Chapter 675

"You have met the specific mission conditions, start the series of missions of turning tigers into Buddhas, this mission is a series of missions!"

Special task, turning a tiger into a Buddha.

You collect all three relics and bear the fruit of Buddhism.

Task Requirements (1): Apologetics
Save the luck of Buddhism and preserve the inheritance of Buddhism.

Mission Reward: Exclusive Series Title 1
Task failure: Terminate this task.

Hearing the reminder of the task, Xu Tong opened his palm, and sure enough, he saw two golden relics in his hand.

Of the two relics, one of them is the relic Ashina gave to the Gelao.

The other one is after the Gelao self-immolated, Gao Zhuo found the coffin in the fire. The coffin had been burned to charcoal, and a relic appeared in the charcoal ashes.

The two relics landed in Xu Tong's hands, and echoed with the relics in his original item book, giving off a strange resonance. Xu Tong felt something, took out the relic, and saw three relics falling on his hand , turned into a golden glare.

"Dao Fruit!!"

Xu Tong looked at the golden light in his hand, and immediately realized what it was, it was the fruit of Buddhism.

Unlike the dao rhyme I obtained before, I still need to spend time to comprehend it. This dao fruit in my hand is ready-made. As long as I fuse it, I can directly obtain the power of the dao fruit.

"So this thing is here!!"

Lu Zhi saw the three relics at a glance, his expression changed slightly, and he sighed in his heart that fate always likes to play tricks on people.

Three years ago, the Great Monk Zhengjue of Xingjiao Temple passed away, leaving behind three relics.

This was supposed to be my own chance, but it was because of Gu Peiyuan's intervention and sneak attack while taking advantage of the chaos, so that I was seriously injured, and the three relics disappeared in the chaos.

Unexpectedly, three years later, these three relics appeared in front of him out of thin air, and they were still in Li Zheng's hands. Could it be that, as the monk Zhengjue said, everything has a cause and an effect, and it is destined to fail.

"No, I'm in charge of my fate, what is cause and effect, what is predestined, since I have decided to sacrifice myself to become a demon, why should I be bound by your fate!"

With this in mind, Lu Zhi would never allow Xu Tong to spare time to devour the Dao Fruit. For a moment, evil light surged all over his body, and countless figures transformed into him. His phantoms were everywhere, killing Xu Tong from all directions.

In the end, all the phantoms merged into one huge phantom, and the magic light was overwhelming. With a simple palm shot, it seemed to gather all the moves into one furnace.

Yin Yang Divine Slash! !
Cleave with a single palm, the void burst, and in just a moment, hundreds of palm shadows slashed down. Every blow made the virtual and the real chaotic.

The six King Kongs behind Xu Tong were beaten to pieces in an instant, and they had no power to fight back.

Even if the skill continues to improve, the gap in realm is like a curse after all.

The scales all over his body burst, and one foot stepped heavily on the ground, stepping on the ground to create a big hole, and he barely stood still.

Glancing at the spot of light falling under his feet, Xu Tong began to silently count the time in his heart, and then quickly backed away.

Lu Zhi is worthy of being the best of the present, no wonder so many people let him do whatever he wants in this Ziwei Palace.


Wu Fan stood beside Luo Hu, seeing Xu Tong being suppressed and retreating steadily, he couldn't help but look at Luo Hu who was on the side.

But Luo Hu didn't move, he was waiting, waiting for a suitable opportunity, because he could only make one strike, and after one strike, he was powerless.

Facing the all-out attack of this enlightened celestial being, Xu Tong retreated step by step, the dragon scales on his body were constantly exploding, exposing bright red blood, but the look in those eyes remained firm.

This kind of look made Lu Zhi very annoyed, and made him feel that although Xu Tong in front of him was small, he was like an indestructible reef, standing high on the coast, despite the beating of the stormy waves, he was always tenacious from under the water. Show your head.

"Resistance, what cards do you have to show!!"

Xu Tong didn't speak, but was still retreating. His injuries were getting worse and worse. Whether it was Lu Zhi's attack or the severe injuries to his internal organs, he was already on the verge of death at any time.


The internal organs were injured again, causing Xu Tong to vomit blood uncontrollably.

When Lu Zhi saw this, he immediately seized the opportunity, and made a seal with his hands, as if he was holding up the sky. A huge black sun filled the sky at once, and it was so powerful that people couldn't help but kneel down, wanting to worship.

"Being able to achieve your step in the realm of entering the Tao is enough to be famous in history!!"

Lu Zhi looked at Xu Tong coldly. This time without Zhang Haisheng, he wanted to see how this kid would turn the world upside down.

The black sun burst out a gray light, and the light shone on the earth, spreading out around Lu Zhi as the center, and everything decayed wherever it passed.

After some monks just touched these rays, their bodies instantly turned into dust.

The terrifying power made everyone terrified.


This was already an indiscriminate attack, and by the time the people sitting on the seats watching the battle came to their senses, it was too late. Many envoys almost came here with the mentality of watching the excitement, but now they themselves became the excitement, and one after another Run away.

Fortunately, Lu Zhi didn't intend to kill them, he buckled his hands and aimed at Xu Tong.

The gray light gathered in an instant, completely engulfing Xu Tong's figure.


Mu Tiantong had already hid far away, looking at the figure that disappeared in the gray light, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, but before he could breathe out, Mu Tiantong suddenly sensed something was wrong, and with his eyes covered, There was a red light flashing in it, and at a glance, Xu Tong, who was in time, was rapidly traveling through time.

"No, Lu Zhi, you've been tricked!! Go and grab the Buddha Seed!"

After Mu Tiantong said this, Lu Zhi turned pale with shock, and suddenly looked back, only to see Xu Tongren appearing next to the Buddha statue.

Seeing this scene, Lu Zhi was shocked and angry, so shocked that this kid suddenly appeared in front of the Buddha statue, shouldn't he be beaten and killed by himself? ?

What made him angry was that he was so majestic that he was played like a monkey by this kid.

"Blind!! When I survive, I will go and burn your Taoist temple."

Xu Tong originally wanted to buy more time, but he didn't expect Mu Tiantong to ruin his good deeds. No wonder people say that blind people are poisonous and lame people are cruel. This old blind man is really hateful.

Mu Tiantong frowned, knowing that what he said in a hurry must have caused cause and effect to fall.

But he has been in the Chongxuan Pavilion for so many years, so how could he be afraid of this brat: "Then wait for the prince to survive this calamity, the poor Taoist washes his neck and waits for the prince."

Mu Tiantong ignored Xu Tong after saying that, and jumped up, intending to leave. This muddy water is already muddy enough, and staying here by himself will only increase the cause and effect in vain.

Xu Tong also had no time to pay attention to Mu Tiantong, the sixth child.

He reached out and snatched the Buddha Seed that was about to be inlaid on the Buddha's head, and then saw his other hand slapping the Dao Fruit transformed from three relics towards his Tianling Gai.

The Buddha fruit escaped into Xu Tong's sea of ​​consciousness, followed by the second golden Dao fruit, which appeared behind Xu Tong.

With the blessing of Buddha fruit, Xu Tong's second Tao fruit has been achieved, and his whole body is like gold immediately, and eight vajra guardians emerge behind him.

He has not yet reached the peak of Taoism, but with the help of the eight vajra protectors, Xu Tong is already qualified to challenge Lu Zhi head-on.

I saw him raise his fist and hit the head of the Buddha statue.

My main task is to prevent Mo Tuo Da from devouring the luck of Buddhism. Now as long as the Buddha statue is destroyed, Mo Tuo Da will not be able to come, Lu Zhi's plan will basically fail, and I can successfully complete the main line task.

As for the Beiyin Execution Order, with his current strength, he simply couldn't do that.

So it doesn't matter even if you fail this time, the big deal is to wait for the next time.

However, an unexpected scene appeared, Xu Tong's fist hit the Buddha statue, and the Buddha statue remained motionless.

Opening the eye of fate and taking a look, he found that the whole body of the Buddha statue was blocked by a layer of black divine power, so that his fist could not hurt the Buddha statue at all.

Lu Zhi turned to look at Xu Tong: "Just because you want to destroy the statue of God Motuo? Wishful thinking!"

"Just use whatever skills you have."

Waving the robe on Lu Zhi's body, he walked towards Xu Tong step by step, and stretched out his palm: "Or give me the Buddha seed, and I will let you go!"

"Otherwise, today is your day of death."

Seeing that he had reached this point and still could not turn the situation around, Xu Tong finally sighed: "What the leader said is very true. It may take a few days for the Mo Tuo sect to rise by luck, and it cannot be overcome by manpower. I am convinced." .”

After Xu Tong finished speaking, he clasped his fists with both hands and raised them above his head: "Thank you, Hierarch, for not killing me."

Seeing Xu Tong's understanding, although Lu Zhi was vigilant in his heart, his face was extremely happy.

Seeing this, a group of Buddhist monks shook their heads and sighed.

"It's over, it's over, Buddhism is over!"

An old monk looked miserable and desperate.

However, at the moment when Xu Tong bowed down heavily with both hands, Lu Zhi suddenly felt his head sink, as if being hit by a stone, and there was pain between his brows.

"It's now!!"

Luo Hu, who had been waiting for a long time, opened his eyes suddenly, and jumped up into the sky.


Immediately following a sword cry, the Tianque Sword popped out of the wooden box, turned into a stream of light and shot straight into the sky, and was grabbed by Luo Hu, holding the sword high above his head.

"Boom rumble..."

The sky and the earth rumbled, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and an invisible sword energy aimed at the black dragon's head in the dark.

"not good!!!"

Lu Zhi's heart sank, sensing something was wrong, he wanted to run away.

But at this time, Xu Tong had already bowed down the second mountain-worship button: "I wish you peace!!"

For a moment, Lu Zhi intuited the changes in the surrounding space, as if he was in an abyss, and countless criss-crossing pavilions slid past him.

"Just because of this, you want to trap me!!"

Lu Zhi snorted coldly, twitched the corners of his mouth, and opened his hands abruptly, in order to completely shatter the gap between reality and emptiness.

But Xu Tong followed the third mountain worship button and bowed heavily: "Send the leader all the way!!"


Everyone heard the sound of a door being opened. Lu Zhi suddenly turned his head when he heard the sound, and saw a woman with fluttering black hair and a long black dress fluttering with the wind. She was walking barefoot. Wherever she passed, black The water was rushing, a slender hand pierced through the nothingness, fingers twisted, pointed at Lu Zhi and took a picture...

(End of this chapter)

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