Infinite script kill

Chapter 696 Ten Thousand Appraisal Fee

Chapter 696 One Hundred Thousand Appraisal Fee

By the time Xu Tong arrived at Gao Zhuo's side, the starting price of [Millennium Yaoyuan] had already reached the high price of 7000 script points.

This thing is just a material, not an item card, and seven thousand script points is considered a sky-high price.

But the price is still going up.

Precisely because this thing is a scarce material, alchemy and weapon refining are rare treasures, especially the word "millennium", which gives people a lot of anticipation, so no one let go of the price.

Even if the script points are only 100 or [-] each time the asking price is increasing, the ability to compete until now shows that the value of this thing is indeed favored by many people.

"The asking price is too intense, I can hardly bear it!"

Gao Zhuo waited until Xu Tong couldn't help but start complaining: "The script points of these bastards are all picked up for nothing, such a material is almost [-]!!"

Gao Zhuo has just completed the certification, and has no deeper understanding of the resource gap between certified players and non-certified players.

The script score of nearly [-] points is considered sky-high in Gao Zhuo's mind.

Enough to exchange for two good item cards.

"Ten thousand!!"

Xu Tong patted Gao Zhuo's shoulder to show him relief, and raised his hand to raise the price to more than [-].

"Hiss!! Brother, you can't spend money like this!!"

Hearing Xu Tong call out the price of [-] yuan, Gao Zhuo felt as if he raised a knife and slashed on his main artery.

With [-] script points, how many prop cards can I buy?
This price has far exceeded the value of this [Millennium Demon Yuan].

However, Xu Tong didn't care about this, [[Millennium Yao Yuan]] was rare, and what's more, Da Ya's current injury needs this kind of nourishment most.

Let alone [-], even if it was [-], he would be willing.

[-] points for the script is obviously beyond the bottom line of too many people. In the end, those bidders withdrew from the bidding one after another.

After paying [-] script points, Xu Tong also got this item card.

The moment he got the [Millennium Demon Yuan], a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"The thousand-year-old demon essence needs water scorpion gall, eight-treasure snow lotus, loquat paste, snow pod grass, ginseng, and the Great Huai Pill that can refine the true essence."

Xu Tong was taken aback by the sudden voice, but soon realized that the voice should be due to Dan Jing's obsession.

So he frowned, calmed down, and tried to use his thoughts to communicate with this obsession: "What's the use of Zhenyuan Dahuai Pill!"

"Enhancing cultivation, stabilizing the primordial spirit, superior medicine."

The obsession's reply was very simple, and it was exactly what Xu Tong wanted.

But he has ginseng in his hand, and the rest...

Thinking of this, Xu Tong looked at Elf No. 404 and said, "I need to buy some herbs."

"There are three pharmacies in the high-level exhibition area, specializing in selling herbal medicines. If you don't have the medicinal materials you need, you can issue a reward, which is also a good choice."

As expected of a high-level exhibition area, there are elves here, which saves a lot of trouble. You must know that there is no such function in the low-level exhibition area.

"Take me to the nearest pharmacy."

"Okay, please come with me."

The little elf circled around Xu Tong, and then flew ahead to lead the way.

As Gao Zhuo walked, he asked Xu Tong if he had won the money. Xu Tong smiled and said nothing, but put all the 15 script points in his body into the team warehouse.

Immediately, Gao Zhuo's eyeballs were about to pop out.

I have never seen such a large sum of money in my life.

For a while, I no longer struggled with the [-] script points just now.

"Look at your worthless appearance, keep [-] of the script in your hand, and send all the rest to the team warehouse."

Gao Zhuo still has a large amount of his own script points in his hands. The two sides add up to about 20 yuan, and Gao Zhuo left [-] yuan which is enough.

The team warehouse allows team members to reserve item resources, greatly saving the number of slot pages in the personal item book.

However, the team leader can set permissions.

For example, the authority to take out items can be set as a core team member, who is allowed to withdraw and store, and non-core members can only be stored. When taking out items, Xu Tong's consent is required.

As for the temporary members, don't even think about seeing them.

If a team member dies, the items in the warehouse will not be lost, and even after the death of the team leader, the authority will be transferred to the next successor.

Therefore, in the future, Xu Tong will transfer large amounts of script points to the warehouse, and it is very convenient to withdraw them at any time when using them.

"Guest officer, what do you need, we have all kinds of medicinal materials here."

When Xu Tong walked into the pharmacy, the clerk immediately greeted him warmly.

And a list was handed over, which recorded various medicines and their prices.

Xu Tong took it over and took a quick look, then put it aside casually: "I need these four herbs, do you have them here?"

As he spoke, he handed over a note.

The above are the medicinal materials mentioned by Dan Jing.

"Water scorpion gall, eight-treasure snow lotus, loquat cream, snow poquat grass." The clerk took a look and nodded, "We have all these medicinal materials, but... water scorpion gall, eight-treasure snow lotus, loquat cream, they are all easy to talk about. But snow porridge... the price is a bit expensive."

"Calculate the price!"

Xu Tong didn't bother to ask the price, as he said just now, Da Ya's injuries were too serious, and she could no longer recover only by relying on the merits of incense, but needed this kind of medicine to enhance her cultivation.

How much money you can afford to treat your own people.

The clerk nodded, knowing that this was a big customer, he didn't dare to be negligent, he hurried to the shopkeeper and whispered a few words, the shopkeeper immediately came up to meet him.

"Guest officer, water scorpion gall, eight-treasure snow lotus, and loquat cream, these three are cheap, and we can give them to you for free. Snow pod grass is an extremely rare herb, and it costs [-] script points."


When Gao Zhuo heard this, he almost spit out the tea in his mouth, and his eyes widened: "Twenty thousand, you are too dark!"

Even Xu Tong frowned when he heard the price, and after thinking for a while, he asked Dan Jing with his thoughts: "Is Xue Po grass very rare?"


Dan Jing's reply was very concise.

With Dan Jing's confirmation, Xu Tong stopped talking nonsense and directly traded [-] script shares to the shopkeeper.

"Hey, wait a moment, guest officer!"

The shopkeeper was overjoyed when he received the script score, and hurriedly prepared the medicinal materials.

After a while, the medicinal materials were sent to Xu Tong one by one.

Xu Tong checked it, and after confirming that there was no problem, when he was about to leave, the shopkeeper suddenly called Xu Tong: "Guest officer, wait a moment!!"


The shopkeeper leaned forward and said in a low voice, "Just now [Millennium Yaoyuan] was photographed by the guest officer??"

Hearing the shopkeeper's inquiry, Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat, but he soon returned to normal.

The shopkeeper was afraid that Xu Tong might misunderstand, so he hurriedly explained: "Water scorpion gall, eight treasure snow lotus, loquat paste, snow pod grass, ginseng and [Millennium Yaoyuan] are the lost medicine, the Great Huai Pill, so I thought the [ The Millennium Demon Yuan] should have been photographed by a guest officer."

"Well, I took the picture."

Xu Tong did not deny that he had photographed the [Millennium Yao Yuan], but he also did not admit that he wanted to refine the Great Huai Pill, and just quietly waited for the shopkeeper's next words.

"We have a customer here who is in urgent need of this kind of elixir, and entrusted us, if he is willing to exchange it, he can take out a dynamic item card to do the transaction."

Dynamic item card!

Xu Tong really didn't expect someone to spend such money.

But even if it is a dynamic item card, it is still more important after all. Xu Tong did not directly refuse, but said: "I don't guarantee that I can make any redundant ones. If there are, I can think about it."

"Yes, yes, it's the best."

The shopkeeper of the pharmacy nodded repeatedly, knowing that this kind of elixir is too rare, not only because of the rarity of materials, but also because there are too few people who can refine this kind of elixir.

Even if you have the pill in hand, the fault tolerance rate is too low, so the boss doesn't really have any hope in his heart, he just does his best and obeys the destiny.

After walking out of the pharmacy, Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo found a teahouse, drinking tea while waiting for Gu Xibai.

A pot of Nanhai Biluochun, full of tea fragrance, paired with snacks prepared by the store, and listening to a little song sung by the side, really makes people feel comfortable.

In his spare time, Xu Tong is also screening prop cards.

The big rhinoceros bow that the master brought back for him was not only powerful, but also made up for his gap in long-distance attack, but his archery skills were really bad.

Through the classification and screening at the advanced exhibition, Xu Tong quickly found several good archery prop cards.

But I don't want so much, after all, archery is only a means to assist myself, and it cannot be my main advancement direction.

So one or two is enough.

Besides, the big rhinoceros bow itself has its own skills, which are completely enough for me.

After picking and choosing, I finally chose a copy of [Gallery Archery] and bought it.

【Wind Archery】

The bearer's archery skill reaches proficiency.

Passive Skill 1: Well-trained.

The holder's archery accuracy is increased by 20%
Passive skill 2: Hundred Steps Piercing Yang.

The holder's archery hit rate increases by 100% within 10 meters
Active Skill 1: Three in a row

Consumes 300 script points, after activation, shoots three arrows at once.

Cooldown: 20 seconds

This item card is not the best, but it is very practical, especially the passive effects such as archery proficiency are exactly what I need.

Most importantly, cheap.

The price of this item card only needs 200 script points.

It can only be said that the price of the item cards searched by this quick screening method is not very high. Xu Tong also threw his five-bird capture hand on it, and only gave a score of 100 points for the script.

It is cheaper than the price in the general exhibition area.

Gao Zhuo also exchanged a lot of item cards. This guy is transforming into an assassin, um...a summoning assassin.

The two waited for about half an hour before Gu Xibai arrived late.

Gu Xibai walked into the teahouse, glanced quickly at the previously agreed position, stepped forward and asked tentatively, "Ma Hongwen?"

Hearing this sentence, Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo looked at each other and smiled, only to see Xu Tong directly sending him the invitation to join the group.

Gu Xibai didn't pay attention to it at first, but after accepting the invitation, she was shocked to find that it was a silver-level team.

"Hey, how did you get such a high team level??"

Gu Xibai has not been a certified player for as long as Xu Tong, but earlier than Gao Zhuo. He has heard about the team level. A silver-level team is not a small team.

Xu Tong started with a silver rank, which made Gu Xibai more confident in this strange team.

When he saw the team skills, he stared at him immediately, and thought of Xu Tong's item card that can share damage in his mind, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Fuck, I really doubt that you kid is in the script. Do you have any relatives in the museum who have this kind of team skills?"

There are no relatives, but the eldest sister still has her head.

Now that the team has been established and two players have gathered, Xu Tong's next step is to find Chang Wuzhi. This kid hasn't seen him for a long time, and he doesn't know how he is doing now.

Xu Tong knew this guy too well. In the past, when he was in the hospital, it was fine to suppress him by himself, but now he is unrestrained. With his temperament that dares to do anything, it will be difficult to subdue him after he becomes a certified player.

So the next step is to find a way to find Chang Wuzhi and pull this kid up.

In fact, it is not difficult to find this kid. Xu Tong calculated the time and estimated that next month, this kid will definitely return to Luoyang, so he just needs to go back and find him.

However, these things still need to be done after he and Qingcheng Mountain have settled their accounts.

The three sat together and talked a lot.

Because of joining the team, Gu Xibai also had a sense of belonging, so he let go, and after some chatting, he learned that Gu Xibai's family is from Heilongjiang.

If he joined the team earlier, perhaps as early as when he was in the Northeast, he could even make an appointment to take a bath together.

Gu Xibai has some business at home recently, and he plans to join Xu Tong and the others after he finishes his work.

The three of them agreed on a good time to get together as much as possible before the start of the next script.

Then Gu Xibai left first, and Gao Zhuo went to the training ground, ready to have a good experience here.

Xu Tong had no interest in the training ground. After exiting the exhibition, he did not directly return to reality, but returned to the script hall and walked to the bar.

"Why are you back?"

Seeing Xu Tong go back and forth, A-Mei was lying on the bar counter, holding the milk tea that Xu Tong sent, slowly tasting it.

"Things that were not identified last time should be identified now."


A-mei realized what Xu Tong was talking about, and immediately regained her spirits.

"You have to think about it, this is not a small sum!"

The appraisal fee of [-] script points is not an exaggeration.

This amount of money is enough for Xu Tong to arm himself to the teeth. Although she can give Xu Tong some preferential treatment within the scope of her authority, there is no room for any concessions for this level of appraisal fee.

"That's why we need to identify it as soon as possible. Otherwise, if this thing is placed on me, I will always panic. Every time I think of it, it will be like a cat scratching."

As Xu Tong said, he took out a square box and put it on the table.

This thing is the ultimate super compensation drawn from Mr. Tai's treasury after he applied for arbitration.

Although it looks inconspicuous, it needs to occupy four slots in the item book, and the item book doesn't even give him an entry.

The appraisal fee is as high as [-] script points, which is why Xu Tong wants to go to the casino to make money.

Now that I am rich, I just want to see what kind of thing this thing is.

After repeatedly confirming with A-mei, Xu Tong readily paid [-] script points, with the feeling of spending a lot of money, quite like a big brother on the list.

A-mei took out her hammer head and wiped it carefully. Even she would be very excited about such a big blind box, and raised the hammer head high above her head.


The sledgehammer, which had burned a hundred thousand script minutes, burst out with a golden light in an instant.


The entire script hall trembled, and after the neon lights outside the door flickered a few times, a corner of the dilapidated signboard shattered...

 At night, when I was dying and sick, I got up and got another watch.

(End of this chapter)

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