Infinite script kill

Chapter 770 The Ghost Emperor Arrives

Chapter 770 The Ghost Emperor Arrives
"who is it!!"

Po Meng raised her head in horror, looking at the light and shadow holding the small tripod, she felt a sense of crisis spontaneously.

At this time, Taoist Jin Guang suddenly divided into nine parts, turning into nine figures, each holding one side.

Everyone's appearance is different, there are old and young, men and women, each holds a magic weapon, which instantly seals off the void and turns the surroundings of Meng Po into chaos.

All of a sudden, the world spun and the world turned upside down.

I saw the fairy holding Ruyi in her hands, and the surrounding earth turned into quicksand.

An old fairy held a plantain fan, and with a flicker of a light, it was like a raging wind.

Several other immortals took action one after another. Heaven, earth, water, fire, wind, thunder, mountain, and lake corresponded to the eight elements of Zhouyi.

"Old witch, this time, I burned 20 script points, I don't think you can hold it!"

Xu Tong looked at the script points that were crazily evaporating in his props book. Although he was laughing, his heart was bleeding.

Nine Immortals Refining God Formation.

Consume 9000 script points to summon the Nine Immortals and activate the Nine Immortals Alchemy Formation.

During the duration of the formation, every 30 seconds, consumes 900 script points.

This is thanks to Youchang Wuzhi's one hundred thousand script points, otherwise Gao Zhuo, Gu Xibai and the little money in their hands would not be able to withstand such a burn.

"Brat, if you want to grow old, you are still young!"

Po Meng patted the green cow.

Immediately, the green bull let out a deep roar, driven by Granny Meng, the cow trembled, and it grew against the wind. In an instant, it was as huge as an ancient giant beast.

It's just that the original four hooves have now become a single leg.

This is the prototype of the green ox, the divine beast Kui ox.

As Kui Niu stomped down, a violent wave suddenly shattered the ground, cutting the ground several feet deep, shattering everything, and there was nothing to resist the terrifying shock wave, tearing into the void.

At the same time, a strange light burst out from his body, and where the light shines, there are lightning flashes and thunder.

"Dong dong dong dong..."

Kui Niu stood upright, but the flesh and blood all over his body made terrible thunderous drumming sounds. One sound overwhelmed the other, and the sound became louder and louder. He even heard thunder outside the formation, and felt that his internal organs would follow the thunder. Drum beats.

After a while, I felt that it was difficult to breathe, and my chest was tight and panicked.

This is the Kui Niu Drum.

It is said that during the battle between the Yellow Emperor and Chi You, Xuannv made eighty kui cowhide drums for the Yellow Emperor, which shook for [-] miles and lasted for [-] miles.

It can be seen how powerful the sound made by this Kui cowhide meat is.

It’s just that the Kui Niu used by Xuannv back then was slightly different from the Kui Niu that Po Meng sat on. The Kui Niu that Meng Po sat on was not pure in a strict sense and could not always be kept in the state of Kui Niu. It still needs to look like a big green bull.

What's more, this big green ox ran all the way after eating a belly full of crotons, and its vitality was seriously injured. At this time, the sound of the Kui drum was probably only seven or eight times as strong as usual.

Even so, Xu Tong couldn't stand it any longer. Lilith's face was also pale when his physical body was still like this.

"I told you to ring!!"

Xu Tong also became ruthless at this moment, jumped up, and suddenly pushed the small cauldron hanging in mid-air.

"A cauldron towns heaven and earth!!" With Xu Tong activating his skills, he saw an immortal push the small cauldron, and it fell like a comet, hitting Granny Meng and the Kui Niu.


I saw that the little cauldron was only three feet above Po Meng's head, and there was a crisp impact sound, and Po Meng's complexion suddenly became ugly.

It turned out that what the cauldron smashed was not Po Meng's body, but his own luck.

Active Skill 1: Yiding Zhenkun
Consumes 300 script points, after activation, you can call out the fairy cauldron to forcibly suppress the opponent's luck.

During the duration of the skill, script points will be consumed again every 3 minutes.

I saw that the small tripod suppressed Po Meng's luck like a thousand mountains, crushing Po Meng's luck section by section.

Now Granny Meng really panicked.

This small cauldron with a hole in it, I don't know what the origin is, it can not only guard its own luck, but also suppress other people's luck.

At this time, the other eight immortals started again.

Countless flying sand and rocks rolled in front of him, forming a gust of wind that destroyed everything. Countless lightning and flames swirled around the gust of wind, everything that passed by was involved in it, and refined into nothingness.

Kui Niu wanted to dodge, but it was too late, a gust of wind hit Kui Niu's body like a sharp knife, and the quicksand hit Kui Niu's body like red-hot sparks.

For a moment, Kui Niu screamed in pain, shaking his head and wanting to rush out of the gale.

Seeing this, Po Meng was shocked and angry.

In his hand was a black cane.

The shape of the crutch is very peculiar, it is made of nine black snakes twisted together.

"As expected of her confidant, this thing is actually in her hands."

Those figures who were watching the changes in the dark were not only a little surprised when they saw the crutch in Granny Meng's hand.

The nine-headed flood dragon was originally a fierce beast in the underworld, but it was rumored that it was suppressed by the empress's great magic power, and there was no news after that.

Unexpectedly, it became a crutch in the hands of Granny Meng.

It is enough to show that the empress cares for Po Meng.

"Hmph, then she might not win!"

There was a cold snort in the dark, obviously extremely dissatisfied with Po Meng.

I saw Granny Meng waved her crutch, and the nine heads on the crutch revived, opened their mouths to spit out the light of chaos, and hit the Nine Immortals Cauldron.

"Boom blah blah..."

The small cauldron was banged loudly, but it didn't move at all.

After all, this is the treasure of Qingcheng Mountain, and it is definitely not an ordinary thing. If Taoist Dongxuan knew that this thing was lost, how could he have a stroke of anger on the spot.

Seeing that this trick didn't work, Granny Meng simply threw the crutch towards the top of her head, and saw that the crutch was integrated into Granny Meng's luck and turned into a pillar reaching up to the sky, forcibly pushing the small cauldron up.

Time passed by, and the two seemed to be in a stalemate.

But the power of the Nine Immortals Refining God Formation is just a joke, the longer the time, the greater the power.

Gradually the surroundings began to turn into nothingness, and the nine immortals shot at the same time, turning the void into a nameless sea of ​​flames.

Rao even the divine beasts like Kui Niu couldn't stand it anymore, the original blue hair on his body began to be scorched quickly, and his huge body fell to the ground with a bang, turning back into the appearance of a green bull, wailing loudly.

Seeing this, Po Meng was startled and angry, but her strong personality was always riding on the back of the green bull and refused to get off.

In the stalemate, someone finally couldn't stand it anymore.

"Enough!! Granny Meng, you lost!"

There was a faint sigh, and Xu Tong looked up, and saw a carriage coming up from the sky in the distance.

"Ghost Emperor!!"

Xu Tong's pupils tightened, realizing that something was wrong, and hurriedly wanted to put the little tripod away, but a palm protruded from the carriage, and just grabbing it from the air, it actually grabbed the tripod directly in the palm of his hand.

Losing Xiaoding, the Nine Immortals Refining God Formation disappeared in a flash.

Seeing this, Xu Tong's eyes showed anger, but before he could open his mouth, a chill came over him. Looking back, he saw Mrs. Meng had come to his side like a ghost, grabbing at his Tianling cover with one hand. down.

"Brat, I want your life!!"

"Get out of the way!!"

Seeing the moment when the palm was slapped, Lilith's almond-eyed eyes widened, and she came to Xu Tong's side, a brilliant magic circle appeared between her hands, and a black beam of light hit Granny Meng.


Immediately, Xu Tong was swept up by the shock wave like a ball with a broken thread, and fell heavily into the air.

At this moment, Lilith's pupils tightened suddenly, and her body fell heavily on the ground, a black arrow was piercing her heart.

This change caught Granny Meng off guard. Who made this cold shot? ? ?

I had no intention of killing Lilith, and Granny Meng suddenly said something wrong, and when she wanted to reach out to pull out the arrow on Lilith's chest, she saw that the arrow turned into powder and disappeared without a trace no trace.

Now even the evidence is gone.

In the sky, the thunder was furious, and a cold voice of questioning echoed under the sky of Netherland: "Grandma Meng, you are going too far!!"

A carriage came across the sky, the curtain was lifted, and a figure in imperial clothes stepped out of the carriage.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu and others in the distance were silently stunned.

Looking around, I saw the one who had captured Xu Tong Xiaoding just now, wearing a luxurious purple gold dragon robe and a beaded curtain emperor crown. I couldn't see his face clearly, but it was not difficult to recognize from the clothes, that was Taozhi Mountain. Ghost Emperor Shentu.

On the other side, Qingdi, Chidi, Baidi, and Five Emperors have already arrived at the third place.

At this time, the curtain of the last car was slowly opened, Zhou Mu and others took a closer look, and immediately wanted to run away with their heads down. They saw this person wearing a black white dragon emperor robe, holding a long sword at his waist, and standing behind him. Two figures.

If Xu Tong is still awake at this moment, he must recognize that it is his master and master.

And this great emperor is none other than the ghost emperor of the five directions, the southern ghost emperor, Du Ziren.

These great emperors may not be able to see these great emperors on weekdays, but seeing so many of them today makes one's scalp tingle.

Especially Du Ziren, this guy is definitely different, he is one of the ruthless people that Zhou Mu and others dare not provoke.

Seeing the arrow in Lilith's chest on the ground, Du Ziren frowned and said, "Po Meng, you have crossed the line."

Meng Po was stunned, looking at the ghost emperors in front of her, her complexion flickered for a while, she knew that every move she made here just now might not be able to hide from the discerning eyes of these ghost emperors.

But it is obviously not an easy task for a woman to admit her mistake, not to mention that although Po Meng's grade and strength are far from those in front of her, she does not admit it at all.

Looking sideways at Xu Tong: "This person's soul is the original soul. I suspect that he has something to do with the God of Death, so I took action to keep him. There is nothing wrong with it."

It's just that as soon as Po Meng said this, the bead curtain on Du Ziren's head shook slightly, and the next second, a loud slap hit Po Meng's face.

Du Ziren looked down at Po Meng condescendingly, and under the bead curtain, a pair of slender red phoenix eyes were fascinated into a straight line: "I said you are wrong, you are wrong!"

(End of this chapter)

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