Infinite script kill

Chapter 697 Dream Cube

Chapter 697 Dream Cube


A hand poked out from under the broken plank, and pushed away the wood and bricks that were pressing on him, followed by Xu Tong's head.

Looking around, I saw that the originally exquisite coffee house had become a Syrian war-damaged style.

"This is [-] script points, probably including the decoration fee."

Xu Tong complained secretly, he didn't expect such a terrifying shock wave to erupt the moment the hammer fell.

The bad thing is that my physical body is not what it used to be. If I were to be at such a short distance before being completely reborn, I am afraid that I would be seriously injured.

Just as Xu Tong was complaining, he saw a hand protruding from the gray dust and pulling Xu Tong out of the ruins.

"I didn't expect it to be so powerful."

A-mei was a little embarrassed, she was too busy opening the blind box, and she completely ignored how terrifying the power of the Sky Hammer with the blessing of [-] script points was.

Seeing that Xu Tong was not injured, Amei was relieved.

Xu Tong patted the dust off his body, and looked at A-Mei curiously: "How strong are you managers?? If the hammer hit me just now, I guess I can tell my funeral now."

Hearing Xu Tong's question, Amei raised her brows slightly, stretched out her long and thin fingers, and pointed at Xu Tong's head: "Little brother, you can ask for this too!!"

"Then... plus this!!"

Xu Tong took out a bottle from his arms.

A-mei was stunned when she saw the bottle. There was half a bottle of paper cranes in the bottle, and it was the paper cranes that Xu Tong gave her every time.

Xu Tong didn't expect that these paper cranes would be put in jars by A-mei, and when the jars exploded just now, he flew out, and after he saw them, he held them in his arms.

For a moment, Amei's face turned red, as if the secret above had been discovered, she snatched the bottle away, and complained, "It's because you still have the heart to protect it."

After finishing speaking, he put away the bottle, and casually threw something warm to Xu Tong: "Look for yourself."

As he spoke, he grabbed Xu Tong by the collar like a kitten and threw it out the door. When he was done, he did not forget to say: "The decoration fee of 300 script points has been deducted automatically."

When Xu Tong understood, he had already been thrown out of the script library, and after a second look, all [-] script points were deducted.


Getting up, he took out the things that Amei Cai threw to him just now, only to see that the original square box was already covered with cracks like lightning strikes.

The box was right in the middle, as if a ball of blazing fire was burning.

It also feels warm in the hand.

When Xu Tong saw this thing thrown into the item book, his eyelids jumped wildly.

【Fantasy Rubik's Cube】(Unique)

Holders, please be careful, this is an item that even the gods will be greedy.

Active skill 1: Strengthen all things

Burn a lot of script points to strengthen items.

The script points for each enhancement will be twice that of the previous level.

Cooldown: none
Seeing the entries given in the item book, Xu Tong's pupils shrank suddenly.

The entry given by this item card is very short.

There is even only one active skill, not even a passive skill.

But its preciousness has been explained in the entry. Even the gods will germinate greedy treasures, which can strengthen the ability of all things. Xu Tong was shocked in his heart instantly.

It is indeed a treasure that cost one hundred thousand appraisal fees.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong quickly glanced left and right in the item book, and saw the bottle of [Wu Ling Pill], and his heart moved. He tried to throw this bottle of medicine into the Rubik's Cube to see if it could be strengthened.

"Ding!! Are you willing to spend 50 script points to strengthen this item?"

After receiving the prompt, Xu Tong chose to confirm without hesitation.

Immediately, the Rubik's Cube began to rotate, and the irregular textures on it began to be randomly combined.

"Ding! The item has been strengthened successfully!"

When the Rubik's Cube came to a standstill, Xu Tong looked at the [Five Spirits of Healing Injury] that had returned to the props book, and his heart beat faster.

【Five Spirit Pills of Harm Reduction】+1
The eater can quickly recover 40% of physical damage, and for the next two hours, recover 5% of damage every 15 minutes.

Duration: 2 hours
Although it has only been increased by 1 level, the recovery damage has been increased from the original 30.00% to 40.00%.

Even the subsequent continuous recovery effect has been increased from 10% to 15%
This kind of effect seems to be not much improved, but after careful calculation, the recovery effect is at least twice that of the original pill.

And this is only an increase of 1 level.

Immediately, Xu Tong lost his temper and began to try to improve again.

Accompanied by the prompt, this time 150 script points are needed, Xu Tong chose to upgrade without the slightest hesitation.

Only after the upgrade is complete, I didn't look at the entry and continued to upgrade.

"Ding! The upgrade was successful!" (Consumption: 450 script points)

"Ding! The upgrade was successful!" (Consumption: 1350 script points)

"Ding! The upgrade was successful!" (Consumption: 4050 script points)

After the elixir was upgraded to level 5, Xu Tong looked at the entry of [Wu Ling Dan of Hua Huo], and his heartbeat accelerated in an instant.

【Five Spirit Pills of Harm Reduction】+5
The eater can quickly recover 75% of his own damage in a very short period of time, and recover 2% of his damage every 35 minutes for the next half an hour.

Duration: half an hour.

The effect of [Wu Ling Pill] strengthened to level five is almost against the sky. If it continues to be strengthened, can it achieve [-]% recovery? In that case, this pill, even if it is a consumable, is enough to move people .

But Xu Tong has no intention of strengthening it.

The script points spent for each strengthening will be tripled, which means that when [Five Spirit Pill] is strengthened to the fifth level, it already needs 4050 script points, and it needs 1 script points to strengthen it again, and there will be A reminder, it seems that after the item reaches level five, there is a risk of failure to strengthen it.

If you add the previously strengthened script points.

The cost of this pill has reached a high of [-] points.

Although the effect of [Wu Ling Pill] is worthy of the price, Xu Tong no longer plans to strengthen it.

To put it bluntly, this prop, like that small tripod, is a hole for burning money.

If I really try to strengthen it desperately, I am afraid that my little family property will be burned up in an instant.

This can't help Xu Tong suddenly feeling that the script score is getting less and less durable, as if no matter how much he earns, he can't stand the cost.

He took out the Chunyang Sword and tried to put it on. After all, this thing is his main weapon.

Perhaps it's because pills are consumables, and the initial enhancement only needs 50 script points, while the pure Yang sword as a weapon requires 500 script points.

The gap between them made Xu Tong's heart hurt for a while.

After thinking about it, Xu Tong finally did not choose to upgrade rashly.

On the one hand, it is because the preciousness of the Chunyang Sword is its unstoppable sharpness.

And it has sacred damage and restraint against dark attribute creatures.

There are no more powerful skills in itself.

The only accompanying skill is limited to "One Sword Determines the Universe", but this skill needs to be coordinated with the right time and place to exert its greatest power, so I rarely encounter suitable opportunities.

Moreover, Xu Tong had calculated in his mind that to upgrade the Pure Yang Sword to level 5, he needed 40500 script points, and to upgrade to level 6, he needed 12 script points.

Don't say that I can't get so many script points now, even if I can get it, and I am lucky enough to upgrade successfully, the final improvement will be limited.

No matter how you look at this account, it looks like a loss-making business.

Xu Tong raised his head, and when he thought that this was a bottomless pit of burning money, his joy just now cooled down in an instant, and he walked aimlessly on the street, and couldn't help sighing: "Hey, after all, poverty limits my strength. what!"

The pedestrians passing by couldn't help laughing when they heard Xu Tong's exclamation.

I only heard a young man complaining while walking: "It's like who is wrong."

Xu Tong didn't plan to go shopping any more during the exhibition, and took a ride back to Mei's other courtyard. It happened that there was no one around, which was suitable for alchemy.

Take out a stick of yellow incense, after lighting it, Yuanshen returns to the entrance of the hall along the incense cloud.

When I entered the entrance of the hall, I saw Da Ya lying on the chair sickly, and when she realized that Xu Tong was coming, she wanted to get up, but Xu Tong held her down and said, "Don't move, your injury is too serious, next time, please don't move." do not do that."

Seeing Da Ya's bloody tail, Xu Tong felt a throbbing pain in his heart.

Then he took out the alchemy materials from the item book and came to the fairy furnace.

As soon as he got close to the fairy furnace, Xu Tong felt the blue veins on his forehead squirming unconsciously, and his desire for alchemy became stronger and stronger.

"Immortal furnace! It turned out to be a fairy furnace! How could you have such a thing? It would be great if it was me."

Dan Jing's voice became anxious, as if she saw some peerless beauty.

"Stop talking nonsense, mine is yours, tell me how to make Dahuai Pill!"

Xu Tong sat in front of the alchemy stove and adjusted his mentality.

"It's very simple, just follow the order I said, and first invest in the thousand-year demon element..."

According to Danjing's prompt, Xu Tong put the thousand-year-old demon essence into the fairy furnace, and saw a puff of green smoke from the fairy stove, which swallowed the thousand-year-old demon essence.

Then he put both hands on the fairy furnace, activating the alchemy technique of Taishang
Supreme Alchemy:
After activation, you will get the alchemy technique of the Supreme Master, the alchemy efficiency will increase by 300%, the probability of making alchemy will increase by 50%, and there is a certain probability of triggering the alchemy pattern.

In order to be sure, Xu Tong even took out a part of the incense merits as fuel and put it into the immortal furnace this time.

Immediately, colorful flames rose from the fairy furnace, and under the surge of fire, the thousand-year-old demon was refined without any resistance.

Immediately after the thousand-year-old ginseng was thrown into the fairy furnace by Xu Tong.

Of course, you don't need to put the whole root in, you only need to cut off a small part of the rhizome.

Next, water scorpion gallbladder, eight treasure snow lotus, and loquat cream were put into the alchemy furnace in turn under the reminder of Dan Jing.

The time spent on these herbs is different. Every time a new herb is added, the flames in the fairy furnace will also change together, gradually producing a subtle and strange fragrance.

"The way of alchemy is unfathomable. The same medicinal material is put into the alchemy furnace at different times, and the medicinal effects produced are thousands of miles away. It is like autumn dew and summer dew. The same dew has subtle changes. Will not work."

Danjing keeps spreading the secrets of alchemy for Xu Tong.

Seeing that the pills in the fairy furnace were about to take shape, the snow pod grass was still missing.


There was a sudden explosion, Xu Tong's heart sank, and he saw that the pills in the fairy furnace had cracks.

"Is it going to fail??"

Just when he was worried that alchemy was about to fail, he heard Dan Jing's scream in his mind: "Quick, it's now!"

The most critical step for Da Huai Dan is this moment.

When Xu Tong heard this, he immediately raised his palm and lifted the Xuepocao in his hand.

It was also at this moment that a very mysterious feeling emerged in my heart, as if there was a force that was urging me to subconsciously activate the protection of the sky.

【Blessing of Heaven】

Consumes script points randomly. After activation, you will get the special state of Heaven's Blessing. In the state of Sky's Blessing, no matter what you do, you will get 300% success probability, 200% super level performance, and 50% Sky's Hand !

Immediately, this kind of mysterious and mysterious feeling, which can only be understood and cannot be described, became more intense, and a layer of golden light appeared on Xu Tong's palm.

Invisibly, Xu Tong seemed to feel an invisible hand, gently lifted his hand, and threw the Xuepocao into the alchemy furnace...


In an instant, the light flashed in front of his eyes.

A reminder from the item book came to Xu Tong's ear: "You have successfully triggered the effect of the hand of the sky! This time, 3407 script points will be randomly deducted from you."

Accompanied by the reminder, a golden light shone in the pill furnace in front of him. Xu Tong squinted his eyes and stared into the depths of the pill furnace, only to see that the pill inside was still cracking, but it was divided into six pieces.

Afterwards, a peculiar texture as subtle as a leaf stem appeared on each pill.

"Dan Sheng Dao pattern!!"

The veins on Xu Tong's forehead were throbbing, and he couldn't help holding his breath. This is the texture that only appears in top-level pills.

This is the second time that I have made alchemy many times, and the pill of Dao pattern has successfully appeared.


There was a light collision sound at the mouth of the furnace where the pills came out, and Xu Tong hurriedly opened the mouth, and a unique fragrance of pills immediately diffused from it.

I saw six golden pills in the mouth of the warehouse, each pill was as big as a longan, crystal clear and translucent, and even exuded pure white cream, which quickly sealed itself to prevent the medicinal effect from spilling out.

Xu Tong reached out and picked one up, put it under the bridge of his nose and took a sip, the strong fragrance of Dan penetrated into his soul for a while, immediately made him feel refreshed, and felt that his internal organs were all wriggling under the fragrance of the medicine .

For a while Xu Tong resisted the urge to swallow this elixir into his mouth, and quickly used another active skill of [Taishang Dan Jing]: Taishang Yang Dan Jing.

Active skill 3: Taishang Yangdanjing
After activation, the pill can be specially sealed. The longer the sealed pill is, the stronger the effect of the pill will be.

(Note: Be careful, the medicine is three-point poison, and the big tonic is angelica.)
Xu Tong's fingers pinched out a strange seal, and the surrounding space seemed to be distorted along with the seal, forming a strange talisman, sealing the six pills one by one.

Then Xu Tong carefully took out one of them and put it in the item book.

[True Yuan Great Huai Pill] (Ninth Grade)

Dan is divided into nine grades, and nine is the ultimate.

After the player consumes this elixir, the overall physique will be increased by 30%, the power of the primordial spirit will be enhanced by 40%, and there is a certain probability that the player will gain the ability to release the primordial spirit.

Non-player creatures can quickly gain 700 years of Taoism by consuming this elixir.

The same type of elixir, if taken repeatedly, the effect will be halved, and if taken multiple times, it will not work.

(Note: Ordinary people should not eat it, they will be overwhelmed by the huge qi.)
 It’s not short, it’s not out of chapter, it’s just that the update is a bit late, because the schedule collapsed last night... It was originally changed to update during the day, but now it’s night again.

(End of this chapter)

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