Infinite script kill

Chapter 674 The Heretic God Comes to the World

Chapter 674 The Heretic God Comes to the World
Xu Tong's complexion changed drastically when he saw the face that appeared and disappeared from time to time on the face of the Buddha statue. He finally understood where the ominous feeling in his heart came from.

When I heard that Lu Zhi had played dark chess before, I once doubted Yuan Shoushi in my heart.

After all, the coffin was taken away by the Turks, but how did the Turks know that the coffin was in the ice cellar of the courtyard where they lived? ?

You must know that very few people enter the ice cellar.

Besides Gao Zhuo, only four people knew that the coffin was in the ice cellar, one was himself, the other was Sanniang, Cao Huasheng who was hidden in the coffin by himself, and the other was Yuan Shoushi.

Except for them, even Guo Yi, who was loyal to him, didn't know what was under the ice cellar.

But he absolutely believed in Gao Zhuo and Sanniang, so the doubtful point of Yuan Shoushi remained.

But at first I was just skeptical. When I came here, I took a look at the Buddha statue to make sure that there was nothing wrong with the Buddha statue, so I thought I was thinking too much.

It's just that Yuan Shoushi's superb skills did not directly change the face of the Buddha statue, but used extremely ingenious techniques to quietly blend the face of the great evil god Motada into the Buddha statue without directly changing the face of the Buddha statue. inside.

Even minor changes are almost invisible to outsiders.

Only at this moment, under the illumination of the Buddha Seed, can this blue-faced and long-fanged face be revealed.

"not good!!"

When Xu Tong saw this, he threw himself to prevent the Buddha seed from being embedded in the Buddha statue, but when he just got up, Lu Zhi, who had been patient for a long time, finally did it.

"Don't think about it!!"

Lu Zhi's eyes showed murderous intent, he jumped up, he came first and crossed to Xu Tong's side, raised his hand and punched Xu Tong.

Seeing that Lu Zhi's murderous intent was revealed, Xu Tong could only use all his strength to meet Lu Zhi.


There was a huge roar as if the sky was falling apart.

Fighting against heaven and man in the realm of entering the Tao has been No. 1 since ancient times.

Behind Xu Tong, the four vajras burst out brilliant and eye-catching Buddha light. Even if the realm is not enough, he can get the blessing of the four vajra protectors, and he will not lose the wind in the slightest.


It's just that Xu Tong couldn't stop coughing suddenly. Coincidentally, at this critical point, his abdomen was hit hard again. When he coughed for a while, it was just out of breath. His strength weakened instantly, and Lu Zhi Seizing the opportunity, his fist turned into a palm, and after shaking Xu Tong's fist away, three palms landed heavily on Xu Tong's body.

"Bang bang bang!!"

Three palms landed heavily on Xu Tong's chest, and each palm hit a specific location. Lu Zhi hit Xu Tong's vitals so hard because he saw that Xu Tong's lungs were damaged.


In an instant, Xu Tong flew upside down and hit the Buddha statue behind him. He vomited a lot of blood and minced meat, and his internal organs were all damaged. If it wasn't for the medicine pill, Lilith would come to take him down to eat big food at this moment. meal.

"Stinky boy, you have spoiled my plan time and time again, but today you have made me come true. If it weren't for you, these old bald donkeys would be afraid and wouldn't dare to make such a big capital!"

Lu Zhi raised his head, and the ghostly shadow on the Buddha statue in front of him became heavier and heavier, and the Buddha seed seemed to sense the danger, emitting a faint Buddha light, as if resisting being sucked into the Buddha statue.

But Lu Zhi had been waiting for this moment for many years. Seeing this, he formed a motuo seal with his hands, and with a light swipe on his fingertips, a drop of bright red blood squeezed out from the fingertips, and was gently probed by Lu Zhi; "go!!"

When the blood drops fell on the Buddha statue, it was like a basin of sulfuric acid was poured on it for a moment, and the whole face rotted instantly, revealing the true face of the evil god Moduo.

"Respectfully invite the evil god to come to the world!!"

"Boom rumble..."

The originally clear sky was suddenly overcast with thunder and lightning.

Thick dark clouds covered the sky and the sun, and a huge figure was quietly emerging from the darkness.

"Jingle ding bell..."

The bells hanging from the heaven rang piercingly, and many towns and objects in Ziwei Palace exploded at this moment.

The evil god came to the world, and the gods retreated.

"Buddha, Buddha!!"

The old monk sitting on the seat watched the cloud of Buddha being gradually engulfed by the haze, and was so excited that he became delirious and confused for a while.


On the Yingtian Gate of Ziwei Palace, the seven commanders of Shenwuwei took out a jade tablet from their arms when they saw this. There were nine jade tablets in total, and the jade tablets were combined to form an astrolabe.

This is the second treasure given to Shenwuwei by the sage, the Jiuyao Astrolabe, the full name is also called the Jiuyao Ding Astrolabe.

The seven people held the jade plate high above their heads, and suddenly saw nine rainbow lights on the astrolabe rising into the sky, like a divine sword breaking through the dark clouds in the sky, trying to sweep away the evil clouds.

"It's useless, the evil god came to the world, and none of you can stop it."

Seeing this, Lu Zhi couldn't help sneering, Jiuyao fixed astrolabe is a good thing, but after all, the number of users is short, and the power can only be released five or six times out of ten, which is far from enough to call Jiuyaoxing Lord to come.

But God Motuo is a true god descended into the world, how can they hinder such a huge divine power.

"Boom rumble..."

Sure enough, as Lu Zhi said, the skill of the seven people is obviously not enough to maximize the power of the Nine Obsidian Astrolabe.

The huge shadow in the darkness is gradually covering the entire city of Luoyang.

For a moment, there was a dead silence on the street, and everyone inexplicably felt a terrible aura coming quietly.

Even the dogs in the yard curled up and hid in the corners and shivered. Through the reflection of the dogs' pupils, one could see a pair of huge blue feet stepping on the streets of Luoyang City. It is full of skeletons and corpses, tall and majestic like a mountain, with almost no end in sight.

"not good!!"

Seeing this, Cao Huasheng jumped up and onto the top of Yingtianmen Tower: "I'll help you!"

I saw Cao Huasheng rushing forward, holding the Nine Obsidian Astrolabe with one hand, injecting all his skills into the astrolabe.

With the addition of Cao Huasheng, the rainbow light on the astrolabe became even more dazzling.

"Puff puff……"

I saw eight divine lights descending from the thick haze, as if they had pierced through a hole in the haze, forming a rainbow wall and sky curtain, which crossed in front of the black shadow.

Seeing this, the shadow made a huge roar, which turned into rolling thunder and exploded in the ears of mortals, as if the feeling of the end of the world was about to collapse, which made people feel desperate.

Followed by a huge slap, it swept across the rainbow light.


The rainbow light suddenly began to burst, and the faces of the seven people standing on Yingtianmen were ashen.

"Hahahaha, the mantis is like a cart!"

Seeing this, Lu Zhi grinned ferociously. With the power of a mortal, even if he held a treasure in his hand, he would never want to fight against the gods.

If you want to prevent God Mortuo from coming to the world, you must let the old guy on Longhu Mountain go down the mountain in person.

Just as Lu Zhi was laughing, his brows twitched wildly, and he turned around suddenly, and saw Xu Tong unsteadily getting up from the ground, with his feet stepping on the ground, a steady stream of life force came from the ground. into his body.

Vientiane rejuvenation: the source of the earth.

Consumes 200 script points, after activation, it can continuously absorb life force from the ground under its feet, increasing its own recovery effect by 200%
And enhance physical defense by 40%
A body of golden dragon scales gradually covered Xu Tong's body, and what made Lu Zhi frown even more was that the sixth vajra image appeared behind Xu Tong at this moment.

"It's a problem after all!"

Seeing this, Lu Zhi tensed up. He already felt the sense of urgency brought to him by this brat who was still in the realm of Taoism. He knew that he couldn't delay any longer, and he had to kill the roots as soon as possible. Otherwise, if he continued to delay, he might really not be this kid. opponent.

After finishing speaking, Lu Zhi raised it with one hand, and the reality and reality intertwined in front of his eyes. As time passed, a black ripple visible to the naked eye surged like a tide.

This move seemed familiar, it was Lu Zhi's move in the Six Arts Hall that almost sent Xu Tong away on the spot, and now it is even more terrifying than the last time when it is used again.

"Go to hell!"

The black ripples formed a terrifying surge, sweeping towards Xu Tong, destroying everything along the way.

But at this moment, this is not the Six Arts Museum, and Xu Tong will not stand there and be beaten.

Seeing the black tide coming, golden flames burned on Xu Tong's body. The hellfire summoned by the magic power turned into a golden Buddha flame under the transformation of the phaseless power.

"Fire addiction!!"

The Chunyang Sword was called out from the props book, and the vermilion on the blade turned into beige karmic fire. With the blessing of the six Vajras behind him, the sword slashed out, and a white tiger rushed out in the huge flame. It even forcibly tore the black ripples in front of it.

Seeing such a powerful sword, everyone was terrified. They clearly wanted to take the opportunity to destroy the Mingtang and the Buddha statue.

"Don't think about it!!"

Lu Zhi also noticed Xu Tong's thoughts, but how could he make him happy.

The figure actually stood in front of the Buddha statue, raised his fists together, and summoned the Motuo Dharma. Suddenly, the void in front of him began to distort, and a force of confinement wanted to forcibly seal and suppress Xu Tong's sword.

"Take advantage of your illness to kill you, brat, you deserve it!!"

At this critical moment, Ashina saw the opportunity and rushed towards Xu Tong.

But at this moment, a black shadow descended from the sky, lying beside Xu Tong, his body turned into a yaksha, his arms crossed and collided with Ashina's fist.


With the huge force, Gao Zhuo's legs were smashed into the ground, plowing a five-meter-long deep trench on the ground, but he firmly blocked Ashina's sneak attack.

"Head, this thing might be useful!"

As Gao Zhuo spoke, he took out something from his bosom and threw it to Xu Tong, Xu Tong took it casually and held it in his hand, before he had time to watch it, a sound of reminder appeared in Xu Tong's ear.

"Ding! The special task has been activated, and the task of turning a tiger into a Buddha series has started..."

(End of this chapter)

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