Infinite script kill

Chapter 698 Printing Money

Chapter 698 Printing Money
"It's done!"

Xu Tong looked at the Danwan in the item book, and felt uncontrollably excited.

Unexpectedly, with the support of Danjing so powerful, coupled with God's blessing and Taishang Danjing, he was able to refine a top-ranked ninth-rank elixir.

Immediately, Xu Tong did not hesitate, and immediately took out a hot pill and fed it to Da Ya.

Improving Daoism for 700 years should allow Da Ya to regain her vitality.

Da Ya was already so weak that she didn't even want to open her eyelids, but when Xu Tong brought the pill to Da Ya's mouth, the little girl almost swallowed Xu Tong's hand.

So delicious.

The elixir is transformed into a medicinal soup at the entrance, and it slides down the throat. It is not as bitter as imagined, but has a bit of grass-like sweetness.

As the medicine soup was completely poured into the abdomen, it was followed by a hot feeling like soaking in a hot spring, which made Da Ya arch her body uncontrollably, and all the hair on her body stood on end.


There was a pleasant groan, which made people's scalp tingle.

A peach-red light came out of Da Ya's body, wrapping her tightly into a ball.

To Da Ya, improving her Taoism for 700 years is as important as timely rain. The powerful medicinal power quickly repaired her broken tail and repaired the wounds on her body.

Soon, Da Ya was reborn with a broken tail behind her, and broke through to the level of Nanao in one leap. Seven furry tails danced lightly behind Da Ya, and at the same time, the eighth tail was growing rapidly.

Once breaking through the eight tails, it means that Daya has truly broken through to the realm of enlightenment.

This is the talent of the elves in cultivation. As long as they have enough Taoism, they can break through without being restrained.

Besides, before Da Ya, in order to prevent Zhang Haisheng from cutting off his tail and becoming enlightened, after he had already experienced enlightenment once, it would not be difficult to break through again.

This is like a young man who has never been to a hair salon. When he enters the hair salon for the first time, he will have signs of restlessness, rapid heartbeat, and even trance.

But once you have tasted the gentle care of the young lady, you will have no psychological burden when you come back next time.

Of course, this is also because Da Ya had undergone a qualitative transformation long ago under Xu Tong's continuous incense and merit, and now that she has gained another 700 years of Taoism, a breakthrough is also a matter of course.

In a blink of an eye, the eighth tail gradually began to take shape.

Da Ya jumped up, and her figure turned into a young girl, with big watery eyes and exquisite facial features, like a delicate porcelain doll, dressed in a white snow suit, black and soft hair, big eyes, full of aura, very beautiful and cute.

"Thank you, Headmaster, for fulfillment!"

The figure of Da Ya knelt down in front of Xu Tong, and the excitement in her heart could no longer be described.

She inherited a legacy from the Five Immortals Hall, and there is a record in it that it takes great wisdom and courage to break one's tail and become a Taoist.

At that time, Da Ya didn't think much about it, because if Xu Tong fell, the entrance of the hall would also collapse, and the spiritual objects enshrined in the entrance of the hall would also perish together.

So whether it is public or private, Da Ya can only give it a go.

Unexpectedly, this actually made her perfect, allowing her to successfully break through the shackles. Now she has been completely reborn, and she has truly attained enlightenment: "Don't worry, Master, when we meet Zhang Haisheng again in the future, the whole body of my practice is just to teach him Seek justice."

Da Ya is very confident at this time, 700 years of Taoism is enough for her to perform many fox fairy secret arts.

When Xu Tong heard this, he couldn't help feeling warm in his heart, and stretched out his hands to pinch Da Ya's pretty face: "No need! I have my own way to deal with him."

After finishing speaking, Xu Tong did not forget to get rich and auspicious.

Call the two guys, take out two Great Huai Pills and give them to them.

As for when they took it, Xu Tong didn't care, anyway, the elixir was sealed by him with the technique of nourishing alchemy, the longer the sealing time, the stronger the effect.

There are three left, one for myself, Gao Zhuo, and Gu Xibai, which is just right.

There is no extra one, and it can only be said that the person who asked for medicine in the pharmacy was not very lucky. If there is an extra one, Xu Tong might think about it and take it out for auction or exchange for a dynamic item card.

After all, he still lacks script points.

Whether it's [Dream Rubik's Cube], [Nine Immortal Cauldron] or even [Sky Blessing], they are all expensive.

"Hey, if only I could print script scores..."

Xu Tong raised his head and sighed for a long time. He didn't expect that after becoming a certified player, the script branch in his hand would be so nervous.

This is what Xu Tong can say.

Ordinary certified players can have tens of thousands of script points in their hands, and they probably can't even close their legs from laughing. How can he burn such money.

As for the item card he mentioned, if you randomly take out one and put it in the exhibition, it will cause a storm, and I don't know how many people will go crazy.

Especially the Dream Rubik's Cube, this item card is simply amazingly powerful, if Xu Tong releases the wind, I am afraid that even those sleeping old monsters will be alarmed.

Xu Tong was also aware of the horror of the Rubik's Cube, and knew the truth of the crime of being pregnant, so he didn't plan to put this item card in the team warehouse, and he didn't plan to tell Gao Zhuo and Gu Xibai.

It's not that I don't trust them, but because of this kind of thing, the fewer people who know about it, the safer.

As for Amei, Xu Tong is not worried anymore. If this young lady wanted to harm herself, she would have died in the script world long ago.

Throwing the remaining two elixirs into the team warehouse, Xu Tong signaled them to each of them on the team channel, and when to take it depends on their own needs.

And he took out the last pill and squeezed it in his hand.

Looking at the white pills with flawless fingertips, Xu Tong's eyes were deep, he didn't know what he was thinking, Da Ya and the others didn't dare to disturb them when they saw this.

Xu Tong's eyes flashed suddenly, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It is said that life is like a play, and since it is like a play, then why not bet on him!"

After finishing speaking, Xu Tong took out the dream magic cube and threw the pill into the magic cube without hesitation: "Strengthen!!"


"Brother Xu, Brother Xu!!"

At dawn, Mei Du couldn't wait to run to the other courtyard where Xu Tong lived.

Xu Tong was sitting in the room enjoying the breakfast brought by the butler of the Mei family.

Hmm...a very Chengdu-style breakfast.

Fat intestine powder, pot helmet cake, deep-fried dough sticks, buns, soy milk, small noodles,

Fearing that Xu Tong would not have enough to eat, he served double servings of everything.

Xu Tong was enjoying his meal, and when he looked up, he saw Mei Du running in. As soon as he entered the door, he was sitting on a chair, grabbing a pot helmet and stuffing it into his mouth.

But Xu Tong was one step ahead of him, snatched the pot helmet and put it in his mouth: "I'm not full yet, if you want to eat, let the butler cook it."

The corner of Mei Du's mouth twitched, he could only take a sip of a bowl of soy milk, looked up, but he didn't see Gao Zhuo, so he asked, "Where's Brother Gao?"

"He went to Sha dance last night, who knows who's bed he's lying on now."

Xu Tong also talked nonsense, and found an excuse to prevaricate.

When Mei Du heard that he was going to dance Sha dance, he couldn't ask any more questions for a while, and continued after drinking two sips of soy milk: "By the way, something big happened in Qingcheng Mountain. Taoist Dongxuan passed the Tianshi Cave to Zhang Haisheng. Zhang Haisheng is now a The Daoist Association has already issued an ultimatum to the Daoist Master who is in charge of the Tianshi Cave, and has been given the Daoist name, called the Daoist Master Guanwei."

This event had a huge impact.

On the one hand, the status of Tianshi Cave in the Jianghu is not much inferior to that of Longhu Mountain.

On the other hand, Zhang Haisheng, who inherited the position of head teacher of Dongxuan Taoist, had a destiny to be connected with the entire Qingcheng Mountain.

Moreover, the background of the Mei family is already enough for Xu Tong, and Zhang Haisheng inherited the huge Qingcheng Mountain. One can imagine how much resources this guy will eat.

However, Xu Tong just nodded his head at this, and then continued to nibble on the beef pot helmet in his hand, as if this matter was not as delicious as the pot helmet in his hand.

Mei Du also observed his words, and seeing Xu Tong's calm expression, he knew that his worries were for nothing.

For a table of meals, Xu Tong just buried his head in eating, until he ate all the meals on the table like a storm, and then smashed his mouth: "The amount of food will be doubled from tomorrow, and this is not enough for me to stuff my teeth."

Then he stood up and walked to the yard.

Mei Du followed up to take a look, and saw that the courtyard was covered with printed Ming notes.

Mei Du casually picked up one and held it up to the sunlight to have a look, only to see that the money was shining golden, reflecting a sense of heaviness under the sunlight.

So he groped around for a while, and took out a small box, in which was a small note printed by the Mei family after improvement.

After comparing them together, the difference is obvious at once.

Their Mingchao is a new product that has been continuously improved, but even though the technology has improved, it still makes people feel pitifully thin.

As for paper of the same thickness, Xu Tong's money-moulding printed banknotes not only have better color and clear texture, but also have a sense of solidity and peace of mind.

This feeling can be understood as the gap between digital currency and cash.

Even if it is the same 1000 yuan, it will only seem shy to put it in the balance, but if it is put in the wallet, it will make people feel inexplicably at ease.

In fact, the reason is very simple, the Mei family has too little virtue.

Xu Tong didn't realize it until he actually started printing Ming notes.

Every note needs to be infused with tens of thousands of incense merits to be full of spirituality, otherwise what is printed is rubbish and waste paper.

This evaluation standard is not set by Xu Tong himself, but the evaluation given by the item book.

Ever since the Mei family stopped practicing and withdrew from Qingcheng Mountain, even though they still run their own old business, the previous idea of ​​crossing others as if crossing themselves has been discontinued.

Nowadays, the Mei family's properties are all-encompassing, but without exception, they are all for the purpose of making profits.

Therefore, the Mei family could not print large-amount ghost notes a long time ago, so they could only continue to improve and make the small-amount ghost notes in Meidu's hand.

I believe that Mr. Mei is very clear about the cause of the problem, and this is the reason why Mr. Mei is willing to hand over the seal to Xu Tong.

Mei Du was also idle, and happened to help Xu Tong print together. The key steps were not working, but he could help out.

The two of them had been busy from morning to noon before they finally called it a day and stopped brushing.

It's not because the two of them are tired, but because the incense merits in their hands are almost finished.

However, such a thick pile of money, Xu Tong reckoned it would be enough.

It's a pity that the last script can only be kept for three months. If it can be kept for a year, maybe all the merits accumulated by the master will be printed into ghost notes, and maybe the seventh and eighth masters can dance a square dance in front of me. no problem.

Eh, thinking about it this way, he can't help but feel a little bit of anticipation...

 At the end of this chapter, it is Mei Du, I made a typo, sorry it has been edited.

(End of this chapter)

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