Chapter 672 The Hero Ends (Two in One)


Before the crowd came back to their senses, the fat and thin Toutuo, who was still full of enthusiasm just now, drew out his blade and charged forward.

Doing mental calculations without intention, by the time these people around the Gelao reacted, it was already too late.

I saw Cao Huasheng's figure bursting up, like a black dragon flying up from a coffin. Although he did not have a dragon stick in his hand, but at the peak of Taoism, he is already a top master under the world, and it is difficult to see opponents.

The fingers are like electricity, and the fingertips are quickly touched in the void, and there is a puff puff puff... There is a sound of cracking beans, and the bodies of several strong men surrounded by the coffin suddenly froze in place, and their heads were all pointed by Cao Huasheng. He shot through and was killed on the spot.Blood gushed out.

As for the rest of them, before they could resist, they were cut to the ground in an instant, and the scene was horrifying and bloody.


Seeing this scene, the flabby muscles on the Gelao's face trembled, and he stared at a person with red eyes. It was Gao Zhuo who worked under his account.


Cao Huasheng is obviously dead, but now he is alive again. Not only is he alive, he has also been snatched into his base camp by himself, and even these Moduo sect members who pretended to surrender are fake.

With the extreme intelligence of the Gelao, he immediately understood that all this must be done by the traitor Gao Zhuo.

"Sorry, I'm a bad person!"

Gao Zhuo took out two jade pendants to authenticate the script. Gao Zhuo entered the script world with a very special identity. No memory of identity.

It wasn't until he got these two jade pendants that he realized that the owner of this identity turned out to be a bad person, and it was his mission to kill the Gelao.

The reversal of identity made Gao Zhuo unexpected, but instead he felt like a fish in water.

The difficulty of my own certification task lies in how to eliminate the Gelao.

The terrain in this mob shack is complicated, and it has been operated by Gelao for many years, turning it into a world full of mobs.

And the Gelao played a godfather-like image in it, which has already won the hearts of the people.

If you want to attract bad people to come in, I'm afraid it will backfire.

As far as he knew, the Gelao was originally a wanted criminal by the court, but for so many years, many people knew that he was here, but no one touched him, because he was involved in the secrets and benefits of many officials in the court.

Even the current military minister can collect nearly [-] silver from Gelao every year.

At that time, I'm afraid that the bad guys have not killed them, so I don't know how many officials will stand up to stop them

This kind of thing is by no means imaginary, but has already happened before. Otherwise, why would the Gel huddle up in this dark corner and refuse to take a step out.

However, this difficulty has turned around because of the appearance of Ashina.

Because Ashina made a tripartite alliance with Lu Zhi and Ashina by mistake.

It even directly robbed the bad guy.

Maybe they never dreamed that the bad handsome Cao Huasheng did not die, but was stuffed into the coffin by Xu Tong. After all, he was a bad handsome, and Xu Tong didn't want to be charged with this crime.

So I can only feel sorry for him.

That's why Xu Tong comforted Guo Yi after hearing that Ashina and the others robbed the coffin, saying that it contained a piece of hot potato.

What's more interesting is that after calling out bad people with the jade pendant as a token, and letting him pretend to be a member of the Moduo sect, the Geldos didn't suspect it at all.

This time he was caught off guard and couldn't even escape.

All this happened so ingeniously, it went so smoothly that Gao Zhuo couldn't believe it, remembering the tacit eyes of the girl at the front desk when he was choosing the identity mask, Gao Zhuo said in his heart: "Praise the big girl at the front desk! Wait until you go back." Let the boss clean up and lie on the bed obediently!"

Facing the angry gaze of the Gelao, Gao Zhuo was not in the mood to chat and joke with him, and he rushed towards the Gelao with a billowing corpse aura.


However, there was a sudden sound of the piano, which turned into a huge sonic boom, and suddenly exploded in the room.

The huge sonic boom shattered the chaotic shed directly. Whether it was bad people or Gelao's subordinates, they were completely caught off guard and flew out.

It was the woman playing the piano next to the Gelao.

The woman put her hands on the strings, and quickly plucked the strings with her fingers. Although the piercing sound of the piano was not deafening like a thunderbolt from the blue, it was sharp and piercing, like countless small swords piercing her head.

People with low strength fainted immediately when they heard the sound of the piano.

Even Gao Zhuo, who had completely turned into a corpse and transformed into Flying Yaksha, was given a splitting headache by the sound of the zither.

This woman is the biggest trump card of the Gelao, with the magic qin of killing her in one hand, restraining the world's violence, and her internal strength, if Gao Zhuo wanted to kill the Gelao alone, he would surely die in the face of the woman.

But today there is still a bad guy, Cao Huasheng.

Everyone knows that Cao Huasheng has a coiling dragon stick bestowed by a sage, but few people know Cao Huasheng's background, which is also extraordinary.

Seeing the woman stroking the zither strings and playing the sound of killing, Cao Huasheng put his arms around his arms and raised his breath. Three white and flawless Dao fruits appeared behind him. upbraid!!"

There was a burst of shouting, but no sound could be heard, but the heartbeats of the people accelerated suddenly, as if there was a thunderbolt in their hearts, shaking their hearts.

It takes the heart as the string and the Tao as the sound.

One sound of the word "Zha" is the first sound in the world at the beginning of the chaos.

Suddenly, the guqin in the woman's hand exploded, and the skin and flesh on the slender, white and tender fingertips were torn apart, exposing the white bones.

Women enter the Tao with the qin, and their qin skills are already unrivaled in the world, but it is precisely because of the qin that they enter the Tao, and if they lose the qin, they lose the power to fight again.

Cao Huasheng's figure was like a rainbow. When he passed by his subordinates, he grabbed the long sword, flew towards him, and sealed his throat with a sword...

In an instant, the whole world fell silent.

The woman's pupils tightened, she looked at the sloppy man in front of her, and opened her mouth: "You are...his apprentice!!"

As the voice fell, a red line on the woman's slender neck gradually became dazzling.


Hot blood splashed on the Gelao's face, making the Gelao wake up like a dream. He stretched out his hand to catch the woman's body, his dull eyes gradually became ferocious, like a trapped animal, and let out a low growl of pain.

When the others saw that the woman was dead and the Gelao was gone, they didn't dare to fight with the bad guys anymore, turned around and went into the alleys of the shantytowns to escape.

"let me!!"

A group of unscrupulous people came forward, intending to cut this Kunlun slave into pieces.

So many bad people have died at the hands of Gelao in these years, and now they finally want revenge.

"and many more!!"

It's just that Cao Huasheng stopped the crowd and looked at the Gelao: "It's really admirable that you can go from being a Kunlun slave to today. I can let you leave Luoyang City alive, but there is one thing you have to hand over."

"Great guy!!"

Everyone looked at Cao Huasheng in puzzlement.

But after Cao Huasheng's gaze signaled, no one dared to have an opinion.

Seeing that the tree fell and the monkeys scattered, the Gel's face was no longer angry, only numb, but when he heard Cao Huasheng's words, the Gel's bloodshot eyes showed a hint of ferocity, and one hand went deep into his bosom, as if he was groping for something. .

"Master, be careful!!"

Seeing this, everyone rushed to protect Cao Huasheng, only to see the Gelao slowly take out a black ledger from his arms and throw it on the ground.

Gao Zhuo picked it up and took a look, it was full of dense bill records.

"Hey hey, take it! It's worth burying me with three hundred officials! Hahaha, it's worth it, hahaha..."

The Gelao's wild laughter made everyone's scalp go numb.

At this time, the Gelao took out a torch from his sleeve, opened it, blew on it lightly, looked at the flames emerging from the torch, and tossed it casually, igniting the dry grass beside him.


This scene was unexpected by everyone. Seeing the fire ignited along the thatched shed in an instant, everyone immediately backed away and watched the once-handed Gelman die in the sea of ​​fire together with the woman's body. , I can't help but feel sorry for the scene of this hero's end.


Gao Zhuo looked at the growing flames and couldn't help shaking his head regretfully.

"For a generation of heroes, such a death is considered heroic, there is nothing to regret."

Cao Huasheng stared at Huohai and said.

Gao Zhuo didn't say a word, he couldn't tell Cao Huasheng that I feel sorry for that old Gelao, because I feel sorry for the loss of a beautiful corpse.

"give me!"

At this time, Cao Huasheng reached out his hand to Gao Zhuo, and Gao Zhuo handed him the ledger.

Even if Cao Huasheng flipped through it casually, his face couldn't help changing drastically. Gao Zhuo didn't know the stakes of this ledger, but Cao Huasheng did.

The list of officials from 24 divisions of six ministries in three provinces is included.

If this list is really sent up, I am afraid that the Luohe River will be bloodied, and many people will be killed.

No wonder the Gelao handed over the bill so easily.

Collect the bill carefully, this is obviously not something he can handle, and it needs to be handed over to the saint for ruling.

"Marshal, what should I do with this person?"

At this time, someone dragged Yuan Shoushi out of the corner.

Everyone looked back, only to find that Yuan Shoushi, the unlucky reminder, had bumped into a broken log when he was sent flying just now, and the log pierced through his back, already hurting his internal organs.

Seeing this, Gao Zhuo hurried forward, wanting to take out a pill to save him, but Cao Huasheng took a look and stopped Gao Zhuo: "It's too late, he's just a craftsman, he doesn't have internal strength to protect his body, and his heart is already damaged. The medicine stone is powerless."

Yuan Shoushi was stunned for a few seconds when he heard the words, and seemed to realize that he would not survive. He opened his mouth, unable to utter a word, and looked at the package not far away on the ground.

Cao Huasheng signaled that someone brought the bank notes in the package, but Yuan Shoushi threw it away and continued to point to the package.

Seeing this, someone handed him the package. Yuan Shoushi hugged the package, and saw that there was a sachet in the package. Seeing that the sachet was still there, Yuan Shoushi was relieved.

It's just that Yuan Shoushi then thought of the agreement he had made with Wanrong, and tears overflowed from the corners of his eyes.

Seeing this, Gao Zhuo was very touched in his heart, he knew what this infatuated fool was thinking, and he couldn't help feeling guilty.

If Ashina hadn't moved the coffin here, if he hadn't secretly sealed the coffin with silver needles for fear that Cao Huasheng would be discovered in advance, maybe there would have been a different result.

Thinking of the lonely soul who persevered under the Drum Tower, Gao Zhuo felt a little tormented.

"I can help you!"

For a moment Gao Zhuo seemed to think of something, and after making up his mind, he knelt down and looked at Yuan Shoushi: "I can help you, although I can't save you, but I can keep you from dying temporarily, but the price is very high. One day you regret it, and the price is that your soul will be scattered and you will not be able to enter reincarnation, are you still willing!"

Yuan Shoushi looked at Gao Zhuo, at this moment he had no energy to speak, so he could only blink heavily.

Seeing this, Gao Zhuo didn't talk nonsense, opened his mouth to reveal his sharp fangs, and bit down on Yuan Shoushi's throat...

"Suaa (wa) Poaaaa (su) pack. Suaaa Dharma. Suaaaaaaaaa..."

In front of the Ming Hall, the sound of Zen singing became louder and louder, and the loud chanting sound formed strange Sanskrit characters in the void and floated to the sky, merging with the power of faith to nourish the Buddha seed.

"Cough cough cough..."

Xu Tong picked up the tea, but coughed uncontrollably. When he put down the teacup in his hand, it was already muddy with blood.

"How long can you last??"

Lu Zhi squinted his eyelids, looked at him with a half-smile, then turned to Ashina and said, "There are countless practitioners in the world, but cultivation is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. But the higher you go, the harder it is. Many of them will suffer Trapped in talent, stagnant."

Ashina heard the words and asked very cooperatively: "Is there no other way??"

Lu Zhi nodded: "Of course there are, there are many ways, such as self-destructive methods to forcibly increase the power, but well, many people don't know that if the realm is not enough, even if the power is forcibly improved, it can only be improved to a limited extent , especially on the hurdle of enlightenment."

The so-called enlightenment is to see the inner self, understand the true face, and the soul reaches the realm of transcendence.

Simply put, it is to have a deeper understanding of one's own Tao and complete the sublimation of the soul.

There are still ways to improve other realms through self-destructive methods, but enlightenment cannot.

Tao is no longer just a so-called technique, but a thought that penetrates the heavens and the earth.

With a smile on his face, Lu Zhi looked at Xu Tong: "If you dare to ask, how can you prove the Tao, how can you become enlightened?"

Xu Tong heard the words, but did not deny Lu Zhi's words, his skill was improving, and there was a qualitative leap every ten seconds.

But just as Lu Zhi said, although the improvement in skill power is great, it does not mean enlightenment. My own realm is still only the realm of entering the Tao, and I haven't even born the second Tao fruit.

Hearing Lu Zhi's ridicule, Xu Tong took a deep breath, clasped his hands together but quietly held the relic in his hand, silently recited the Great Moke Sutra, and at the same time activated the [Power of Formlessness]

As the scriptures were chanted, the golden light shone on Xu Tong's body, white hairs regenerated between Xu Tong's eyebrows, and behind him was the image of Jin Gang, which was brilliant and dazzling, as if a true god had come into the world.

The old monks were still puzzled and didn't know what the prince was going to do, but in the next second, something happened that surprised everyone.

Behind the Great God Vajra, there was another shadow.

"Double... double..."

An old monk stared wide-eyed, opened his mouth wide, exposing his only two front teeth, and looked at Xu Tong in shock.

"Fixedly holding Calamity Vajra, dual Dharma appearances???"

Another old monk spoke for him and shouted out the shock in his heart. Everyone was shocked, and everyone was dumbfounded.

I have never heard of it, but one person can summon two kinds of Buddhist dharma images.

Even Lu Zhi was stunned, staring at Xu Tong with wide eyes, his face full of disbelief.

He still has some understanding of the supernatural powers of Dharma, how could someone call out the double Dharma? ?
Is this also a Buddhist supernatural power? ?

Do not! !

This idea was quickly vetoed by Lu Zhi. If Buddhism had this supernatural power, how could the great monk Yuanside not know it? If the great monk Yuanside knew this supernatural power, how could he not practice.

Thinking of Yuanside summoning two golden Buddhas, even Lu Zhi's scalp tingled. If that was the case, he would probably have to be rubbed on the ground by Yuanside monk.

After thinking about it, Lu Zhi understood that it was because Xu Tong's skills were constantly improving, but he couldn't advance. In the end, he simply transferred the excess skills to another Dharma image, creating a dual Dharma image.

"This kid, isn't he afraid of going crazy??"

Thinking of this, Lu Zhi was secretly surprised, but also heaved a sigh of relief.

Although this method looks simple, it is actually a false proposition. As ordinary people improve their skills, their realm will naturally improve. For example, Xu Tong's skill has been improved crazily, and his realm has not moved at all. For ordinary people, his body would have exploded a long time ago. And died.

So I am afraid that except for the special case of Xu Tong, no one can do this.

"Cough cough cough..."

At this time, Xu Tong coughed violently again, and the blood in his mouth couldn't stop overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

This time it was the stomach. It felt as if the whole stomach was being turned over with a fist. The pain was so painful that I wanted to vomit, and even breathing seemed so extravagant.

"My son!!"

Seeing this, a group of old monks were heartbroken. They already knew that Xu Tong would not hesitate to harm himself in order to improve his skills.

Xu Tong waved his hand, signaling them to continue chanting and leave him alone.

Seeing that he was still struggling, Lu Zhi's face became more ferocious: "Hold on, your internal organs are about to burst, let's see how long you can hold on, you are like this lantern now."

With a flick of Lu Zhi's hand, he saw three or four small holes in the lantern in front of him. Then he continued to flick his fingers, and there were more and more holes. After a while, there was a sound of "Boom!", and the lantern shattered in two and fell to the ground. , smashed to pieces.

"Wait until your viscera and six internal organs are pierced through a hundred empties, and this will be the end!"

Xu Tong heard that, instead of being frightened by Lu Zhi's words, he looked at Lu Zhi seriously: "I don't know if you are really confused or fake, have you forgotten something?"


Lu Zhi was stunned, looking at Xu Tong's serious expression, he also began to murmur in his heart, could it be that he had overlooked something?
He frowned for a while, thinking about all kinds of possibilities, but he couldn't think of Li Zheng's other options.

"What did I overlook??"

Finally, Lu Zhi couldn't help but asked.

Xu Tong covered his lower abdomen with one hand, as if he was in so much pain that he couldn't speak. After a while, he slowly raised his head as if he had finally recovered, his face was terribly pale.

Even Gu Xibai who was standing behind Lu Zhi couldn't help but sweat for him, clenched his fists tightly.

However, Xu Tong was laughing instead, and he took out something from the item book, a pill.

The pill was shining golden, it looked like it was wrapped in a layer of gold leaf, it was the pill [Hundred Flowers Yuxu Pill] that Dohiyuan took out when he was in the ghost market before.

Seeing this elixir, Zhao Peng also remembered this matter, and his face changed: "Hundred Flowers Yuxu Pill!"

This time even Mu Tiantong raised his head, feeling strange in his heart: "How could this old bastard, Gu Peiyuan, give the medicine to this kid??"

Baihua Yuxu Pill, as Gu Peiyuan said at the time, is the water of Kunlun, the essence of hundreds of flowers, refined with many medicinal materials, and the probability of success is extremely low.

Even if he wanted to ask Gu Peiyuan for one, he didn't expect that his son Li Zheng would have such a pill in his hand.

"This old thing, what kind of abacus is it planning!!"

For a moment, Mu Tiantong wished he could tear up Gu Peiyuan's grave, and pull this old thing out of the coffin to find out.

Baihua Yuxu Dan:
The eater, raw flesh and blood, builds muscles and bones, recovers 60.00% of internal injuries, and obtains 150% recovery effect.

Duration 30 minutes.

Xu Tong stuffed the pill into his mouth in one gulp.

It was originally transformed into a natural Buddha body with the power of no phase, and the ability to recover was greatly enhanced. After taking this elixir, Xu Tong's face instantly became rosy.

The whole person seemed to be full of energy, grinning and looking at Lu Zhi: "I didn't expect that I can still take drugs!"

 I ate something wrong today, my blood sugar soared, and I felt nauseous, so I am writing slowly, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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