Infinite script kill

Chapter 771 Xu Tongcheng Dao

Chapter 771 Xu Tong Becomes a Taoist (two chapters in one)

This slap, no one could clearly see how Du Ziren slapped it, but everyone could clearly see the loud slap and the bloodshot from the corner of Granny Meng's mouth.

Granny Meng was even a little dazed by the beating. She stretched out her hand to touch the hot left cheek, and stared blankly at Du Ziren, her face full of disbelief: "You dare to hit me?"

As soon as the words fell, a hot tingling pain hit the right side of his face.


This time the slap was even harder, causing Po Meng to stagger and nearly fall.

"It's a mistake, it's time to fight!"

Du Ziren's voice was crisp, without any scruples or mercy.

This time Po Meng was really hurt. She raised her head and glared at Du Ziren, she opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't dare to say a word.

I squinted at the ghost emperors beside me, but I saw that these ghost emperors were unmoved by this, as if I hadn't seen anything.

Seeing this, Granny Meng understood in an instant, and couldn't help but sneered: "Hehe, I understand, I am wrong. I am a self-proclaimed free and easy person, and I only know who I am in the game when I wake up from a dream. The emperors have good plans!"

Co-authored calculations and calculations, you guys made a fool of yourself, and it turned out that the clown was yourself.

What else could Granny Meng say.

If the future is really untrustworthy, few who want to see the leopard through the tube will end well.

"Since you know your mistake, please ask Granny Meng to go back to Hades by herself and wait for her punishment."

Emperor Qing opened his mouth to give Po Meng a face.

Granny Meng turned her head and glanced at Xu Tong unwillingly. It was just an inconspicuous move, which obviously annoyed Du Ziren, and urged impatiently: "Don't leave, why don't you want me to see you off!"

Sensing the impatience in Du Ziren's eyes, Po Meng's heart trembled, she sighed, patted the green bull, and got up to leave.

As soon as Po Meng left, several ghost emperors stepped into the carriage one after another, ready to leave.

"Shen Tu, please stop!"

At this time, Xue Gui, the master who was standing beside Du Ziren, suddenly cupped his hands and said: "The cauldron belongs to the disciples of the sect. It is a matter of life and death. Since Shen Tu has appreciated it, please return it."

As soon as these words came out, Emperor Qing and the others stopped and looked at Shen Tu with a half-smile.

Shen Tu was also stunned for a moment, and looked at Xue Gui with some surprise, just a glance, as if he had seen through Xue Gui's past and present lives, and immediately smiled: "Sure enough, he is a man of destiny, so brave!"

As he said that, he took out the small cauldron from his sleeve and threw it to Du Ziren.

"Thank you, Shen Tu!"

Xue Gui and Elder Song bowed their hands again, only to hear Shen Tu snort coldly as if joking: "I can't bear it!"

After all, he walked into the carriage.

Seeing this, Qingdi and the others squinted at Xue Gui, and immediately got into the carriage, only to hear the horse neighing, and the carriages left one after another.

Du Ziren returned the small tripod in his hand to Xue Gui, and said slightly dissatisfied: "If you are so reckless next time, I won't care about you."

Xue Gui took over Xiao Ding with a smile on his face: "The grandson risked his life. As a master, I can't watch him lose his life and lose his money again. Otherwise, the team will be difficult to lead if people lose their hearts."


Du Ziren curled his lips, but he couldn't tell that Xue Gui was complaining about him in a different way.

"There's no need to return the bow. Giving it to him is my compensation for him. I, Du Ziren, never treat my subordinates badly."

Du Ziren took out a small package from his sleeve and handed it to Xue, saying earnestly: "Old man, you have a good disciple."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked back to the carriage.

Xue Gui and Song Lao looked at each other, got off the carriage, bowed to Du Ziren, and saw Du Ziren's carriage slowly turned around, and then there was a stern scolding sound from the carriage: "You little devils are still here What are you doing here, fuck off!"

After finishing speaking, five blue lights protruded from the carriage, like five big hands covering the sky, grasping the surrounding forest.

Xia Yan, who was hijacked by Chang Wuzhu, only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and in the next second, he was dragged behind the carriage with Zhou Mu and others, and galloped away.

"This is the end??"

Chang Wuzhi was in a daze, he didn't understand what happened from the beginning to the end, he still didn't know? ?
But after another look, neither the mount nor the dagger in his hand were taken away. I thought this trip was not a bad one, so I immediately rode towards Xu Tong. .

Xu Tong was unconscious for an unknown period of time, and when he woke up, he felt a splitting headache.

He faintly heard the voice of his master.

"Xu Tong, Xu Tong..."

The soft calling sound made Xu Tong gradually open his eyelids.

He blinked, and in the blurred vision in front of him, faces were circling around him.

He immediately shook his head again, stretched out his hands to cover his forehead for a while, and finally came to his senses.

"Master? Master?"

Seeing that the master and master are all there, he turned his head and saw that the eldest princess, Lao Dao, and Gu Xibai were all here.


Xu Tong frowned, and a series of memories flooded into his mind. Only then did he realize that he had been stunned, and suddenly his mind froze, and he exclaimed, "Where's Lilith? What happened??"

Hearing Xu Tong's question, everyone fell silent.

The eldest princess helped Xu Tong up, and looked aside with a complicated expression: "I can't blame you for this, it's not something you can stop."

Hearing this, Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat, and a very bad premonition came to his heart.

Looking in the direction Lilith was looking at, I saw those demon warriors forming a circle.

Seeing this, Xu Tong's face suddenly turned ugly. He pushed away the princess's hand and rushed up until he saw Lilith lying on the ground. Xu Tong's face suddenly turned pale.


Looking at the wound on Lilith's chest, Xu Tong's eyes turned red instantly, and he turned to look at the eldest princess and the others: "Who killed her??"


The eldest princess answered decisively, but then added another intriguing sentence: "It must also be Meng Po!"

Xu Tong was startled, and looked at the eldest princess.

He hadn't been overwhelmed by anger yet, anyone could kill Lilith, but Po Meng couldn't.

Po Meng is not interested in Lilith at all, and she knows that Lilith is a hot potato.

She wants to kill Lilith, what is she planning? ?
Could it be that she wasn't going to kill herself? ?
All kinds of troubles came to his mind, and he really wanted to ask for clarification.

But even if you understand it, what's the point.

Walking to Lilith's side, looking at Lilith's messy hair and dusty face: "Give me some time."

The demon warriors beside Lilith hesitated for a moment, and finally retreated to the side.

Xu Tong stretched out his hand to use the paper control technique, and suddenly a large piece of yellow paper surrounded it, forming a circle to block the screen.

Then he took out a few things, such as sharp knives, nail clippers, needles and threads, and planned to tidy up Lilith's appearance.

"Do you need help? Girls' things are always much more delicate than men's."

At this time, the eldest princess stood outside and said.

Xu Tong was startled, then nodded and let the eldest princess come in.

The eldest princess took out some rouge powder from her purse: "I will fix the appearance, and you will deal with the wound."

Xu Tong nodded, took out the scissors, and cut open the clothes on Lilith's chest. Looking at the hole in her chest, through the wound, she could see an empty heart under the pierced flesh.

Lilith's words flashed in my mind: "In this world, I only trust you."

Thinking of this, Xu Tong's eyes revealed a deep sense of frustration.

He knew in his heart that even if the murderer was not Po Meng, no matter who could kill Lilith so simply, he would not be able to seek justice from the other party.

"After all, my strength is too weak!"

I thought that I could defeat Zhang Haisheng, and even rub an enlightened person who surpassed me by one level on the ground, so I already had a strong enough capital.

But he didn't realize until today that, compared with those really high-ranking big shots, his ant can only move forward according to their fingers.

Even until the answer to the mystery is revealed, even if he has realized that he has become a pawn in the hands of those big shots, he has no idea what he has done.

This feeling made Xu Tong growl inwardly.

Standing aside, the eldest princess frowned when she saw Xu Tong's expression changing, and the madness flashed in his eyes, worried that Xu Tong would be too self-blame for Lilith's death and leave behind demons.

So I can only try to explain: "You are not to blame for this matter. There are many conditions for the fall of the gods. Lilith's fall can only mean that her luck is about to run out, and it has nothing to do with you."

Hearing this, Xu Tong raised his head and looked at the eldest princess: "Do you know what's going on?"

"I don't know. If you want to know the whole story, you can ask your old man. He came here with Ghost Emperor Du Ziren. He knows best what's going on."

The eldest princess looked at Xu Tong: "I just want to tell you that the gods are very forward-looking about their own fall. Perhaps Lilith had predicted this day from the very beginning. Think about it, whether she will die before she dies." Give you something important."

Hearing what the eldest princess said, Xu Tong was stunned for a moment, and the first reaction in his mind was the key.

But what is that key?Lilith didn't tell herself.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong calmed down for a moment, thinking about all kinds of possibilities.

But until he sewed up Lilith's wound, Xu Tong couldn't figure out why Lilith left this key for him.

"All right!"

At this time, the eldest princess has already painted new makeup for Lilith: "I want to change her clothes, are you sure you want to stay here?"

Xu Tong was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "No need!"

As he said that, he wanted to go out.


When Gao Zhuo and the others saw Xu Tong coming out, they immediately rushed forward. Gao Zhuo didn't know how to comfort Xu Tong.

So I could only make a carefree look and said: "Although we failed in this mission, it was a worthwhile trip. We went up to Youshan, went down to the dog's hole, oh, and there is the big black dog raised by the Fujun." The dog was beaten and cried by us!"

Gu Xibai rolled his eyes when he heard the words: "You are really shameless, you are being chased by dogs and jumping up and down, if it weren't for the two of us for helping you, you would have become a piece of shit, you are so blind, the fat monk gave you tips And the cloth bag, if I knew it earlier, I might as well leave it to us."

"What kits and cloth bags?"

Xu Tong raised his eyebrows and looked at the three of them suspiciously.

Gu Xibai told Xu Tong exactly what the fat monk took them down to the dog cave.

When he heard that at the end, the big black dog was smashed by the cloth bag and ran away in despair, Xu Tong suddenly thought of the big black dog that pulled him up the mountain.

Suddenly Xu Tong's eyes widened, his pupils trembled, and unconsciously he said silently: "Swordsmen at the foot of the mountain overcome dangerous peaks, and fragrances eliminate withered cypresses and peach blossoms. The devil's heart is exchanged for Bodhi fruit, and Linglong opens up and grows roots."

"The devil's heart is exchanged for the Bodhi fruit, and Linglong's enlightened longevity root!"

There was a buzz in Xu Tong's head, and he ran back like crazy.

"Hey, head??"

Seeing that Gao Zhuo had spoken well, Xu Tong suddenly turned around and ran back, feeling a little confused.


She tore open the screen and saw that the eldest princess was changing Lilith's clothes. Seeing this, she hurriedly stretched out her hand to cover Lilith's chest.

When he saw that it was Xu Tong, he couldn't help frowning again: "What are you doing back here?"

Xu Tong didn't have time to explain, but rushed to Lilith's body quickly, staring at the eyes of the eldest princess: "You just said that the fall of the gods requires conditions, right?"

The eldest princess was puzzled by Xu Tong's inexplicable question, but she has never been the kind of woman who babbles, and since Xu Tong asked, she replied: "Yes, the most important thing is the godhead, but Her godhead has been blocked by the Youxuan Dan, so if the deity is killed, she will be tantamount to falling."

Hearing this, Xu Tong couldn't help taking a deep breath, and the doubts in his heart suddenly became clear.

No wonder Lilith asked herself to be her envoy by name. It turned out that from the very beginning, she was the key to saving her life.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong said to the eldest princess, "Help me protect the law!"


The eldest princess was startled, nodded, and stretched out her hand to call out infinite black water, completely enveloping her surroundings.

At this time, Xu Tong took out the black water dragon tooth dagger.

This dagger once pierced through his own body, and its pure and sharpness is no less than that of the Chunyang Sword.

Xu Tong held the dagger backwards, re-cut the sutured wound on Lilith's chest, and then took off his shirt.

There is a special imprint on his heart, which is the spell cast by Lilith. This spell contains part of the power of Lilith's godhead.

Accompanied by Xu Tong's thoughts, the spell was gradually activated.

"Bang bang bang..."

The heart sensed the master's strength and began to beat faster.

"Boy, don't do stupid things!!"

Motas was also alarmed. As the demon king parasitic on Xu Tong's body, he could feel Xu Tong's thoughts and immediately stopped Xu Tong from doing so.

"If you do this, you will die too!"

Seeing the imprint on Xu Tong's heart, the eldest princess also understood Xu Tong's thoughts, and immediately reminded her.


Xu Tong slapped his forehead and smiled at the eldest princess: "I almost forgot about this thing."

I saw Xu Tong take out a jewel-like object from the item book and hold it in his hand.

[Huangquan fruit] (from Chapter 32 of this volume)

Holding this object, the living will not fall into hell, and the dead will not be scattered.

Passive Skill 1: Death Delay

When the holder suffers fatal damage, the passive effect is triggered, which can keep the holder alive for 3 hours after triggering.

This object was a gift from King Linghuo to test Xu Tong when he invited Xu Tong to Taocheng.

This thing happened to come in handy at the moment.

Seeing this, the eldest princess still disagreed: "This thing can only let you live for three hours, what will happen after three hours? Have you thought it through clearly?"

"Then take a gamble and see if I can survive."

Xu Tong put away Huang Quanguo, held the dagger behind his back, looked at the princess' nervous expression, and raised his eyebrows playfully: "Trust me!"

He slowly raised the dagger, but before the dagger fell, a hand suddenly grabbed his wrist.

"In that case, why don't I come!"

As the eldest princess said, she twisted her fingers, grabbed the dagger from Xu Tong's hand, and slashed at Xu Tong's heart.

"Ah! It hurts!!"

"What is the head doing??"

The three of Gao Zhuo stood outside and waited left and right, but the eldest princess sealed the surroundings with black water, even though they were anxious, they didn't know what happened inside.

"and many more!!"

At this time, Gu Xibai suddenly reached out his hand to signal Gao Zhuo to calm down.

Then prick up your ears and listen carefully.

"What did you hear??"

Seeing this, Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi also came over.

Gu Xibai signaled the two to be quiet: "It seems to be... the sound of a heartbeat!"

"Bang, bang, bang..."

He could only hear the sound of a strong heartbeat coming from behind the black water in front of him.

Xu Tong held the heart in both hands, his eyes gradually became hot, and he saw wisps of strange and inexplicable aura entangled in the heart, making every beat of the heart exude pure dark power.

"You saved me last time, so I'll give it back to you this time. It's a pity that it won't be easy to want to eat the food you cooked in the future."

Xu Tong took a deep breath and sent the heart back into Lilith's body.

The moment the heart and Lilith's body re-fused, the heart gradually protruded and slender blood vessels re-fused with Lilith's body.

Suddenly, a strange force surged out of her heart, Lilith's eyelashes trembled slightly, and her heartbeat seemed to imply a strange rhythm, beating faster and faster.

Even the eldest princess felt that her heart rate was also affected and began to speed up.

"Bang bang bang..."

Sensing that the strange heartbeat was getting faster and faster, the eldest princess frowned and had to back away until she completely exited the water curtain.

It wasn't just the eldest princess, this strange heartbeat sound became louder and louder, and gradually even the black water couldn't stop it, so that Gao Zhuo and others outside began to realize that their own heartbeat was affected along with it.

"It's not right, back away!"

Gu Xibai's face changed slightly, and his heartbeat became faster and faster, which was also a great burden for them, so they immediately stepped back.


The old man on the carriage in the distance raised his head, his eyes became suspicious, he took out six copper coins and threw them on the ground, looking at the hexagram in front of him, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"It's weird, why is this hexagram again???"

The old man is very familiar with the hexagram in front of him, because this is the second time he has divined such a hexagram, and the first time he met Xu Tong, the hexagram he divined for him is life to death.

I thought that hexagram was already a very rare hexagram, but I didn't expect to encounter this hexagram today.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The sound of heartbeat followed by another sound was as strong as Kui Niu's drumbeat.

At this time, Xu Tong's ears moved suddenly, and he heard the sound of something cracking. He called out the item book, glanced at it, and a gleam flashed in his eyes, and stretched out his hand to grab the item book.

A stone appeared in his hand, the stone was as clear as emerald, it was Xu Tong's chance to become enlightened in the heaven.

But at this moment, under the beating of Lilith's heart, the stone in Xu Tong's hand gradually developed cracks. Listen carefully, and there is also the sound of heartbeat resounding from the stone.

"The devil's heart is exchanged for the bodhi fruit, and Linglong is enlightened and grows roots."

Xu Tong looked at the stone in his hand and silently recited the strange prophecy, and suddenly realized the meaning of this sentence in his mind, and saw him put his heart on his chest.

Then he sat cross-legged beside Lilith, closed his eyes and carefully felt the changes in the heart.

Every time Lilith's heart beat, Xu Tong could feel the subtle tremor in his chest.

Like something was split from the stone.

Suddenly, with a sound of "click!", a small hole cracked on the stone, followed by the second, third, and more and more holes appeared on the stone.

The strange thing is that these round holes seem to be alive at this moment, and they start to open slightly. After swallowing the surrounding breath, strands of crystal light burst out from this stone, reconnecting Xu Tong's disconnected heart. .

Suddenly a strange feeling poured into Xu Tong's body, as if his whole body was wrapped by a warm force.


A strange breath gushed out from Xu Tong's body, rushed out of the blockade of the princess's black water, and then rushed straight into the sky, and three brilliant Dao fruits appeared behind Xu Tong, each of which was shining brightly .


On the shaft of the car, the old Taoist stared wide-eyed, his mouth opened wide in surprise at the strong light in front of him.

"This kid!!"

Master Xue Gui and master Song Lao also poked their heads out of the carriage. Seeing this, Song Lao was already grinning from ear to ear. His eyes were not only proud, but also proud. In ancient times, based on this alone, he was famous enough to shake the world.


On the top of Youshan Mountain, the white-haired old man had already stepped back, but after taking two steps back, he suddenly noticed something, and looked towards the east, his eyes could not help showing a hint of surprise.


It wasn't just him who was surprised, the ghost emperors who had left at this moment also felt something.

After pinching his fingers, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Surprised in my heart, it was inevitable that their faces became weird. They all looked away, and they didn't expect this to be the result.

Du Ziren raised the curtain of the car with his fingers, looked back, and frowned for a while.

"Do you want to..."

A sneaky shadow appeared beside Du Ziren, and he saw that the shadow was holding a longbow in his hand, and the pitch-black arrow had already rested on the bowstring.

"Forget it, it's too late."

Du Ziren waved his hand, and upon seeing this, the shadow disappeared into Du Ziren's shadow again.

Looking at the strange light flickering in the east, Du Ziren suddenly laughed, looked in the direction of Youshan again, and said meaningfully: "Sure enough, stand tall and see far..."

(End of this chapter)

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