Infinite script kill

Chapter 668 Lu Zhi's Backhand

Chapter 668 Lu Zhi's Backhand


The pungent burnt smell volatilized in the air, making one unavoidably nauseating.

Xu Tong crushed the charred corpse in front of him with one foot, and a layer of dark red blood appeared on his body. His figure was like a sneak chasing a shadow and galloped forward. His speed was getting faster and faster, no matter how the shadow escaped through the wall to no avail.

"Damn it, why are you chasing me? Isn't it good to kill that old woman!!"

Yan Rui from the Shadow Group turned around and saw Xu Tong who was following behind him like a shadow. He was frightened for a moment, and cursed Xu Tong loudly in his heart, patriarchal.

The team skill Shadow Escape is a top team skill. Not only is it fast, but it can also hide objects through walls.

But Xu Tong is the only exception.

With the blessing of Celestial Eye, Xu Tong can see through his real body at a glance, let alone a shadow, even a lump of mud.

As for speed, the two are not at the same level.

The Demon King's Advent and the Leopard Soul Cloak can greatly increase the movement speed, not to mention that Xu Tong also has an item card [Hunter]

When chasing down the target, the movement speed is increased by 50%.

It's just that Xu Tong hasn't activated the active skill of [Void Boots]; Lingbo Wuhen.

Otherwise, the speed is only faster.

"Tell you to run!"

I saw Xu Tong raised his hand and slashed out a sword light, the sword energy was like electricity, and under the blessing of the terrible power of the terrible chapter of killing, the power was even more frightening. The place where the sword energy fell exploded, as if it was not a sword at all gas, but a bomb.

Almost knocked Yan Rui out of the shadow state.

Even so, Yan Rui is also uncomfortable. In the shadow state, the damage he receives will be doubled. Although the sword energy did not hit him, the shock wave generated by the huge explosion has already shaken his internal organs, and the pain is unbearable .

It's just that Yan Rui didn't know that Xu Tong didn't really kill him, but just used this method to force Yan Rui to find his teammate Ashina.

Last time in the Six Arts Hall, the Mortuo Sect suffered heavy casualties. This time, almost all of them gathered outside the western suburbs. At this time, so many killers suddenly appeared. One should know that it must have something to do with Ashina.

This guy didn't show up at this moment, not only he didn't show up, but Gao Zhuo didn't show up either, which meant that they still had a plan for the next step, no matter what it was, I didn't intend to make it easy for them.

He slashed down with another sword, and the force of landslides made Yan Rui almost vomit blood, but he didn't dare to stop for a moment, for fear that if he ran a step slower, he would die without a place to bury him.

"Is this guy a monster?? Didn't he just complete the certification? How could his strength improve so quickly!!"

While Yan Rui was depressed, he began to curse the idiot in charge of collecting intelligence in his heart. This kind of strength already belonged to at least an intermediate-level senior certified player.

How could it be just promoted? ?
The resources of certified players are very rich, but they are not so rich that people can improve their strength so quickly in a short period of time.

It's just that they didn't know that when Xu Tong completed the certification, he received a huge sum of compensation by the way.

Otherwise, facing the siege of two players and an ascetic just now, it would not be easy to get out of the body, let alone kill them back.


Just because Yan Rui was swearing in his heart, he was almost struck by Xu Tong's sword energy without paying attention. Finally, his body couldn't stand the shock brought by the sword energy, and rolled out of the shadow state, and fell to the ground continuously. It took a few rolls before it stopped.


With a mouth full of internal organs, the vomit mixed with blood made Yan Rui look extremely embarrassed.

"Is this unbearable?"

Before Yan Rui stood up, Xu Tong's long sword was already resting on the opponent's shoulder.

"I surrender...surrender!!"

Yan Rui realized that something was wrong, and decisively submitted the surrender order. As long as Xu Tong was willing to let him go, he would take the script points of the prop book and the prop card at will.

Even if Xu Tong wiped out all the prop cards, it's okay, as long as he survives, there is hope for him to survive.

Xu Tong ignored his surrender order, just glanced around, and after making sure that he didn't see Ashina, he couldn't help frowning: "What are you running here, where is Ashina?"

"Head...Head and the others have already entered the palace."

"Enter the palace??"

Xu Tong looked back at the sky and found that the haze in the sky had dissipated. According to the ritual procedure of the Xuantan Grand Ceremony, the gate of the palace would be opened at Chenshi, and the people and envoys from various countries would be allowed to enter the palace to participate in the Xuantan Grand Ceremony in front of the Ming Hall.

Ashina, as an envoy, is naturally qualified to enter.

"What is the main task of your team?"

"There is no main mission. We use props to forcibly join the script world you are in. The space will give us some specific conditions, but it will not force us to assign missions. It is just the relic in your hand, which is related to a special prop. An important clue, Ashina originally planned to kill you, we rushed over to meet him..."

Yan Rui's voice became smaller and smaller...

It turned out that the reason why Ashina was sure of killing Xu Tong was because he knew that Xu Tong was good at defense, so he asked the Gelao to send experts.

Gelao can grow bigger and stronger under the eyes of the saints in Luoyang City, and become the local emperor in the shadow of Luoyang. They have cultivated countless masters over the years.

For example, the four great masters in Huangyi before, or the woman who played the piano just now, are all Gelao's subordinates.

I thought that with that woman and the two players Yan Rui, even if Xu Tong couldn't be killed, it would be fine to take a step back and seriously injure him, as long as he was not allowed to participate in this Xuantan ceremony.

Because Ashina is not optimistic about this Xuantan ceremony.

Lu Zhi is too strong, if they started the mission at the Xuantan Ceremony, they might not be able to complete it, so they just started to destroy it.

In this way, they can find ways to use props to reduce the difficulty through other script worlds to complete the task.

Because it is not only this era that meets the task standards. According to Ashina, it is best to join in the great debate on Buddhism and Taoism in the Yuan Dynasty. The advantage is at the peak of luck.

In order to survive, Yan Rui didn't care too much at this time, and told Xu Tong everything he knew.

Among them is the coffin stolen from Xu Tong's ice cellar, which has been given to the Gelao by Ashina at this moment.

As for whether the Gelao opened it, it is not known.

"Is Lu Zhi in contact with you guys?"

Xu Tong continued to ask.

Yan Rui hurriedly vetoed it, because Ashina's luck was extremely good, and it wasn't long before he had a relationship with the Gelao.

Lu Zhi's people came to the Gelao, and proposed that the Gelao could join the Moduo Sect. After he seized the luck of Buddhism, the Moduo Sect would be in charge of him. From now on, he just needs to lurk in peace of mind. In less than a hundred years, the Moduo Sect It will be able to take advantage of the situation and replace Buddhism in the world.

As for Lu Zhi himself, it seems that he never thought about waiting until that time at all. As long as he succeeds in winning the Buddhism luck this time, it doesn't matter even if he commits suicide in front of a saint.

Xu Tong felt a toothache when he heard this. No wonder Lu Zhi was so crazy. This guy is a desperate fanatic. As long as he takes away the luck of Buddhism, it doesn't matter what price he pays.

"Could it be possible, does this guy have any revenge for killing his father with those bald donkeys from the Buddhist sect? Such a cruel Buddhist sect."

Immediately Xu Tong thought of a question, if Lu Zhi really succeeded, after more than a hundred years of dormancy, as long as he waited for a suitable time, would he really replace Buddhism and become the largest sect in China in the future.

If this is the case, is the Beiyin Killing Order just to correct this period of history and stop Lu Zhi through the world of scripts?

Xu Tong didn't think about these questions for too long.

Immediately asked the next question: "The sky is already clear, how can Lu Zhi swallow the luck of Buddhism!"

"do not know!!"

Yan Rui shook his head, seeing Xu Tong's unkind expression, he quickly explained: "No, no, I really don't know, we are not familiar with Lu Zhi, but the people from the Motuo sect said that day, Lu Zhi seemed to be in the palace early. A dark chess game was played, and at the critical moment, he could summon the real body of Mo Tuo Da to come into the world."

For this day, Lu Zhi had made a plan early on, and even the palace had arranged for him.

It's just that other than Lu Zhi and the pawn, no one knows what this backhand is.

Even a close friend like the rudder master Fu Hongjun didn't know, let alone Yan Rui.

After asking the question, Xu Tong thought for a moment, then agreed to Yan Rui's surrender order, and quickly glanced at the guy's item book.

There are a lot of props in it, because the number of people who can be carried by forced descending is limited, so when Ashina descended to this script world, the people with him are all assassination players who are good at high explosiveness.

Yan Rui was one of them, and Xu Tong had performed craniotomy on the other one. The operation was successful and the deceased was very peaceful.

Therefore, in Yan Rui's item book, there are also items cards of the assassination system.

High-explosive assassination skills, coupled with team skills, shadow escape, the average player is really difficult to deal with.

Some of the prop cards were good, but Xu Tong caught one of them at a glance and grabbed it with his hand, only to see that it was a pitch-black curved dagger.

And this dagger, I happen to have another one in my hand, it is the one used by Yan Rui's companion to assassinate him just now.

He took out the other dagger and put it in his hand to see that the two daggers were exactly the same. When they were put together, they even made other dragon sounds.

[Black water dragon tooth] (double)
In the depths of the silent forest, the fangs of the Black Water Dragon King are forged, and they have unpredictable powers. When they are divided, they dominate and kill, and when they are combined, they overcome thorns and thorns.

Active Skill 1: Dragon Breath

(Single) Consumes 300 script points. After activation, the next attack will ignore the opponent's defense and armor.

(Double) Consumes 500 script points. After activation, the next attack will ignore space spells and props and cause damage to the target soul.

Cooling time: 30 hours (cooling)

Active Skill 2: Black Curse

Consume 500 script points, launch once on the injured target, level [-] curse, during the curse, the consumption of all the skills of the target is doubled.

Any dagger in this skill can be activated.

Cooldown time: 1 hour
It turned out that these two daggers were a set, but after carefully looking at the attributes, Xu Tong understood why the two daggers were divided into two people.

Compared with hurting the primordial spirit, it is not as good as when used alone, the burst damage is stronger.

Ignoring all defenses and armor, once it hits a vital point, the gods will not save him. I am afraid that the reason why Ashina thinks that Yan Rui and the two can kill him is probably because of the dagger.

Thinking that Xu Tong put away the two daggers, and immediately took away Yan Rui's core prop cards and all his script points, he signaled that Yan Rui could return.

It's useless for Yan Rui not to return, without the script points, he can't even use the shadow escape technique, staying in the script world is courting death.

So I stood up, took out a prop, and chose to forcibly leave the world of this script.

Watching Yan Rui's body disappear into the air, Xu Tong suddenly remembered something, and was startled, a figure appeared in his mind, and his heartbeat accelerated suddenly: "Could it be him!"

(End of this chapter)

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