Infinite script kill

Chapter 670 Bet I Live Longer Than You

Chapter 670 Bet I Live Longer Than You

"Why should benefactor Lu be so aggressive? Could it be that he forgot that Qianlong has no regrets when he comes out of the abyss?"

The monks looked at Lu Zhi who was sitting in front of him, and couldn't help but look embarrassed. An old monk spoke up and mentioned the prophecy left by Gu Peiyuan, hoping that Lu Zhi would retreat in spite of the difficulties.

"The prophecy left by my master may not be accurate. Besides, Qianlong coming out of the abyss may not mean that Kanglong has regrets, and he can advance and retreat freely."

Zhao Peng stood behind Lu Zhi, there was no need for Lu Zhi to speak, he, the supervisor of the sky, did it for him.

"Zhao Peng, you are standing with this demon, do you want to rebel!"

Many people were shocked to see Zhao Peng standing with Lu Zhi. Even Mu Tiantong, who was sitting on the sidelines, raised his head slightly, but he seemed not surprised by the result, and stretched out his finger on the table. Move three inches horizontally, and when you touch the teacup on the side, you pick up the teacup and put it to your mouth.

"The sage allows the people of the world to participate in the grand ceremony, so why can't I come? As for whether I am guilty, let the sage decide. You are not officials of the court, so you have no right to intervene with me."

"You!! You are deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors, and everyone will be punished!"

After speaking, an old monk turned his eyes to Mu Tiantong, only to find that Mu Tiantong just drank tea and didn't pay any attention to it.

Seeing this, the old monk's face flickered for a moment.

Buddhism has been supported by saints and martial artists over the years, and it has become stronger and stronger, but its influence in the court is too small, far inferior to Taoism. It is not only a state religion, but also has a foundation in the court.

Although Mu Tiantong was ordered to listen in, he was not on the side of Buddhism.

After drinking a cup of tea, he raised his head and looked at Lu Zhi: "Here, Hierarch Lu must be ready to sacrifice his life for righteousness."

"Chao Wen Dao Xi can die!"

Lu Zhi nodded with a smile on his face, but Mu Tiantong silently picked up the teacup and said nothing.

As the so-called layman watches the fun, the expert watches the doorway.

The dialogue between the two was so mysterious that outsiders could not understand it.

On the towering heaven behind the Ming Hall, Wanrong in a gorgeous dress watched the struggle condescendingly. Hearing this from a distance, she couldn't help sighing, and the maid beside her couldn't help asking: "Why is Zhaorong sighing?"

"I heard that Daoxi is dead. Lu Zhi has no plan to go back alive. What he wants is the luck of Buddhism. Who can stop him who is determined to die like this!"

"Pass down the order to ask the Shenwu Mansion to invite out of the town, and if necessary, give the leader a ride."

As he said that, he took out a piece of jade from his waist and put it in the hand of the maid. The maid took the piece of jade with both hands, not daring to be careless, knowing that it was one of the Nine Obsidian Astrology Plates, one of the three major treasures of the imperial court. .

As for the other eight sides, they are in the hands of the other eight Shenwuwei commanders. After the maid stepped down to summon the message, the Wanrong girl looked at the direction of the Drum Tower in the east in the distance, but she didn't know what she was thinking for a while. .

But at this time, the atmosphere in front of Mingtang was already tense to the extreme.

Several old monks from the Buddhist sect broke out in cold sweat on their foreheads, and silently recited Buddhist scriptures in their hearts, praying for the manifestation of the Buddha, so that the source side could break through the predicament as soon as possible and come to support.

"The Buddhist grand ceremony, why is the first seat suspended in the air? Could it be that there is no one in the Buddhist sect. If so, our national teacher is also proficient in Buddhism. I think the first seat should be seated by our national teacher."

As soon as Ashina's words came out, the faces of the Buddhist monks changed drastically.

Several elderly monks were so angry that their lips trembled, but they didn't know whether they were angry with Ashina's words, or angry that their Buddhist sect was full of idiots, and that no one could bear the burden alone at a critical moment.

Mu Tiantong frowned, put down the teacup in his hand, and was about to speak.

"Who said there was no one! Didn't I come here!"

Suddenly, a long howling sound interrupted Mu Tiantong's thoughts, and attracted everyone's attention. Everyone followed the reputation, and all the Buddhist monks in the hall stepped aside one after another, revealing a young and handsome monk.

"Who is this person??"

A group of Buddhist disciples couldn't help whispering when they saw the person coming. They didn't know where this person came from, and they looked very strange.

Even the few old monks sitting on the seats faced each other, but no one recognized them.

On the contrary, those who were not from the Buddhist sect recognized the comer at a glance.

"It's him!!"

Mu Tiantong picked up the teacup that had just been put down, put it on his lips and took a sip, his gauze-covered eyes looked back and forth at Xu Tong, and the more he looked at it, the more weird he felt.

"It turns out to be the son. I didn't see the son last night. I didn't expect the son to be ordained to become a monk. Could it be that he really wants to escape into Buddhism?"

Ashina stood up, stood up with a bright smile on his face, murderous intent was already born in his heart, he was most worried about Xu Tong.

One of the two teammates withdrew from the script and the other died. This result not only surprised Ashina, but also made him even more afraid of Xu Tong. He didn't want him to participate in this Profound Altar Ceremony, in case he was activated by this kid The task, when the time comes, all previous efforts will be for naught.

After saying that, Ashina stepped forward and stopped Xu Tong.

"Step aside!"

Xu Tong glanced at Ashina and said expressionlessly.

"If I don't let it!"

Ashina's eyes became more murderous, but Xu Tong suddenly raised his palm and punched Ashina.

"Good day!!"

Ashina's eyes showed joy when he saw this, the muscles on his body suddenly swelled, and his skin seemed to be completely metalized, reflecting a metal-like texture.

In terms of defense, I may not be as good as this kid, but in terms of strength, I have an absolutely overwhelming advantage.

However, in the next second, the joy in Ashina's eyes was replaced by horror.

I saw brilliant golden light shining on Xu Tong's fist, the Buddhist Vajra Seal, but the difference was that when the Vajra Seal was activated by Xu Tong, the image of the Vajra Dharma appeared behind him.

Vajra was brilliant and dazzling, but he had the appearance of an evil ghost, with three heads and six arms, and dharma eyes on his forehead. Accompanied by Xu Tong's punch, Vajra followed him like a shadow, raised his magic pestle, and smashed it down on Ashina.


With a sound similar to the collision of swords and soldiers, Ashina's body flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.

"Great King Kong!"

All the monks stood up from their chairs in unison, and stared at Xu Tong in front of them dumbfounded.

I was so shocked that I couldn't speak. Buddhism has the theory of doing the body, repaying the body, and responding to the body.

The Dharma is invisible, and it is also called the Dharmakaya Buddha. It is a supernatural power that can only be displayed when the realm of the Dharma has reached a certain level.

Just like the five-foot-long golden body of the monk on the source side of the Great Guardian, it is already enough to overwhelm all heroes.

The Great Vajra behind the son is also the dharma body. At the beginning of the Diamond Sutra, there are eight Vajras. No one will admit this.

But... why is it the Vajra Aspect? ?
A group of monks were puzzled. Although the appearance of the Dharma is invisible, there is also a theory of high and low.

Whenever the Dharma has been studied to a certain extent, the dharma is the understanding of the Dharma for oneself, corresponding to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

The Diamond Sutra is an entry-level scripture, and few people can study this scripture to such an extent. It is like researching a pistol, but it is not as powerful as Gatling.

Facing the horrified eyes of everyone, Xu Tong wiped off the blood on his fist with his cassock expressionlessly, and looked contemptuously at Ashina who fell to the ground: "If you don't move, I will hit you until you move!"

Ashina has never suffered such humiliation. Although he is a player, he is not a playboy in the script world. He has walked all the way, with golden swords and iron horses. He dare not be called a hero, but he can also be called a hero. Hearing this, the eyes are angry Pentium jumped up from the ground, planning to fight Xu Tong desperately.

But just as he was about to make a move, a palm lightly landed on Ashina's shoulder. The seemingly weightless hand made Ashina unable to move.

Looking up, he found that the one who shot was Lu Zhi.

"Don't do it, you are not his opponent."

Lu Zhi squinted at Xu Tong. Although he didn't know why this kid's strength improved so quickly, since he could call out the supernatural powers of the Dharma, he had successfully entered the Dao Realm, but...

Lu Zhi's strangeness lies in this place. This kid only has one Dao fruit, and he is still a hundred and eight thousand miles away from entering the Dao state. In terms of state, he is not as good as Zhao Peng!
Although he was weird in his heart, Lu Zhi was not in a hurry, he pulled Ashina to sit down again, and it was not time for him to make a move, so I don't believe how long this kid can last.

"As the Taichang Shaoqing, I came here by order to salute on behalf of the heavens. I will sit in the first place. Do you have any objections?"

Even though he was wearing cassocks, his official prestige remained undiminished.

The voice was like thunder and lightning, which lifted the expressions of all the monks present, and looked at the young monk, as if the heart had come to the heart all at once.

"Amitabha, the son of the world was born with a Buddha body, and he was passed on by the Great Protector of the Dharma. He followed the holy order and performed the ceremony on behalf of the heavens. He should honor himself as the head seat. We have no objection."

The old monks finally came to their senses this time and recognized Xu Tonglai. Even if they didn't recognize him, they still knew the name of the eldest son Li Zheng.

After all, Xu Tong's three poems were widely spread and had a profound influence.

Xu Tong shook his cassock, held a tin staff, and sat straight on the head seat.

But as soon as he sat down, he heard a shallow laugh: "The way of heaven has damaged more than enough to make up for it. My son forcibly improves his cultivation, I'm afraid he will die!"

Xu Tong followed the prestige, and saw an old man with his eyes covered by a ribbon sitting on the side table, holding a teacup and slowly drinking tea one sip at a time.

This person was wearing a Taoist robe. Although his eyes were covered, he was not blind. Thinking of what Wu Fan said just now, Xu Tong combined Li Zheng's memory to learn the identity of this person.

It is rumored that this person is born with eyesight, no wonder he can tell at a glance that he has taken drugs.

"Just now, didn't Master Lu say that Zhaowen Daoxi can die. If he can die, I can die too. If I'm afraid of death, I won't come!"

Xu Tong didn't have the ability to transmit sound into secrets, so everyone could hear his words, and all of them showed strange eyes for a while, and then focused their eyes on Mu Tiantong.

A few Buddhist monks have long been upset with Mu Tiantong. Hearing this, they secretly cursed Mu Tiantong's eighteenth generation ancestors. Just now you didn't even fart, and now you start to pry into my house?It's not as easy as you to pull the side frame!
Mu Tiantong noticed the unkind eyes from around him, but he didn't care at all, and just drank tea.

Seeing this, Lu Zhi thought for a moment, picked up the teacup and put it on his lips to take a sip, but his eyes never moved away from Xu Tong, and suddenly he frowned slightly, as if he understood something; It's a good method, but how long can you last like this!"

It was inexplicable for others to hear this.

Xu Tong glanced at Mu Tiantong, and saw that Mu Tiantong was still drinking tea with a cup of tea in his hand, as if he had nothing to do with me.

"This old thing, sooner or later I will burn down your Chongxuan Hall!"

Then he looked back at Lu Zhi, folded his hands and put them flat on his chest: "Amitabha, how about a bet between the poor monk and the benefactor Lu!"

"What are you betting on!!"

Lu Zhi's eyes were like lightning, and his fingers were ready to move.

Xu Tong suddenly raised his head and his eyes were clear and firm, and Yu Luzhi looked straight at him: "I bet I'll live longer than you!"

(End of this chapter)

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