Infinite script kill

Chapter 669 Lu Zhi enters the palace

Chapter 669 Lu Zhi enters the palace
Suspicion flashed in Xu Tong's mind for a moment, but he was not sure, after all, it was just a guess.

Besides, the most important thing at the moment is to prevent the evil god of the Moduo sect from descending into the world.

And to stop the Moduo Sect from appearing in this world, the only way is to enter the palace!
Xu Tong looked at Ziwei City in the distance, put away the Chunyang sword, and wiped his forehead with his palm.

All of a sudden, black hair spilled on the ground, and after a while, a handsome young monk appeared in the mirror.

Xu Tong took a mirror and took a look at it. Not to mention, Li Zheng is worthy of being a royal family. This face, with a high nose and small mouth, thick eyebrows and big eyes, is too thin. Zhao Wenzhuo tasted it.

"Amitabha! Cough, goodness, goodness, poor monk's dharma name... dharma name...Wukong."

Facing the mirror, Xu Tong emphasized, pretended to practice, put on the bright red cassock, suddenly felt that something was missing, slapped his forehead, and called out Fa Cai, only to see Fa Cai limp With a shake of his body, he transformed into a golden tin rod.

"Hey, the poor monk is here!!"

As Xu Tong said, he strode straight to Yingtian Gate.

People often say that the plan of a day lies in the morning, and Chenshi is already around seven o'clock in the morning.

Ordinarily, today is the day of the National Day, so the streets should be very lively.

But the commotion last night was too great.

As a result, the common people are afraid to come out, but this does not affect the holding of the Xuantan Ceremony.

Not only ordinary people dare not come out, even the family members of many officials have been informed that they are forbidden to go out.

It is said that last night civil and military officials entered the palace overnight and asked the saint to postpone the Xuantan puja. What's more, they bluntly said that Buddhism deceives people's hearts, makes people not think about working, and prohibits people from wanting to violate the laws of heaven.

This remark was refuted by Wu Tingting, who believed that Buddhism is a good way to educate the world and persuade people to be good. It must be killed on the spot.

The court officials argued hard, but no one mentioned Lu Zhi's matter. After all, there are some things that everyone knows in their hearts. On the bright side, it is strange power and disorder, and it is the court's face that is damaged.

What's more, it can't be said that it is necessary to postpone the entire Xuantan ceremony just to worry about one person?
Furthermore, there is not only one enlightened person in Dazhou, Mu Tiantong of Chongxuan Pavilion, and the commander of Shenwuwei are all the best in the world. If the two sit in town, do they still care about a mere Lu Zhi!
There was a lot of talk and arguments, and the quarrel was endless. In fact, in the final analysis, the contention was whether the future of the country should be passed on to the Wu family or returned to the Li family.

As a result, the Xuantan Ceremony was still held, but those who advised the saint to postpone the Xuantan Ceremony were dismissed without exception, and the one who accused the saint of credulity in Buddhism was thrown into prison.

So far, few people have dared to speak out.

When Xu Tong arrived outside Yingtianmen, there were already crowds of people here.

The palace gates on all sides were opened, and even ordinary people could enter Ziwei Palace from now on, and come to the Mingtang at the back to observe the Profound Altar Dharma Assembly.

When I looked around, I saw a large number of monks holding magical instruments, chanting scriptures all the way forward.

This huge sound of chanting sutras even aroused the visions of heaven and earth, causing colorful auspicious clouds to appear in the sky. With the breeze blowing, the clouds turned into a big Buddha.

Xu Tong opened his eyes of fate to watch, and saw a large amount of power of faith gathered in the sky. The number is not large, and it cannot be compared with the Holy See in the world of the previous script, but the Buddhism of this era is far from reaching As prosperous as it is in reality.

These powers of faith have been accumulated by Buddhism for many years. This large area of ​​power of faith, like a golden lake, gathers on Ziwei Palace and turns into a round corridor of Buddha.

That is the result of the luck of Buddhism, but compared with the future Buddhism, it is really not worth mentioning, but Xu Tong also has celestial eyesight. Looking at this group of Buddha luck, he found that there is not only the luck of Buddhism, but also the luck of Buddhism. withered fruit.

The fruit is no more than the size of a fingernail, withered into a ball, soaked in the power of faith, emitting a dark purple light.

Xu Tong does not know the origin of this object, but if he is a Buddhist disciple, he must know that this object is the seed of a spinosa tree brought back by Chen Xuanzang when he returned from his journey to the west.

The Buddha Sakyamuni passed into nirvana under the spinosa tree, which is also revered as a sacred tree by Buddhism.

But when Chen Xuanzang rushed to the Buddhist country, it was said that it had been destroyed and the Dharma had fallen. This seed is not only the treasure of Buddhism, but also the seed of hope for the future of Buddhism.

This is also why the Buddhist sect must hold the Profound Altar Dharma Assembly. If this opportunity cannot be used to water and germinate this seed, then the luck of the Buddhist sect will be in darkness for at least a hundred years in the future.

And what Lu Zhi wants is this seed. It can be a Buddha seed at this moment, but it can also be a demon seed. The prosperous age of Buddhism has not yet come, and if this seed is taken away, it can replace Buddhism. Great prosperity in the world.

Xu Tong looked left and right, but he didn't see the people from the Moduo sect, so he simply mixed into the team and walked into Yingtianmen with the monks who were chanting sutras.

This is the second time Xu Tong has entered Ziwei Palace.

The difference from last time was that as soon as he entered the palace gate, Xu Tong felt an invisible force suppressing him, which made his heart beat faster.

Even his own luck began to feel shaky, and he had a similar feeling when he entered the palace last time, but it was very slight, far from such a strong level.

Fortunately, these towns didn't really hurt him, they seemed to have sensed the reason why he was a royal family, and they disappeared quickly.

As for the others, their luck was invisible and firmly suppressed by a force. This Ziwei Palace was like an invisible net, knocking everyone's luck down a notch.

Passing through the royal road of the palace gate, the monks came to the Ming Hall. From a distance, they could see the exquisite Buddha statue in the Ming Hall.

Xu Tong took a glance and only saw Ashina. After all, this guy's luck sitting in the crowd is like a light in the dark night. If you just look carefully, it is not difficult to find that Ashina's luck is very strong. , but the golden lion was listless and more and more tired.

Even Ashina himself looked a little tired, sitting on the envoy's seat, resting his chin with one hand, looking bored, it was annoying to see.

As for Gao Zhuo, he himself did not see it.

Not only did he not see Gao Zhuo, but even the great monk Yuanfang was not there. You must know that as the great protector of the Buddhist sect on such an important occasion, if Yuanfang is not in the Buddhist sect, he will lose his backbone.

"What are these guys doing, why haven't I seen any of them!!"

After experiencing the convenience of William's team, Xu Tong felt more and more how convenient it is to have a team channel.

Suddenly Xu Tong saw a familiar figure in the crowd, frowned slightly, and immediately quickened his pace and walked forward.

"Brother Wu!!"

Hearing someone calling him, Wu Fan turned around and saw a monk walking towards him.

When he doubted that he didn't know someone from the Buddhist sect, he took a closer look, and only recognized Xu Tong's face after Xu Tong approached.

"My son!!"

Seeing Xu Tong, Wu Fan was taken aback. After blinking to make sure he was right, his face changed slightly, and he grabbed Xu Tong's arm and led him to a corner.

After walking to the corner and making sure that there was no one around, Wu Fan said coldly: "You dare to come at this time, you really are desperate."

"What if you don't come? The saint named me Taichang Shaoqing, who is in charge of sacrifices and salutes on behalf of the heavens. If I don't come, it means I am disobedient. You see, I even shaved my hair. Not to mention it's cool. Brother Wu wants Don't try it."

Xu Tong patted his bare forehead and said.

Seeing this moment, he was still in the mood to tease, Wu Fan showed a sneer:

"Oh, I'm afraid you really don't know. Something happened on the source side. He was in the western suburbs, and Lu Zhi tried to trap him in the demon barrier. I'm afraid he won't be able to struggle out of his demons for a while. Lu Zhi doesn't know when. You are about to break into the palace gate, and when the time comes, I am afraid that you will die without a place to bury you."

"Ah! The source side lost?"

Xu Tong was a little surprised when he heard the news.

The source side is Chen Xuanzang's third apprentice. In Xu Tong's mind, this great monk is just like Sha Wujing.

At least he is the best in the world, even if he loses to Lu Zhi, he can still retreat completely.

"I heard from the leader of my family that Yuan Fang hasn't lost yet. It's just that you were assassinated last night and made such a big commotion. It was used by Lu Zhi."

Last night, everyone's focus was on Ximen. Even Shenwuwei didn't expect that Lu Zhi could find so many helpers besides the members of the Moduo Sect.

It is also intentional and unintentional, it is their carelessness.

"Then I can't leave, I'm still playing a fart when I leave the Xuantan Fahui, you expect these old gangsters to mess with Lu Zhi?"

The old monks that Xu Tong was referring to were the old monks in front of them. The youngest ones were in their seventies, and the older ones were as old as they were, and their teeth were gone. What, I'm really afraid that if one sneeze, this eminent monk will pass away on the spot.

Although these old monks are old, there are only two great masters among them, and the others don't even have masters.

I really don't know how Buddhism has been messing around these years. It is a sect supported by saints anyway, so why do they just pull it off like this.

"Hmph, these bald donkeys probably got the news and changed people on the spot, otherwise why would they be so crooked."

Wu Fan was also very angry, the Buddhist sect was too unreal this time, many famous monks of the Buddhist sect did not show up, according to their information, these monks planned to wait and see outside, if the situation was wrong, they would immediately close the mountain gate, calling it a name It is to preserve the seeds for Buddhism.

But if you are angry, you still need them to guard the Xuantan Grand Ceremony with all their strength. The Nine Departments of Shenwuwei are already in place. If Lu Zhi really dares to come, he can make him come and go.

"So, the commander of Shenwuwei is also there!"

Xu Tong's thoughts moved slightly. The Commander of Shenwuwei had already reached the peak of enlightenment 20 years ago. If this person was in the township, plus the township of the Forbidden Palace, if Lu Zhi wanted to force his way, it might not be easy.


Wu Fan shook his head and said, "The commander-in-chief never leaves the sage's side easily, and the sage only wants the result, not the process, so he will not participate in the Xuantan ceremony, but Mu Tiantong, the owner of the Chongxuan Hall, is here."

"Mu Tiantong?"

The name Xu Tong was very unfamiliar, but Li Zheng had something about the Chongxuan Hall in his memory.

The Chongxuan Pavilion was established when Emperor Taizong founded the country, and Taoism was established as the state religion at that time. The Chongxuan Pavilion has the power to supervise the Taoism in the world.

According to Wu Fan, the owner of the Chongxuan Pavilion is probably a top Taoist, but...

If you let a Taoist take care of the affairs of Buddhism, what is the difference between letting Monkey King become Bi Mawen? ?


The two of them hadn't finished talking when a long and deep bell rang. Wu Fan's expression changed when he heard the bell: "This guy is really here!!"

The bell was an alarm, which meant that Lu Zhi had entered the palace gate.

Xu Tong also found that the moment the bell rang, all the towns in Ziwei City seemed to be activated, and the gods revived, forming a huge net of gods to cover the huge forbidden palace.

Passing through the Yingtian Gate, I saw Lu Zhi sitting on a strange sedan chair, which was carried by eight Motuo sect stars on the front, back, left, and right sides. The sedan chair used to marry the bride.

But the strange thing is that when Lu Zhi was riding on the sedan chair, he turned a blind eye to the towns and lanterns in the palace.

"Master, this Yingtian Gate is the number one gate in the world. There are five phoenix towers on both sides, like a phoenix spreading its wings. There are three gates with a total of twelve gates, which are the symbols of the world's supremacy. My master has arranged eighteen towns here. Things, even if you come in, you have to be shorter, and your luck will be lowered first, except for this phoenix sedan chair. When you enter the palace with this sedan chair, your luck will not decrease but increase!"

Zhao Peng walked with the sedan chair and explained to Lu Zhi.

Because the emperor's marriage is all about political needs. He hopes to join forces with the strong, and naturally he doesn't want his concubine's luck to be affected by the town. This is the only way to enter the forbidden palace.

If not, you can only enter through the side door, and the impact will be less, but luck will still be affected.

It's hard for Zhao Peng to think of this way to break the treasures left by his master Gu Peiyuan.

"Very good! As expected of Gu Peiyuan's disciple, it's a pity that the old guy doesn't know how to teach according to his aptitude. If you let me come, you should have broken through the shackles a few years ago."

Lu Zhi, who was riding in the sedan chair, was very satisfied with Zhao Peng's performance.

He didn't forget to point to Shi Jin who was beside him: "Look, it's only been a long time since Shi Jin joined my sect, and there are already signs of enlightenment. Give him a few more years, and enlightenment will not be a problem."

Shi Jin raised the Panlong in his hand, and bowed to Lu Zhi: "Thank you, Master, for cultivating it!"

Hearing this, Zhao Peng couldn't help being envious.

Lu Zhi's voice changed: "But you don't have to worry, when I take away the luck of Buddhism, you will be the great protector of my Moduo Sect. With my luck of the Moduo Sect, I can help you become enlightened!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Zhao Peng was ecstatic, and hurriedly bowed his hands to Lu Zhixing again.

Seeing this, all the monks along the way couldn't help but look terrified and stepped aside one after another.

"Stop, Lu Zhi, see clearly what this place is, I really think you are lawless, no one can deal with you!"

Shen Wuwei raised the blade in his hand and blocked it in front.

On the city tower, eight commanders in black robes stared coldly at Lu Zhi.

Except for the absence of the great commander, all the commanders of the nine divisions of Shenwuwei were present.

However, when Lu Zhi saw this, he pretended to be an official: "I came here by invitation. Does your country treat envoys in the same way?"

After talking, he saw the sedan chair and hung up an envoy flag.

And it is the envoy flag of Turkic.

"Hahaha, I forgot to tell everyone that this is my Turkic national teacher. I heard about the grand ceremony of the Dharma Assembly, so I specially came to visit to see the excitement."

Ashina stood up, walked down from the seat, and explained to everyone.

After finishing speaking, he looked at the commanders of the gods and guards on the city gate: "The sage has an order, and envoys from all countries can participate. Don't you want to resist the order!"

"Hmph, you're in a mess!"

Luo Hu stared at Lu Zhi: "When did you become the Turkic national teacher!"

"A few days ago, it was too late for me to meet the national teacher, so I specially invited Mr. Lu to be the national teacher of our country. This is the golden seal that my father gave me. With this golden seal, I have granted Mr. Lu a document. Mr. Lu is My Turkic national teacher!"

Ashina fumbled for a golden seal and a roll of sheepskin documents from his arms, threw the documents towards the city wall, and was grabbed by Luo Hu.

After opening it, it turned out that it was a document conferring on Lu Zhi as the Turkic State Teacher, and it was stamped with the golden seal of the Turkic King.

This hand is really unexpected.

Now even Luo Hu was speechless, so he could only throw the document to Ashina.

On the side Yingying said confusedly: "If so, the visitor is a guest, but please respect yourself, sir!!"


With a smile on his face, Lu Zhi was surprisingly eloquent today, nodded his head, got off the sedan chair, walked through the royal road with Ashina, and sat down on the seat of the Turkic envoy.

Lu Zhi's arrival made a group of Buddhist monks feel as if they were facing a formidable enemy. Even the chanting of scriptures began intermittently, and some of them even began to think about retreating.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that Lu Zhi doesn't even need to do anything, just sit there, in a short while, the Xuantan Dharma Conference will be over.

Standing in the corner, Xu Tong and Wu Fan couldn't help but look at each other. It seemed that they didn't expect that Lu Zhi used Ashina to get himself this set of envoy hats.

Now that he doesn't make trouble, even Shenwuwei can't directly attack him.

"I won't tell you, if you really want to get into this muddy water, I won't stop you, but you'd better think clearly, the bald donkeys in Buddhism are retreating, are you sure you can stop Lu end??"

That's all Wu Fan said, but no more, Lu Zhi has already entered the palace, and he must return to his post as soon as possible.

As for Li Zheng, in his opinion, good words are hard to persuade a damned ghost. Some people can't persuade them, and their own words go to this point. If this kid doesn't know good and bad, he deserves his death.

When Wu Fan left, Xu Tong couldn't help frowning. The situation of the Buddhist sect was too bad. Except for the saints and the Wu family, they were almost isolated and helpless.

As the backbone of Buddhism, the source side is not there.

Facing Lu Zhi who is as imposing as a rainbow, it is inevitable that people will have a feeling of being a car with a mantis arm.


Xu Tong raised his head, shook the cassock on his body, looked at the head seat in front of the hall, and his eyes became hot: "It's difficult, isn't it interesting!"

As he rolled his tongue, he heard a "click" between his teeth, as if something had been bitten into pieces, he stirred it a few times in his mouth casually, and with a painful expression on his face, he cursed secretly : "Fuck, what a pain for TN!"

 It was originally two chapters of [-] words, but after reading it after writing it, a large section was deleted, and there was no time left, so I could only make up one chapter, and a part was missing, which I will make up for everyone tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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