Infinite script kill

Chapter 684 Crisis

Chapter 684 Crisis
The old man of the Mei family had a heavy expression on his face. Just as Taoist Dongxuan said, the Mei family and Mount Qingcheng seem to be separated, but in fact the foundation of the Mei family still remains in Mount Qingcheng, and even the luck of the Mei family lies here.

With such a big incident, Mr. Mei naturally dare not neglect.

As for Mei Du's father and uncles, they were already frowning and furious, but they didn't get angry because of the face of outsiders. After all, this touched the foundation of their Mei family, let alone the relationship between this person and the Mei family. Even if you have great kindness to the Mei family, it won't work.

Immediately, the old man of the Mei family led the way, and a group of people walked through the mountain forest path and came to the gate of Meizhuang.

"This is Plum Blossom Village!"

Except for those old Taoists who left Qingcheng Mountain and Taoist Dongxuan, there were very few outsiders who had actually been to Meizhuang.

Even Daoist Lingxu of Longhu Mountain came to the gate of Plum Blossom Manor for the first time.

Looking at the traces of vicissitudes on the majestic and solemn gate in front of him, Taoist Master Lingxu couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Although the Plum Blossom Taoist did not establish a sect in the past, all the nine streams and eight sects in the world have more or less received the favor of Mei Zhuang. People say that the world's martial arts come from Shaolin, and the world's Taoism comes from dragons and tigers. There is a saying that the magic of the world comes from Meizhuang.

And this magnificent manor, just like Taoist Plum Blossom, rose quietly and then disappeared quietly. Even standing here at this moment, one can still feel the sense of mystery that blows over one's face.


The gate opened slowly, and everyone followed the pace of the old man of the Mei family, walked into this magnificent gate, and what they saw was the huge plum tree that did not know the age.

The trunk of the plum tree is like dozens of horned dragons circling upwards, and the branches wind and stretch into the air, almost covering half of the courtyard, at least ten meters high.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate!!"

Everyone was shocked when they saw this plum tree.

There are many ancient trees on Qingcheng Mountain, and there are countless trees taller than buildings, but no one has ever seen a plum tree that can be so huge.

It is indeed the first blessed place of Taoism.

"Look, what is he doing!!"

Suddenly someone took a closer look and saw Xu Tong lying under the plum tree who seemed to be asleep.

I saw Xu Tong lying under the tree, his body like a sleeping arhat, the two Dao fruits appearing and disappearing behind him, and his whole body was wrapped in a burst of nameless charm, just like the fairy in the painting, dreaming about three thousand worlds.

A strong plum fragrance diffused from Xu Tong's body. Seeing this situation, everyone turned pale.

"Enter the Tao!!"

Taoist Dongxuan had already heard the news of Xu Tong's entry into Taoism from Zhang Haisheng, but when he actually saw it, he was taken aback. It was even more shocking. It was the invisible aura that permeated Xu Tong's body at this moment, and it was obvious that he had arrived Some kind of pivotal moment.

"Plum Blossom Inheritance!! It turns out that the rumors left by our ancestors are actually true."

For a moment, the old man of the Mei family raised his head tremblingly, looking at the plum tree in front of him, his heart was filled with turmoil.

It is rumored that the Plum Blossom Taoist realized Taoism under this tree, and once said that this tree is the ancestor of their plum blossom lineage. Although the Plum Blossom Taoist said so, most people did not take it seriously. Said casually in the past.

After all, for so many years in the Mei family, no descendants can inherit the plum blossom, so that the descendants of the future generations only regard it as a legend.

How can one not be excited to see the reappearance of the plum blossom inheritance now, but... why is it on an outsider! !

For a moment, Mr. Mei's expression was both tangled and helpless.

"This person is not a descendant of the Mei family, how can He De take the blessings of the Mei family!"

Taoist Dongxuan spoke suddenly, and everyone frowned when he said this.

Taoist Lingxu squinted at him, and was about to speak, when he suddenly heard a cold snort: "What's the matter, you're so jealous, you want to kill people and seize treasures!"

Everyone looked back, only to see Gao Zhuo walking out from the shadows, exuding a vicious aura that was visible to the naked eye, and before he got close, he was accompanied by a gust of wind blowing towards his face.

"Flying Yasha! It's rare that there is such a fierce Yasha in this world."

Taoist Lingxu stared at Gao Zhuo up and down.

Gao Zhuo strolled forward, put his hands together, and bowed deeply to Taoist Lingxu and the others: "The descendants of the Gao family in western Hunan, Gao Zhuo sends his greetings to the seniors."

Facing the masters of the three religions, Gao Zhuo didn't dare to gossip around in circles, and openly declared himself a family.

"Gao family!!"

Taoist Lingxu was stunned for a moment, then he was greatly surprised, and when he looked at Gao Zhuo again, his eyes instantly became much kinder: "Who are you, Gao Xiaoshan!"

Taoist Lingxu directly called Grandpa Gao Zhuo's name, which made Gao Zhuo's heart skip a beat, and hurriedly said to Taoist Lingxu respectfully, "Gao Xiaoshan is my grandfather, do you know my grandfather?"

Hearing this, Taoist Lingxu's expression was suddenly enlightened, his face was filled with joy, he stroked his long beard with his hand, and nodded: "I see, Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable."

Taoist Lingxu said as he stepped forward, pulled Gao Zhuo's wrist, touched his pulse with his fingers, and nodded immediately: "Fortunately, although the corpse poison is heavy, it does not hurt the five internal organs. After this matter is over, you can follow me." Go back to Longhu Mountain, let me take you to Maoshan Sect, I will definitely give you a great opportunity."

When Gao Zhuo heard that there was such a good thing, he couldn't help being overjoyed.

Where is the Maoshan sect, the holy place for refining corpses in the world, and the Maoshan technique is even more unpredictable and mysterious.

If I can enter the Maoshan sect, I am afraid it will not be difficult to enter the Tao.

But Gao Zhuo was happy, but he didn't dare to agree rashly, instead he cautiously asked the Taoist Lingxu in front of him: "Dare to ask senior and my grandfather..."

"Hahahaha, back then when I was plotted against by Japanese pirate onmyojis on the beach, your grandfather saved me, and I owe your Gao family a cause and effect.

Your grandfather, Gao Xiaoshan, killed Qingming three times, and made a bad mouth for Huaxia, and he also contributed to Jianghu. "

Taoist Lingxu talked about Gao Xiaoshan, his face was a little excited, and he told the people who were still in the fog about Gao Xiaoshan's heroic past.

A few words are to let everyone understand what happened that year.

Just as Taoist Lingxu was speaking wonderfully, Taoist Dongxuan finally couldn't help interrupting: "Brother Lingxu, now is not the time to tell stories."

Taoist Dongxuan's face was dark, and if Taoist Lingxu continued to speak, it would be dark.

Taoist Dongxuan looked sideways at Xu Tong and said, "This inheritance from the Mei family must be inherited by the Mei family. This person must be..."

"Cough cough!!"

Taoist Dongxuan didn't finish his sentence, but Old Master Mei coughed twice, interrupting Taoist Dongxuan: "Daoist Dongxuan has said this, the plum tree is not a property of my Mei family, the ancestor of my Mei family There is also the ancestral teaching that the Mei family should take the plum tree as their ancestors, and whoever will inherit the plum blossoms, and it is not my Mei family who can control it."

As soon as these words came out, everyone including Mei Du's father was shocked.

This inheritance of plum blossoms is a great blessing. I didn't expect that the old man of the Mei family not only didn't want it, but kept pushing it out. What's the reason for this.

"Father, this..."

The youngest of the Mei family stared wide-eyed, and was about to speak, but was suddenly stared at by Mr. Mei, and the youngest didn't dare to speak any more in an instant.

I saw Mr. Mei take out the Mei family ancestor training from his sleeve.

"The ancestors of my Mei family have long concluded that if one day someone can inherit the plum blossom, he will be the owner of Meizhuang from now on, and this place has nothing to do with my Mei family."

As Old Master Mei said, he unfolded the ancestral precepts for everyone to watch.

"Old Mei!!"

Taoist Dongxuan never expected that Mr. Mei must have lost his mind and went crazy, that such a big Zhuangzi would be handed over to this kid for nothing.

Isn't this their ancestral home? ?

"Father, we still need to discuss this matter. This is our ancestral house!"

The faces of Meidu's uncles all turned black, how could such a treasured place of geomantic omen be given away so easily.

"Father, Uncle, this matter is indeed to be done according to the ancestral precepts. Since our family has entered the world and stopped practicing, this blessing should not be taken anymore."

Mei Du had an exquisite mind, and when he saw this, he knew what his grandfather was thinking, and reminded him.

But after saying this, the three uncles turned their heads and glared at him, and the third one even scolded him angrily: "Who said that my Mei family stopped practicing? Aren't you a descendant of my Mei family? Turn your elbows outward, eat inside and out s things."

Mei Du was scolded bloody, and when she curled her lips, she secretly scolded these uncles and her father for falling into the eyes of money.

Of course, he didn't dare to say these words, so he could only lower his head, not daring to speak any more.

However, Mr. Mei must have made up his mind. Hearing this, he sneered and said, "What does Du'er's practice have anything to do with you? You have made a fortune in business all these years, and you don't look like you are practicing at all."

After finishing speaking, he said earnestly and earnestly to the unfulfilled sons in front of him: "Being a man is about knowing yourself!"

As the saying goes, the authorities are obsessed, the bystanders are clear, and Taoist Lingxu can see clearly that this old man must get the Mei family out of this matter.

The Mei family is not what it used to be, and it doesn't do any good to stand on either side at this time.

Only by picking yourself out can you have more than enough to advance and retreat.

At that time, if Taoist Dongxuan made a move, it would be fine to kill Xu Tong, and the ancestral house still belonged to their Mei family.

But if it can't be killed...

This grudge does not fall on the Mei family's head.

In today's world, the great masters are enough to be called the best, let alone enter the Tao. If this feud is really carried on, their Mei family will be in catastrophe in an instant.

Could it be that everyone has forgotten how Xu Tong killed him step by step in Xiangxi not long ago, killing most of the strangers and announcing that he had washed his hands in the golden basin? ?
Therefore, it is reasonable for the Mei family to be able to seize opportunities against the current amidst the great changes that have not happened in thousands of years, and not to decline but to prosper.

While everyone was still arguing.

Suddenly there was a sneer: "Since the plum blossom is inherited, whoever gets it will be the owner of the plum village, and I want to give it a try too!"

Everyone followed the sound and looked back, and saw Zhang Haisheng coming, staring at Xu Tong lying under the plum tree.

Seeing the strange dao rhyme on him getting stronger and stronger, Zhang Haisheng's heart was full of murderous intentions, and a layer of frost inevitably hung on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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