Infinite script kill

Chapter 682 Reception Mission

Chapter 682 Reception Mission
The reason why Xu Tong went to find the master so excitedly was of course a real gift.

What kind of gift? ?
Of course, it is a part of Moduda's godhead. Although the task of the Beiyin killing order has not been fully completed, it is not a failure, and it can even be said to be a small victory.

After all, this is not a ray of Morduda's soul, but part of Mododa's godhead.

Being able to win luck with Buddha, Mo Tuo Da can definitely be regarded as a very powerful demon god.

It is difficult for him to repel him, let alone capture and seal part of his godhead.

If it wasn't for the help of that treasure talisman, I might lose my life in this guy's hands this time.

Hmm... When it comes to Baofu, Xu Tong feels very sorry. After the end of the Xuantan Ceremony, the remaining energy of the Baofu has almost disappeared.

After all, it was a consumable, and it couldn't stand his extravagance.

Being able to shoot several Zixiao divine thunders one after another is already considered a talisman maker with great supernatural powers and boundless mana.

Anyway, no matter how lucky or lucky I am, now that I have captured the Godhead of Moduda, it doesn't matter whether I complete the Beiyin Killing Order or not.

When Xu Tong rushed over to take a look, he found that Master, Master, Old Daoist, and Eldest Princess were all waiting for him with smiles on their faces.

In an instant, Xu Tong felt that his treatment was different.

The old Taoist came over very attentively, and helped Xu Tong lift up the wine and meat: "Young master has worked hard, and you have made great achievements in your hard work. Please come in, young master."

The eldest princess stared, although her face was full of reluctance, she still leaned forward and squeezed his shoulders.

Good guy, that little hand is cold, with moderate strength, and it feels so comfortable to fly up.

It is rare for Master to make tea himself.

This treatment, quite a feeling of the king of the family.

In fact, Xu Tong and the master have a relationship like a theater troupe, apart from master and apprentice.

The master is not only preaching and accepting art, but also the troupe leader. From among the apprentices, he tried his best to win a star.

Then the whole troupe pointed to this corner to eat.

There is no doubt that Xu Tong is the actor of this troupe. He sang well today and got a reward. The money was earned by Xu Tong. The actor made money, and everyone in the troupe will praise the actor highly. .

It wasn't until Master Song saw that he was flustered that he coughed lightly twice, signaling that everyone was almost done, and now everyone sat down and sat on a table, as if they were in a meeting.

Even the ancestor of the zombie from the Mei family came, of course, this person might not be able to serve at the table, so Master Song arranged a small bench to sit on the sidelines.

As for the mountain ghost... This guy doesn't even have a small bench, so he just squats outside the door.

"Bring it!"

The master opened his palm, there is no need for Xu Tong to say anything, the eldest princess has already explained the matter clearly.

Xu Tong did not neglect, and hurriedly took out the soul coffin and handed it to the master.

The master took it over and took a look, weighed it in his hand for a moment, then nodded and said: "I will leave immediately and go to Luofu Mountain. You talked about alchemy last time, so this time it will be found again!"

Then he looked at the eldest princess: "Girl, if you want to cut the Tao, I'm afraid it's not the time yet, so take it slow this time."


The eldest princess nodded her head in understanding.

The master looked at the old man, who waved his hand: "I'm not in time, just wait." After speaking, he seemed to have thought of something, then turned to Xu Tong and said, "Look at that little zombie and let him take me The physical body has been preserved, and I may have to go back someday.”

"Don't worry, how about I bring your body back next time?"

Xu Tong asked back.

The old Taoist squeezed his beard and pondered for a moment, then waved his hand: "Forget it, let's stay with him for now, my body is tainted with yin, which will damage my morality."

"That's it, what can I fight for, I'll come in and help you fight for more."

After the master finished speaking, he looked at Xu Tong, and his eyes became more kind: "There is one more thing. The Shangsi is approaching, and the west is sending envoys to the remote mountain to offer gifts, and one person is needed to accompany him..."

"Huh?? Could it be me??"

Seeing the master looking at him, Xu Tong couldn't help being startled, scratching his head, remembering that the master had mentioned this before.

At that time, the master said that Youshan is the place where the lord lives, his old man can only stand outside the door when he goes up the mountain, and he, a small fish, probably doesn't even have the qualification to stand outside the door when he goes up the mountain.

Why would you want to host those Western envoys by yourself? ?

Therefore, Xu Tong suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Someone called you by name, and the higher-ups were also very embarrassed, so they entrusted this burden to me and asked me to send you..."

When the master said this, he picked up the teacup in his hand and took a sip.

Seeing this, Elder Song curled his lips, saying, well, this bad guy still has to do it himself.

I can only continue the conversation helplessly: "If you don't go, we will be in trouble for this one-third of an acre of land."

"It's not a big trouble, after all, we still have this credit in our hands."

The master shook the soul coffin in his hand.

Xu Tong rolled his eyes, but he couldn't tell that the master's subconscious meaning was that if he refused to take up this job, the higher-ups could only play this routine of equalizing merits and demerits, and swallowed his own merits.

"Son, you don't want to lose this credit, do you?"

Master Song Lao narrowed his eyes and said.

The corner of Xu Tong's mouth twitched, and he always felt that Master's words seemed to be seen in a certain Japanese drama.

This made him can't help but think, Nie Haitang, if a person has a concern, it is equivalent to a weakness, but whoever let this table sit is his family.

Xu Tong agreed helplessly, but he couldn't wait in his heart.

Yincao, Youshan, Fujun, there are too many mysteries and unknowns, which attracted Xu Tong to want to see what happened. Even if the master didn't say anything, he would agree to it.

After all, this is also a good opportunity for the government to go on a trip, just to try and see if the money model in my hand is good.

Of course, you still have to pretend to be wronged, otherwise it will appear that you are not reserved.

Seeing that Xu Tong agreed, the master and the master looked at each other, and finally he was relieved.

Then the master patted his chest and said that when he came back, he would definitely bring a bunch of good things back, so he immediately got up and set off for Luofu Mountain.

Seeing this, Xu Tong wanted to run away, but was still caught by the master.

Elder Song squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "You have entered the Tao, and you should read some books carefully. Let's read the Taoist scriptures today..."

"No, I'm dazzled by that thing!!"

As soon as Xu Tong heard the Daoist scriptures, his face turned green, but it was a pity that he couldn't help it, so Mr. Song dragged him to the study to recite all night.

At the same time, at the foot of Mount Qingcheng, a young man put on his Taoist robe and hat again. When he looked up, he looked at the huge Mount Qingcheng with a smile on his face.

With a leap, the figure disappeared like a puff of smoke, and he reached the top of the mountain not long after.


Several old Taoists sitting outside the cave squinted their eyes and raised their heads. When they saw that it was Zhang Haisheng, they were shocked: "Haisheng, have become enlightened!"

Although the few old Taoists are not even great masters, their eyes are very vicious, and they can see the detached aura on Zhang Haisheng at a glance.

This is the sign of becoming a heavenly being. I didn't see Zhang Haisheng all night, but I can't believe that this child broke through the shackles in a blink of an eye.

For a while, several old Taoists wept with joy.

Many of them knelt on the ground facing the east, shouting that the patriarch had appeared.

For so many years, not to mention becoming enlightened, they couldn't even pass the level of the great master. Now, they finally have disciples under their sect, becoming enlightened heavenly beings. This is a sign of the great prosperity of Qingcheng Mountain. How could they be unhappy.

"Several masters should not be so sad and happy."

Seeing these veterans crying and laughing loudly, Zhang Haisheng was worried that they would hurt their vitality, so he quickly waved his hands and sent out a burst of true energy to calm the emotions of these veterans.

I saw the true energy entering the body, and the old Taoists were full of energy, but at the same time they gradually calmed down.

"That's great. You have become enlightened. It just so happens that Luo Tian Da Zhan has reached a critical juncture these days. I will work harder tomorrow. Once you succeed, you will be able to skyrocket if you win the favor of the patriarch with your celestial appearance. Going straight to the cave, this is a great opportunity, you must seize it!"

An old Taoist said earnestly.

Once Luo Tian Dazhan succeeds, he will be connected to the blessed land of the cave on Qingcheng Mountain. That is the fairy cave, and mortals are not allowed to go there. Now that Zhang Hai has become a celestial being, he has the qualifications to enter it.

You must know that it is all about their Qingcheng Mountain heritage.

"Haisheng will definitely remember what the masters told you, but..."

Zhang Haisheng hesitated slightly.

"Just what?"

Seeing that he was entangled, several old Taoists not only hurriedly asked.

"It's just that I'm worried about being alone."

Zhang Haisheng's eyes showed a cold look. This time he entered the script world with Xu Tong, although he relied on his own luck to forcibly become enlightened.

But I also found that Xu Tong was very insidious and cunning, and I was almost sold out by him this time.

Moreover, although this guy is not lucky, his blessings are too strong. Although he is with him, although his luck is good, he is always troubled by him. No wonder the master said that this person and himself are old enemies.

Seeing this, the veteran Taoists immediately knew what Zhang Haisheng was worried about. They looked at each other and said with a smile: "Don't worry, my child. It's just a low-level juggling. When the time comes, I will have my own way to deal with him!"

"Several masters, don't be careless, this person has already entered the Tao!"

Zhang Haisheng was afraid that these uncles were going to give away the heads, so he hurriedly reminded them.

"Enter the Tao! He has already entered the Tao?"

Hearing this, several old Taoists couldn't help being surprised.

For a while, several old Taoists had mixed feelings in their hearts. In today's world, the two masters of the seven sects and one sect have been regarded as a good talk, and it is impossible to admit that the blue is better than the blue.

If Xue Guiquan knew it, I'm afraid it would be enough to smile at Jiuquan.

But after thinking about it, I don't think it's surprising. If this kid has no ability, how can he make Hai Sheng, who has become a heavenly man, so afraid.

"Hahahaha... It's okay, it's okay, even if this kid is a celestial being, it's okay."

But these old Taoists are not covered, they looked at each other, and then saw an old Taoist whispering in Zhang Haisheng's ear: "Haisheng, have you heard of the Liangyi dust array!"

(End of this chapter)

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