Infinite script kill

Chapter 671 Open the coffin

Chapter 671 Open the coffin

Lu Zhi couldn't help but startled when he heard the words, and then burst out laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Not only Lu Zhi was laughing, Ashina and others were also laughing.

Even the envoys from Tianzhu, Rome, Tubo, etc. were laughing.

Everyone can see that Lu Zhi's strength is not comparable to that of ordinary people. What's more, everyone is a discerning person, and it can be seen that Mu Tiantong is completely biased.

Maybe in the next second, Lu Zhi could kill Xu Tong, how could he outlive Lu Zhi.

"Not necessarily!"

Everyone was laughing, but suddenly someone interrupted everyone's laughter.

I saw Luo Hu coming out of the Ming Hall with a group of Shenwu guards, standing not far away, standing there quietly, neither going forward nor leaving.

"Jingle ding bell..."

Accompanied by the crisp sound of chains colliding behind Luo Hu, everyone's eyes were instantly attracted by a strange box.

"Saint, you are really biased!"

Mu Tiantong tilted his head and glanced sideways, shaking his head secretly in his heart.

A dark wooden box with densely packed talismans was carried to Luo Hu's side amidst the strenuous footsteps of four Shenwu guards.

Rahu stretched out his remaining left hand, and twisted the box to lock the mechanism. With the sound of "cracking...", the box was slowly opened, and an ancient bronze sword appeared in front of everyone.

The national sword Tianque.

Looking at the sword, Zhao Peng felt his heart agitated.

When he was in Yuyang, Luo Hui relied on this sword to open the sky with one sword, and won the opportunity for his master Gu Peiyuan to make a prophecy.

It's a pity that Zhao Peng was far away at that time and didn't see the real body of the sword. Now that he saw it with his own eyes, he couldn't help but feel turbulent in his heart.

Sure enough, even Lu Zhi's expression became serious when he saw the sword, but he still wanted to ask Luo Hu pretending to be relaxed.

"Luo Hu, Yuyang last time, you opened the sky with this sword, but you lost your right hand. Is it possible that you still want to lose your left hand!"

The national sword Tianque was forged by the sage when he cast the nine tripods, and asked the master to forge Zhang Yajiu with the corners of the nine tripods.

The most important weapon of the country, the magical weapon that ordinary people cannot grasp.

The last time Luo Hu used just one sword, his entire arm was turned into coke, and it was shattered into carbon slag with a light touch. One can imagine how overbearing this sword is.

With Luo Hu's strength, if he swung it again, he might not only lose his other arm, but also spend the rest of his life lying in bed.

Facing Lu Zhi's ridicule, Luo Hu caressed his thick beard with one hand: "A person lives for a lifetime, grass lives for a spring, nothing more than wanting him to have a good time. After a good time, I lie on the bed with a beautiful woman in my arms. Don’t worry about eating and drinking, and return to your hometown for retirement, what a great job!”

With Luo Hu's words, it is inevitable that Buddhism sees hope.

There was a tangle in Lu Zhi's eyes, and it wasn't Luo Hu and the artifact Tianque that were entangled.

Although Tianque is a divine weapon, it is not an ordinary soldier after all. Luo Hu can only slash him with one sword, but cannot kill him. Otherwise, Luo Hu should use this sword to kill him in Yuyang City.

But although this sword can't kill him, it doesn't mean there is no threat. After all, he is a magic weapon. If he and Li Zheng are competing for luck, Luo Hu suddenly draws the sword, which is enough to cut off his luck.

In the struggle, Xu Tong suddenly coughed uncontrollably, and blood flowed out of his nose. Seeing this, Lu Zhi raised his eyebrows, looked at the time, and simply sat down: "Okay, if the prince is willing to bet, I will bet with you." Take a gamble to see how long you can last!"

Xu Tong wiped off the nosebleed, took a deep breath: "I also want to see how long I can last!"

The two of them were silent for a while, and when several old monks saw this, they immediately led their disciples into samadhi, recited Buddhist scriptures, and began the Xuantan Grand Ceremony.

The sound of chanting sutras combined with the knocking of wooden fish and copper bells forms the unique Zen singing sound of Buddhism.

The Zen singing even aroused the power of faith in Buddhism, and was gradually ignited by the huge Zen singing in mid-air.

"Whirring whirring……"

Panting heavily, I saw a person on the street running away in embarrassment with his head down.

Occasionally, there were pedestrians standing in front of him, but he pushed them away, making the whole street full of curses.

While running, this person looked back from time to time.

He held a package tightly in his arms, and he didn't know what was inside that made him so nervous.

Just as this person rushed forward in a panic, a figure in front of him blocked him, making him instinctively want to push this person away, but he pushed forward, as if hitting a city wall , the other party didn't even move his heels, but he was bumped to the ground instead.

"Yuan Shoushi, Gelao has been waiting for you for a long time, come with us!"

Before Yuan Shou could get up on the ground, a cloth bag covered his head when his eyes went dark, and then he lifted a big hand high up like a chicken, put it on his shoulder and walked away.

Seeing this, the people around chose to ignore it.

This is Jinxiufang, who doesn't know the name of the Gelao, even if he doesn't know, looking at those burly men, he knows that he is not someone he can afford.

One more thing is worse than one less thing, and no one dares to ask for trouble.

Not long after, with the sound of the piano, Yuan Shoushi was thrown on the ground and had a friendly contact with the wet soil.

"Gelao, someone brought it!"

Yuan Shoushi heard someone playing the report, and the cloth bag on his head was lifted, but when he opened his eyes, he saw a black coffin placed in front of him.


Seeing the coffin, Yuan Shoushi was stunned for a moment, but soon realized the origin of the coffin. Looking left and right, in the dim room, six or seven strong men were staring at him.

"Yuan Shoushi, your leader said that from now on, I will be the head teacher of the Moduo Sect, but I sent someone to look for you, but you want to quit the teaching."

In the shadows, a pitch-black face was gradually exposed to the faint light.

With a thin face, under the dim light, people can't see his facial features clearly, but his teeth, which look like a row of human bones, are impressive.

The Gelao let go of the woman playing the piano in his arms, and stared at Yuan Shoushi coldly!
"Gelao, I have already made an agreement with the leader. I will help him this time and withdraw from the Moduo religion. He has promised me a long time ago!"

Yuan Shoushi wanted to stand up, but the man beside him was pressed into the mud again.

The man at the side reached out and snatched the package from his arms.

"No, that's mine..."

Seeing things being taken away, Yuan Shoushi immediately struggled desperately.

In the end, he was kicked on the ground, clutching his chest and curled up into a ball.

The package was placed on the Gelao's hands. The Gelao stretched out his slender nails and gently opened the package. After looking at the bank notes and a piece of wood inside, he raised his head and walked up to Yuan Shoushi with his hands behind his back.

"That's what Lu Zhi promised you, not me. The girls under my command have a rule. If you want to redeem yourself, you can, but you must leave her livelihood, such as..."

The Gelao looked at Yuan Shoushi's hands with a savage expression on his face: "These wonderful hands!"

When Yuan Shoushi heard that he was going to lose his hand, he panicked immediately.

How about that craftsman who doesn't take care of his hands, without his hands, he, the great master, would be completely disabled.

Seeing Yuan Shoushi's panicked expression, the Gelao was very happy.

At this time, the man standing aside said: "But I can give you a chance to open this coffin. As long as you open the coffin, this matter will be fine, but you still have to stay in Moduo Sect from now on. Tuojiao carved statues of gods, life is a Motuojia person, death is a Motuojia ghost!"


Yuan Shoushi was stunned for a moment, looked up at the coffin, got up from the ground, walked to the side of the coffin, tried to push it lightly, and found that the coffin was not moving at all.


At this time, someone came in from outside the door. When he saw Yuan Shoushi, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. After the surprise in his eyes flashed, he quickly covered it up and walked to the side of the Gelao: "Gelao, how many people are here outside?" , saying that disciples of the Moduo sect came here to seek refuge with the Gelao."

When the Gelao heard Gao Zhuo's words, although he concealed it well, his eyes still showed a bit of complacency.

If Lu Zhi can succeed, he will inherit the luck that the Moduo sect got from Buddhism, and his descendants will become epoch-making powerhouses.

These are what the Gelao want to see.

After all, even the King of Darkness, who is in the mud, would not want his descendants to be trapped in this dirty and rotten garbage dump forever.

What's more, by absorbing the Moduo sect, one's own power can be further strengthened to make up for the manpower lost last night.

So he nodded to Gao Zhuo calmly.

Not long after, Gao Zhuo walked in with a group of people.

Gao Zhuo didn't need to say much, these people quickly knelt down and paid homage to the Gelao who was sitting on the chair in front of him: "The 28 stars Taihuohu and Jishuibao of the Motuo religion pay homage to the leader!"

I saw the two leaders, one fat and one thin, when the two registered their names, everyone couldn't help raising their brows slightly, and a man said in surprise: "So you are the fat and thin Toutuo in the Jianghu!"

"It's my two brothers!"

The fat man raised his head and said boldly: "My name is Zhang Kai. This is my brother Pingshou. Fat and thin Toutuo is just a name in the world. Don't worry about it. After joining the sect, everyone is a brother. From now on, just obey the decree of the sect master." !"

"very good!"

When the Gelao saw that the two fat and thin Tutuo were so sensible, they immediately felt much more at ease.

Originally, I was worried that these masters of the rivers and lakes would not accept discipline, so they would have to resort to some means, but now it seems that I was completely thinking too much.

It seems that in terms of controlling people's hearts, the method of Moduo teaching is better and more loyal. I still need to study hard in the future.

Well... there are exceptions.

Thinking of this, the Gelao looked at Yuan Shoushi aside, but seeing Yuan Shoushi standing there in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking, his expression suddenly became unhappy.

Seemingly aware of the unkind eyes of the Gelao looking at him, Yuan Shoushi instinctively wanted to say, "Gelao..."

"Why, the Gel is not good at talking. I told you to open a coffin. Why haven't you opened it yet? I think you don't want to get out of here for the rest of your life."

Gao Zhuo suddenly walked up to Yuan Shoushi's side and asked sharply.

Yuan Shoushi was stunned, but his thoughts turned sharply. After thinking for a while, he confessed to the Gelao: "I saw my brothers from this religion, and I was in a daze for a while. This coffin has no mechanism. It just needs a little time to open it." Use some strength, and accommodate those few tools."

As Yuan Shoushi said, he took out the mallet and pendant from the satchel on his waist.

Seeing this, Gao Zhuo put his palm on the coffin, and said earnestly: "You must be careful, not to mention hurting the treasure in the coffin, this coffin is also a rare treasure in the world, a thousand-year-old gloomy wood!!"

In front of everyone, Gao Zhuo patted the coffin twice, indicating that the coffin was valuable and as hard as iron.

Yuan Shoushi swallowed, and after pretending to knock on the coffin a few times with a mallet, he tried to push it out forcefully.


Seeing that the coffin was opened quietly, everyone was overjoyed and hurried forward to help. Gao Zhuo squinted at the Gelman and the woman playing the piano beside the Gelman. Seeing that their eyes were attracted by the coffin, he slowly Take half a step back.

"One, two, three, push!!"

A few men pushed hard, and saw the coffin lid was pushed back heavily. Everyone poked their heads out to look inside the coffin.

There was a man lying quietly in the coffin. The man was shirtless and had messy unkempt hair. It was none other than the bad handsome Cao Huasheng who had died. Facing everyone's horrified expressions, Cao Huasheng raised the corners of his chapped lips slightly: " kill!!"

(End of this chapter)

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