Infinite script kill

Chapter 683 1 thought moving Qingcheng

Chapter 683
When Xu Tong finished reciting the scriptures and came out from between reality and reality, he found that Mei Xian could not wait to summon him.

The great canopy quivered, as if eager to communicate with him.

Xu Tong glanced at Meixian, knowing that Meixian was probably in a hurry at this time, according to the agreement between the two, only when he entered the Tao, would he be willing to enter his own space between reality and emptiness.

Mei Xian originally thought that it would take at least three years for Xu Tong to enter Taoism, even if he was extremely talented.

But who would have thought that this kid came back after going down the mountain, and within the next day, he would have entered the Taoism.

Now Mei Xian was lying in her heart to say that she was not in a hurry. On the one hand, she wanted to find out how Xu Tong entered the Tao.

On the other hand, there are many things to talk to him about.

Xu Tong yawned, with a listless face, and said to the plum tree, "Here we come, here we come, here we come."

She looked exhausted, like the first lady who had just rung the bell and had to deal with the next guest.

He was really sleepy and read the Taoist scriptures all night, and his eyelids were fighting.

Lie down under the plum tree casually, close your eyes, and hear snoring after a while.

As a result, as soon as she closed her eyes, Mei Xian's consciousness came quietly.

Xu Tong's consciousness was quickly pulled into Meixian's domain.

I saw an old man sitting under the huge plum tree, waving to him with a smile on his face.

"Old guy, can't you let me have a good sleep?"

Xu Tong rolled his eyes and sat under the plum tree.

"We made an agreement at the beginning, and you will follow me when I enter the Tao. You won't regret this, will you?"

"No no no."

Mei Xian shook her head: "We have already agreed on this matter, there is no reason to regret it, but how did you enter the Tao, how did you enter the Tao so quickly?"

"Good luck, otherwise."

Of course Xu Tong would not tell Mei Xian about the world of scripts, this kind of thing, when he boarded the pirate ship, someone would explain it to him.

Mei Xian had an expression of believing in you, she was lucky, but she couldn't improve to such a degree, she hurriedly called Xu Tong to release her Dao fruit, and let him take a good look.

Mei Xian took a closer look and was immediately dumbfounded.

" have learned a lot."

"It's learned and talented."

Mei Xian rolled her eyes, didn't she realize that she was being sarcastic? ?
You are a good heir of hagana, and you learned the inheritance of the Mei family. What the hell is a fruit of the way of water? ?The Tao fruit of water is nothing more than that, but what about the golden Buddha fruit? ?
When did you switch to Buddhism? ?
Mei Xian looked at Xu Tong's two Dao fruits, and rolled her eyes wholeheartedly: "You are so complicated and impure, let me see how you will become Dao in the future!"

In people's practice, the three Dao fruits all follow a gradual method, but Xu Tong doesn't care about this. I really don't know how this kid will become Dao in the future.

If others heard Mei Xian's words, they would have panicked long ago, but Xu Tong did not. it's the best."

This was not said by Xu Tong, but by Master Song Lao.

Although Mr. Song is just an ordinary stranger, you would be very wrong if you say that Master Song is ordinary. Master is a big boss who has ridden a girl. The resentment is too great, how many pairs of eyes are staring at him, I am afraid that even if the master's achievements are not as good as the master's, they are not too bad.

Xu Tong also asked his master about his Dao fruit, but Mr. Song felt that this may not be a bad thing. There are thousands of different students in the world, and it may not be necessary to learn deeply.

Even if it is a peerless magic skill, it may not be the most suitable for you. It seems chaotic and chaotic, but it may not be impossible to find your own path in the end.

This is also what the master and the master hoped. They didn't want Xu Tong to follow the path of Qimen all the time, and they didn't want Xu Tong to pass on the worship of mountain buttons as an ancestral handicraft in the future. I don't think there is anything wrong with getting Buddhahood again.

Even when the master Xue Gui created the mountain bow, he borrowed the core content of Buddhism and Taoism, combined with the experience of low-level techniques to create this destructive move.

"Hiss~ You really have ideas, but since ancient times, there are not many people who can integrate the strengths of hundreds of schools and make up for their own shortcomings. Since you don't mind it, I still have a Dao fruit here, it depends on whether you dare to take it or not." .”

Seeing that Xu Tong has such ambitions, Mei Xian also plans to join in the fun.


Xu Tong's eyes lit up, he didn't expect such a good thing.

"It's here at Mount Qingcheng!"

Mei Xian stomped her feet, followed closely by Xu Tong's eyes, as if she was pulled up to the sky in an instant, looking down on the whole mountain from a high position.


Meixian moved her finger lightly, and the mountain in front of her was glowing with a starting point. The fluorescence became stronger and stronger, and gradually formed a talisman, covering the entire Qingcheng Mountain.

"This is the Dao fruit, it depends on whether you can win it."

The mountain in front of him was shining brightly, and Xu Tong was shocked immediately.

Under the irradiance of the blue fire, the huge mountain body presents a huge fruit. It turns out that this Qingcheng mountain itself is a Dao fruit.

"This is the Dao fruit accumulated by generations of the Mei family for a hundred years!"

For hundreds of years, Plum Blossom Manor has transcended ghosts, accumulated good fruits, and fully integrated them into the rhizomes of plum celestial beings. After refining the rhizomes of plum celestial beings and Mount Qingcheng, they finally produced such a dao fruit. In the Dharma-ending era, it can leave an opportunity for the Mei family.

Unfortunately, the Mei family finally chose to follow the tide of the times.

Ever since the old master of Meidu announced that the Mei family would keep up with the times and moved out of the mountains, the Mei family had almost abandoned the methods of cultivation and only kept some techniques.

Even with the genius Mei Du, who inherited the Mei family's inheritance, he still can't use this Dao Fruit before reaching that point.

Now that Xu Tong has inherited his Yanshu, then this Dao Fruit belongs to Xu Tong.

The premise is that he can take it out. Once he fuses this Dao Fruit, he can reach the perfection of Dao.

After hearing Mei Xian's explanation, Xu Tong felt relieved, as long as he could explain the origin of this thing clearly, he was afraid that if he could not explain the origin, he would argue with the Taoist priests in the mountains.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong pinched a formula with his fingers, and his eyes glowed.

"Looking for the spirit, exploring the bone, exploring the word seal!"

The context in front of him has already emerged, so there is no need to look for it anymore, and he directly uses the word detection in Yanshu, and his spirit immediately turns into a big net, trying to forcefully collect that huge fruit into his bag.

"Boom rumble..."

For a moment, the birds on Qingcheng Mountain seemed to be frightened by something, and flew into the air with a clatter.

Taoist Dongxuan, who was meditating at the same time, was shocked: "Not good!!"

After saying something bad, Taoist Dongxuan got up and went straight to the back mountain.

Those veteran Taoists on Qingcheng Mountain all looked serious when they saw this, and seeing the head teacher heading straight to the back mountain, they knew that something serious must have happened.

Daoist Lingxu of Longhu Mountain, Daoist Jingyun of Yuntai Mountain, and Taoist Huaigu of Emei Mountain were also alarmed.

The three of them were meditating and resting in the courtyard to gather strength for Luo Tianda Zhan in the next few days.

Feeling something strange at this moment, they couldn't help opening their eyes.

Taoist Lingxu looked at the sky, couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, and made a calculation with his fingers: "Hey, it's really a battle between dragons and tigers."

"Boundless Heavenly Venerable, Qingcheng Mountain and the Mei family will live together, and separate will hurt. Now it is finally time to separate."

Daoist Yunjing said with a serious face while holding a whisk in his hand.

The Mei family conformed to the times, moved out of Qingcheng Mountain, and even gave up the cultivation method, but the luck of the Mei family has not been separated from Qingcheng Mountain. Strictly speaking, the foundation of the Mei family is still in this mountain.

Now that the foundation has been shaken, this is an earth-shattering event for Mount Qingcheng.

"Call the Mei family, don't make such a fuss in the end that it can't be closed, and it will ruin the big thing instead."

Taoist Lingxu sighed, took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of Mr. Mei's family.

Seeing this, Daoist Yunjing joked, "Ha, it's better to use modern technology. You see, we can transmit sound through the air when we are sitting thousands of miles away. This is no better than the gods on land."

Master Huaigu was quite worried at first, but he couldn't help grinning when he heard this, and poked Taoist Yunjing with his finger: "What time is it, you still have the heart to joke."

"Anyway, it's not my house. Let's hold a watermelon and take a spoon, and be a melon-eating crowd. Why not do it."

The two half-century old Taoists were still joking.

Little did he know that Taoist Lingxu's phone call made the whole Mei family go crazy.

Mei Du was dragged off the bed by his father.

Regardless of Mei Du still wearing pajamas, he directly dragged him into the car.

"Dad, what happened??"

Mei Du was drowsy, stretched his waist, and put his arm casually on the shoulder of the person next to him, with eye dropsy in the corner of his eyes, like a lazy cat just waking up, rubbing against your body.

It was only when I raised my head that I suddenly realized that my grandfather was in front of me. I was shocked, and hurriedly put my hands away from the old man's shoulders, sat upright, and adjusted my sitting posture.

Looking at it again, except for his father, grandfather, and three uncles in the car, everyone looked very serious, which made Mei Du suddenly have a bad feeling in his heart.

"Something happened to Meizhuang!"

Mei Du's father squinted at Mei Du, but after saying these five words, he didn't say any more.

"problem occurs??"

Mei Du was startled, and immediately thought of Gao Zhuo and Xu Tong, his heart skipped a beat, he glanced sideways at his grandfather's expression, and knew that something might have happened between the two of them, and even his grandfather had killed him. Startled.

Could it be that something went wrong with Brother Gao refining the corpse? ?

Mei Du was thinking...

However, when the car went straight to Qingcheng Mountain, Mei Du got out of the car and had a look, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, good guy, Qingcheng Mountain's head teacher Dongxuan Taoist, Lingxu Taoist, Yuntai Mountain's Daoist Jingyun, Emei Mountain's real person Huaigu , as well as the president of the local Taoist Association, as well as several well-known local Taoists were all waiting outside the entrance of Meizhuang.

"The Immortal in the Nest, what the hell is Brother Gao doing?? How did you startle all these people??"

Mei Du wailed and screamed in his heart, bit the bullet and walked up behind his father.

Taoist Dongxuan took the initiative to meet him, and when he opened his mouth, Mei Du was struck by lightning; "The old man came at the right time. The foundation of the Mei family affects the entire Qingcheng Mountain. Please be careful, old man."

(End of this chapter)

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