Infinite script kill

Chapter 678 Tianpeng's fame is finally a mistake

Chapter 678 Tianpeng's fame is finally a mistake

Moduo retreated.

Even the Great Protector on the source side managed to get out of trouble.

It all happened so fast that it was overwhelming.

The eldest princess flew to Xu Tong's Yuanshen: "Let me have a look!!"

The legendary Zixiao talisman is so precious, even for the old celestial master in Longhu Mountain, it may not be easy to make such a talisman.

In this era, to put it bluntly, this talisman is as terrifying as a nuclear bomb.

Hit the gods at the top, and the tops at the bottom. Holding this talisman, even if Xu Tong is just a Taoist, it is enough to make the tops in the world fear three points.

Xu Tong opened his palm to show the eldest princess, only to see the divine light flickering in his palm, and a magical rune appeared in his hand.

The eldest princess stared at it with wide eyes, but when she looked at it, she felt that her eyes were dizzy, her vision was blurred, and she was almost going to faint.

Fortunately, Xu Tong felt something was wrong and hurriedly closed his palms, which woke up the eldest princess. A shadow was cast on that handsome face, and she almost vomited blood.

It turns out that not everyone can read this talisman, just like what the old fortune teller said that day.

This talisman is a talisman with 49 days of seventy-seven days, ninety-nine and 81 sky thunders as pens, and the power of the gods and gods as ink. Incense rune.

Intangible and qualityless, it is better to say that this treasure talisman is not so much the Zixiao talisman, but a mass of invisible and qualityless energy. The reason why it can call thunder is entirely because of the thunder-calling talisman hidden on the torn paper.

For such an amazing thing, the eldest princess's realm was not strong enough to force her to observe it, but instead suffered a backlash, which almost aroused the demons in her heart, summoned the demons in her heart, and set herself on fire.

His body softened and he fell into Xu Tong's arms.

"Hmm... Xiaozao Dangli..."

Xu Tong narrowed his eyelids, not yet happy, but suddenly found a black shadow coming out of the black water.

"Lu Zhi!!"

It turned out that the eldest princess suffered a backlash and hurt her vitality. Under the weakness of the whole body, the black water also lost control. Lu Zhi quickly seized the opportunity to jump out of the black water, but Lu Zhi rushed out of the black water for the first time. For a moment, instead of running away, he turned around and rushed towards Xu Tong's body.

Xu Tong has ruined his plan again and again, and now he has ruined his hope of the Moduo sect. At this moment, Lu Zhi only has one thought: "Take this kid to be buried with him!"

Seeing this, Xu Tong's expression turned cold, and he raised his hand and waved the treasure talisman, and a thunderbolt smashed down through the air.


Lu Zhi's speed was very fast, but no matter how fast he was, it couldn't be faster than Shenlei.

Everyone felt that the purple light was dazzling in front of them. The next moment, they saw Lu Zhi's body standing still, with burnt green smoke emitting from his whole body.


Bean-sized blood drops were continuously sprinkled on the ground, and after a while, the bluestone under Lu Zhi's feet was dyed red.

Rao is in the realm of heaven and man, and there is a bit of despair in his eyes at this moment.

Raising his head, he was only twenty steps away from Xu Tong's physical body, but the distance of twenty steps has become an insurmountable gap.

"I lost, I lost! I should have killed you in Yuyang City!!"

Lu Zhi was roaring in his heart, every one of his plans was insidious and cunning tricks.

Raising fish demons is a disaster, so that they can use the fierce name of fish demons to tear a hole in Yuyang and take advantage of the momentum.

As a result... Li Zheng picked the peaches.

Concealing evil intentions, setting up the technique of disgust, leading the ancient Pei Yuan to descend the prophecy, triggering the technique of disgust, and offering blood sacrifices to Yuyang.

As a result... Li Zheng summoned ghosts and gods, and beat him for 20 years with two sticks.

This is to lurk in Luoyang to cultivate quietly.

As a result... Li Zheng entered the Buddhist school, and the two Buddhist poems, incarnation of the love monk Feng Huaxueyue, invisibly increased the luck of the Buddhist school.

Originally, he was repairing the plank road secretly, trying to win luck with the Buddha, and he was almost on the verge of success.


Lu Zhi raised his head and opened his eyes wide, trying to see Li Zheng's face clearly. Even if he was out of his wits, he was still struggling, trying to drag this guy to his death.

It's just that the pupils of his eyes have begun to dilate, and everything he sees is blurred, as if his [-]-degree myopia has taken off his glasses.

"Lu Zhi, go to hell!!"

In a trance, a figure suddenly rushed out, heading straight to kill him.

The opponent's huge roar echoed in his ears.

"Are you here?"

Lu Zhi stiffly raised his hands and grabbed them forward.


With a piercing roar, Lu Zhi's head flew up.

"Whirring whirring……"

Looking at the human head that fell on the ground, Zhao Peng held the horizontal knife in both hands and maintained a slashing posture. His face flushed with excitement, veins bulged on his forehead, and his heart was beating so fast that it was almost in his throat. superior.

"I... I killed Lu Zhi, I killed Lu Zhi!!"

Everyone looked at Zhao Peng who was almost insane, and everyone's expressions were complicated for a while.

"Hey, damn it, let this guy pick it up!"

Gao Zhuo limped and got up with Gu Xibai's support, seeing Lu Zhi's head that had fallen to the ground, he couldn't help but spat coldly.

If he and Gu Xibai hadn't been seriously injured, the honor of beheading Lu Zhi at this moment would never have happened to Zhao Peng, a grasshopper.

"I killed Lu Zhi, I killed Lu Zhi, I..."

Zhao Peng's expression was already a little crazy, and by killing Lu Zhi, he would be enough to write in history and become famous all over the world.

Just when Zhao Peng was so excited that he wanted to pick up Lu Zhi's head, he suddenly found that he couldn't move.

Looking down, he realized that Lu Zhi's hands were clenched tightly around his waist, and after the corner of the mouth of the human head on the ground raised a slight arc, he uttered an ant-like voice: "Explosion!"


A deep blue flame ignited from Lu Zhi's body in an instant, engulfing Zhao Peng together in an instant.

This turn of events caught everyone by surprise.

Who would have thought that Lu Zhi would be so ruthless that he would choose to blow himself up to end himself.

No one thought that Zhao Peng would rush up at this time and be buried with Lu Zhi.

The cyan flame burns fast and goes out quickly, and when the flames dissipate, a gust of wind blows in, blowing up the pinch of ashes on the ground, and the ashes are completely scattered.

Except for the dried blood and stains on the ground, there seemed to be no trace of the two of them.


Such an ending is always embarrassing.

Xu Tong shook the eldest princess, and seeing that she hadn't woken up, he lost his patience. He just looked around and saw people not paying attention, waved and pushed, and threw the eldest princess back into the black water. The primordial spirit returned to its place and returned to the physical body.

As soon as he returned to his physical body, the overwhelming pain in his abdomen hit him, which made him nauseous.

It's because the effect of [Damage Tendon Replenishing Pill] is still going on.

The pain made Xu Tong pale, and he hurriedly took out a [Wu Ling Pill] to eat, and then his body could no longer support himself, so he could only sit down slowly.

It just so happened that the Buddha statue here had already been torn apart, so Xu Tong sat down and just sat on the lotus platform of the Buddha statue.


Yuan flew close to Xu Tong, put his finger on Xu Tong's huge arm, and couldn't help but look solemn: "My son, you..."

The great monk on the source side looked sad, and realized that Xu Tong's internal organs were as fragile as a hundred-year-old old man.

Xu Tong rolled his eyes at the monk: "If I had known that the karma owed to you was so great, I would have thrown you into the latrine!"

What this said made the great monk Yuanfang baffled, and he didn't know when the son owed him the karma.

Xu Tong didn't explain, he was extremely fragile now, and he didn't dare to delay any longer, otherwise Lilith might really come to invite him to dinner later.

After all, this scene has not yet come to an end.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong quickly took out something from the item book and handed it to Yuan Fang, it was the Buddha Seed.

This thing was just thrown into the item book by myself.

The item book also gives explanations for the entries.

However, the Buddha Seed is a task item and cannot be brought out of the world of this script, so the content of the entry will not be repeated.

Otherwise, if such an important thing can be taken away, even if I don't want all the gains from this script, I will forcefully return it.

The great monk on the source side hurriedly took over the Buddha seed, then turned around and said loudly: "Xuantan Dharma will continue!!"

After the words fell, a large number of monks rushed to take over the positions of those old monks and continued to chant the Dharma.

These monks were the same monks who refused to come here on the pretext of preserving the inheritance for the Buddhist sect. Now they found that the Great Protector on the source side was out of trouble, and Mo Tuoda had been repelled, and they immediately swarmed over.

With a righteous and awe-inspiring appearance, it makes people sick to see.

Xu Tong sat cross-legged, clasped his palms together, and recited the most complicated Nirvana scriptures in Buddhism. Suddenly, a brilliant Buddha light appeared behind him, and a huge golden body of Buddha appeared behind Xu Tong out of thin air.

I don't know if it's because Xu Tong's body is too huge at the moment, so that the Buddha's Dharma image behind him is also magnificent.

The Buddha burst out a brilliant golden light, which began to spread around Xu Tong.

For a moment, the entire Mingtang was illuminated into a golden splendor.

Anyone who was irradiated by the Buddha's light felt warm all over their bodies. Gao Zhuo and Gu Xibai were irradiated by the Buddha's light, and all the negativity on their bodies disappeared.

Skills: Light of Buddha
Consume 300 script points to summon the golden body of Buddha. During the existence of the golden body of Buddha, the damage of all Buddha-type skills will be increased by three times, and a purification effect will be produced on all teammates within a diameter of 300 meters on the field, removing all negative states on the body.

This skill is given by the Six Arts Hall [Bodhi Golden Fruit], and it is also one of the reasons why Xu Tong dared to eat the [Damage Tendon Repair Pill]. (From Chapter 72 of this volume)

Such a vast Buddha's light made Xu Tong sit on the altar, as if the real Buddha came to the world, and became the most profound picture in the memory of all Buddhist disciples.

Even many years later, an old monk mentioned the holy scene of this day, and even took out a picture scroll.

In the picture scroll, Xu Tong is transformed into a Buddha under the presence of a group of Buddhist monks, while the Great Protector on the source side stands beside Xu Tong, clasping his hands together as the guardian vajra.

Later, this scroll was taken away by a painter. I don’t know the name of the painter. I only know that he is going to a place, a far away place. It is said that the place is called Dunhuang...

(End of this chapter)

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