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Chapter 691 Thunder Tribulation

Chapter 691 Thunder Tribulation
The master feels like he wants to open a blind box for Xu Tong. Good things come layer by layer, which is interesting.

Xu Tong took the two jars of wine and tried to throw them into the item book for a look, but couldn't help swallowing.

【Pearl lotus gold dew】

Rumor has it that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva made sake from lotus seeds in the pool of merit.

The drinker washes the marrow and cuts the hair, and removes all the dirt.

【Ujin Burning Heart】

In the deepest part of the Fiery Hell, there is a mountain. This mountain has no name. It is said that the body of the Golden Crow is buried, and a strange flower grows there, which is picked by people to make wine.

The drinker is reborn and turned into a saint.

Sure enough, the two jars of wine were indeed extraordinary. Xu Tong uncorked the bottle and took a sip. He only felt that the former wine had a sweet aroma, while the latter was as spicy as fire.

Xu Tong divided the wine, Gao Zhuo, the eldest princess, and the old Taoist had it.

But Master and Master and Meixian all refused.

In Mei Lao's words, they are no longer people who need to rely on practice to make progress.

The wine is a waste to them.

As for the ancestor zombies and mountain ghosts of the Mei family, they are not yet part of the inner circle, and naturally they do not have their share.

So Xu Tong and the others drank first.

Picking up [Zhulian Jinlu], I feel the wine enters the throat, sweet and refreshing, with a fragrance on the lips and teeth, and even the fragrance is wrapped around the tongue, and I feel a burst of fragrance from the mouth to the stomach.

Pick up the [Wu Jin Burning Heart] on the side and drink it, and suddenly the completely opposite taste hits, just like the name of this wine is overbearing, Xu Tong's physique is enough to drink it in one sip, and his whole face turns red.

But fortunately, compared with the Shaodao wine he drank before, although this wine was spicy and overbearing, Xu Tong could still bear it.

"Hiss... I... I can't do it!"

Gao Zhuo on the side shouted that he couldn't take it after drinking two cups, and he was sweating profusely, his internal organs seemed to be lumped together, and his face turned pale from the pain.

It was the eldest princess who reminded him to take advantage of the medicinal properties of the wine to practice reversing life and death.

Hearing this, Gao Zhuo hurriedly ran to the side, began to meditate quietly, and within a short time he was already in samadhi.

"Good wine, it's a pity that I don't have enough blessings."

The old Taoist tasted two small cups, smashed his mouth, and stopped drinking. He is now out of his body. Although the effect of this wine is strong, it has very limited effect on him, so he took a few sips and tasted it. That's it.

The eldest princess drank two more cups, her face turned red, she got up and left to go back to practice on the old crooked neck tree in Heishui.

Only Xu Tong, who drank three or five cups in a row, ate and drank the Huo Dou meat in front of him, and the two jars of wine were almost wiped out by him in a blink of an eye, but he didn't feel anything.

It can only be said that his dark dragon body is already very strong, and it is not surprising that he will not feel it for a while.

The master was not in a hurry, he watched Xu Tong eat and drink with a smile, and continued to give him something.

"what is this??"

Xu Tong took a closer look, and saw that what the master took out was a small box with a square shape, and the box was sealed with a talisman.

"Didn't you say that alchemy by yourself always fails? This is the solution for you."

Hearing this, Xu Tong wiped his hands and took the box over, tore off the seal on it, opened the box for a look, but before he could see what it was, he saw a golden light shoot out from the box and penetrated into the center of Xu Tong's eyebrows.

"what is this??"

Xu Tong touched his forehead, but he didn't feel anything strange. He only heard the master continue: "This is the essence of alchemy. It is the obsessions of some alchemists who are unwilling to die after death. When refining alchemy, these obsessions will resonate with you. Help you make alchemy."

Speaking of this, the master thought of something, and added: "Every time you make a pill, the obsession of this thing will be consumed. If the obsession is exhausted, it will be free."

The meaning of the master is very obvious, to remind him not to use up this thing at one time when making alchemy, as long as he leaves a thought, this guy's obsession will become deeper and deeper, and he will do his best to help himself every time he makes alchemy.

Xu Tong nodded to express his understanding, and when he was about to ask something, he suddenly frowned.

Not long after, Xu Tong felt like a flame was burning in his abdomen, and he began to rush towards his chest crazily.


Blue-gray scales began to grow uncontrollably from under Xu Tong's flesh, and strands of white flames came out from the gaps in the scales.

"This kid has reacted, let's withdraw first!!"

Seeing the flames rising from Xu Tong's body, the old Taoist quickly retreated, turned around and took two steps, then remembered something, turned around and ran back: "This can't be ruined by you."

As he spoke, he took away the wine and dog meat on the table.

After a while, when the master and the others were gone, the flames on Xu Tong's body grew bigger and bigger, and crackling sounds could be heard from time to time.

White flames shot out through his body, turning him into a small fireball in an instant.

"Bang bang! bang bang! bang bang!!"

The vigorous and powerful heartbeat sounded like a big drum, and the beating sound became louder and louder.

The body is almost transparent, the flesh and blood are clear, and the internal organs and bones can almost be seen.

The pores of his whole body were bleeding, his whole body was dark red, the flames were blazing and crackling, the fresh blood evaporated, and the smell of blood was pungent.

"Master, are you sure nothing will happen?"

Such a terrifying scene was completely different from the appearance of Gao Zhuo and the Eldest Princess. Master Song was very worried that something might go wrong.

"Hard to say!"

Actually, Xue Gui was not sure, Xu Tong ate more than half of the big pot of Huo Dou meat by himself, and almost three-quarters of the two jars of wine were drunk by Xu Tong.

Coupled with the tolerance of this kid's chilong body, all the medicine effects have been backlogged until now, and I don't know what the result will be.

However, Xue Gui believes in a word, wealth and wealth are found in danger.

The more dangerous it is, the more it is accompanied by opportunities, maybe it is possible to make this kid go further in the physical body.


Suddenly, the master and the others heard the sound of bone shattering again. Looking through the flames, they saw the dragon scales on Xu Tong's body began to explode, and the flesh began to be burned into black carbon in the flames.

If it wasn't for the beating sound of Xu Tong's strong and powerful heart, proving that Xu Tong was still alive, I'm afraid Xu Tong would have been burned to death by the flame.

"It's a real transformation!"

Mr. Mei pinched his beard and watched quietly. This kind of rebirth was completely reckless, burning away the residues of his body to regenerate new flesh and blood. Fortunately, this kid's heart is so strong and powerful, continuously creating new blood for him. Injecting vitality, if it were Gao Zhuo, I am afraid that even the ashes would be burnt out at this time.

Of course, with Gao Zhuo's physical body, he couldn't last three glasses of wine, let alone like Xu Tong, who drank all the wine in two jars.

The flames became stronger and stronger until the carbon dregs on Xu Tong's body were split open, revealing brand new flesh, and delicate scales emerged from the new flesh, as thin as a cicada's wings, white and translucent, like a magnificent jade , with a delicate texture, and then the viscera vibrate, the joints make noise, and everything is reborn.

I have never seen such a terrifying rebirth, it is worthy of the name, the metamorphosis is so thorough that even the bones are reborn.

He seemed to be reborn from the ashes, every bone, every inch of flesh, including hair was being replaced.

"Boom rumble..."

At the same time, on Mount Qingcheng, the Taoist priests who had just returned to their room to rest were startled by the thunder outside before their buttocks warmed up.

They all walked out of the room to have a look.

I was taken aback immediately.

It was not yet dawn, and the outside was already covered with dark clouds, and the sound of dull thunder echoed between the sky and the earth.


Taoist Lingxu and the others poked their heads out of the window, and they were stunned when they saw this, but then their expressions gradually became serious: "No, it's thunder calamity!!"

"Thunder Tribulation??"

Hearing that Master Huaigu and Daoist Jing Yun turned over like a carp, they jumped off the bed, poked their heads out of the window and stared at them with wide eyes.

Thunder robbery is very rare nowadays.

It is said that if one's cultivation reaches the level of Dao Slash, there will be a minor thunder disaster.

If you cross it, you will be an immortal, but if you cannot cross it, you will be a scumbag.

The three Taoist Taishan Beidou had only seen it in books, but they had never seen the real thunder calamity, so they immediately cheered up when they heard Taoist Lingxu say this.

I poked my head out to take a look, and sure enough, I saw that there were dense thunder clouds, and there seemed to be a thunderbolt in the sea of ​​clouds that was constantly absorbing the thunder elements between the sky and the earth, and began to accumulate strength.

"Could it be that someone cut Dao??" Immortal Huaigu couldn't help but think of Zhang Haisheng, after all, he was the closest to Dao Cut on Qingcheng Mountain.

But Taoist Lingxu bluntly said: "Impossible."

It may be possible to become enlightened by chance, but it is not possible to cut the Tao.

Everyone has a different way of cultivating the Dao, and the way of cutting the Dao is also different.

Even if it is a brother of the same sect, it is the same.

No matter how evil this level is, it is extremely difficult to break through it.

Even if you look through the history, there are no more than eight Dao Slayers recorded in Longhu Mountain from ancient times to the present.

Each of these eight people's way of slashing the Dao is very different.

Someone lost all his cultivation, walked the world, traveled all the way to the east, and finally proved the Dao, and succeeded in cutting the Dao.

Someone climbed to the top of Mount Tai, watched the sunrise and sunset, did not move for three years, did not enter a drop of water, and suddenly sublimated in an instant during the sunrise.

What's even more weird is that there was a patriarch who went down the mountain to marry five wives, gave birth to three children, and finally killed him? ?
But no matter which way of cutting the Dao, it takes a lot of time to prepare.

It is by no means something that can be accomplished overnight.

"It's not Dao Slashing, why did it come from Thunder Calamity?"

Taoist Yunjing asked back.

"This one……"

Taoist Lingxu scratched his head, this really touched the blind spot of his knowledge.

"Hey, it's okay if I don't know, my senior brother must know."

Taoist Lingxu took out his mobile phone as he spoke, and was about to make a call when he suddenly remembered that he was still on the mountain, and there were thunderstorms outside, so it was better not to make a call.

So I sent a text message instead, and I believe that at this point, the brother has already woken up and started chanting.

Taoist Lingxu was afraid that his brother would not see the text message, so he pasted and copied it, and sent more than a dozen messages in one go. After a while, the phone vibrated slightly.


Taoist Lingxu clicked on the text message, and saw that the brother replied with a very short text message: [Thunderstorm from the sky, either slashing the Dao or becoming a demon...]

(End of this chapter)

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