision had regained its light. When he took a closer look, he found a blind pear flower mink hanging on the ground. Mink's two eyeballs were gone.

"Dare to show off tricks of the rivers and lakes here!"

Guo Yi looked at the eyeless mink on the bottom of his feet, snorted coldly, took out the fire pocket, and threw it casually, only to see sporadic flames on the mink's corpse, and it exploded quickly in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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