Infinite script kill

Chapter 673 The Evil Form of Buddha Body

Chapter 673 The Evil Form of Buddha Body
This time Lu Zhicang couldn't hold back anymore, he really forgot about it.

It's just more puzzled why Xu Tong has the Hundred Flowers Yuxu Pill in his hand.

"When I was in the ghost market, my master wanted to exchange the medicine for the coffin, but he didn't want to be taken away by this villain."

Zhao Peng opened his mouth to explain.

But he himself felt a little embarrassed when he said this. Even if Gu Peiyuan's cultivation base had been abolished at that time, it would be inconceivable for Xu Tong to want to take the elixir from him.

But that's exactly what happened.

So some things seem to be natural when they happen, but when they are spoken out to others, they seem very weird, and there are too many unreasonable reasons.

"One pill can't save you!"

Lu Zhi snorted coldly.

It's just that after the words were finished, Xu Tong put his hands in his arms, pretending to be groping for something, and after a while, he took out a bottle and shook it in front of Lu Zhi.

"Who said I only have one pill, I have plenty of this kind of pill!"

After all, Xu Tong's eyes glared, and another Dharma figure appeared behind him.


Seeing this, the eyeballs of the old monks beside him were all straightened. Even if Chen Xuanzang was still alive, he might not be able to do this.

For a moment, the three Dharma-protecting Vajras stood proudly behind Xu Tong, and the bright and resplendent Buddha light radiated on Xu Tong, making Xu Tong covered in golden glow like a god in the world.

But this is not the limit. With the bursts of pain in the internal organs, Xu Tong's brow oozes beads of sweat, and he sees the fourth guardian vajra gradually appearing behind him, even though the figure of this guardian vajra is still very small. Weak, but indeed the four King Kongs.

Xu Tong didn't believe the so-called insufficient quality and small quantity. When he supported the Eight King Kongs, he still couldn't deal with Lu Zhi.

Now Mu Tiantong frowned.

In my heart, I called this kid too against the sky, he was simply a monster.

If you really let him continue, I'm afraid that when he gathers enough of the Eight King Kong, he will become invincible.

Thinking of this, Mu Tiantong looked at Lu Zhi, and blamed this guy for what he was waiting for. Did he really think that his luck was invincible, enough to suppress this kid?
"Master, you can't wait any longer!!"

Now even Ashina couldn't sit still, if this guy continued to hold on, maybe even Lu Zhi might not be his opponent.

"Why panic, it's not time yet!"

Instead, Lu Zhi sank, as if he was still waiting patiently: "I also want to see how far this kid can last!"

Said that Lu Zhi still picked up the teacup on the table in a hurry and took a sip.

Seeing that Lu Zhi didn't make a move, Xu Tong felt more and more dangerous, but he didn't know where the danger came from. This feeling made Xu Tong very uncomfortable.

As time passed by, the monks saw that Xu Tong was the backbone, and they all recited the scriptures harder, trying to complete the ceremony as soon as possible.

As the sound of chanting became louder, the Buddha cloud in the sky also began to turn a faint golden color.

I don't know if it's some kind of coincidence.

When the sunlight shone on the Buddha cloud, the cloud actually shone with dazzling red light layer by layer, just like the golden wheel behind the Buddha.

Now it's hard for the people in the entire Luoyang city to think about it or not.

"The Buddha has appeared, the Buddha has appeared!!"

Young monks in some temples put their palms together and knelt on the ground to recite scriptures.

Thanks to Xu Tong's poems, many boys and girls saw this auspicious light, and they couldn't help clasping their hands together and praying silently.

Even some officials were stunned by this scene, and some grasshoppers even praised it loudly. This is auspicious, God bless the saint.

However, a group of people outside the palace couldn't laugh when they saw this scene.

It was Cao Huasheng and others.

They hurried over here, but when they saw the golden Buddha cloud in front of them, their expressions changed drastically.

It turned out that just now, Gao Zhuo used his own corpse poison to turn Yuan Shoushi into a zombie body, and used silver needles to control the spread of the corpse poison, making Yuan Shoushi look like an ordinary person while becoming a zombie, but Since then, immortality has become a special case in the world.

In order to repay Gao Zhuo, Yuan Shoushi revealed all of Lu Zhi's plans before.

The result surprised everyone.

In fact, Yuan Shoushi didn't like sculpture at all, nor did he like Buddha statues. He even hated Buddha the most in his life.

He originally had a good background, his father was a former governor of Youzhou, and his mother was also from a rich family in Yuyang.

As a result, Zhou Wu came to power, but his father was executed by Shenwuwei because he opposed the demon queen's proclaiming emperor.

I was lucky enough to escape the catastrophe outside, and finally took an old craftsman as my teacher, under the pseudonym Yuan Shoushi.

He joined the Moduo sect just to avenge his family.

It was a great opportunity to enter the palace to repair the Buddha statue in the Ming Hall this time. The face of the Buddha statue looked normal, but in fact he secretly manipulated the face of the Buddha statue with hollowing out techniques.

Only at the critical moment of the Xuantan Dharma Assembly will the Buddha statue reveal its true face. The exposed face is the great evil god that the Moduo Sect believes in, Moduo Da.

At that time, Motuo will come to the world, completely devouring the luck of Buddhism.

From the beginning to the end, Lu Zhi didn't need to make any effort, as long as no one could stop the arrival of Mo Tuo Da.

This news was truly earth-shattering, and no one expected that Lu Zhi had started planning early on, and that was the day he had been waiting for.

Mingxiu planned the plank road to cover Chen Cang secretly, but Lu Zhi's move played a trick on everyone.


Seeing this, Cao Huasheng didn't care about the people behind him, his speed suddenly increased, and his figure rushed straight to Ziwei Palace like lightning.

"Namo Amitabha!!"

The sky above the bright hall was brightly lit, Xu Tong stood up slowly, and the fifth immovable vajra appeared behind him, with just a slight movement, the sky-shattering majesty made one's scalp tingle.

At this moment, even Mu Tiantong's heart began to beat. If he did it himself, it would not be easy to take down this person in a short time.


The Excalibur Tianque beside Luohu was buzzing.

"It's really amazing!! It's a pity that Gu Peiyuan is not here, otherwise this old thing will definitely drop his jaw at this time."

Luo Hu stretched out his hand and injected true energy into the sword body to appease the restless sword, sighing in his heart that a new generation is better than an old one.

In the sky, the light of Buddha shines everywhere, and everything is peaceful. The power of faith in Buddhism is already in the sound of chanting sutras, like a Buddha who has been tempered and honed, resting on the cloud of Buddha, just waiting for the monks to introduce the Buddha into the Buddha statue in the Mingtang. The Fa conference will be completed.

"Lu Zhi, you still don't do it!!"

Finally, Mu Tiantong couldn't hold back anymore, and sent a voice transmission to Lu Zhi.

But as soon as these words came out, Xu Tong looked at him sideways, and Mu Tiantong, who was guilty of guilt, thumped in his heart, and quickly lowered his head.

It wasn't just Mu Tiantong who was anxious, even the many envoys watching the ceremony were all secretly holding their strength.

Once the Xuantan Ceremony is successful and the fortunes of the Great Zhou are prosperous, it is doomed to be bad luck for them.

For a moment, everyone looked at Lu Zhi.

But to everyone's disappointment, Lu Zhifei not only did not intend to do anything, but his leisurely expression inevitably made everyone suspect that the leader of the Demon Cult was greedy for the wealth and glory of the Turks. Back off.

"Don't worry about Lu Zhi, hurry up and bring the buddha seed into the world!!"

An old monk saw that the Dharma meeting had reached a critical moment, and with all his might, a ray of golden Buddha's light ignited above his head.

This method is familiar to Xu Tong, but it seems to have the feeling of their seven doors hanging lights to illuminate the road.

The only difference is that it is necessary to ignite this Buddha fire with all of one's own cultivation. Once ignited, the monk will soon run out of oil and the lamp will dry up. I am afraid that he will not live for long.

These old monks knew in their hearts that this Xuantan Dharma Assembly was already a critical moment that related to the life and death of Buddhism. In order to protect the religion, they were willing to give up their cultivation and sacrifice their lives. What they were fighting for was the future of Buddhism.


All the monks sat cross-legged one after another, clasped their hands together, and Buddha fire was born above their heads. For a moment, the golden Buddha light irradiated the earth, illuminating the huge hall together into a golden world.

Thousands of Buddhist monks, including many young monks, are willing to use themselves as wax and light the Buddha fire as a guide without complaint or regret, in order to spell out a future for Buddhism.

Such a tragic picture is really touching.

Xu Tongang stood in the middle, and behind him stood the four great vajra protectors, guarding against Lu Zhi and Mu Tiantong.

Seeing this scene, I felt complicated.

Hmm... I don't know what expressions these great monks will have if they know that after thousands of years, all Buddhist sects in the future will start to enter the real estate industry.

Under the guidance of the Buddha's light, I saw a ray of rainbow light descending from the Buddha cloud in the sky, and it was shining on the Buddha statue in the bright hall.

This rainbow light is like a sky bridge, a golden buddha seed gradually descends from mid-air along this red light.


At this time, the teacup in Lu Zhi's hand suddenly fell to the ground, and the sound of the teacup breaking instantly made everyone feel as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Even Xu Tong became nervous.

But Lu Zhi waved his hand: "Sorry, my hand slipped."

As he spoke, he picked up the teacup on the ground and put it on the table again.

With such a small move, Lu Zhi couldn't help showing a playful smile on his face when he saw that everyone looked like they were facing a formidable enemy.

After all, at this critical moment, no one can guarantee what Lu Zhi will do.

"It's brought down!!"

When everyone saw the coming of the Buddha seed, all of them showed joy on their faces, but Mu Tiantong stood up from embarrassment and anger: "Lu Zhi, what are you thinking!!"

"Just think what I think."

Lu Xing raised his head and looked at Mu Tiantong, without any intention of making a move, which made Mu Tiantong furious, but there was nothing he could do.

I saw the buddha seed slowly falling, with a bright and flawless light, illuminating the face of the big Buddha in front of me, and then we only need to wait for the buddha seed to combine with the big Buddha...

"Stop it, the Buddha statue is deceitful! Stop it!!"

A sudden loud shout interrupted everyone's beautiful vision.

Xu Tong's pupils tightened, and he suddenly turned around to look at the Buddha statue. Under the Buddha's light, that Buddha's cheek gradually revealed a blue-faced fangs in the shadows...

 The next update is before 12 o'clock tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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