Infinite script kill

Chapter 676 The Wrath of the Demon God

Chapter 676 The Wrath of the Demon God


Lu Zhi's mind was dazed, he couldn't understand where this woman came from, she had never heard of a woman who became enlightened, not to mention, this woman came out of nowhere, as if she appeared out of thin air.

If Lu Zhi hadn't noticed the oppressive feeling brought by that white jade-like palm, he would have wondered if he had been hit by an illusion.

Facing the attacking palm, Lu Zhi leaned back, tipped his toes, and immediately flew backwards for a few feet, avoiding the woman's palm.

But the woman was like a gangrene, her toes didn't even touch the ground, she just touched the water, her body leaned forward, and her palms opened and closed, causing the void around Lu Zhi to shatter, and the invisible force seemed to fix Lu Zhi in the void between.

"court death!!"

Seeing the woman's merciless attack, Lu Zhi finally started to fight back. A big black sun appeared behind him, and a large gray light shone down, overwhelming the sky and covering the sky with nowhere to hide.

However, a scene that Lu Zhi never expected appeared. He saw the woman in front of him with black hair fluttering wantonly, stepping on the black water with both feet.

For a moment, yin and yang rotate, life and death prosper, facing Lu Zhi's Taoism, there is no obstacle at all.

"does not work??"

This time Lu Zhi was dumbfounded, his technique of the nirvana of Mortuo can make all things disappear in time, even if he is also the peak of enlightenment, no one can do this, calm and fearless.

"I am either dead or alive, and it is difficult for time to use weapons on me!"

The eldest princess walked in the air with both feet, like a fairy.

Seeing it, Xu Tong murmured in his heart: "This girl doesn't wear socks every day, so she won't have athlete's foot? This you want to take a look at it..."

The good thing is that the eldest princess doesn't know what Xu Tong is thinking at the moment, otherwise Lu Zhi will stop fighting, and she will give Xu Tong a big fight no matter what.

Lu Zhi had never seen such a woman before, and there was a storm in his heart. At the same time, Lu Zhi suddenly sensed something, and looked at the sky in horror.


"Boom rumble..."

In the midst of thunder and lightning, a mournful cry reached Lu Zhi's ears, and in an instant, Lu Zhi's eyes turned red.

His luck has been cut! !

I saw Luo Hu holding the sky tower, and when Lu Zhi was distracted just now, he locked onto Lu Zhi's luck.

When the dragon's head was chopped off, Lu Zhi immediately sensed that his luck had collapsed, and he screamed inwardly: "Impossible, how could this happen, I haven't reached the top of the dragon yet, why did I collapse in the middle!!"

Qianlong came out of the abyss and reached the peak, and Kanglong regretted it. This was a change in his luck.

Gu Peiyuan's prophecy skills are famous all over the world. How could his prophecies fail?
Could it be that……

After a while, Lu Zhi suddenly thought of something, could it be that Gu Peiyuan played himself a trick.

The prophecy is not this, this old thing even deliberately lost his kung fu in order to deceive himself.

"Gu Peiyuan!! You lied to me! You are the biggest liar!"

At this moment, Lu Zhi wished he could dig Gu Pei Yuan out of the grave, cramp his muscles and skin, and smash his bones into ashes.

But he had no chance.

Sensing that Lu Zhi's luck was broken, how could the eldest princess give up this opportunity, and flew towards him, and with a wave of her hand, thousands of hectares of black water covered the sky and covered the sun and fell towards Lu Zhi.

"Without the dragon's head, let me see how you, a muddy river dragon, can cross my Heishui River!"

The monstrous black water, like water and glue, Lu Zhi didn't even have time to dodge, even if he was thrown into the middle of the black water, he couldn't struggle out despite his mana.

"Hey, sure enough, no matter how good the food outside is, the food at home is still delicious!"

Seeing that Lu Zhi's luck was about to run out, and it was only a matter of time before he was suppressed by the eldest princess, Xu Tong turned around and saw three figures fighting into a ball.

Ashina, who was extremely lucky, encountered the darkest Waterloo in his life at this moment. Shi Jin, who had rushed up to help him, had just fought Gao Zhuo twice, and suddenly hit himself with a stick on the back.

The Coiling Dragon Stick seemed to have some kind of strange and special properties, when it hit Ashina's whole body, it seemed as if his bones were about to be shattered.

"Fuck!! You are crazy!"

Seeing Shi Jin's sudden betrayal, Ashina's face turned green immediately, and he resolutely gave up fighting Gao Zhuo in front of him, struggling to escape.

At the same time, I couldn't help thinking, why I was so lucky to have a golden lion sitting in town, but why I became more and more tired from the battle, and bad things kept happening around me.

It's a pity that Ashina doesn't know how to have a strange eye, otherwise, if you just look closely, it's not hard to find that his luck is that since he doesn't know when, that majestic golden lion has become a golden lion. The dying sick cat, not to mention walking, lay on the ground sticking out its tongue, looking like it might burp at any time.

In fact, from the time when Xu Tong sent him down the yellow plague, every step of Ashina's was full of tricks.

He went to see the Gelao, and he brought together the Mortuo Sect and the Gelao to join forces, and boarded Lu Zhi's pirate ship again. This time, he didn't even have a chance to get off the ship.

Ashina might never have dreamed that Shi Jin, who was valued by Lu Zhi, was actually a member of Xu Tong's team, so he had the opportunity to hit Ashina hard.

"Twisting mother, uncle jail son, run away!!!"

How could Gao Zhuo let Ashina escape? Just now he was pressed and rubbed on the ground by this guy, most of his face was smashed, and now he can't even swear at the street.

He rushed forward, seized the opportunity to hug this guy's thigh, and opened his mouth to bite down hard.


A piece of flesh and blood on his thigh was bitten off, causing the flesh on Ashina's face to twitch in pain.

"You fucking court death!!"

Seeing this, Ashina took out a dagger from the item book, pointed it at Gao Zhuo, and stabbed it hard, puff!puff!puff!The blade pierced Gao Zhuo's back, but it couldn't kill him. Instead, Gao Zhuo was stimulated by pain, his eyes became red, he didn't know what to do, like a crazy dog , just holding Ashina and scratching and biting.

Seeing that Gao Zhuo couldn't be killed, Ashina simply turned into a black shadow and quickly burrowed into the ground, using the shadows around him to flee far away.

"I want to go, it's too late!"

I saw Gu Xibai waving the Coiling Dragon Stick in his hand, making the Coiling Dragon Stick emit bursts of dragon noises, and then slashed Huashan Mountain with all his strength, smashing the Coiling Dragon Stick heavily on the ground.


Suddenly the ground exploded, and the dragon hair above the stick head let out a deep roar along the cracks in the ground, covering the surroundings in an instant. Ashina just uttered a cold snort, and his body was forced to fly from the shadow state come out.


This time Ashina fell heavily to the ground, just as he got up, he saw Gao Zhuo rushing towards him like a mad dog,

"This unlucky boy!"

Seeing the lively fight between the three, Xu Tong didn't want to intervene, but took out a pill from the item book and swallowed it.

At the entrance of the pill, Xu Tong's body swelled rapidly, his clothes burst open in an instant, and his body stood tall like a giant in front of the hall.

Even the wide cassock on his body was used by Xu Tong as a fig leaf, and his face looked small with disgust.

The elixir he ate was exactly the [Swelling Pill] that was refined together with the [Shrinking Pill]

【Puffed Dan】

After eating, without affecting one's own physique, one's body will expand ten times, one's own strength will increase ten times, but the movement speed and dodging ability will decrease ten times.

Duration: 30 minutes
(Note: It’s not just the Ruyi Golden Cudgel that can grow bigger!)
"Ten times the power, I don't believe it, I can't hit you, a broken rock!"

Xu Tong turned his head and glanced at the huge black shadow. Mo Tuo Da came into the world this time with a godhead, but a real god. He has the order to kill Beiyin, but he may not be its opponent.

Since you can't beat it, try to find a way to make you go where you came from.

Xu Tong walked up to the Buddha statue. At this moment, this huge and magnificent Buddha statue was still a head short in front of Xu Tong.

Lifting his leg and kicking it up, the whole bright hall trembled immediately, with the crackling sound of "Ka Ka Ka...", a crack opened from the ground.

But the Buddha statue remained motionless.

"Teacher, use merit!!"

The big girl reminded at the entrance of the hall, Xu Tong nodded, and swung his fist, which was bigger than a millstone, with a ball of merit in his fist, and smashed it towards the Buddha statue in front of him.


With this punch, Xu Tong felt as if he was hitting the flesh, as if the Buddha statue in front of him was not a stone, but a flesh and blood person.

At the same time, the black figure who had already walked to Yingtianmen not far away suddenly retreated several hundred meters, as if repelled by some inexplicable force.

On that blue-faced and long-toothed face, six pairs of eyes stared at Xu Tong in front of the Buddha statue, and let out bursts of roars.

But soon, Xu Tong's fist was like a round sledgehammer, and it began to hit eighty or eighty.

Mo Tuo Da is not a little brother of the underworld like the King Jiue Minggui. He dared to compete with the Buddha for luck. It is conceivable that even if he is not a righteous god, he is definitely an extremely powerful god.

How could he endure being beaten by a mortal like Xu Tong? ?

Sensing that Xu Tong's fist was getting stronger and stronger, the god figure finally couldn't take it anymore, and one of the three heads and six arms slowly closed its eyes.

Xu Tong's side is smashing hard, with a black tiger with his left hand, a dragon grabbing his hand with his right hand, inserting his eyes, pinching his nose, and monkeys stealing peaches.

Good guy, thanks to Lu Zhi's massacre just now, most of the people ran away without a trace, otherwise seeing Xu Tong with such a naked butt doing this kind of thing to the Buddha statue...

The bigger Xu Tong was, the happier he was, as if he wanted to vent all the sulking anger of being bullied by Lu Zhi, he raised his fist and hit the Buddha statue's eyes.

But at the moment when the fist was swung, the eyes of the Buddha statue in front of him suddenly turned, staring at Xu Tong, and grabbed Xu Tong's wrist with a Buddhist hand.


Xu Tong felt that something was wrong, and it was too late to withdraw his hand. He only felt that the arm of the Buddha statue was pulled suddenly, and his soul was forcibly pulled out of his body involuntarily.

When he came back to his senses, he saw that the surrounding fields were empty and pitch black, and there were two red fireballs above his head, dyeing the dim world with a layer of red light.

"You are so brave, you dare to hit me like this!!"

There was a roar in the darkness, and a pair of scarlet eyes glistened with blood, and he opened from the darkness. Xu Tong raised his head following the sound, squinted his eyes and looked together carefully, only to see those two huge red lights on the sky. What kind of fireballs are there? , clearly a pair of huge eyes.

Seeing this, Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat, knowing that he was playing big tricks, but he didn't expect that Mo Tuo Da could still separate a ray of godhead, descending on the Buddha statue, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and he forced a smile and said:

"If... I said, I'm giving you a massage, would you give me five-star praise??"

(End of this chapter)

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