Chapter 690

The old man's movements are clean and agile, slaughtering pigs and dogs is easy.

Shedding, shaving, and disembowelling, the calf-like black dog is at the mercy of the experienced hands, but it only takes a moment to put the dog meat on the pot.


Spoon after spoonful of hot oil was poured on it, and after a while, the aroma permeated, and the dog meat gradually began to turn golden under the splashing of hot oil.

This is obviously slow work. Every spoonful of hot oil must be evenly stressed, so that every inch of dog meat will be fried thoroughly and crispy by the hot oil. , and it can’t be too small, it won’t be fried through if it’s too small.

Fortunately, Lao Dao seems to have special experience in cooking dog meat. He works slowly and meticulously, and it is just right under the hands of Lao Dao.

After Xu Tong commanded the Yin soldiers to completely evacuate the Meizhuang, and walked in with Gao Zhuo, the old man had already started to raise the kitchen knife, cut up the dog meat, and stir-fried and cooked it.

"Meet Master!"

Here, Gao Zhuo entered the door and saw the eldest princess sitting cross-legged on a tree.

Hurry up and salute the eldest princess.

The skill of reversing life and death is an extremely secret. The eldest princess gave him this skill. Whether he recognizes it or not, he can be regarded as his master.

Gao Zhuo did not dare to neglect this point.

It's a pity that the eldest princess glanced at Gao Zhuo, then frowned and said, "Don't call me master, there are only seven layers of reversing life and death, why don't you have the second layer?"

Gao Zhuo was also very embarrassed to be stared at by the eldest princess with disdain.

In fact, if calculated according to the time in reality, it would only take two or three days for the eldest princess to hand over this exercise to Xu Tong, and then from Xu Tong to Gao Zhuo.

But if the time spent in the script world is added, Gao Zhuo's cultivation speed is really not good. It is only because he was too unpleasant in the previous script world that he spent most of his time on missions.

It was only in the last two months that I had the time to start practicing the way of reversing life and death.

Fortunately, Gao Zhuo was not stupid, he hurriedly took out the gift he had prepared earlier from the item book, a beautifully crafted hairpin, which he got by accident in Jinxiu Workshop.

It's still an item card with a small passive that can nourish a woman's skin.

This thing is not rare for the eldest princess, but for the sake of Gao Zhuo being able to give him a gift, the eldest princess's cold expression eased a lot.

At least people still think about themselves, how can some people...

Thinking of the eldest princess squinting at Xu Tong, I really thought I didn't know who kicked the big footprints on the buttocks? ?

"Uh... By the way, this token is for you, thank you for helping me in Ziwei Palace last time."

What Xu Tong was referring to was that in the dungeon, the eldest princess helped him deal with Lu Zhi's matter. The three dispatches were considered to be over. If he wanted to dispatch the eldest princess at will, he would need the master to re-approve the token for himself.

The eldest princess took the token, and couldn't help looking Xu Tong up and down, and joked in a frivolous tone: "Yo, you have reached the peak of Taoism so soon, it seems that you really don't need me."

"This..." Xu Tong reached out and flipped through his trouser pocket, and said with regret on his face: "The main reason is that you are too expensive, so I will definitely do it next time!"

In terms of lip service, Xu Tong has never lost to others.

The eldest princess pursed her lips and stared at Xu Tong's neck, as if she could see the wriggling arteries on Xu Tong's neck through the skin. He couldn't help licking the corners of his scarlet lips.

Seemingly aware of the eager eyes of the eldest princess, Xu Tong began to turn malicious. Xu Tong hurriedly dragged Gao Zhuo away, crossing the black water to the small courtyard behind.

As soon as you enter the courtyard, you can smell the fragrance of plum blossoms.

Looking up, I saw a huge plum tree in the middle of the yard, which was already blooming with plum blossoms.

"Huh? Why does this tree feel much bigger than outside??"

Looking at the plum tree, Gao Zhuo couldn't help looking up. He saw that the plum tree was full of branches and leaves. The huge trunk extended at least ten meters long, like a huge umbrella, covering most of the yard.

This is not the season of flowering, but the plum blossoms are blooming, and the fragrance is very fragrant.

After Gao Zhuo said this, he heard a burst of laughter, and saw an old man in white walking out from the plum tree. It was Mei Xian himself. Mei Xian stroked his beard and explained to Gao Zhuo:

"If I were in Yangjian, I would not be able to do this, but here, I am no longer restricted by the terrain of the four seasons, so I am a little bigger than in Yangjian."

It was also the first time for Gao Zhuo to see Mei Xian, and he couldn't help but stare curiously, not knowing what to call him for a while.

Seeing this, Xu Tong introduced Mei Xian: "This is the true spirit of this plum tree, let's just call him Old Mei."

"Oh, hello, Mr. Mei."

Gao Zhuo quickly saluted.

"You're welcome, the guest can do as he pleases, and the guest can do as he pleases."

Old Mei smiled kindly, without putting on airs.

"Mrs. Mei is very polite. We are a family when we come here. They say that having an old man is like having a treasure, so Mrs. Mei should stop being polite."

The person who spoke was none other than Master Xue Gui.

When he came last time, Xu Tong had already mentioned about Mr. Mei with his master, so the master was not unfamiliar with Mr. Mei, on the contrary, he was very kind.

This is not a formality, the world's spells come from Mei Zhuang, but Mei Zhuang's spells come from Mei Lao. Strictly speaking, Mei Lao is the ancestor of all kinds.

So in terms of address, even if it is a master, you must call him Mr. Mei.

After Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo paid their respects to the master, they saw the master's face glowing red: "It's just in time for you to come, today you are lucky."

As he spoke, he dragged Mei Lao to the back.

"Food blessing??"

Gao Zhuo looked at Xu Tong with a puzzled face, only to hear Xu Tong smile and say: "It must be delicious."

Seeing the master's face so radiant, Xu Tong felt relieved, knowing that the master's trip to Luofu Mountain this time must be a fruitful one.

Immediately followed behind with Gao Zhuo.

When they came to the backyard, before they entered, Gao Zhuo raised his nose: "Hiss~ It smells so good!!"

There was a unique fragrance in the air. I couldn't tell what kind of meat it was, but I just felt the fragrance was so strong that it made people move their index fingers.

Looking again, I saw that the old man was standing in front of a big pot, holding a shovel and constantly stirring.

The pieces of meat in the huge iron pot were already ruddy and bright, and just by looking at them, I felt the saliva under my tongue gush out uncontrollably.

There are also two jars of good wine beside it, which are the hundred-year-old cellar of Meijia Niang.

Good wine paired with good meat, this day is more comfortable than a god.

"Don't stand still, give me a hand!"

Master Song Lao asked the two people to lift the table and put the chairs away, and waited for the old Taoist to bring the meat to the table before everyone sat down.

The aroma is pervasive, coupled with the aroma of wine on the side, already makes people almost salivate.

The master moved his chopsticks, signaling to everyone to move, and Gao Zhuo couldn't wait to pick up a piece of meat with the chopsticks and put it in his mouth.

The more you eat the meat, the more delicious it is. Unlike beef and mutton, it has no fishy smell, the skin is crispy and the meat is fragrant, the muscles are elastic and chewy, and it is so good that you almost bite your tongue.

Xu Tong took a bite, but he couldn't tell what kind of meat it was, but just like Gao Zhuo, this meat had a unique meaty aroma in his mouth, neither fat nor woody, and the more he chewed, the more delicious it became.

Paired with a mouthful of Meijia's century-old cellar, the aroma of the wine is overflowing. Instead of diluting the aroma of the meat, it makes the taste of the meat even better.

"Delicious, delicious, I have never eaten such delicious meat when I grow up."

Gao Zhuo repeatedly gave the old Taoist thumbs up.

Even the eldest princess couldn't help eating a few more mouthfuls.

However, after eating, Gao Zhuo felt that something was wrong. He only felt that his abdomen was on fire, and his whole body began to heat up. , Gao Zhuo clutched his stomach and began to feel unbearable.

"What happened to you??"

Seeing Gao Zhuo's appearance, Xu Tong hurriedly asked.

Gao Zhuo just waved his hands, before he could speak, he suddenly hiccupped uncontrollably.


He opened his mouth, but spit out a white flame, which shocked everyone, but Gao Zhuo quickly explained: "It's all right, but master, what kind of meat is this?? Why did I suddenly have an extra item?" Ability??"

It turned out that Gao Zhuo hadn't eaten much of this meat before he got a reminder from the item book.

"The special item you eat gets a special ability, Heart of Melting Fire!"

heart of fire

You are immune to fire damage below 5th level.

+2 to your fire skills
In areas rich in fire elements, your recovery power increases by 20%
After eating a few pieces of meat, he got such a good ability for nothing, which made Gao Zhuo feel ecstatic. Although he didn't have any fire element ability, it didn't take up the space in the item book for nothing, which is really cool Crooked.

Then he looked at Xu Tong, but Xu Tong didn't feel anything at all.

Like a nobody.

"This is Huo Dou meat, a good thing." The master explained with a smile. As for how the meat came from, the master only said that he was humming and singing a song on his way home, and the dog suddenly bumped into it. He died on the stone in front of him, and he picked it up with good intentions.

Xu Tong almost believed what he said.

But no one dared to question this, the master said so, everyone still expressed their face to save the soul of this poor dog, so everyone buried their heads in two big mouthfuls.

This Huo Dou was a natural fire beast, Gao Zhuo could awaken the Molten Heart after eating it, but Xu Tong didn't react at all, thinking that it must be related to his dark dragon body in all likelihood.

But it's such a big pot, I'm not afraid that I won't get the effect after eating it.

At this moment, the master suddenly took out two small jars of wine and put them in front of Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo: "Don't just eat meat, eat with these two jars of wine."

These two small jars were taken out by the master alone, so they are not common things. Xu Tong raised his brows slightly, and saw the master smiling at him: "Don't worry, this is the first one, and there are more..."

(End of this chapter)

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