Infinite script kill

Chapter 677 Zixiao Rune

Chapter 677 Zixiao Rune
Mo Tuo didn't understand what Xu Tong's praise was, but now he just wanted to smash this kid's soul into meatloaf.

"I call you Yuanshen Hunfeiposan!!"

The huge slap covered the sky, leaving nowhere for people to hide.

Xu Tong's heart trembled, but he was not afraid. In the final analysis, this was just a ray of godhead separated from Motuda, not his complete godhead descending. he.

Facing the big slap of the sky in front of him, Xu Tong called out the tool book, and the Chunyang sword was unsheathed, and the golden incense merit was covered on the blade, facing the big hand of the sky.

Although there is a gap between the primordial spirit and the evil god, he has a large amount of incense merits in his hands, which is the biggest reliance.


Mo Tuo didn't know the origin of this kid, and he didn't expect Xu Tong's fighting power to remain undiminished even after being pulled closer to the Buddha statue. Tong Yijian pierced through.

Xu Tong's body was like a white rainbow piercing through the palm of his hand, and he swung his sword at Mo Tuoda's face. The ten-foot-long sword energy caused a [-]-meter-long wound on Moduo's face.

"That's it??"

Xu Tong raised his eyebrows, thinking that this evil god is not good.

But before he could be happy, he looked back abruptly, his heart skipped a beat, and his mind instantly turned cold.

I saw that the split face in front of me gradually split open, giving birth to two identical faces. Not only that, but this face continued to split. Moduoda's face began to blur, and gradually only a pair of huge eyeballs remained. hovering around itself.

"Hehehehe, it's interesting. You, a mortal, even stole the incense from the gods, but mortals are mortals after all. Compared with gods, your power is too small!"

The figure of Moduda gradually turned into nothingness, or it can be understood as the sky in this field.

There is no specific body shape, but it is everywhere.

At this time, Xu Tong suddenly felt a strong sense of stepping on the air, followed by his body as if being dragged into the depths of darkness by a huge force.

"How can you understand the power of the gods! In the darkness, all gods and bodies will be destroyed."

The huge cold snort was like bursts of ear-piercing thunder, shaking Xu Tong's primordial spirit to split apart, and the power around him was getting stronger and stronger, even though Xu Tong continued to release incense and merit, but under this force, it was a drop in the bucket.

"Are you going to die??"

Xu Tong secretly yelled, he was not afraid of death, but this way of destroying his body and spirit made him feel a lot of unwillingness, at least Lilith was still cooking for him.

He quickly considered whether there were other ways to escape himself.

Suddenly, he felt a burst of burning sensation in his hand. At first he didn't know what it was because he didn't have anything in his hand, but the burning sensation was getting stronger and stronger.

"what is this??"

Xu Tong opened his palm, which was empty, but the hot feeling became stronger and stronger.

Looking at this hand, Xu Tong couldn't help thinking of the sloppy Taoist priest he met on the street that day, and remembered that when the other party drew the ghost talisman for him, he seemed to slap the talisman hard on his hand.

Could it be...

I don't know why, but I will link these two things together, but the burning feeling in my palm is getting stronger and stronger, as if something is about to come out, but I can't find a way out, but my palm is swollen red and painful.

Seeing this, Xu Tong didn't know what was going on. Seeing that he was completely destroyed at the moment, he didn't care about 21, called out the item book and grabbed the stained paper talisman in his hand.

As soon as the paper talisman touched Xu Tong's palm, the power that was about to explode instantly seemed to find an outlet, and poured into the paper talisman...

"Boom!!" A thunderous explosion rose from the ground.

I saw a purple thunderbolt descending from the sky above the sky.

In an instant, everyone's souls trembled, even Mu Tiantong, who had already left Ziwei Palace, couldn't stop trembling, suddenly raised his head, and looked at the thunder that left purple light in the sky, The hair all over his body was standing on his head, and his head was covered with cold sweat in an instant.

"Zixiao Shenlei!! The old heavenly master has gone down the mountain!!"

Mu Tiantong screamed inwardly.

He will never admit his mistake, the Taoism in the world comes from the dragon and the tiger, the head of the thunder law, the Celestial Master Talisman.

It was not only Mu Tiantong who was shocked, but all enlightened people in the world were so frightened by the thunder that they broke out in cold sweat.

Even the eldest princess, this kind of monster who reversed life and death, couldn't help but feel the urge to escape when she saw the thunder light fall.

"Earth Immortal who has achieved Dao Severing!!"

The eldest princess trembled in her heart, she did not expect such a terrifying person to exist in this world.

Enlightenment can be called heaven and man, but it is still an individual after all.

But after being cut off, he can be called an earth immortal. At this time, he is no longer a human being, but an immortal, a real earth immortal.

Flip your hands into clouds and cover your hands as rain, exhale like wind, and shout like thunder.

Under a grave on the outskirts of the city, there was only a burst of yelling and cursing: "My god, did this old Taoist really go down the mountain?"

The thunderbolt, like a giant purple dragon, struck directly on the Buddha statue in Mingtang.

The Buddha statue, which Xu Tong could not hit with his fists at first, was torn apart on the spot like tofu dregs under the thunder light.

The moment the Buddha statue exploded, two rays of light escaped from the Buddha statue, one black and one white.

It is the ray of godhead between Xu Tong himself and Moduoda.

"I want to run, but there is no door!!"

Xu Tong's Yuanshen flew away, holding something in his hand, everyone couldn't see clearly, they only felt that the golden light was shining brightly, following Xu Tong's Yuanshen's wave.

"Boom rumble..."

Another thunderbolt strikes down, the light is blazing, like a purple mountain falling down, thick and terrifying, it makes people breathless.

Now the deity of Moduoda couldn't sit still, and slowly raised his hand to stop him.

Although he barely blocked part of Thunder's divine power, his arm was also blown to pieces on the spot, and he let out a painful wail.

But the remaining power of the thunder remained undiminished, covering directly on that ray of godhead of Mo Tuo Da, with a flash of thunder, it almost knocked him out of his wits.

The figure reorganized in mid-air in embarrassment, and let out a deep roar: "Boy, if you dare to destroy my godhead, go to heaven and enter the earth, I will definitely be with you forever!!"

"Go to hell with your uncle, when you hit me just now, we were just going to die!"

Xu Tong raised the treasure talisman in his hand cursingly, aiming at Moduoda's primordial spirit, another thunderbolt struck.

When everyone saw this, their scalps were all numb.

"Where did this kid get the Zixiao talisman!!"

Everyone gasped after seeing clearly what Xu Tong was holding.

But at the same time, the hanging heart was relieved. Now it seems that it is not the old celestial master going down the mountain, but the prince Li Zheng holding the talisman in his hand.

But after thinking about it, the more I thought about it, the more afraid I became.

Where did this talisman come from? ?

Before he could think about it, a divine thunder struck down. This time, the deity of Mo Tuoda in the distance, opened his mouth to spit out a cloud of black clouds, trying to cover up the secret, so that the divine thunder could not find the target.

Although the thunder did not strike, the ray of godhead of Moduoda passed by, and the shock almost shattered the ray of godhead.

The thunder Godhead dodged turned out to be a coincidence, Ashina had just broken free from the pursuit of Gao Zhuo and Gu Xibai, when he was struck head-on by the thunder.

At first glance, Ashina's luck is very strong, but in fact, he has been hit by the yellow plague, and his luck has already been strong from the outside, and this thunder is the last straw that crushes Ashina's luck.

Hmm... It's just that others are straws, and he should be called a truck.


This time Ashina was almost struck to death on the spot, green smoke was emitting from his body, his skin had turned into charcoal in a large area, and after looking at him, he probably never dreamed that he would be struck by lightning this day.

Not far away, Lu Zhigang struggled to emerge from the black water. Seeing this scene, his face turned pale, and he submerged silently...

He is not afraid of death, but he also does not want to be struck by lightning.

"Soul arrest!!"

Jingling bells sounded in the sky, and Xu Tong held the 【魑魔铃铃】 in Xu Tong's hand. The bell rang, and the hollow sound formed an invisible big hand. , Forcibly detained in the hands of Xu Tong.

Then Xu Tong took out the soul coffin and threw it into the soul coffin without waiting for this guy to resist again.

Mo Tuoda's real body trembled in the distance. This was not his avatar, but the idea of ​​possessing a part of the godhead. It was forcibly suppressed by Xu Tong, a little ant like this. How could Mo Tuoda accept it.

Xu Tong is not at all cowardly, I have the treasure talisman in my hand, and today is the king of heaven, Lao Tzu, and I let him come in vertically and go out horizontally.

Seeing the flashing thunder of the treasure talisman in Xu Tong's hand, Mo Tuo was furious to the extreme, but there was nothing he could do. At this moment, a Buddha's call was heard in the distance, and a figure of Buddha's light filled the sky, carrying a six-foot-long golden body, came through the sky, and was about to It is the great monk on the source side.

It turned out that the lightning had just pierced through Mo Tuo Da's palm, and this palm was the magic palm that trapped Yuan Fang, the palm was pierced, Yuan Fang naturally took this opportunity to break through the air.

Knowing that the general situation was over, these Modudas could only let out bursts of mournful growls in resentment, and their figures quietly disappeared under the black shadow.

At the same time, in front of the teahouse outside Luoyang City, an old Taoist squinted one eye, tilted his head to look at Luoyang City behind him, and grinned: "Infinite Heaven, this world will be peaceful for another 200 years."

Everyone around heard the old man's crazy words, no one cared, they just thought it was the old man's nonsense.

With the national power of their Great Zhou, all the world will submit to them, even if it takes another 500 years, it will be no problem.

After finishing his tea, the old Taoist took out a piece of silver and put it on the table: "Let's go, it's time to go home!"

"Hey, hey... old Taoist, it's not too much."

The boss saw that such a big piece of silver would not make him any money after selling tea for a year, so he hurriedly shouted the old way.

But the old man looked back and smiled, raised the long sail in his hand, and just took a light step forward, and he disappeared without a trace under the eyes of everyone.

Now everyone was dumbfounded, the boss held up the ingot of silver, swallowed and said, "My grandma, this is really a fairy!"

(End of this chapter)

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